Update from Douglas Gresham Family

The family of Douglas Gresham (stepson of C.S. Lewis) has asked us to share some information with the Narnia community.
Mr. Gresham has been experiencing a prolonged illness:
Dad is at home in Malta, being cared for by family. We are unsure how the illness will progress from here, but he is not expected to make a recovery. The family is asking for prayer and privacy at this time.
The C.S. Lewis business with all its commitments will continue as per normal.
Please join us in offering up prayers for the Gresham family during this time.
Praying for Douglas Gresham and his family!
My thoughts and prayers go out to Douglas Gresham and his family! I believe God is the healer, and will be praying for His will.
Hearing about Douglas Gresham’s illness brings a heavy heart. His dedication to preserving the world of C.S. Lewis has had a profound impact on all of us who love Narnia. Wishing him peace and his family strength in this difficult time.
Gresham has been such an advocate for Lewis so this is very sad news. I hope that he and his family feel the love and support of the entire Narnia community!
This is deeply saddening news. Doug has played such a pivotal role in bringing the magic of Narnia to so many people. I hope he is surrounded by love and comfort as he faces this illness. My thoughts are with his family.
Will remember him and all the family at Mass.
Praying for you Doug and for Merrie and the family. All best wishes from Kilkenny.
Douglas Gresham kindly replied to my e-mail 20 years ago, and over the years, we have kept up a pen-friendship. I had high hopes of a visit from Douglas and Merrie in our country, and he expressed an interest in one. When I received no reply to my latest e-mail this Spring, I suspected something was amiss, since he always replied within one day. He and his family will be in the prayers of me and my wife up in Sweden. One day we will surely meet, for many good talks together with his step-father Jack, who has meant more for my faith and thought than I can express with words.
“Further up, and further in, Mr. Gresham.” praying for peace and strength during this trying time.
Douglas Gresham has been a steadfast guardian of his stepfather’s legacy. For that, I will always be grateful.
I do wonder what will become of the Lewis Estate now… does it pass along to Gresham’s children? Have they ever been involved in Narnia before?
Incredibly sad to hear, I pray that whatever happens, Lewis and Narnia will continue to be advocated for properly. We’ve seen what has happened to Tolkien’s work and it’s a shame to think the same could happen with Lewis.
Will be praying for Douglas and the entire family. ❤️
Praying that he and his family feel the presence of the Lion of Judah and they remain between His paws.
Praying during this difficult time. God bless you. God bless the family.
My great admiration for Douglas and Merrie and the creative way they have lived their lives..to everything there is a season? When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be..with my love
May you feel the loving arms of Jesus wrap around you. I pray His peace and comfort will wash over you and give you strength for each day. You are loved!
Love and comfort and prayers, Lord, for this great and unusual man. Reward him please, Aslan!
I am very sorry to hear this. Thinking of him and the family at this difficult time. I have been a Cs Lewis fan for many years and live not that far ( in mile terms) from the Narnia lamp
posts in Malvern. The lion, Witch and the Wardrobe is my favourite narnia book. May the deeper magic always continue.
I’m so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to Mr. Gresham and the family. I’m thankful for all the wonderful memories his stewardship of the Narnia books has given me and so many others.
So sorry to hear this too. Douglas has done such a marvellous job of upholding the legacy of his stepfather C.S. Lewis, and indeed of his mother Joy Gresham Lewis — I read his biographies of them, “Lenten Lands” and “Jack’s Life”, a few years ago and was so deeply moved. Douglas and his family are in my prayers too — and “between the paws of the true Aslan” always, as well.
Our prayers are with Douglas and the family.
Dear, c.s.lewis family my condolences to you I’m praying my hardest for your dad’s recovery if God wills it.
I got to meet him several years ago when he spoke at my church. He signed my copy of Lenten Lands, and graciously answered questions for me. He was a joy to speak with, and a very special memory for me. Prayers for him and his family.
Oh no! So sad to hear. I’ll always remember with gratitude the week I spent at Rathvinden with Doug and Merrie, ridging potatoes and enjoying the fruits of their garden (and Merrie’s cooking)! But the best memory was going on a ride with Doug in his Jaguar C type after harvesting rhubarb. Thank you Doug and Merrie. Praying for you and can’t wait to see you again. Further up, and further in!
God bless you, Douglas, as you approach His throne.
Oh, Greshams. In solidarity with you, with affection and a shared hope in eternal hope. Thankful for your lives and legacy.
Sending prayers for Douglas Gresham and his family!
Wishing Douglas and his family peace and love. I’m full of admiration for his creativity and dedication to the legacy of the wonderful C.S. Lewis.
Prayers for the pure divine white Light to surround Mr. Gresham and bring him and his family comfort and peace. Thank you, sir, for preserving the Magick.
