Producer Mark Gordon Excited for Narnia Films+Series on Netflix
In a recent video interview with MPTF, Producer Mark Gordon was asked about his upcoming projects. Narnia was the first one he mentioned:
We are doing a series of films and television series for Netflix based on the books by C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, which we’re quite excited about.
Producer Mark Gordon (1:25:00)
Gordon launched Mark Gordon Pictures with eOne in 2020. Netflix’s original announcment about Narnia listed him as an executive producer for series, and producer for features.
There is still no word on a release date for these adaptations. In 2019, Matthew Aldrich was announced as the “creative architect” for the project.
Here is everything we know about Netflix’s Narnia.
This is very exciting!!!!
A nice New Year’s briefing. đ
Awesome news if only we can get some release dates and trailers that would be even better
I’m excited that he’s excited!
Hmm… It seems like the films AND series idea is sticking. I’m hoping this means that the books that are better adapted as films will be films while the books that are better adapted as a series will be a series. It could also mean we’ll have non-Lewis Narnia spinofs coming out of our ears…
Well, good to know Narnia is still in the pipeline â or on the back burner, or something…!! I’m also intrigued by the idea that there will be “films” AND “series”. It’ll be interesting to see which books they do in which format. I would assume they’ll cover the seven original books, all of which they’ve bought the rights to, before they attempt any spin-offs. I guess it all remains to be seen, but good to know Narnia hasn’t been forgotten…
If I were a betting person, I think that MN, VDT, and SC get the series for sure. HHB is and LWW have more classically Hollywood beats in my opinion. Not sure about PC or LB.
However, I would prefer they just make series, not movies and series.
Where can I be updated about your casting audtions for this exciting Narnia series?
imo PC would be great as a miniseries. It would avoid the flashback problem that the Walden movie had. Just have the first episode be about the Pevensies entering Narnia up to the point where Trumpkin tells them about Caspian. Then you can devote the entire next episode to his backstory.
Sorry, no use asking on here.
Narniaweb has never had anything to do with auditions, casting etc.
Why is he only quite excited about making a Narnia show.
I just hope this remake sticks to the true and original message of the story with Christian themes. That was kind of the whole point.
Here, here!
Iâd like to be excited but itâs been a decade of cancellations, childish banter from the uppers instead of just agreeing on The Silver Chair logically to pick up right after VOTDT, which is very inconsiderate, childish, selfish and disrespectful to the fans, so Iâm not holding my breath, Iâll be a skeleton in a chair waiting for this, I only have a spark of hope thatâs it, not excited at all till I see some damn dates!
Iâd like to be excited but itâs been a decade of cancellations, childish banter from the uppers instead of just agreeing on The Silver Chair logically to pick up right after VDT, which is very inconsiderate, childish, selfish and disrespectful to the fans, so Iâm not holding my breath, Iâll be a skeleton in a chair waiting for this, I only have a spark of hope thatâs it, not excited at all till I see some release dates!
It’s good to know that their still working on their Narnian project, looking forward to it!
Can you explain why you’d consider the producers’ decision to want to make another book besides The Silver Chair next as inconsiderate, childish, selfish and disrespectful to fans? I can understand thinking it illogical. But your other descriptions sound like they’re based more on an excess of emotion rather than a cool analysis of the producers’ actions.
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t get too excited about a release date, those change all the time:) Directors and casting announcements is when the wheel really starts turning in my opinion.
hopefully it will because Douglas Gresham is one of the executive producers.
RIP Michael Apted
Yeah cause itâs stupid to disrespect fans like that who have been waiting for THE NEXT STORYYYYYY, God, I didnât expect backlash but I donât care everyoneâs too obsessed with what people think, Iâm not picking fights Iâm just saying logical facts, they disappointed me and A LOT of people who grew up, most people donât even care anymore âcreative differencesâ for a decade! Yeah pretty inconsiderate and childish to me
The Silver Chair takes place right after VDT so itâs not at all an opinion itâs a fact they were all the things I said, I know lots of people just as pissed as I am, shame on them
They shouldâve filmed The Silver Chair taking place after VDT then filmed everything else itâs just ridiculous how incompetent and inconsiderate they are
Why do you feel that it is “disrespectful” for Walden Media not to make the rest of the Narnia books into movies? They don’t owe the fans movie adaptations. The fact that they made the ones they did is something for which the fanbase should be grateful, not something they merited.
It also wouldn’t be very logical of them to have greenlit The Silver Chair while The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was still being made. Movies are incredibly expensive and without VDT’s box office receipts, they’d have no way of knowing whether another Narnia movie would be worth the cost. As much as I’d love a good cinematic adaptation of The Silver Chair, I can’t blame the producers for not making it. đ