Trailer for ‘The Most Reluctant Convert’ Movie (Update: Removed)

It looks like fans of C.S. Lewis are in for a televised treat, come Spring 2021.
The Fellowship for Performing Arts’ stage play The Most Reluctant Convert is being adapted into a film that tells the story of C.S. Lewis’s conversion to Christianity. The new movie showcases Max McLean reprising the role of C.S. Lewis, but unlike the one-man play, the film drama will show Lewis portrayed by multiple actors as the story traces the defining events and people of his life during his long journey to Christ.
‘The Most Reluctant Convert’ is an unusual film drama, based on a highly successful theatrical production in the United States. The renowned actor, Max McLean, becomes C.S. Lewis on screen in an entertaining yet life-changing journey from hard-boiled atheist to “the most reluctant convert in all England.” Using a dramatic new approach to filmic storytelling, this costume drama will surprise as well as inform.
Click here to watch the trailer. UPDATE: The trailer has been removed.
Set to be released in Spring of 2021, The Most Reluctant Convert was filmed in England and directed by Norman Stone, a long-time fan of C.S. Lewis and director of the 1985 television film Shadowlands and the 2009 movie documentary The Narnia Code featuring Michael Ward.
The one-man stage play version of The Most Reluctant Convert is currently available to stream for free on RedeemTV. Check out NarniaWeb’s review of the play here.
Are you excited to watch this new film about C.S. Lewis? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
I geeked out at the parts when Lewis met his tutor and the cover of Phantastes appeared on the screen. 😀
Huh… I’m actually kind of intrigued. Looks like they’re doing “House of Cards” style 4th wall breaking.
Looks good. 🙂
Fascinating approach. Wonder if the very beginning is part of the film or was just filmed for the trailer.
Hope it turns out well and hope it’s released in theaters! I look forward to seeing it.
Also, I had no idea they made a documentary about The Narnia Code! Where might I be able to find it?
And whatever happened to that film about Lewis and Tolkien. I remember they had a proof of concept trailer, but then nothing seemed to happen.
I hope you guys can update us on the upcoming release details, this looks great!
What ever happened to Douglas Gresham’s “A Honest Life”?
I don’t expect you or any of us to know, but I thought I’d throw it out there.
It looks like The Narnia Code is available to rent or buy on YouTube:
I’ve wondered what happened to “Jack and Tollers” as well, but I haven’t seen anything about it in years. I hope this new Lewis film is successful enough that it inspires a theatrical film featuring his friendship with Tolkien! (Norman Stone’s “Shadowlands” eventually inspired the ’90s theatrical version starring Anthony Hopkins, so it wouldn’t be the first time… *crosses fingers*)
Awesome! I love how much the actors resemble their real-life characters! His father and youngest self especially!
Also love that Phantastes gets a cameo!
Hey guys, I’ve tried to watch this trailer but the site is asking me for a password. Does someone have it?
The video was just recently changed to require a password. We are investigating.
Thanks for investigating!. Something’s nuts if a trailer is password-protected. Yesterday I could watch the trailer without a possword.
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It looks like the stage version with Max McLean is uploaded in its entirety by Vision Video on Youtube.
Why is the trailer removed ?? I can’t find it anywhere on the interwebs.