Douglas will go “further up and further in” certainly. I hope strong, well-crafted legal protections will preserve his legacy and the literary legacy of his stepfather C.S. Lewis.
My prayers are with the family. The many personal stories of meeting Douglas and his authenticity are heartwarming.
His guardianship, alongside Walter Hooper, of the rich legacy of C. S. Lewis has been without compromise. He has also stewarded his mother’s unique life and her literary contributions well.
Douglas will go “further up and further in” certainly. I hope strong, well-crafted legal protections will continue to preserve these legacies in the same manner.
(BTW in mid-edit, it posted. My apologies for two posts. If possible to delete the earlier from your end, please do so. With my thanks.)
So sad to hear. Praying for the Gresham family!
Please pass our love on to Mr Gresham from Hudson and family. Douglas took the time to email with our son after he played young Douglas in a production of Shadowlands at our local theatre. He corresponded with Hudson for years, giving him advice through an international move and the pandemic. His kindness will never be forgotten. Thinking of Douglas and his family, who he is so proud of and talked about every chance he got!
My family and I had the honor of meeting Douglas Gresham at a homeschool convention in Texas a few years ago. I’m very sad to hear he is ill.
I will be praying for Mr. Gresham and his family. He has lived a wonderful life and knew C. S. Lewis the best of anyone. He can look forward to joining his stepfather in heaven.
Much love, and many prayers for you and your loved ones.
Mr. Gresham will be in my prayers. It will remain one of my greatest privileges to have met him at Logos Theatre. Despite having met other great men, that remains a very special memory. You are also in my prayers, as these seasons of life are so trying. May God bless you all, you are in our prayers.
This is truly sad news indeed. It is a great regret that I have never been able to meet Mr. Gresham, to tell him how much of an impact Jack’s (C.S. Lewis’s) work has had on my life.
From the time I was very small, the writings of Lewis were a constant presence. Starting with (of course), The Chronicles of Narnia, by the time I was in highschool I had begun to delve into the theological texts he was equally well-known for.
All of Lewis’s writings hold a special place both in my heart and in my own personal library. It is because of the dedication of Douglas Gresham to keeping the legacy and memory of his stepfather alive, that C.S. Lewis continues to be a household name all over the world.
May his eventual passing be free of pain, and may he be surrounded by family and friends as he goes unto Aslan’s Country, and continues further up and further in.
I’ve never had the privilege of meeting him in person in either, but I know I will get to in Heaven one day. When he passes eventually, I do think he will receive the ultimate healing.
It deeply saddens me to hear this Mr. Gresham and his family will be in my prayers. If he is to pass may the Great Lion welcome him warmly to the undying lands of True Narnia, and may He be with his family in this trying time.
What a neat man. It’s sad to lose him here but happy to think of him in heaven with Jesus and C.S. Lewis. Further in and further up!
I am very sad to hear this news. My prayers are with Douglas Gresham and his family,
I’ll be praying for Douglas and his family during this challenging and difficult time. May God give him comfort, peace, and blessings on his journey further up and further in towards his true home with Our Lord.
Praying for the whole family. So many memories of Daddles, Momska and the kids at Ringarooma, Tasmania. If I was there I’d read to him from the end of ‘The Last Battle’: “The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: This is the morning.” This chapter was read to my father when he was going to be with God, and is now a tradition for my family.
Go in peace good and faithful servant, Daddles. It is hard to say goodbye to this precious generation.
Douglas is very special to me because on December 9th, 2005, I was in a bad car accident on the way back to my house after seeing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with my church youth group. My dad contacted Douglas and told him about it, and after I got out of the hospital, we emailed back and forth for a while and have continued to pray for each other. While I have never met Douglas in person, I think of him as another uncle, and look forward to meeting him when I see Jesus and he, Jack and I can all fellowship together in heaven. I love you, sir, and I’ll continue to pray for your family in the coming months.
I have the honour of having known Doug as a friend, with a 20-year correspondence, and praying for each other through various challenges. Such a kind man, great sense of humour but also strong principled. We met about four times, in three different countries. I will miss this caring and jovial friend, who I see as a bit like an older brother or cousin, once I got over my awe of who he is.
Further up and further in, Mr. Gresham!
I am so grateful for everything he’s done for us as Narnia fans and for his stepdad’s legacy. I’ll pray for him and his family. Of course I’ll be sad if he goes. But he won’t he’ll be in “Aslan’s’ country. I’m so glad he’s met Him for himself. Your almost there Doug-just a little longer! You’ll be going up that wave soon. Hang on
Prayingfore him. May his journey to aslans country be sweet
Prayers for Douglas as well as for the whole Gresham family. Doug took the time to answer a letter of mine a long time ago and I was very grateful. Further up and further in !
