With Narnia Trending Worldwide, Netflix Says Adaptation Is Still Happening

Where’s the new adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia? That’s the question thousands of fans have been asking Netflix since the streaming platform announced it acquired the rights to C.S. Lewis’s classic series.
Netflix has since hired Matthew Aldrich, co-writer of Pixar’s Coco, after conducting a “wide-ranging search” for a creative to oversee the project. But that hasn’t deterred fans from worrying if Netflix has forgotten about Narnia.
Twitter Explosion
This prompted Brazilian fans to organize a hashtag to alert Netflix that they’re still very interested in Narnia adaptations and want news. The plan was simple – starting at 5 pm (EST) fans would tweet as many times as possible using the #NetflixAdaptNarnia tag.
It became one of the most-talked-about subjects on Brazilian Twitter. Fans from around the world quickly took notice & decidedly joined in – peaking at #5 in Brazil and #41 in Mexico.
Fans shared their hopes, expectations, and support for Netflix’s Narnia ambitions. In only a matter of hours, #NetflixAdaptNarnia was trending worldwide.
This, eventually, caused a ripple effect.
Netflix’s Response
Whether as a direct response to Twitter’s clamor or not, Netflix France did offer some words regarding previously announced projects. The quotes below are rough translations of their original tweets.
Netflix France: Just because we don’t talk about it… we don’t forget.
They also responded to a fan separately, specifically referencing Narnia.
Netflix France: Narnia movies and series are still in the works, but ok.
Production on big-budget films can take years to complete. It’s easy to forget that 4 years passed from Walden Media’s initial announcement until the eventual release of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
But for those worried that Netflix just acquired the rights to Narnia (for a rumored $250 million) to simply sit on their hands, hopefully, this will ease those concerns.
Given recent global events and Netflix’s often silent approach during development, NarniaWeb is unsure when news will pick up. But when that time does arrive, we know Twitter will be ready.
lol returned? They were the ones who left Narnia.
I don’t think so.
Well, then don’t watch, bro. That’s your decision. Narnia is too good for hollywood studios anyway. Even the ones with endless money & network.
Just one little correction: Disney didn’t leave Narnia: Disney DUMPED Narnia and then forgot about it – Until they realized that the 2 Narnia films stood the test of time and had an audience following – NOW they remember it. JUSTICE.
I won’t be watching it on Netflix but I would have watched any new Narnia show had it been made by Disney.
All Disney films stand the test of time. Disney doesn’t have to realize it – they are well aware of the quality they put out. Disney dumped Walden Media it did not leave Narnia. Does the Voyage of the Dawn Treader film stand the test of time? No – good decision by Disney to stop.
Disney is not looking to get Narnia back it has the Mighty Ducks, Honey I Shrunk the Kids with Joe Johnson directing it (remember The Silver Chair film), National Treasure, Willow and the Percy Jackson television shows to keep it busy. What they are saying, if anything, is Narnia could have been part of that. Justice would have been Narnia returned to Disney.
It feels like Netflix has put Narnia on the back burner, though, so I don’t have much hope. If I recall correctly, Netflix acquired the rights to the Grisha series around the same time, and they’ve got casting announcements already. I would love to see a new take on Narnia, but I’m not holding my breath.
A Narnia Disney+ series is tempting because they probably could’ve bought back the OG Pevensie actors for the cameos they have in the books. Additionally, the Mandalorian was good and the upcoming Marvel shows look AMAZING[!!!]
However, those shows are (in my opinion) working because the creators are nerdy fans who love the source material as much as us nerdy fans. Until there’s a Narnia Kevin Feige or Dave Filoni or Jon Favreau behind the wheel, I don’t think it matters much what studio has the rights
I don’t think so. I know so. Justice.
Guy, come on. Google “How Disney Killed Off Its Billion-Dollar ‘Narnia’ Franchise” and you’ll find something akin to the truth. What really happened is long gone in the past. Disney left Narnia.
And NO – It was a horrible decision on Disney’s part to stop Narnia.
Sorry to be rude, but to my knowledge, Skander Keynes (who played Edmund) DOES NOT DO ACTING anymore, whatsoever. He’s been retired from acting for like 6 years. He’s up to his neck in politics. He couldn’t come back for a cameo, even if he considered it worth his time. Which is unfortunate, given he’s the one everyone wants to see again.
“Disney dumped Walden Media it did not leave Narnia.”
I’m a bit confused by these sentences put together, AslanNarnia. Dumping Walden Media amounted to dumping the Narnia franchise. (I kind of hate the word, franchise. But I suppose we have to use it.)
“Disney DUMPED Narnia and then forgot about it – Until they realized that the 2 Narnia films stood the test of time and had an audience following – NOW they remember it. JUSTICE.”
