Production Company Announced for The Silver Chair
This morning the official Narnia Twitter and Facebook accounts announced that the Mark Gordon Company will produce the next the next Narnia movie: The Silver Chair.
From Twitter:
From Facebook:
No release date has been set and there’s also no word whether Walden Media will be involved in this production. If Walden is not involved, it is likely that Silver Chair would not be released until 2018. That said, it’s not unrealistic to start planning for a new movie four years before the release date. This announcement may be an attempt to gauge fan interest in a fourth movie.
Mark Gordon is an American television and film producer and also the president of the Producers Guild of America. He has produced a number of films and tv shows including Saving Private Ryan, Speed, The Day After Tomorrow, 10,000 B.C., Grey’s Anatomy, and 2012. You can see his full list of credits at this Wikipedia page.
UPDATE: has posted a story about the announcement along with some quotes.Β Vincent Sieber, the LA based Director of The C.S. Lewis Company said:Β “We are very excited by this partnership and to be able to work on this movie from its earliest conception on such a collaborative basis. It gives us the opportunity to develop a script and then produce a film with some of the most talented industry professionals whilst remaining completely faithful to this much loved book.β
Mark Gordon stated, “Like many readers, both young and old, I am a huge fan of C.S. Lewis’s beautiful and allegorical world of Narnia. These fantasy stories inspire real-world passion among millions of devoted fans around the world. As we prepare to bring the next book to life, we are humbled and excited to contribute to the outstanding legacy of Narnia.”
Fan interest. Yes, there is much fan interest here. And here. And here. Are you reading this, Mark Gordon.
You have my interest. All of it.
What about HHB?!
Personally, I'd rather have the producers make the mistake of calling it an allegory rather than trying to cover up the Christian themes.
YEAH! About TIME – even if a ways off still.
I don't think Will Poulter will be too old to play Eustace, frankly. There are so many films and shows where people much older play younger characters. It doesn't bother me for Eustace to be older than he was in the book. It's more important to have an actor that does a good job, like Will Poulter, than just being accurate to the age.
I'm so happy!!! I was so woried it would completely die out after all this time. The BETTER get back Will for Eustace, I thought he was perfect-and he's not getting any younger! I so hope it doesn't take till 2018!! I was kinda hoping Walden Media would have something to do with it… people might not like everything they did, but who knows what crazyness other people might do. I can't wait to find out more about this news!
Very true…
Well, fellow Narniawebbers, I'm back. I never posted much before the end of this site, but now that things are moving again, I'm hoping to change that! Good to see old names like glumpuddle, etc. Excited for the film! What else can I say but- Onwards and Upwards!
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, my great desire to see Narnia 4 is becoming a reality. Though I have refused to lose hope, I must admit that the news is a shock because I had gotten to the point that I was afraid that I would never hear anything again. I really hope it doesn't come out in 2018 because Will Poulter will be too old then. They have to keep the same actors, because otherwise, it is not Narnia. It would be just an adaptation, but not the real thing without them. I'm glad to see that Mark Gordon has some credentials, as well.
Further up and Further in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So excited!!! The ONE thing I worry about with this is Will Poulter's age. The events of SC take place a year after VDT. We're looking at an 8 year gap here. Challenging, to say the least.
Can we just have Edmund/Skandar appear randomly??? π
Huzzah!!!! I feel like celebrating… Narnian cake anyone? Or maybe Turkish delight? Just… uh… stay away from the Harfang Giant cookbook please (whilst celebrating of course :P) π
Wow, this interesting piece of news came rather out of the blue. I'm hesitant that it'll be a bit b-rated, nothing will bring back the feeling of the 1st 2 Walden films. But I think back to Dawn Treader…………it can't get much worse. π Looking forward to more on this!
Well. This could very easily go one of both ways. Either it will be fantastic, like LWW, or it will be a PC or VDT. I can't say I'm overly excited about this, mostly because I've been sorely disappointed the last two times.
I am also worried about Eustace. Will Poulter will be far too old for the role, but he was the most perfectly cast character in the entire Narnia movie franchise – surpassing even Lucy and the other Pevensies (I love them all movie-wise (excepting Peter and Susan in PC and Edmund in VDT), but the book characters are better… but that nearly goes without saying) and I would be disappointed to see anyone else play the role. But I would be disappointed to see him play the role as well.
Overall, I think I'm just a tad bit irked that it's been so annoyingly long that they can't keep the same actors without drastically altering the story. And as Silver Chair was my first introduction to Narnia, and thus my favourite book, I really do not want them to screw it up as they have the last few times.
