Gresham Shares Plans for Next Narnia Film
It has been over six months since we last heard any kind of update on the Narnia films. Now, we finally have something to report.
Kristi from The Lion’s Call has posted a brief report on Douglas Gresham’s (co-producer, Lewis’ stepson) comments at Oxford earlier this week. He revealed his hopes for the future of the Chronicles of Narnia films:
- There is a seven-year moratorium on producing any Narnia films outside of Walden Media.
- He might have future films made independently.
- The Silver Chair is the film he would like to make next.
- He would like to see Andrew Adamson return, but thinks he would be too expensive.
- In the meantime, he will focus on a film adaptation of Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters.”
We previously believed the moratorium period was 3-4 years, and that the next film would very likely be The Magician’s Nephew. Now it appears the wait will be longer than we thought, and Gresham will maintain the original published order and continue with The Silver Chair.
To clarify the issue: By law, no Narnia films can be released by anyone without Walden Media until the moratorium ends, and it appears that Gresham would prefer to make the films independently. Assuming the moratorium began just after Dawn Treader‘s release, the earliest we could see the next Narnia film is probably 2018.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the Discussion Forum!
No news was better news…
I'd like Walden to continue making films, because LWW and PC were awesome and made by Walden, and there's a shorter wait. However, I want a clear explanation from Gresham as to why he'd rather wait 7 years for films to be made independently.
I'm glad Silver Chair is more likely next and Adamson is the first choice for director!
Why are so many people disliking Hollywood magic? I know VDT went wrong, but I think it was just the director and his little crew. I think the actors were pretty faithful to the books. Rebooting would kill me unless it is spectacular, which means better than this current series, which I think is good.
A. Adamson is definitely the 'safe hands' for Narnia, not necessarily as Director but he's just really suited in alot of ways to all the different layers involved; the one problem with P.C. near the end wasn't really Adamson's inclinations for the story in rest of film & was more a perceived marketing improvement.
A Silver Chair film in another lengthy period of time will be lost on the General public i'd guess in comparison to the magnitude of the previous films. Magician's Nephew, with Tilda Swinton in a big role, would be the fulcrum between the previous films and the ones to come which the general public could connect with i feel, & also provide the continuity for the various themes of the whole serial.
VODT is good for what it is, a ticking of the boxes for a marketing effort in covering all the percieved bases around the VODT story. The people who made the film all did well & it's decent, it's like a really really good extended trailer for the VODT film without really becoming that film.
Anyhow, i'm all for seeing what happens, & think the film series is totally salvageable as VODT has enough in it to stand up in an artistic way when complemented in a completed series by a whole Narnia arc.
oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!
can't believe this thing…
we first see Narnia in the big screen last 2005(almost seven years ago), and now we will see Narnia in the big screen again for the next seven years or sooner.
I agree with Gresham making The Silver Chair as the fourth Narnia film, and I also agree that he want Adamson to return to film the series.
I think more and better plans and negotiations should make during the resting years of Narnia.
age of Will Poulter is not a problem, they can use make-up and visual effects for his physical appearance.
anyways, I also want to see The Screwtape Letters and The Space Trilogy in the big screen.
Reboot? I don't think so, cause the cast who portrays the Pevensies, Caspian, and Eustace, are very good….
I think we really need to help Gresham in the future of Narnia.
They should continue the series. Even if Walden will not release the film, the important is, we need to see Narnia again in the big screen…….
Further Up and Further In!
20!?!??? I'll be way older than that… 20 is still very young. I cannot wait 7 years for the Silver Chair. Independently filmed yes! Maybe by Lionsgate? Has to have more of a serious film vibe definitely than the kiddie tone of Dawn Treader!
I think way too much effort has been put into the Walden franchise for a reboot. And despite anyone's opinion on the current movies, they are very high quality productions. It's not like the only have the sub par BBC series anymore. And if Will Poulter will only be 22 when the moratorium is over, then we most likely will see the continuation of the current franchise, my biggest hope.
