Ben Barnes “Wouldn’t Mind” Appearing in Netflix’s Narnia

Ben Barnes (Caspian) was recently asked about the possibility of appearing in Netflix’s The Chronicles of Narnia movies/series. His response:
“I wouldn’t mind. A little nod and a wink is a good thing. I think being in it is a good thing. […] But that halfway in between is not something that I’m… you know, where I’m playing ‘the original character that you played’s father’. That kind of stuff? I don’t know how excited I would be about that.”
Ben Barnes
Ben went on to talk about his memories of BBC’s Narnia TV series and expressed how excited he is that more Narnia adaptations are coming. “It’s probably time to do it again,” he said. Read the full article
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Listen to our conversation with Ben from November 2008.
“They know everything on NarniaWeb.”
Ben Barnes, May 2008
I’m sure Ben is a nice guy but I could never get into him as Caspian, he just seemed far too old for the part. I hear he’s pretty good playing villains though, maybe he could be one of the Talmarine Lords? Or even Miraz?
Seriously Cast Ben as Miraz! 😀 😉
Yes, let the petitions be drawn up! XD
I think he’s making the right call here actually, btw. He probably shouldn’t have a prolonged seat in the cast, just a cameo or a one-installment appearance (like Miraz).
He should be a character from a different book, so it won’t be too close to Prince Caspian. Or he could always cameo as an older Caspian. What if he played King Lune?
It would be a bit jarring, but someone completely different like Rabadash might be interesting. Obviously a bit old for that particular role, but he’s always been youthful-looking.
Perhaps Rillian? Though he might be too old for that part also, even though Rillian is 31 according to the timeline. Or what about Peridan? Or Lord Drinian?
Ben seems like a genuine person and I liked his portrayal of Caspian. Going to be hard to top in my book.
Ben Barnes was ok in his two Narnia stints, however he has really stepped up his game as an actor since then, with Westworld and Punisher being stand-outs
That would be great for everyone I guess.
It would be great if he play cameo in it. Every one would love to watch his actions these days.