Narnia Movie Props Available for Purchase

Here’s your chance to own a piece of Narnia movie history.
Several props from Walden Media’s three Narnia movies are currently available for purchase on eBay. These authenticated items include one of Susan’s arrows from Prince Caspian and a full Sailor Armor Set from The Voyage of The Dawn Treader.
Items are being sold as part of a fundraising campaign for the Logos Theatre, in South Carolina. Their Narnia stage-productions have received high praise from C.S. Lewis’s step-son, Douglas Gresham. All funds raised will go towards the theatre’s operations.
You can view all props here.
If only I were rich…
That armor set and Telmarine crossbow look especially cool.
I tried to buy one of Susan’s arrows but it wouldn’t accept because of shipment to New Zealand. I was hoping to add it for my first collection since my 21st birthday is coming up
*shakes head*
How dare they auction off relics? Nothing is sacred anymore.
I’d kill for The White Witch’s wand. That design is just gorgeous.
That one was gone by the time I looked. How much was it?
“NO touching of the historical artifacts”
Too bad they’re not selling Professor Kirke’s apple-shaped tobacco container….I’d buy that.
I don’t even smoke, it just looks really cool.
I’ve actually seen something quite similar at a thrift store. Obviously not from the movie but they do exist in the wild, perhaps you’ll get lucky:)
“I understood that reference” 😀
I didn’t see it either, was it a Master Replica?
Random question, but if you live in New Zealand, have you visited any of the locations they shot the movies on? They look beautiful
Also happy future birthday:)
Well the cheapest coin is tempting, but I’m trying to save for a real sword or maybe a Captain America shield. Oh well:)
I’ve followed this Ebay store in the past…. mainly just for window shopping purposes. *sigh*
I NEED that faun sword though!!
Reading this reminds me of how much that outburst scared the crap out of 8-year-old me in the theatre.
Hi Sophia,
I am the one managing and selling the Narnia assets for the Logos Theater. We have shipped to New Zealand before. You can send me a message either in eBay through the listing or through my ministry FaceBook page: Living Like Lucy Ministry or the email attached here and we’ll be glad to work through the international shipping logistics for you!
Well, considering what we have acquired was rescued from either being destroyed or dumped in a mass unpaid storage locker auction where all history and connection back to the movies would have been lost forever, I think we are doing a great service by preserving a lot of it at a huge financial investment in a museum exhibit we are creating at the Logos Theatre for future generations to enjoy and for the rest of the rescued items that we won’t need, passing them along to other Narnia fans who will care for and cherish these “relics” a lot more carefully than the movie production company and the storage company ever did. So many things have been rescued from their last days before returning to the earth and that cost a ton of money and the preservation they now require is equally expensive so what little we make selling a few things is helping to extend their life into the future so that their legacy won’t be lost.
We were never selling a Jadis wand. The last real wand that sold went for $1,800 and it was the one Edmund broke in the battle. It can be seen on display at the Logos Theatre.
We’d buy it too! To the best of our knowledge that particular piece has never come into public hands and thus is probably still in Disney’s possession. They kept most of things used and made from the first film and thus very little from LWW is out there. PC and VDT are much more prevalent because of the ownership transfer after PC to Walden and Fox and thus Walden became the primary owner of the assets after the second film and eventually sold it all. Disney did have a hand in it some too but largely a Walden decision by the time that situation presented itself.
THANK YOU! NarniaWeb for sharing about our efforts to raise some funds with our Narnia items up for sale and thank you to everyone that has supported our ministry’s efforts and purchased something from us on eBay or our Living Like Lucy Ministry FaceBook page! We will continue to have items up for probably the better part of the summer before closing it down and just selling out of our theatre again so you still have time to save up and get something amazing from the world of Narnia to proudly display in your home! Feel free to reach out to us if we can be of any help with a purchase and if you’re ever able to be in our area of Taylors, SC during one of our Narnia productions, you really need to stop in a take in one of our shows! We promise you it will not disappoint! Next set of Narnia performances is scheduled for this Winter: Prince Caspian!
Still getting over not seeing the storyboards from the abandoned Magician’s Nephew Movie on eBay last year. What a find that was.