Praying for Douglas and family.
Praying for Douglas Gresham and his family. His description of the Narnia books on the Radio Theatre cds were awesome to listen to. ” Further up and Further in.” If this is your time to go to Aslan’s Country, may you be greeted by the Great Lion himself.
What a dear man. He exuded love for his family and knows his God well. I am so sorry for his family’s sufferings at this time and pray they will hold fast to the great reunion.
Praying for Doug and the whole Gresham family at this time. I have several times appreciated correspondence with Doug regarding Narnia, Lewis, Christianity and have prayed for him and been encouraged with his prayers for me and friends. Missed an opportunity to meet him in person though…would love to and look forward to in heaven if not here.
Keep the faith, further up and further in.
My family is very grateful to Douglas Gresham’s dedication to Narnia over the years and to preserving Lewis’ other works as well and keeping them in print so new readers can enjoy them.
I am praying for him and his family right now. Even though as Christians we look forward to the promise of Heaven it is still very hard to lose friends and loved ones. I believe we should take our grief and use it to empathize with others.
In The Magician’s Nephew, Polly learns what Digory is going through with his mum’s illness is able to help him. First by inviting him to be her friend and then by going with him to face down Jadis. I have been at work all night and unsure how to really express what I mean, but it is clear from this book that Lewis used the pain he faced in life with the death of his mother and friends to address our fears for our loved ones.
Here are some poems that I wrote several years ago that will hopefully be of comfort to the dear Gresham family and all of my Narnian brothers and sisters:
“First Assignment” 9/20/12 by Angela Carlson
Take courage, for the LORD is near,
Rise valiantly to great things,
For those who fight His battles will
Conquer all beneath His wings.
Take comfort, for the LORD won’t leave,
Spread kindness as the LORD is kind,
For gentle ones who show His love
Leave more pleasant paths behind.
Take justice, for the LORD is right,
Judge fairly, mercy never pending,
For rulers who lead as He does
Learn that His truth is never-ending.
Take meekness, for the LORD does see
The secret acts of those upright,
Their joys He doubles, and their tears
Are on His mind and in His sight.
Take new hope, for the LORD won’t fail,
Bear in mind, He’s near at hand;
For those who watch and wait for Him
Hear these words and understand.
“A Tame Lion” 11/2/08 by Angela Carlson
A tame lion would not say I’d live,
When he knew I must die at first;
A tame lion wouldn’t want to give
His best for this low people’s worst.
A tame lion wouldn’t fast forty days,
And not give in to temptation;
A tame lion wouldn’t suffer the gaze
Of mockers, who were of his nation.
Indeed, he’d be nothing to fear,
Even if he were a “great king”;
A tame lion would, at first, appear,
But not be Lord of ev’rything.
A tame lion wouldn’t return again,
When he’d gained heaven once more;
A tame lion wouldn’t call, “It’s open!”
When we but touched the Door.
A tame lion would need, at least, a rest,
When, suff’ring, he’d died for his child;
A tame lion would not pass the test,
But, thank God, His Lion is wild!
Praying for you every day, God bless.
Doug Gresham and I had several international phone calls during my work on the book “Women and C.S. Lewis: What his life and literature reveal for today’s culture.” I recall a particular chat we had during what he described as a heavy rain while he was driving. On that day, he reversed direction and drove back to his home on Malta to retrieve a photo of his mother and step-father to send to me. It was a delightful picture of the happy couple which our publisher then used on the cover, thanks to Doug and his spirit of help and enthusiasm for adding this personal touch to the book. He surprised me twice after that with international calls to encourage me in the book effort and to check on its status, offering help or direction if needed. Not once did Doug insist on or even ask to read the manuscript before it went to press. His trust was heart-warming, professional, and refreshing. Doug Gresham: “The real deal.” By Carolyn Curtis, Fort Worth, Texas
Doug Gresham and I had several international phone calls during my work on the book “Women and C.S. Lewis: What his life and literature reveal for today’s culture.” I recall a particular chat we had during what he described as a heavy rain while he was driving. On that day, he reversed direction and drove back to his home on Malta to retrieve a photo of his mother and step-father to send to me. It was a delightful picture of the happy couple which our publisher then used on the cover, thanks to Doug and his spirit of help and enthusiasm for adding this personal touch to the book. He surprised me twice after that with international calls to encourage me in the book effort and to check on its status, offering help or direction if needed. Not once did Doug insist on or even ask to read the manuscript before it went to press. His trust was heart-warming, professional, and refreshing. Doug Gresham: “The real deal.” By Carolyn Curtis, Fort Worth, Texas