NarniaWeb Interviews ‘The Lion Awakes’ Screenwriter
We recently asked co-screenwriter Darren Scott Jacobs some questions about his upcoming film The Lion Awakes, which is currently scheduled for a 2013 release. The story will center around C. S. Lewis’ early life, and mark the first time J. R. R. Tolkien has ever been portrayed in a feature film. For a more detailed synopsis, visit the official Facebook page.
According to co-screenwriter Dr. Louis Markos, in the film we will see “through CGI and other things, the rich imagination of Lewis and Tolkien that is going to end up resulting in ‘Narnia’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings.'”
A few highlights from the interview:
– Darren hopes to begin filming late summer/early fall in Oxford University.
– Casting queries for the role of C. S. Lewis include Henry Cavill (who will play Superman in the upcoming reboot) and Tom Hardy (Inception, The Dark Knight Rises).
– He would love to be involved with next Narnia film, and does not think they should skip “The Silver Chair.”
NarniaWeb: What is the status of the production? When and where will filming begin?
Darren Jacobs: Three Agree Films is currently in pre-production on THE LION AWAKES. We’re very pleased with our progress thus far but because of legal considerations I’m not at liberty to discuss our financial overview. I can say rather boldly that we’re going to have a ‘Kickstarter’ promotion beginning very soon which will allow the film’s fan base to partner directly with us in moving the production forward – – Plus all who join us will earn unique rewards at different levels of support. I’m confident by our market research that it’s going to be a wildly successful campaign.
Filming will primarily be on location in Oxford University and we hope to shoot at the ‘Kilns’ (Jack’s home for 30 years). We are intending to shoot late summer/early fall of this year.
NW: Who will direct?
DJ: We’ve had interest from A-List directors but now we’re simply looking for the perfect match.
NW: Have any actors been cast yet?
DJ: Our first run of recent casting queries were sent for the role of C. S. Lewis; they included: Henry Cavill, Jim Sturgess, Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult and Tom Hardy. Our Attorney in the UK is Paul Renney who represented David Seidler’s screenplay THE KING’S SPEECH.
NW: According to Dr. Markos (co-screenwriter), the film takes place in 1941-1942, years before the Narnia books were written. Will Narnia be as central to the film as the title suggests?
DJ: Yes and no: THE LION can be interpreted in many ways such as the symbol of England or Winston Churchill. The time frame would indicate that Narnia plays no direct role in our story (since the first of The Chronicles THE LION, THE WITCH & THE WARDROBE was published in 1950) but the fact is that Jack Lewis started having nightmares about lions long before he even created Aslan. The point being that Jack’s Narnian Tales were born-out of a very dramatic life filled with great joy and pain. As was the same with Jack’s friend Tollers (J. R. R. Tolkien) who started his Ring Trilogy in 1937 and completed it in 1949 only to be published in 1954; a large portion of his life’s experience, whether in the trenches of the Battle of the Somme (some 60,000 men lost the first day in battle July 1916 – – more than all total casualties of the Viet Nam War) or his days teaching at Oxford ADDED great weight and depth to his Epic Masterpiece.
An author’s life’s experience only adds to their ability to create tension and drama. Having both endured two World Wars and a war-of-sorts in the arena of ideas in the Academy, both Lewis and Tolkien lived in such dramatic times and their literary work underscores what they both endured.
Let’s just say our story occurs before NARNIA, but the audience will be very pleased with the momentum towards Narnia.
NW: So much of Jack’s work is well known and respected worldwide. What made you decide to emphasize Narnia in the film?
DJ: Jack’s work is well known but in filmmaking we needed an accessible symbol and we decided to use the Lion for many reasons as explained above. Of course, one of the Trafalgar Square Lions will come into play to make my point, but you’ll have to see the movie.
[Note: Lewis compares Aslan to the Trafalgar Square lions in chapter 2 of “The Silver Chair.” -gP]
NW: Do you think the release of the three Narnia films has impacted this project in any way?