But on the plus side, it's nice to hear from this site again! π
OH MY ASLAN! This is seriously the best! I can't wait for this.. hope it'll be released sooner.
I know, I can't wait either! I personally think they can revive Narnian magic with film-making today, if they get a good writer to adapt the movie. π
Lol – spot on! Mark Gordon worked on 2012, after all.
finally! A NEW company to produce Narnia films!!! Thank you but still in 2018 or later. anyways, great news!
Well, I'm not at all impressed by the list of films to the production's name. It makes me nervous.
Aslan, I'm gonna meet you again!!! Hahaha!!! 2 great news today, Desolation of Smaug trailer 2 and another Narnia movie news!!! It's worth to celebrate!!! Yeeeesssss!!!! π
Cast for Puddleglum, I suggest Ben Stiller!!
ShyGaladriel, it makes me EXTREMELY nervous! :S
oh my… GOD IS REAL
Well, it's happening. I feel like I'm back to square 1 the way I was back before LWW came out. Maybe it will be lousy, and maybe it will be great.
Director choice:
Duncan Jones (Source Code, Moon)
Matthew Vaughn (Stardust)
Ridley Scott (Gladiator)
Andrew Adamson (LWW & PC)…
Alan Taylor (Thor: The Dark World, Game of Thrones)
Andrew Stanton (John Carter)
Cast for Puddleglum:
Ben Stiller / Alan Rickman
Very excited to hear the news! The movie making process takes years and glad they are starting now more than ever!
Yay! Can't wait! I hope it doesn't turn out like the last two π
Geat news! About casting: I do hope Will Poulter will be able to return; I think if his voice isn't too deep, he could pull it off with some make-up, and ofcourse, I hope they bring back Liam Neeson as Aslan (he was great in that role). Do you think Ben Banes will return as young Caspian? Could he play old Caspian as well, or would an older actor be needed? Same Also, could Peter Dinklage, Laura Brent, and Gray Sweet reprise their respective roles as old Trumpkin, QQueen Lilliandil and Drinian respectively or would older actors be needed? Who would you like to compose? Who for the role of Jill if Will Poulter can return, and for Puddleglum? What do you think?
Alan Rickman as Puddleglum ftw.
I wrote a story on my website called "Casting 'The Silver Chair.'" Will Will Poulter reprise his role as Eustace or is he already too old? Will Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes, and Georgie Henley get cameos? I don't know. Ben has the best chance of the three. But it's up to the scriptwriters and casting directors. Ben, Skandar, and Georgie must also be interested in the project. I don't know if they are at this point or will be, but I don't want to force anyone to make cameos for them. What matters is that "The Silver Chair" is an excellent film, not that the VDT cast return.
Amen! This was my exact problem with Walden Media. They had lost sight of Aslan! Yes, this is encouraging. π
The moratorium is still in effect. That means SC can't be released before 2018. And I thought the Lewis Estate, not Walden, made that moratorium. But maybe I'm wrong.
The moratorium means SC can't be released in theaters until 2018. They can still produce it next year if they want.
Never Andrew Adamson ever again, even though I loved Shrek and LWW, he really disappointed me with PC. I love the thought of Matthew Vaughn and Ridley Scott though.
That actually made my day!!!! I missed Narnia so much….it's going to be interesting on who is going to betray "The Lady Of The Green Kirtle" I think Cate Blanchett would be great and she also resembles Tilda Swinton, as "Douglas Gresham" says in an Interview that "This Evil Spirit has found a new young body, in which to inhabit" which basically would make sense if they did it that way.
Dear Mr. Mark Gordon, if you are reading this, please do try to stay true to the book, and not shy away with strange add-ons like what was doen with Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. And please, if dryads and naiads do make an appearance in this film(I hope they do), please, please, PLEASE! DO NOT make the dryads be CGI flower petals or the naiads liquid mermaids! -_-; Wishing you all the best and hoping this finds you well, Jake.
We all have views on what we would like for the Silver Chair, & what was good or not good about the previous films, but i don't think in anyway the film should be a check-list catering to what will please the most people, or what is supposed to please the fans.
The best vision will come from people who get enjoyment out of the books & films made so far, & want to do a film that that is inspired by the combination of ideas they have from the two mediums.