Just want to add how important i think Georgia Henley was in carrying the VODT film or being crucial in it's balance.
The part written for Lucy was abit of a travesty at times in VODT but she was able to give a real depth to her role & thus help the paper thin at times dramatic narrative of the film in a natural way that shined through. If you watch PC carefully, you'll see a very naturally creative & quite nuanced performance as Lucy too.
Gosh 7 years to wait!! I do hope Andrew Adamson can come back as he was great with the first two. I agree, the actors are what made VoDT tolerable as the script really was woeful. My kids will almost be all grown-up when the next one comes out:(
Why have to be release at 2018? Narnians can't wait for this π It will take a long time!
Absolutely! VDT is like a homage to the book; a mix and match pastiche with some elements that could have been used in magnificent adaptation that was never made…
I'll be nearly 50, and Doug Gresham will be … older still. We've waited long enough to wait a bit longer; the important thing is to get it right this time π
So can they start filming before the moratorium is finished?
I don't want to have to wait until 2018!!!! Will will be 25 by then!!!!
I'm very uncertain about the movies being made independently since Walden Media has done a great job and independent films usually have lower budgets. I don't want them to cheapen the CGI.
I am glad that Gresham wants them to do SC next and I do hope they bring Andrew back!
This is all very confusing! π
I don't know about this. The folks at Walden have already made it clear they would like to continue with the series, so long as the next film is The Magician's Nephew. I know they were not as faithful as they should have been on the last two films (and this was something that certainly bothered me), but The Magician's Nephew in a couple of years as a sure thing sounds better to me than the vague possibility of a more faithful, but cheaper-looking Silver Chair 7+ years from now that fewer people are likely to see.
Independent films have their benefits, but its hard to get financial backing and a wide theatrical release when you go that route. This sounds like a shaky prospect to me, though I hope Gresham carries through successfully with the idea, since it appears he won't make up with Walden (who's fault this is, I don't know).
*coughs* I'd be in my 20's even if they filmed it next year π
I hope Gresham changes his mind and decides to stick with Walden Media. His hopes of picking up where he left off after 7 years are slim. The only chance that the series will really work is if the original team returns so that there is continuity and so forth. Furthermore, those of you who are excited about independent films, think again. Independent films likely mean poor special effects, different actors/actresses, lower quality directing, and something that would not do Narnia the justice it deserves – what Lewis himself was afraid of. Though there have been a few departures from the storyline in the past two films, I truly believe the essence and message of each book has been preserved, and that is far more import to me than all the details being correct. So far, Narnia has received the cinematic treatment it deserves, even if a few details have been changed. To hand the films off to an independent filmmaker is to sign the series death sentence for impacting people around the world. I think we would all agree that Lewis was primarily concerned with the message his series provided, and taking away the potential for the film to be a major picture all across the globe would, thing, dishonor C. S. Lewis's memory more than a few changed details. (Besides, films such as Harry Potter and Percy Jackson show that authors themselves are often willing to compromise on a few small issues – J.K. Rowling was heavily involved in the production of the Harry Potter movies, and there were departures from the books). Odds are, C. S. Lewis, had he seen the technology and the persuasive power of movies in the current culture, would have wanted the books to be made into movies and would have compromised a little here and there.
I agree that Adamson would be ideal – I was not thrilled with Apted's directing, though it was decent. I would be okay, however, with Apted directing the two remaining Eustace films (SC and LB), since his portrayal of Eustace was his really fantastic point in VODT. I would LOVE to see Adamson return for MN and HHB to preserve the Professor Krike, Jadis, and Pevensie that we see in the first two films. Gresham would be wise, I think, to rejoin with Walden after a few years. The series would be more successful that way, and he might actually stand a chance of getting Andrew Adamson back.
Wishful thinking, but is there anyway Gresham can read my post on this? π
Adamson as a co-script writer and main producer when not directing would be the trick. He could liaise with Douglas Gresham so his pov is not excluded, would bridge the script requirements so the studio is happy, & from first two, seems to have an implicit handle on the themes relating to each book within the whole series which is really the main thing i think.
