Douglas Gresham Selling “Ramandu’s Island” Home

Douglas Gresham is selling his freehold Whitsunday Island in Queensland, Australia.

According to the family, the island was purchased partly because it reminded Mr. Gresham of his childhood images of Narnia, The Lone Islands, and Ramandu’s Island.  It also provided inspiration for some of the locations and sets for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie.

View photos and learn more about the property.

It came slowly nearer and the light behind them made it look as if the capes and headlands of this new country were all on fire. But presently they were sailing along its coast and its western cape now rose up astern of them, black against the red sky and sharp as if it was cut out of cardboard, and then they could see better what this country was like. It had no mountains but many gentle hills with slopes like pillows. An attractive smell came from it – what Lucy called “a dim, purple kind of smell”, which Edmund said (and Rhince thought) was rot, but Caspian said, “I know what you mean.”  

They sailed on a good way, past point after point, hoping to find a nice deep harbour, but had to content themselves in the end with a wide and shallow bay.

[…] Underfoot was tine springy turf dotted here and there with a low bushy growth which Edmund and Lucy took for heather.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, “Ch. 13: The Three Sleepers”

10 Responses

  1. Cleander says:

    I imagine this has to do with Mr. Gresham’s illness… Hopefully the property will end up with someone who appreciates the significance it holds for Narnia fans.

  2. Col Klink says:

    I sure wish I could buy it!

  3. Flynn Rider says:

    Well, it’s depressing to know the reason behind it being for sale… looks to be a beautiful location!

  4. WinterNoMore says:

    Does anyone want to go halfsies? I don’t think I can completely afford it outright.

  5. Digory says:

    IMDB for Greta gerwig Narnia posted new actors on the list:

  6. Col Klink says:

    @Digory, pretty sure those are just rumors. IMDB apparently has a habit of posting them as facts. Note that they list Matthew Aldrich as a screenwriter for the project.

  7. Anna says:

    @ Digory

    There’s only one actor posted there now. Who was all there before? If true, the bigger news would be that The Magician’s Nephew was going to be the first book made. Which would be fantastic to hear!

  8. Anna says:

    Definitely wouldn’t have guessed he owned such a place like this! I wonder what an island like this will sell for and even what it was purchased for when Gresham originally did. I don’t think my brain can fathom such an amount!

  9. commonlogic says:

    Deadline is reporting Louis Partridge has been cast!! Does that mean IMDB was accurate?? Are we getting THE MAGICIAN’S NEPHEW?!

  10. Impending Doom says:

    NarniaWeb is investigating the report from Deadline. For now, there’s a thread on the forum to discuss further!