Netflix’s ‘Narnia’ Begins Casting Search For Two Lead Child Actors

The upcoming Narnia film has reached a key milestone: casting is officially underway.

NarniaWeb has obtained a copy of the casting call for Greta Gerwig’s adaptation, confirming that the search for young actors has begun. Within the past week, UK children’s casting agencies and drama schools have received the notice, and some call-backs for roles are already taking place.

The production is looking for two children, a boy and a girl, to portray characters that are 10 or 11 years old. At this stage, the description does not specify any particular physical characteristics for the roles, such as height or hair color. Filming and rehearsals are scheduled to take place in the UK from June through Christmas 2025.

Another intriguing detail, not included on the initial casting call, is the reported use of the name ‘Frannie’ for one of the roles, though we believe this to be a codename.

Notably, the casting director for the film is Nina Gold, who previously worked on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) and has been nominated for a BAFTA this year in the ‘Best Casting’ category.

Many have speculated that The Magician’s Nephew could be the first story Gerwig adapts in her two-film deal with Netflix. According to C.S. Lewis’s timeline of Narnian history, Digory is 12 and Polly is 11 during the events of The Magician’s Nephew, which would align with the age range mentioned in the casting call.

However, Netflix has not officially announced which book will be adapted first.

Want to hear about Narnia news before it’s announced? Our Patreon supporters get early updates and behind-the-scenes insights on rumors NarniaWeb is investigating.

71 Responses

  1. ProfessorDigory says:

    Oh my God….. It actually happening. I do not if I cry-balling cause it an actual Narnia movie coming or is that it might be Magician Nephew, which I am so on bored. Also, this might be a controversial take but if Greta Gerwig is doing like at least 2 movies , which sound like Netflix is testing the water before decide to go ahead with the rest of not. I assume the two books is Magician Nephew and Horse and His Boy because I remember in an interview when Greta Gerwig indicated each of the Narnia books, she empathized How each book structure in way where there a begin, middle, and end structure so if she adapting 2 at least those book are contained regarding worries of character aging as that might mess up certain factors as by that time the last 5 books having some character cameoing is kinda linked making it hard so buy after the determination of success of the first 2 books I mentioned above Netflix could either work with Greta or decide another person take on the handle, as Greta might pop in here and there just to give like a head up to the person who will finish the rest what to know before outlining, which is my guess. Either way I hope the casting is revealed

  2. Cleander says:

    Looking more and more like they’re doing Magician’s Nephew… awesome to hear even more news!
    Also, 664 days until release!

  3. Impending Doom says:

    It’s got to be The Magician’s Nephew!

  4. Forrest says:

    Magician’s Nephew all but confirmed. Charn, the creation, Uncle Andrew! Can’t wait.

  5. WhiteStag says:

    C’mon, TMN! I’m listening to the FOTF AudioDrama on repeat for cinematic inspiration.

  6. ajpevensie says:

    I for one believe this is going to be The Magician’s Nephew but I read someone’s comment that it could be The Silver Chair. Regardless, this is another step toward another Narnia adaptation soon!

  7. decarus says:

    They really need to just tell us what book they are doing. I don’t get why that’s a secret now that they have started casting.

  8. Glumpuddle says:

    The Silver Chair clearly!


    Hey, I can dream.

  9. Silvia A says:

    Oh my goodness yessss I’m so glad they’re looking for actual children

  10. Kaitlyn Scrubb says:


  11. coracle says:

    Wishing all the best to the children who are being sent for auditions for these roles!

  12. Icarus says:

    Just in case anyone was wondering why the casting call here is for ages 10/11, whereas in the Magician’s Nephew book it’s 11/12…. you have to remember that the kids cast now will be 6 months older by the time they start shooting, and nearly a full year older by the time they finish shooting, so it should all even itself out by the end.

  13. Col Klink says:

    @Icarus, I don’t actually remember the characters’ ages being specified in the book.

  14. Icarus says:

    In the book universe I mean (per the CS Lewis timeline)

  15. Fireberry says:

    It’s Polly and Digory! Watch, if there is a call for a Guinea pig, it’s TMN for sure!