And when not directing, he wold be the perfect foil for a director creatively in producing seamless narnia visions of the diff. stories.
Why SEVEN YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you Gregory. That's exactly what they need to do.
This is really sad π
Douglas Gresham sold the rights to C.S. Lewis's work a long time ago. He is only a spokesman for the C. S. Lewis estate. Do some research– you'll be surprised at what you'll learn.
Carol, several news reports last year said that Walden Media was negotiating with the C.S. Lewis estate to make another Narnia film. Obviously these negotiations fell through, even though Walden made it clear they wanted to do another Narnia film. The estate clearly did not want it made under the conditions that Walden wished. The estate had sold the temporary rights to Walden, which are now expired. Obviously, there would be no need to negotiate further, as they were doing, if the estate no longer held the films rights to the series, as they of course still do. Gresham is the head of the entertainment/film/stage side of the estate, not just a "spokesman," so without a doubt he has a huge say in whether or not further films are made and by whom. In fact, he probably has a bigger say than anybody else.
Instead of being condescending, perhaps you should try to do some research yourself–you'll be surprised at what you'll learn.
What does he mean about the films possibly being made independently?
I think they should make Horse and His Boy next.
Most likely going to get new actors as well -_-
Well…at least we know now…*sigh*
Well at least there's light at the end of the tunnel though it's VERY far away.
And that's pretty cool that's he wants Andrew Adamson back. Even if Narnia doesn't get Andrew again at least Mr. Gresham is trying…
I think he means with his OWN money. I mean he get TONS of money from all the books that Lewis ever wrote. Gresham making it with his own money seems safer anyway…
I couldn't be less excited. Douglas Gresham didn't really help retain any of the Narnia spirit, especially with PC or VDT. Look, people, you can't have the spirit of a book present in a movie if the movie isn't passably close to the book itself. The story is what MAKES the certain atmosphere that we feel when we enter Narnia. Not only did they fail at faithfully adapting the story, but the message behind the story wasn't even the same. The message of VDT(book) was not temptation but adventure and longing. They threw away almost all the longing and most of the good, fun, adventure, and turned it into a dark movie filled with stupid green mist that tempts you ALL. THE. TIME. Sorry, but Gresham didn't help retain one bit of the Narnian spirit because he failed to retain the story. And maybe it's not his fault, but he's no hero, either.
I disagree about the spirit of Narnia not being in Prince Caspian film by quite a long way. It might seem abit darker & maybe melo-dramatic but the theme of Prince Caspian within the overall chronicles is relating to the corruption of innocence, essentially the opposite of the main black & white chronicles theme in Lion Witch & Wardrobe. This is more a struggle of maturation in a humanistic conception or embodiment of evil within the overall Chronicles series. Apart from a story momentum slam for a few minutes at films climax, PC is a total knockout of a Narnia film to me.
To me for VODT, yes the adventuring was a main theme (which is slightly acknowledged in the film) complementing Lucy's finding Aslan now she is older as a different proposition which is reflected in diff. ways for the story. So the boat was slightly missed on VODT & Georgia Henley would have made an great job of the arc.
A more intangible super-natural threat (mist + temptation) isn't completely out of place to the overall Chronicles. ALthough it is only really used as a story mechanic device, it is a conceptual compliment to the previous two films, because all of these remember, are derived from the problems & history that comes into Narnia unplanned in the form of Jadis(the white witch) when Narnia is being created.
7 years!? That's long… it's a good new that "Silver Chair" is plan to be next, but you know… in my opinion, jut my opinion, if they'll make another 'Narnia' I think it's time to start a reboot with "The Magicians Nephew", well, it's just my opinion, then after that… release the next Narnia film after two years, and then after two years again.
Why can they not make any more Narnia films with Walden media?
WOW!! I am so happy to actually have some news about this! I am just happy to know that at least Mr. Gresham still plans on moving forward with the films! I also realized that I will be in my twenties by then! =O Oh well, I'm sure i'll be just as big a fan then!