DJ: Yes, they have; in a profound way. We’ve seen the literary masterpieces adapted for film and now we can meet the most unlikely of men who actually wrote them. When I watched FINDING NEVERLAND with Johnny Depp, I now look at Peter Pan in a different light. It is the classic question: What inspires an author to create a story of such beauty & meaning? Why did they take the time and effort with painstaking detail? What spurned them on when all seemed to be lost? Films about great authors, such as MISS POTTER, always reveal that the author themselves are in some sense ‘caught’ in their own story yet have found a way creatively to be freed and share it with the world. We have done the same in our film of Jack Lewis and all his stories.
NW: What did you think about Walden Media’s three Narnia films?
DJ: For me, all three were so different in scope. THE LION, WITCH was the most magical and created a strong sense of wonder and nostalgia. It captured the feeling I always experience when I return to The Chronicles for another Narnia-reading-fest. PRINCE CASPIAN was the darkest. It reminded the audience that The Chronicles are not straight fairytales and that danger is real and around us. DAWN TREADER was the most emotional; the scene where they say goodbye made me tear-up in the theatre…and I didn’t care.
On a personal note CASPIAN missed it completely when Lucy first encountered Aslan. They changed the scene into a dream montage. In the book during all Lucy’s excuses not to follow Aslan, even though she clearly saw him, he GROWLS AT HER. The movie shows a softer side of Aslan, and I think that was its mistake. As a screenwriter I would have not only had him growl, but extend his claws, impale the turf, and pull Lucy closer. The problem is so obvious it shouldn’t even be stated: Aslan is a lion. Lions have claws and fangs and know how to use them. [Discuss!]
If I were to pen the script for my favorite of The Chronicles THE HORSE AND HIS BOY I would show Aravis being injured by Aslan. If that bothers you, I challenge you to read the BOOK again. Then see if you disagree. Besides, in CASPIAN they missed one of the greatest lines in all 7 books by omitting the growl and the dramatic tension it would have created when Lucy it told by Aslan, “Every year you grow you will find me bigger.”
I think the point is that the screenwriters need to know the books very well before they can adapt to film. Overall I was pleased but the next Narnia film has the great responsibility of staying more true to the book itself. I would love to be part of that project and I would NOT skip THE SILVER CHAIR.
NW: Who is your favorite character in The Chronicles?
DJ: My two favorite scenes in all the books are Jill Pole by the stream in THE SILVER CHAIR and SHASTA on the mountain precipice in THE HORSE AND HIS BOY. Both scenes are so endearing because of their encounter with Aslan. It is because of these two encounters that Aslan is my favorite character.
NW: What is your favorite scene in The Lion Awakes?
DJ: There are so many to choose from. Even though I co-wrote the script, I can’t wait to see the film come to life! I would have to say that Jack, Tolkien and Hugo Dyson together on Addison’s Walk in deep discussion emphasizing genuine Friendship is a scene I’ve long tried to imagine. For all the fans who understand the relevance of Jack’s encounter on Addison’s, we promise the scene will thrill you. For the fans that don’t understand, you soon will.
Darren recently said a lot more about the film on the ‘All About Jack’ podcast. (Listen here)
A concept teaser trailer is currently in the works, so stay tuned!
Discuss the film in the forum
UPDATE 3-11: Check out some highlights from the screenwriters’ recent appearances on the ‘All About Jack’ podcast:
Excellent interview. I can't say that I'm excited for this movie as of yet, but I'm definitely intrigued by it. I'm looking forward to seeing future casting choices and trailers and such! 🙂
First comment!!
My fav scenes in the books would be the end of LB, new Narnia!!!!!
great interview! I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie.