  16. coracle says:

    Would the guinea pig be a leading character? (UK English doesn’t use ‘lead’) After all, it did get into the Wood Between The Worlds first!

  17. Kavanaugh says:

    I’m deeply hype for the possibility of the Magician’s Nephew… though we can’t eliminate the possibility of The Horse and His Boy. I think both would be excellent jumping off points for the franchise.

  18. Col Klink says:

    @Kavanaugh, would you care to explain why you think The Horse and his Boy would be a good jumping off point for a new Narnia series? It’s one of my favorite books but I don’t think it makes much sense to start out with that story since it’s so atypical for The Chronicles of Narnia.

  19. Well, Gold gave the world Will Poulter as Eustace – whom many Narnia fans liked in the role. Isn’t it a weird coincidence, though? That the same casting director for the least favoured Narnia movie is doing the new one?
    I must say though, that I really like the casting of Laura Brent as Ramandu’s daughter. She had such a graceful, noble air about her. And the little who played Gael did a great job too.

  20. Alex Anar says:

    Nina Gold is absolutely brilliant
    She cast Game Of Thrones, The Crown, Andor, Conclave and Chernobyl

    The cinematographer is the person I’m most curious of, that, in my opinion is the most important hire

    Linus Sandgren seems to be busy
    Hoyta van hoytema seems unlikely
    Rodriego Prieto might be waiting to shoot a film with Martin Scorsese
    Rodger Deakins seems unlikely too
    Yorick Le Saux who shot Little women is shooting a film now so….

    Since imax cameras are going to be used I’m curious who
    *If anyone has any cool suggestions, feel free to spit ball

  21. Elwin Ransomware says:


  22. Pete says:

    Oooh, fantastic news! Hmm, so most here appear to have acknowledged it sounds a lot like MN! Can’t wait for more news but – I’ve just got to say, I’m so excited to see that we are very clearly the closest we’ve been to a Narnia film since VDT was released! YAY!!

  23. Anri Hugo says:

    Please please plesse keep to the books and characters! Then this will be worth all of my time!

  24. Alex Anar says:

    @Impending Doom , finally found out about “rock and roll”

    Listen to The Big Picture podcast Dec 23 2019 ‘Why Little Women matters!’ Time mark 1 hour 28 minute mark , I think Amy used Greta Gerwig’s verbiage

    Hope that averts a little bit of your fears, also turns out I was wrong, Amy wasn’t being sarcastic or flippant or avoiding the question but being truthful, just not in the way anyone may have thought precisely .

  25. Icarus says:

    Very cool find @Alex Anar!

  26. Angela says:

    Currently reading Lion to my 5th and 6th graders (such a good book for teaching literary elements and they LOVE it as much as I do!) and they are SO EXCITED about the Netflix movies! And I’m over the moon listening to my 10 and 11 year olds passionately debating all things Narnia cinema!

  27. jasmine_tarkheena says:

    So does this mean Greta Gerwig is going to do The Magician’s Nephew? And will it be the first film in the new franchise? I’m sure all will be revealed in time.

  28. blueravens says:

    Frannie is Polly, right? I can’t believe we’ll finally be seeing her and Digory on the big screen!

  29. Kristin Gieck says:

    My son is an amazing actor/singer and is the main part for all the school plays…and has had some acting classes as well. He is 13.

  30. john riley says:

    great explainer for The Magicians Nephew here

  31. PhelanVelvel says:

    I hope it’s Silver Chair rather than Magician’s Nephew. I love both, but MN is a prequel; you should get to know Narnia before you learn its creation story or it just doesn’t hit the same emotional notes.

  32. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Hard to believe this is really happening. I can remember the days of old when the big scary m-word (moratorium) became a part of my vocabulary.

    I suppose starting fresh with Magician’s Nephew would make sense given just how many adaptations begin with LWW.

  33. Will says:

    Given that Gerwig has only ever said she was filming “the first” book, the call for two young children basically confirms The Magician’s Nephew. I don’t see how they would begin with Silver Chair and then find a way to go back in time with Eustace for Dawn Treader.

