Greta Gerwig Dives Into Narnia Pre-Production, Filming to Begin in 2024?

Netflix’s ‘Narnia’ is preparing to roar…
Since rumours first leaked of Greta Gerwig’s involvement with Netflix’s Narnia movies in late 2022, it seems she’s barely had a moment to focus on the project. Hindered by a five-month writer’s strike and the demanding tasks of post-production and promotion for 2023’s blockbuster hit, Barbie, Gerwig’s schedule has been tightly packed.
With this year’s award season finally concluded, Gerwig can now shift her full attention to her adaptations of C.S. Lewis’s beloved Narnia books.
Deadline speculates that Narnia “more than likely” will begin filming either late this year or early in 2025. It’s not set in stone though as there are many “key department heads” yet to be hired – a timeline backed up by former Netflix Film Chief’s comments from November.
Regardless on if cameras start rolling this year, it’s evident that Gerwig is excited about where her current creative journey stands;
“I write things that I genuinely sit back and think, ‘I have no idea how I’m actually going to accomplish that.’ And that’s actually the most exciting feeling. Because then you can gather people—gather your designers, your heads of departments—and everybody kind of figures out something that’s never been done before. And that’s thrilling.
Greta Gerwig (via Time’s Women of the Year Interview)
While Gerwig resumes pre-production in London, many question marks remain for fans and significant milestones lie ahead for the project.
Gerwig has been notoriously tight-lipped about which book will be adapted first. There’s been talk of Father Christmas but also the Wood Between the Worlds… and where do Netflix’s plans for films and TV shows fit into this? Producers have been trying to map out how to adapt “the whole arc” of the series for what seems like years.
But production, along with answers, are inching closer and closer.
Are you eagerly anticipating production details or adopting a wait-and-see approach after years of Narnia’s sluggish development? Let us know in the comments below!
It’s still surreal to me that this is actually happening! We’ve been waiting for 1,300 years for Narnia to come back to life. Exciting times to be a Narnia fan! 🙂
I think they should make the rest of the books. The first 3 films should be left alone. As far as I am concerned those are the Pevensies and no one else can replace the OG cast.
I am too excited to adopt a “wait and see” approach! I’ll be all over the Narniaweb news stories and Into the Wardrobe’s videos! 🙂
Glad to see the ball might be rolling – finally. How certain is this start of pre-production?
I really hope that’s true… countdowns on standby!
If she had a script in the works even before Barbie, then an early filming date does sound more plausible.
I can see a countdown coming on! We better be prepared for however Greta Gerwig turns out the project for Narnia!
I’m taking a wait-and-see approach. I’m not in a rush this time around and I don’t really want any spoilers. We’ve waited this long, after all…
It’ll be really intriguing to see who Gerwig surrounds herself with for Narnia. We know she likes to work with cast & crew from her previous movies so chances are we may already be familiar with some of those names!
Nick Houy has been an editor on all 3 of Gerwig’s films and Jacqueline Durran was the costume designer on Barbie and Little Women so I’ll suspect those two will be involved!
True fans of the Narnia series should be highly skeptical and very nervous. I don’t believe this woman has the attitude to handle this project. Just prepare yourself now for the Pevensie children to be black. I’d bet money on it.