Wow! After reading that interview I'm beginning to really look forward to it. His take on the Narnia movies I appreciate too. Can't wait!!!
i've been waiting for this the moment i caught wind of it. and Tom Hardy! thats so cool 😀 i would love to see him portray Jack. i especially cant wait to see Tolkien on screen 😉 this gets me very excited, and its a nice thing for narniawebbers and all narnia fans who are in a rut because nothing is happening with the films at the moment. we can look forward to something again ^_^
Great interview. I think this film has the potential to be pretty special in the vein of Miss Potter, Becoming Jane, Finding Neverland, and, of course, Shadowlands. I *really* like the idea of a Kickstarter campaign. What a great way to get Narnia fans involved.
This film certainly sounds interesting. I'll be sure to keep an eye on it.
Okay, I'm trying too hard to be reserved. This film sounds great, and I'm excited! (Tom Hardy as Jack Lewis? Yes, please!)
His vague hints as to the plot are certainly intriguing. I'm not jumping up and down with excitement, but I am looking forward to hearing more about this movie! Also, his thoughts on Aslan's character in the books impressed me; finally, a screenwriter who understands both the good and dangerous aspects of Aslan.
If they can deliver on that promise of an "A-List" director, or manage to get any one of the star names mentioned there for the the lead role, then this will definitely get my interest… for now though i'm still not convinced. Will be intrigued to see how things develop though.
Knowing all of Henry Cavill's work, he would do an amazing job with this role! Certainly hope he gets it & you get him!
"The Lion Awakes" sounds like an amazing movie destined to be a classic. So many dimensions and so much here to love! Kudos!
We're following your social media campaign already! ♥ HCF
Oh, that's awesome. I'll defintely be seeing this in theatres. Hopefully it would get audiences interested in Narnia again just in time for the rights to be open in 2014! This is the second movie I know of based on C.S. Lewis's life, the other one being Shadowlands, which takes place after he wrote Narnia. I can't find this movie on Wikipedia or imdb though.
Cool interview! I agree that LWW is the most magical, PC the most dark, and VDT the most emotional.
I've always thought Lewis's life would be great feature film material. This film sounds intriguing and I can't wait to hear more. But really, with scenes like "Jack, Tolkien and Hugo Dyson together on Addison’s Walk in deep discussion emphasizing genuine Friendship," I don't see how I couldn't enjoy it…
Wow, this sounds so awesome! 😀
Thank you for the interview! I think this project has much potential. I've tried reading Surprised by Joy, Lewis' autobiography, but I still find it a bit hard, though from what other research, I love Lewis' own sort of journey he took to get to Narnia and his other works.
Perhaps The Lion Awakes will attract interest in C.S. Lewis once more, and might even help with any possible Narnia film… We'll see though. 🙂
Really interesting interview! Huge thanks to Darren for taking the time to give such well-written and thoughtful answers to my questions.
I completely agree that Aslan was generally too tame in the movies. However, Lucy's dream is still possibly my favorite scene in the Narnia movies. When we see the contrast between her dream and the real world, I think it brings out a deep sense of longing for Narnia to be the way it used to be. An important theme in the book conveyed visually in the film. That's basically my definition of good adaptation.
I also had a very different reaction to the beach scene at the end of VDT. I felt pretty indifferent. A cool scene from a visual standpoint, but it was not properly set up, so emotionally it landed with a hollow thud for me.
Jill’s conversation with Aslan by the stream is also one of my favorite scenes. “I have swallowed up girls and boys, women and men, kings and emperors, cities and realms.”
Why doesn't this guy direct the Narnia films?
Thank you! I agree with the Aravis thing & was also mad they made Aslan seem almost too "soft". I was also angry they made Lucy having a "dream" insted of REALLY seeing Aslan!
I don't think it's any less real than Jill's dream in SC.
No, but why couldn't Aslan come to Lucy in real life like he did in the book? They limit Aslan too much. It also downplays the faith Lucy had in him- that when he called her she came to him. Not like the dream wasn't "real" in a sense, but it is really annoying like they tried to make Aslan more…. dream-like instead of like he really came to Lucy… I don't know if I worded it right, but yeah, that's pretty much why.