  34. Alex Anar says:

    @Icarus there was another mention of “ rock and roll” when referring to Yorick Le Saux ( cinematographer of Little Women at Santa Barbara International Film Festival ) when she says “he is not afraid of beauty and he is not afraid of rock and roll”–_qcpMFUE?si=OScFrdeqwXvPqsQc&t=874

  1. February 2, 2025

    […] of C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia” books is moving forward fast with fan site NarniaWeb having snagged a copy of the casting […]

  2. February 2, 2025

    […] C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia” books is moving forward fast with fan site NarniaWeb having snagged a copy of the casting […]

  3. February 5, 2025

    […] This may seem great activity, and the presence of Gervig on board is definitely a big deal. But in fact, for more than a decade, the Netflix Netflix project has just entered the screen. The pace of the glaciers continues as Netflix has published minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, really all goes behind the scenes with a small Narniaweb. […]

  4. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  5. February 5, 2025

    […] It may seem a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big problem. But in reality, in the course of more than decade, Netflix Narnia project has only focused on becoming a reality on the screen. The rhythm of the glacier continues, since Netflix has published minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scene, with a little potential news that has recently emerged from the fans site Narniaweb. […]

  6. February 5, 2025

    […] Pode parecer muita atividade, e ter Gerwig a bordo é definitivamente um grande negócio. Mas, na verdade, ao longo de mais de meia década, o projeto Narnia da Netflix só avançou para se tornar uma realidade na tela. O ritmo da geleira continua, pois a Netflix divulgou informações mínimas sobre o projeto nesta fase. Seja como for, as coisas estão, de fato, progredindo nos bastidores, com um pouco de notícias em potencial emergindo recentemente do site de fãs Nárniaweb. […]

  7. February 5, 2025

    […] それは多くの活動のように聞こえるかもしれません、そして、ガーウィグを乗船させることは間違いなく大したことです。しかし、実際には、NetflixのNarniaプロジェクトは、50年以上にわたって、画面上の現実になることに向けてわずかに進んでいます。 Netflixがこの段階でプロジェクトに関する最小限の情報をリリースしたため、氷河のペースは続きます。それがそうであるように、物事は実際には舞台裏で進歩しており、最近ファンサイトから潜在的なニュースが出てきました Narniaweb。 […]

  8. February 5, 2025

    […] This may seem great activity, and the presence of Gervig on board is definitely a big deal. But in fact, for more than a decade, the Netflix Netflix project has just entered the screen. The pace of glaciers continues as Netflix has published minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, really all goes behind the scenes with a small Narniaweb. […]

  9. February 5, 2025

    […] 그것은 많은 활동처럼 들릴 수 있으며, Gerwig를 기내에 두는 것은 확실히 큰 문제입니다. 그러나 실제로 반 10 년이 넘는 시간 동안 Netflix의 나니아 프로젝트는 화면 현실이되기 위해서만 증가했습니다. Netflix 가이 단계에서 프로젝트에 대한 최소한의 정보를 발표함에 따라 Glacier Pace는 계속됩니다. 실제로 팬 사이트에서 최근에 약간의 잠재적 인 뉴스가 등장하면서 상황이 실제로 진행되고 있습니다. NarniaWeb. […]

  10. February 5, 2025

    […] It may seem a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big problem. But in reality, in the course of more than decade, Netflix Narnia project has only focused on becoming a reality on the screen. The rhythm of the glacier continues, since Netflix has published minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scene, with a little potential news that has recently emerged from the fans site Narniaweb. […]

  11. February 5, 2025

    […] It might sound like a number of exercise, and having Gerwig on board is certainly an enormous deal. However actually, over the course of greater than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia mission has solely inched towards changing into an on-screen actuality. The glacier tempo continues, as Netflix has launched minimal details about the mission at this stage. Be that as it could, issues are, in truth, progressing behind the scenes, with a little bit of potential information having lately emerged from the fan web site NarniaWeb. […]

