New Recordings of C.S. Lewis’s Voice

The Marion E. Wade Center has released new audio recordings of C.S. Lewis‘s voice. You can hear him read excerpts from two of his own books, Perelandra and That Hideous Strength. He also reads from The Canterbury Tales in the original Middle English. These were recorded just weeks after the passing of his wife, Joy.
As a bonus, a 14-year-old Douglas Gresham (stepson of Lewis) can be heard testing the tape before Lewis begins reading from Chaucer.
Learn more about the story behind these recordings here.
Where to listen
The full recordings, totaling about 45 minutes, can be purchased for $3 here.
A few clips are included in a recent episode of the Wade Center Podcast (00:16, 34:36, and 53:31).
This just made my day! What a marvelous discovery. Best $3 I ever spent, that’s for sure.
Finally! About time someone found audio recordings of C.S. Lewis. I wrote to the BBC years ago. They said they had none, and they directed me to the Library of Congress. I wrote to the Library of Congress and they directed me to the BBC.
I heard once long ago that he gave a TV interview in the late 50s or early 60s about his book “The Four Loves”, but I’m still waiting for that to surface.
I have him reading The Four Loves on CD. Looks like it’s out of print now…
You can hear some of his Mere Christianity radio addresses on YouTube:
The YouTube channel CSLewisDoodle made a few videos with audio recordings of Lewis reading from The Four Loves. It includes four chapters from the book, one for each love.
So good to hear! I’d heard a couple of his radio addresses on YouTube but had always wished there were more. Thanks for sharing!