Footage of ThreeSixty’s Narnia Stage Production
New footage of ThreeSixty’s stage adaptation of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” in London is online, including two snippets of dialogue straight from the book. There are shots of Aslan, the Pevensies, the wardrobe, the White Witch, Tumnus, and Father Christmas. The clips are included in the two interviews below:
Rupert Goold (Director):
Tom Scutt (Designer):
Read our full review of the production.
We recently posted a podcast discussion on the book. Listen here.
I still do π I can't wait for the Hobbit to come out!
Yeah, now The Hobbit was my only hope, hoping it was just like a beacon of hope in Return of the King. π
What you think about The Hobbit being a trilogy?
I think it's not supposed to be a trilogy. Why should it be? The book is even shorter than an individual book of LOTR, and it's going to be split into three? I was disappointed upon hearing the news. To me, it's "Butter spread over too much bread".
Sorry for a very late reply, I wasn't able to update myself for quite a time. π
I was hoping for just 1 movie from begins, then we have 2 movies, not so happy from begin, and then I accept it, then now we have 3 movies, and I accept it. Because it's too earlier to say, maybe those movie maker really have something worth to see. It's all about creativity. It's hard to say.
I think I still believe PJ.
I'm glad it's three parts π Even though the Hobbit is a pretty short book, it's got a lot happening in it and they wouldn't be able to make a two hour film without leaving things out. I've heard the third part isn't even the Hobbit, but more like the Lost Tales and things like that.
Really?! Where'd you hear it? Lost Tales or something like that?!
Yup π I'm not sure where I heard it, but I really hope it's true!
Now the titles for the trilogy is confirmed:
The Hobbit I: An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit II: The Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit III: There and Back Again
Yeah, I did see it on So, based on those titles, I suppose there's no Lost Tales and things like that. By the way, the Hobbit has a (sort of) pre-climax: Smaug's death and a climax: Battle of the Five Armies.
And are they including the White Council and the Necromancer?
The Silmarillion should be turned into a TV series or something.
I fully agree!
I agree with you that the Hobbit does have a lot happening in it. As of now, I've moved from below neutral to above neutral. π
I can't wait for December! π I'm looking forward to the soundtrack too!
π Do you have any idea on who's going to sing for the credits?
Hmmm…not sure. Enya?
Why that would be great!! You're not sure and you're suggesting Enya, or you're not sure if it will be Enya?
Meh. Both π I hope so! Seeing as she did some of the Lord of the Rings too.
XD My hopes are rising again with every new news. Everyone, thanks for everything!
how can i get tickets??????
There's a link below the videos in red: "Order Tickets".
I just heard from a very reliable source that the next Narnia movie will probably be released 2015! So excited! π
From what reliable source?
Have you heard of Christopher Hopper? He's a christian author. He stayed at Douglas Grasham's house for a week.
I think I've heard of him…So is that what Douglas Gresham is saying? Where did ya get the news?
I got the news from Christopher Hopper. Douglas Gresham told him.
Hmm…..Released in 2015? That means they'd have to start working NOW. It took them 3 years to make the other films.
Yup. He said we'd hear more about it in 2013.
Hmmm! π I hope it all falls into place and HAPPENS! π
Yes! Me too! π
Really?! Thanks! I hope we do hear more about it in 2013. ;p
Yes! Can't wait! π
Do you have any idea about the cast and crew? π
No. But I'm guessing that they'll have the same actor for Eustace.
If that, then Yehey!!! thanks. π
Hey Taisia, are you on any LOTR fansite? π