I'm just glad to hear a real sreenwriter agree with my opinion that LWW was the most nostalgic and what Narnia is – magical. Definitely curious about the film; thanks for posting!
"why couldn’t Aslan come to Lucy in real life like he did in the book?"
Several reasons, some of them rather complicated. In short, this change was made for the same reason almost every change in PC was made: The filmmakers wanted to eliminate the need for an extended flashback. Works fine in the book, but would probably not work well on film. So they restructured the story…
Consequently, Aslan now first appears about one-third into the story (unlike the book where he appears near the end). It's not time for him to save the day. It also isn't time for the characters to complete their arcs yet. I think it would be weird to have Aslan appear for real…only to say "well, see you later. Don't worry, I'll be back in a few days." Having it be a dream makes it slightly less weird.
More importantly, I think they wanted to visually convey an important idea in the book: The longing for the old days. Lucy has a dream where Narnia looks the way it used to be: Brighter colors…full of life…the trees move. Then she wakes up and sees the real world… Muted…dead…unmoving. The sharp contrast emphasizes the sadness of what has happened to Narnia, and creates a sense of longing for it to be the way we remembered it in LWW.
Lewis does something very similar in the book. Lucy THINKS the trees are coming to life…and then suddenly they die down again. Different method, but the effect is essentially the same.
Also…how does appearing in a dream limit Aslan? I think that displays his power even more. Just as it did in SC.
Thanks for linking to my podcast interviews with Darren and Dr. Markos. I think readers here will especially like Darren's story of the time he spent with Douglas Gresham getting his input/feedback for the upcoming movie.
I typed the link for my site wrong; it's this:
Plus it may be helpful for those who want a direct link to Darren's interview on my site:
I'm glad for the interview and I likt how much he seems to be a Narnia fan. I am wondering if having a main theme on the advertising piece describing Tolkien challenging Lewis to write is the most reflective piece for the film because Tolkien also thought Lewis shouldn't include mythologies from our world in the Narnia series.
-I think it would be weird to have Aslan appear for real…only to say "well, see you later. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a few days."-
What? Aslan asked Lucy to follow him after she saw him. That has to do with the aspect of faith. He wasn't saying "O, here I am—BYE!" He was saying (in the book) "Here I am, follow me, and tell the others to do the same." And she did. He didn't appear just to say "See ya later!" That's not what I said.
What I mean is they make Aslan seem so … how can I explain it? It was like the film makers said, "Hey, let's try to make Aslan as unimportant as we can- just make him appear in dreams. Lucy doesn't really see him- how ridiculous!" Well, yeah Aslan appeared in dreams … but he came to them as well. How hard is it to make Lucy go meet with Aslan in the woods as the others are sleeping? That doesn't have anything to do with flash backs. In fact, making her have a dream is almost more confusing like, "Was she just having a dream, or were they making this a semi-real experience?" I dunno, having dreams about people isn't the same as being face-to-face. (Like in 1 Corinthians when it says we see through a glass dimly, but then face to face)
Thanks. I enjoy discussing things like this.
Also, Aslan appears rather soon in PC (the book), the first time when Lucy sees him at the Gorge, then when she meets with him in the woods, then while they follow him through the woods & down the ravine, then when he sends Trumpkin, Edmund, and Peter to Caspian, then he is in the rest of the book going through the town with Lucy & Susan, and then in the end coming to build the door in the air.
I can't wait for this to come out! It seems very interesting! I agree that Aslan comes out too quickly in the book (PC).Anyway we wil be able to learn so much about C.S.Lewis through this moive and I really hope that it goes well. 😀
To be clear, I don't think he appears too soon in the book. He appears just when it's time for characters to complete arcs.
In the movie, because of the restructuring, this scene takes place about one-third into the story. Characters are not "ready" to complete arcs yet. They needed to delay Aslan's full appearance.
I quite enjoyed both interviews. 🙂
Great News!
can't wait to see it in the big screen!
However, I'm really longing to see Narnia in the big screen again!