My age was the first thing I thought of! I can't believe how time flies! I would be 24, but I will be waiting just as eagerly as I was when I was bout' 10 for LWW!!! ='( Kinda sad actually…
Amen to that!
Further up and further in!
Don't understand. It's like a 100 years of winter with no Christmas. I hope they work out the problems for the fans. I want to see the series completed.
okay thank you!! π
Screwtape Letters cannot be properly adapted to the screen. It is far too abstract. It will be a disaster. He will muff it up like he muffed up the last two Narnia movies. He let the two last movies be changed so much, that they could not be recognized as Lewis's style. With PC totally different, and DT infantilised beyond Lewis's worst nightmares. Lewis had the genius gift of being able to write something clever for children, that did not bore adults with it's simplicity. Gresham either does not understand this concept, or has chosen to ignore it. He has ruined the image of two of the books for millions of people. Shame on you, Mr. Gresham.
"Gresham either does not understand this concept, or has chosen to ignore it."
You speak as if he had the power to decide this on his own. As he is not financing it on his own, he is only a consultant, he doesn't have the final say.
It's not primarily his fault.
As I had understood it before, walden media's contract expired AND we had a moratorium. Now the wording of this makes it sound like walden is the only one who can still make films within the moratorium? If that's the case my guess is walden doesn't want to do it anymore or it's lewis foundation that doesn't want them to make any more films. Given gresham's sentiment that he'd like them to be independantly produced I'd say the latter is more likely. It'd be nice to have a legal explaination of the moratorium…
In other opinions, If we wait 7 years before film production can begin then who will play eustice? who will appear as the pevensies in the last battle? After 7 years with the advancement of technology and changing film styles I'd like to see a complete reboot, and I'd prefer it start back at LWW, and as I've maintained before, even though the scripts should be different from each other as the books are, they should be written together so that what continuity there is in the books, and what might have to be introduced in the movies (connecting LWW to HHB for example) can be settled.
It rather looks now like some serious bridge building between Walden and The Lewis Estate needs to be done if the current series of films is to continue.
Whatever the underlying problem between the two sides is it rather looks from the activity, or lack of on the Walden side is indication that they are loosing interest in making any more.
If thats the case and we have to wait seven years or so then its probably better if we go for a complete remake of the series than continuing with `The Walden Version`.
The theme in Prince Caspian (book) was belief, doubt, and returning. Miraz disbelieves in the Old Narnia; Caspian believes. Trumpking doubts Aslan, while Nikabrik believes in Aslan and the White Witch, both being to him merely means to the end of delivering the dwarfs from the Telmarines. Glozelle and Sopespian both pretend belief and disbelief to bend Miraz to their will.
The theme of returning or restoration is also present. The Pevensies return to Narnia, the true king is restored to the throne, the Old Narnians are restored to being true citizens of Narnia, instead of having to hide all the time.
A whole lot of this was left out of the film, because you can't have the same themes if you don't have the same story. At first glance, the movie may seem very similar to the book, but if you look a little more closely (and only a very little) you'll see it's really nothing like the book.
If the CS Lewis Estate decided they wanted to make another Narnia movie with Walden, they could start making it tomorrow. But apparently Gresham would rather make the next film independently.
By law, seven years must pass before a Narnia film can be made with a new studio.
Gresham did not direct the movies. He co-produced them, and apparently did not have much say over what went into the script.
so sad! π π π i hope it will be worth the wait!
that's a long time until they make the movie(S)
Hmm, this is quite interesting news after more than half a year of no news. I'm willing to wait for another Narnia movie, even if it'll take longer than 7 years to finally make. All I want is to see a movie that is well adapted yet works well in movie form, while not trying to copy off of other Hollywood formulas and styles. I have faith in Gresham, and I hope his dreams of making another movie will happen in the future. π
I think the C.S. Lewis estate doesn't want to give walden another contract during the moratorium. From Gresham's comment, it sounds like the C.S. Lewis Estate wasn't pleased with the direction walden was going in.