  12. February 5, 2025

    […] It may seem like a lot of activity, and the presence of GERWIG on the plane is definitely a big problem. But in fact, over more than half a decade, the Netflix project in Narnia has only launched a reality on the screen. The GLACIRE pace continues, as Netflix has released the minimum information about the project at this stage. Whether it’s so, things are, in fact, progress behind the scenes, with a few possible news from the fan site Narniaweb. […]

  13. February 5, 2025

    […] এটি প্রচুর ক্রিয়াকলাপের মতো শোনাতে পারে এবং বোর্ডে জেরভিগ থাকা অবশ্যই একটি বড় বিষয়। তবে সত্যই, অর্ধ দশকেরও বেশি সময় ধরে নেটফ্লিক্সের নরনিয়া প্রকল্পটি অন-স্ক্রিন বাস্তবতায় পরিণত হওয়ার দিকে কেবল ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে। হিমবাহ গতি অব্যাহত রয়েছে, কারণ নেটফ্লিক্স এই পর্যায়ে প্রকল্প সম্পর্কে ন্যূনতম তথ্য প্রকাশ করেছে। এটি যেমন হতে পারে তেমনই হোক না কেন, বিষয়গুলি, বাস্তবে, পর্দার আড়ালে অগ্রসর হচ্ছে, কিছুটা সম্ভাব্য সংবাদ সম্প্রতি ফ্যান সাইট থেকে উদ্ভূত হয়েছে নার্নিয়াওয়েব। […]

  14. February 5, 2025

    […] It might sound like a number of exercise, and having Gerwig on board is certainly an enormous deal. However actually, over the course of greater than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia venture has solely inched towards changing into an on-screen actuality. The glacier tempo continues, as Netflix has launched minimal details about the venture at this stage. Be that as it could, issues are, in reality, progressing behind the scenes, with a little bit of potential information having lately emerged from the fan web site NarniaWeb. […]

  15. February 5, 2025

    […] It might sound like a variety of exercise, and having Gerwig on board is certainly a giant deal. However actually, over the course of greater than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia challenge has solely inched towards turning into an on-screen actuality. The glacier tempo continues, as Netflix has launched minimal details about the challenge at this stage. Be that as it might, issues are, actually, progressing behind the scenes, with a little bit of potential information having not too long ago emerged from the fan web site NarniaWeb. […]

  16. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activities, and having Gervig on the ship is definitely a big deal. But indeed, for more than half a decade, Narnia's Narnia project just got into the reality of the screen. The glacier's glass continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be as you can, things actually advance behind the scenes, with little potential news that recently came out of the fans site Narniaweb. […]

  17. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  18. February 5, 2025

    […] Ini mungkin terdengar seperti banyak aktivitas, dan memiliki Gerwig di kapal jelas merupakan masalah besar. Tapi sungguh, selama lebih dari setengah dekade, Proyek Narnia Netflix hanya beringsut menjadi realitas di layar. Glacier Pace berlanjut, karena Netflix telah merilis informasi minimal tentang proyek pada tahap ini. Bagaimanapun, hal -hal mungkin, pada kenyataannya, berkembang di belakang layar, dengan sedikit berita potensial baru -baru ini muncul dari situs penggemar Narniaweb. […]

  19. February 5, 2025

    […] This may seem like a lot of activities and Gerwig is a great thing in the ship. But indeed, Netflix's Netflix's NetFlix's NetFlix is ​​only to become a reality on the screen. The glacier continues, because Netflix issued minimal information about the project at this stage. After that, in fact, actually progress behind the scenes, recently with a little potential news from the fan site Narniaweb. […]

  20. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  21. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  22. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  23. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  24. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  25. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]

  26. February 5, 2025

    […] It may sound like a lot of activity, and having Gerwig on board is definitely a big deal. But really, over the course of more than half a decade, Netflix’s Narnia project has only inched toward becoming an on-screen reality. The glacier pace continues, as Netflix has released minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, things are, in fact, progressing behind the scenes, with a bit of potential news having recently emerged from the fan site NarniaWeb. […]