Anyways, never loose hope for Narnia 4!
as for, The Lion Awakes-the movie, I will really support the film!
The flashback I am referring to is the 4-chapter flashback that explains Caspian's backstory in the book. The filmmakers wanted to eliminate the need for that flashback, so they restructured the story so it could be told chronologically. Consequently, in the movie Aslan appears much earlier in the story…
In the book, when Aslan appears for the first time, Caspian has already fought several battles. In the movie, he has fought ZERO battles. This is due to the story being restructured to eliminate the 4-chapter flashback.
In the book, Aslan arrives and stays with the kids until the battle is won. Imagine that happening in the movie's timeline. Caspian would not have fought any battles. Peter would not have learned to seek out Aslan before Aslan appeared. It’s the wrong time for Aslan to fully appear.
In the book, Aslan arrives NEAR THE END of the story. In the movie, Aslan arrives about ONE-THIRD into the story. It’s not time for the climax yet.
Did you feel Aslan felt limited in 'The Silver Chair' when he appeared to Jill in a dream? I felt pretty awed by his power to enter Jill's dreams. I can't do that, can you?
No. Aslan does not appear in the END of the book. He appears right after the Pevensies & Trumpkin start their journey. Don't you remember that? He is seen by Lucy when they are at the Gorge (which is just slightly more than half way through the book), and then she goes and meets him, and she gets the others to follow him. Then they met with Aslan..Then Edmund, Trumpkin & Peter went to help Caspian. Aslan is then pretty much in the rest of the book.
Ummm…..First of all the whole thing about "Peter would not have learned to seek out Aslan before Aslan appeared" is pretty bizarre, as seeing that Peter had no such attitude in the book. IN fact, the reason Peter called the duel between him & Miraz was to buy time until ASLAN did something. IN the book, they were completely dependent on Aslan to "save the day." In the movie, Peter was totally interested in saving the day himself, not in waiting on Aslan.
The chronological order of the movie would have been fine, but they completely made it SUPER confusing instead of easy to follow. First off (in the movie), Trumpkin was captured at the same time Prince Caspian came to them, so Trumpkin had no IDEA about who Caspian was, or what his story was, so how could he tell the Pevensies Caspian needed help? The choppiness of the movie made it way more confusing for people who have not read the books to understand.
And no, I do not think that the dream in the Silver Chair "limited" Aslan, and I don't doubt that Jill's dream could not have been "real." The point I am making is simply this: IN the book, Lucy met Aslan in real life- why change it to a dream?- in the Silver Chair, Aslan spoke to Jill through a "dream" (regardless if it really wasn't "a dream"). Why change it? He came to them in different ways. It seems like that the film makers were just trying to make the scene less important by making it a "dream." I mean, what do you find more influencing on you? A dream you had, or a face-to-face incounter? I mean…It just doesn't make sense to me in this case. (And I am NOT NOT NOT saying because you can't see God, He's less real. I am just saying that it seemed the film makers were downplaying that scene. You can see the evidence of God- his handiwork, and his plan. But when we finally meet God face to face- that will be incredible. In this case, in the book it is much different, since they incounter Aslan face to face a few times.) As I said, I think the filmakers were trying to downplay it.
And again, I'm not saying God can't reveal things in dreams & visions, because He revealed many things in the Bible this way. I'm simply saying that (if you're thinking why the film makers did it) that they wanted to replace a real enocunter with simply a dream.
I think we need to move this discussion to the forum soon.
In my comment, I was referring to the movie regarding Peter's arc. (But he has essentially the same arc in the book. I would encourage you to go back and re-read PC)
In terms of plot points, Aslan appears near the end of the PC book. He certainly appears MUCH later in the book than in the film.
When Aslan appears in the book, Caspian has been fighting for a long time and the story is nearing its climax. When Aslan appears in the movie, Caspian has not fought a single battle and the second act hasn't even begun yet. This is due to the restructuring.
I believe you are oversimplifying a rather complex issue.