That seems like a weirdly bitter attitude, Frodo Lives. Just because movies stand the test of time doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for studios to keep making them if they’re going to lose them a lot of money. You could argue it’s still a good investment since movies that stand the test of time are bound to make a good bit of money eventually. But before then, a lot of money and possibly jobs might be lost.
I’m a bit confused as to why you’re analyzing sentences and attitudes Col Klink. I guess that’s you’re way of entering this annoying conversation that I helped to start. If I wasn’t clear, this is my attitude: Narnia Forver! Disney Go Home.
Personally, I am very glad that there is still such visible (and not just invisable) passion for new Narnia adaptations, by Narnia fans from around the world. I just wish it were for something more real than what we got today. Imagine the reaction to the real thing. Brazilian Narnia Fans: RISE UP 😀
P.S. Some of you guys need to chill. Still love you. 😉
Being analyzed is what happens to comments when they are put online for all the world to read, especially when they are worded with strong emotion and little rationality. It is also what happens in discussion. If you don’t want it to happen to yours, you might wish to reconsider posting your opinions online. You’re welcome to my free and caring advice.
Now that Disney+ is here, Disney can buy back and finished what they started, with as much of the original teams as possible. The first three films were about as pure and perfect as they could ever possibly be, and I need to see Swinton as The Green Lady of the Kirtle in The Silver Chair!!
Why would Tilda Swinton play the Lady of the Green Kirtle in a continuation of Walden Media’s Narnia series? She already portrayed the White Witch. It’d be odd if she played two characters in the same universe. (Is there another actress whose surname is Swinton with whom I’m not familiar?)
It’d have to be Walden Media if anyone revived the franchise. They produced all the Narnia movies. Disney only coproduced two of them. It was really Walden Media’s series. They seem to have been the main force behind it.
It’s good to hear that they haven’t forgotten Narnia.
I stand reassured… props to Brazilian fans!!!
Can’t believe I’m from Brazil and just heard of this today!
I don’t use Twitter, so that must be it.
But, WOW!
This shows that Narnia is still very much beloved around the world and we fans are still eager to see it com to life on the screen again.
Hoping for more news very soon!
In the BBC 1988-1990 adaptions of Narnia Barbara Kellerman played not only the White Witch, a Hag in Prince Caspian but also the Lady in the green kirtle, so there is a precedent. Some ancient evil that keeps plaguing Narnia? Personally I would prefer another actress, because The Lady is supposed to be more alluring, and also if the enemies of previous films just keep coming back that would be disheartening. (I know the White Witch came back twice already).
PS. Dont agree on perfection of Voyage of the Dawn threader. Changing the Lewis’ plot was a big mistake.
Is that good?
Omg why did i only find out about this today, this is GREAT
Can someone please tell me when the Narnia series are coming to Netflix or if it’s been pushed back I really are waiting coming out this year I’m looking forward to seeing the magic magician and all the Narnia series can someone please tell me the release date Or what’s going on thank you
Bloodmoon was the production title of HBO’s first Game of Thrones spin-off series. It was to be set during the Age of Heroes, some 8,000 years before the original TV.
House of the Dragon is based on George R.R. Martin’s 2019 book Fire and Blood. The book is set 300 years before the events of Game of Thrones and relates the history of the Targaryens, beginning with Aegon the Conqueror’s initial conquest of Westeros and his bringing the Seven Kingdoms under his rule.
Game of Thrones is a series of 8 seasons, nine noble families wage war against each other in order to gain control over the mythical land of Westeros. Meanwhile, a force is rising after millenniums and threatens the existence of living men.
Everybody keeps talking about GOT alot, so I also put this messege on this site for those who think that why are they doing prequels will it be Bloodmoon or House of the Dragon, Bloodmoon got cancelled for now because David Benioff and D. B. Weiss didn’t like the way Game of Thrones came to an end. that means House of the Dragon is on the way until 2022 🙂
this is greatest news i’ve ever heard.
Try searching for “The secret history of why Disney dumped ‘Narnia'” by Patrick Goldstein and James Rainey of the Los Angeles Times for an alternative point of view.
No one knows – that’s one of the problems.
Spot on Damon – when Netflix fails – Disney will be ready to take over.
This post is more than a month after the last one, but it has been reported by Narniaweb that Netflix France confirmed via Twitter that the Narnia films are still going ahead:
Did you bump your head Damon? You must have never read the novels. The Walden/Disney films (especially the 2nd and 3rd ones) were absolutely awful in terms of accurate depictions of the characters, events, and themes. Absolutely abysmal adaptations. All of the actors are far too old to play their respective roles and the audience has moved on. The only true hope for a perfect Narnia series of films is a full hard and complete reboot. I want to see a Narnia series that follows the books faithfully with a consitent cast and is true to the characters and religious themes. Thats what Narnia is, thats what makes it so special, and that is what it should be. I don’t have faith that Netflix will do this, but the absolute last place this beloved franchise needs to be, is in the slimy gloved hands of Mickey Mouse.