I was at the talk and this report is a bit misleading (as is naturally the case since it's a third had interpretation). I hope Douglas goes on record on the internet to say what he said in Oxford, since it was all really interesting and made things a lot clearer.
I'd rather not go into details because those should come from the source rather than 2nd hand accounts. But generally, Douglas was really really sharp on the films, and he really understands Lewis's works. He was very frustrated with aspects of the films, particularly Dawn Treader. He said he felt a bit crushed after that film, and kept on apologising to Apted, the director, for the script (which he did not have direct control over). Sounded like breaking the film deal was partly his idea, because Walden kept wanting to re-negotiate, and also to increasingly turn Narnia into something it's not (for Dawn Treader, the idea was to make it like Pirates of the Caribbean). The thing to understand is that these people — the Hollywood suits — are complete clowns who don't understand or care about the source material.
Also, I understand that the 'seven years' thing is from the last film being released, and there was talk of starting work on Silver Chair a year from now, because new contracts / deals need to be drawn up. So in a way there's only a year before work gets started again, even though it will be at least seven years before another film. In the meantime, there's other projects.
It was also the C.S. Lewis Society, not the Tolkien society. And it happened on Tuesday, not Monday.
Laura, i see what you are saying on themes for PC but i see what you said as really the sub-themes in PC and they all ARE present in the film also.
The contrast of Narnia in the books (& films) between LW&W to PC is quite pointed. This is surely it's main central riff in book & film. The magic of the previous sides has gone, political power & it's corrupting ways, war, are the issues. If there is an particular astrological inspiration or 'code' in PC also, it is thought to be based on a war planet or influence also.
Re: Mr Glum
If they could get one made in 2 and a half years wouldn't be so bad as the Hobbit this Xmas & next helps Narnia due to a widely perceived bond between these two stories for classic fantasy genre, so a say…Magician's Nephew the following season would seem like a natural run on to movie goers and help smooth over the interval since the last Narnia.
Very ineresting. I hope that is true.
O your picture is Captain Haddock, isn't it? π
I wish that the would just work things out and make another movie, however unrealistic that is…
I just don't want a reboot whatever they do!!!
NO.WAY. So I'm
Going to be 18 when I play Jill
Pole? …
Can't they just reboot the whole
Douglas Gresham should have a certain amount of bargaining power with Walden though to influence direction of the series. Narnia has been successful each time out. As long as following films are at the standard of the first two, it's a guaranteed 400 to 500+ minimum return for each one -possibly alot more, plus with the prospects of increasing home viewing sales once the series starts to accumulate in that type of market.
So it's not like Narnia isn't an attractive property. If the bargaining chips went towards A. Adamson as co-script writer and heavy involvement in production duties for remaining franchise the artistic considerations in doing Narnia justice would be fulfilled, & his involvement from the other POV would be attractive, as it would ensure rewarding returns over a serial run of seven feature films, which once made, will only continue to return over time in their own niche for the home viewing market & it's different formats.
If all the ducks can be lined up for the next installment in setting up the franchise, then everyone would be happy, & i feel that Walden are correct in their inclination that Magician's Nephew is the one for the job. Magician's Nephew can be very much more a location shoot too, as it's not so much a cgi Narnia talking animal character fest as others, really only the Jadis charn story & Narnia creation scenes that need to go to town over with heavy effects or artificial sets, particularly as they are at the core in the background to each Narnia story. Oh well, nice to blog about Narnia again for a while but i be quiet now π
I don't know about the screen, but it makes a brilliant two-person play with Max MacLean.
Eventually, another Narnia movie will be made. Maybe by that time some Narnia fans will be in the film business and can make both a good movie and a faithful adaption. π
D: I don't want to wait too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just to let everyone know- is auctioning off an authentic pair of shoes worn by Georgie Henley in Prince Caspian! π
I hope they'll make a next film soon…
I know everybody's waiting for it!