I don't think I really need to re-read PC to discuss this issue. I know the story pretty well myself. Which is why I am defending the book. And I know, from the book, that Peter does not have the same attitude in the book as he does in the movie. At first, Peter was a little doubtful that Lucy saw Aslan, but after a while of them following Aslan, Peter sees him as well. He then apologizes to Aslan for having lead the others wrong. That is the only bad decision Peter makes—he does not have the same attitude as he did in the movie.
I do not understand in what way I am simplifying this. Please explain…Because I already explained that I thought because they made it a dream they simplified it, and you are saying I am simplifying the dream aspect, and I don't understand what you mean. I acknowledged both could be important, but that the reason they made Lucy have a dream seemed like a downplay to me.
Man! I totally agree with this dude!!!!
He's awesome! I'm getting SO excited about the Lion Awakes.
I really want to see Narnia in the big screen!!
Why does an A-list director or star actor matter so much? What I love about the Narnia films is that for the Pevensies, they found actors nobody knew. I prefer finding the right person for a role rather than them having star quality. It should be about the project and working as a team.
I completely agree about Aslan! Wouldn't it be exciting if he adapted SC and MN in the near future? 🙂
I would love to see Jonathan Firth play Tolkien!
Why couldn't Darren Scott Jacobs be our Narnia scriptwriter? I feel he would do a much better job with the Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Prince Caspian (eliminating the kiss and such.)
Wow. Great interview. Hope the series continues under a new director.
In movie PC Aslan tells Lucy "Every year you grow so shall I." I don't think they had Aslan say it like "Every year you grow. So shall I" implying "Oh everything grows. You, Me, the trees, …" I think Aslans says "Every year you grow, so shall I" implying "Every year you grow, you will see me bigger", meaning even though he hasn't physicaly grown, Lucy see's Him bigger because of her faith. (Look at the different punctuation between the two sentences. You might see my point more clearly)
By the way, great interview guys!
He was kind…the dream sequence with Aslan in PC was 'look away' bad…in the book it is extremely magical; the movie…blech…
hello .My name is Selin.I£m a Turksh .I love narnia,i love skandar (edmund) , i love Aslan
HA! Agreed. No smooching would be better…
I agree with you about what Aslan says in the movie in PC.
All though the LWW is my favorite movie of the series and arguably my fav. movie they had a glitch in that one too.
When Aslan is talking to Peter about the prophecy and Cair Paravel. Aslan made a statement that I don't agree with. He said that there is a magic that governs all of our fates including His. Um, didn't he create the world of Narnia? I mean he made rules and like God he has to go by those rule or else he would be called a hypocrite. But I don't think there is a magic that governs the FATE of the Creator of Narnia.
Sorry, it just seems the same as in PC. A contradiction.
Don't get me wrong, I think that LWW was near perfection and that was one of the few glitches. 🙂
Hi! I love them all too!
I think they wrote that line because it sounded nice. Not because it made any sense. Every time I watch the movie, I half expect Peter to respond "….uh….what?"
Is NarniaWeb going to do any articles relating to the books while we wait through this moratorium? There was talk of doing analyses of the books or something like that.
Hm…..Iiinteresting…I would like to see this movie, will it air int he US too???
Hello, friend. I am Thee Narnian Meerkat. Welcome to Narniaweb!
Though for real life I am a girl, my name is named after my made up talking meerkat in Narnia named Meerephy, a Narnian Knight. ^_^
"Um, Aslan, er, what exactly is that supposed to mean?" lol
Yeah. In a different line in movie PC Aslans say "We can never know what would have happened . . ." Don't you mean YOU can never know what would have happened, Aslan? 🙂
I 100% agree
I think that line was misinterpreted too. I think the way he meant it was having himself on the same level of the kids. too many missenturpreted lines from Aslan in that movie.
Yeah, that would be a good idea for Narniaweb.
OH WOW! This is gonna be AWESOME I CANT WAIT! =) I love C.S Lewis!