I would just like something whole in itself, as well as creating a whole with the previous films in a way that is reflective of a vision that is expressing it's likes & ideas from the previous films & book series π
Why all the hate for PC?!?!?!? I feel like people automatically hate on it because it made changes from the book even if they were good (suspian put a side) changes for the MOVIE version. Unlike VDT, PC made changes but kept the spirit, and themes of the book. "PC was too dark and lost magic of the 1st movie" is what a lot of people say, have you guys read the book?!?!? That's the whole point of it, Everything that was cool and magical is not present in narnia anymore to the point were narnia looks more like earth, then the rest of the book is about restoring that magic (and gods timing and many other themes). "Ya well, what about the castle raid and stuff, that was awful because it was a pointless scene of the movie because it wasn't in the book" Technically Lewis does mention serveral battles in briefly that the were defeated in and underwent heavy losses. The scene is the filmmakers coming up with their own version of those battles plus it is pivotal point in the MOVIE. Why you may ask. Well it doesn't just show they lost, it shows they lost because they tried to fix things them self's without aslan. Notice Peter only screams FOR NARNIA!!! In this scene and notice in the final battle when Peter sees the trees reinforcing them, he screams FOR ASLAN!!! and charges back into battle relizing the mistake he made before and he gains faith back in aslan and they win… because of ASLAN (unlike VDT were they win because Eustace attacks green mist with a sword). You as a narnia fan are not obligated to hate PC because its different from the book (VDT however is a different story). Its my favorite narnia movie and (unless he's changed his mind since the podcasts) glumpuddles too. I suggest you all give it another shot.
Honestly, the best part about this announcement is the fact that it's already accrued 100+ comments and some old names popping back again… I missed the activity! XD
Ok. I actually accepted the Narnia movie that without Andrew Adamson. π
I would like to see the new director Duncan Jones to do it, he work together with Mark Gordon previously in Source Code movie, and looks like the movie turn out really not bad(although I didn't see any movie of him), and this director received many praise from the audiences. Now he is going to make Warcraft movie.
Alan Rickman is perfect as Puddleglum! π
I almost gave up this series. π
Cate Blanchet was good, but I don't want when I'm watching Narnia movie and it make me think about LOTR, we need someone fresh face. π
And there are some old name already change to new name, hahaha! π
I like PC better than LWW. π
Mark Gordon company actually is not bad. π
Oh okay. So we're looking at probably 4-5 years difference, not 8. Still a pretty big gap, but not as big as I imagined. π
Will it be in 3D??? I hope so!!!
We would be lucky to get someone close to Andrew Adamson for silver chair. I personally want him to return for horse and his boy.
This news is the best news I've heard all day. No, all week. No, wait – all month. No, no, no all year!!!!!
It's not that PC was a bad movie… It's that it was a TERRIBLE Narnia Movie. It didn't just make changes from the book… it really rather took out almost all of the element that Makes Narnia so wonderful. (They managed to capture some of it briefly with the River god, but other than that… π ) They could have done so much more with the movie… so much to make it really NARNIA… but they didn't. And the result was something else entirely.
In VDT, they brought back some of what made Narnia so wonderful, but they changed the story so much that it too became something else. It was a little bit closer to the mark than PC was, but still rather off point.
What made TLWW so wonderful, wasn't just the fact that they stayed close to the book (they did change and add a few things, but the changes were minor). What really MADE that movie was the fact that they had somehow captured and held the spirit of Narnia, and it continued throughout the movie, not just in little spurts.
(or at least, that's how I see things. π )
Yes! π
that's great! finally, we will have a new narnia film.
I completely agree! PC was a decent film and the best Walden adaptation. It magnified the overarching theme of FAITH.
@silvergypsie no offense but you just used the same arguments that I already disproved in my above comment. You basically said that PC was a terrible narnia film because it wasn't magical and made changes from the book. Again with the lack of magic and wonder, have you read the book?!?!? That's the whole point! That's why there's a whole war, its to restore the magic that's has been lost. That's why you see the narnia feel come back at the end with the river god and trees because aslan is back and narnia is restored. And with the changes from the book argument again, most all of them add to the main spirit and themes of the book (read my above comment about the castle raid scene). I feel that many narnia fans don't like PC because it actually stayed to close to the book with the darker aspects.
Horray! So excited! I seriously did not expect anything more to ever happen with this series, and was pretty skeptacle that anyone would try to restart any time soon. Take that, pessimistic past self, they're planning another movie!
No matter what, all Narnia movies are great :)and I am really hoping for a Narnia 4 until to the last book. "For Narnia and for Aslan" π If the pevensies will not be in the next movie, hmm it is sad yet it's alright, I will just miss them. ANd I am also looking for Eustace next adventures