All NarniaWeb Will Be Renewed: New Forum Launch!

“And now all Narnia will be renewed.”
Aslan, Prince Caspian
Come further up, come further in! Our community forums have re-launched with a brand new design.
Originally established in 2003, NarniaWeb Forum now offers a mobile-friendly design and new features like Notifications and Likes to make it easier than ever to stay connected with NarniaWeb’s community of passionate fans. There are discussion forums dedicated to Narnia film adaptations, the books, the costumes, reading groups, non-Narnian topics, roleplays, and games. It’s an online kingdom for people who love Narnia!
The existing user accounts, topics, and posts on the previous forum were transferred to the new forum design on May 25th, 2020. You can still peruse the old forum archives here.
Thanks to the support of our generous patrons, the new forum is ad-free for everyone. (Want to help support NarniaWeb? Click here to learn more.)
If you’re already a member of our community, fill out the form on the Lost your password? page to recover your account. If you haven’t signed up yet, consider this your official invite!
As Netflix’s Chronicles of Narnia adaptations continue in development, the Narnia fandom is already experiencing a renaissance and now is the perfect time to connect with people who love these amazing stories. Aslan is on the move!
A note from Fantasia (Forum Administrator):
All of us here at NarniaWeb just want to say “THANK YOU!!!” to The Rose-Tree Dryad for her tremendous amount of work on building our new and improved forum.
Huge thanks to The Rose-Tree Dryad for the long hours she has put into this project over the past year+. It has been a grind, but it’s finally here! Great work.
Glad to see so much love and care still being put into this- maybe I’ll hop back on!
Please do! 🙂 And if you have trouble, don’t hesitate to email us.
How incredible. I may need to return here, from the ancient past, to see how the lands have changed during my long absence. Anyone want to try the horn-summons?
Thanks for all the work done. Forums look fresh!
It’s definitely time for a nap… I’ll see y’all in 1,300 years. 😉
Oh dear, I believe I left that horn somewhere at the Spoiler-Free Monastery…
Hope to see you around the forum! 😀
Thanks to Rose and the team for putting this new forum together!
you all guys are doing fabulous work keep going on
I have one question. Is this forum totally build on your own, or powered by something (for example, blogger and such)? As I’m trying to start-up a forum, but not sure of the how’s and the why’s. Thank you, as your explanation would be much appreciated
I’m very much glad that there is indeed an updated NarniaWeb of course! Keep it coming❤️ Thanks!
Oh how I have been longing for this to happen to me since childhood, but especially now as an adult during lockdown!
Our forum is WordPress-based. I’d recommend Googling “best forum software options” to see what would work best for you. Good luck with your online community! 🙂
Thank you to Rose and everyone else involved in bringing us the new forums. They look great!
I’m absolutely loving the new site so far.
To everybody who took time out of their lives to make this happen: thank you!
I haven’t posted much on the forums yet, but they really look nice. They remind me of the Into the Wardrobe website where I used to post about ten years ago. I like the profile page where you can tell as much about yourself as you please. It’s wonderful to have a website designed for personal use. 🙂