Vote For Your Favorite Scene in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’

Walden Media’s film adaptation of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” began its theatrical run on December 9, 2005… six years ago today! It would ultimately gross $745 Million worldwide.

To commemorate the film’s anniversary, we are asking NarniaWebbers to vote for their favorite scene in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The poll will close on December 24, and the winner will be revealed on the 31st.

Remember, you have until December 24… so take some time to think it over before voting.

Vote here (If you check more than three scenes, your submission will later be deleted. Please only submit one set of votes).
UPDATE: The poll is closed. Check back on the 31st to see the results.

242 Responses

  1. ILovegeorgie says:

    That sucks! πŸ™ well in austraila we NEVER have anything narnian at ALL! ..ever.. so your pretty lucky!

  2. ally says:

    Sorry! im on a asian computer!

  3. ally says:

    Just out of curiosity.. How many of you guys want a re-do of the narnia series..? (even tho they might never find as good actors..?)

  4. ally says:

    Come back…narnia..

  5. ally says:

    I LOVE! the opening credits! it's magical!

  6. ally says:

    OMG! im flying to malaysia now! and theres some sort of natural disaster approaching there and wer'e all in warning! help! πŸ™

  7. Dylan says:

    I vote no re-do.

  8. Christine says:

    To me, LWW is the best out of all. Best score and closest to the book. Then PC and DT. So, either they're going to keep going down hill, or Sc or MN will raise second or third best or first (if they ever make it). One of my favorite scene is when Lucy finds the wardobe and goes into narnia and meets Tumnus. Its breath taking.

  9. I really like *most* of the actors they have for Narnia, so it would be really hard to ever replace them. But if it meant more faithful adaptions, I'd say yes, a re-do!

  10. ally says:

    I vote redo! x just to see what its like!

  11. ally says:

    It's all good, πŸ™‚ … Now..

  12. ally says:

    wheres everybody gone..?

  13. Anhun says:

    Holiday shopping

  14. Dylan says:

    Like nic said, I'm sure you don't need telling…..

  15. Gilglad says:

    how do you have that much time? I've seen the movie maybe four or five times, that was enough.

  16. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Well I'm counting on them being remade in a few years or at the most ten years. I mean come on…they've remade Spider Man already and it wasn't really ten years. Besides Narnia is viewed world wide as one of the largest movie franchises. They have made remakes of almost everything else why not Narnia? Especially considering it's popularity as books. πŸ˜‰
    And plus it's only logic for movie makers…they know they made a mistake though they still don't get it but they know it was their fault not the stories'.

  17. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Floored Me like only Narnia can…

  18. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Amen…if it meant for faithfulness to the books I vote REDO!
    I just don't see any way around it…and it would be fun to see a different interpretation of the books (by going with the books with PC and VDT)
    ;)… :)… πŸ˜€

  19. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Narnia something please hurry…I'm dying here…remake Narnia or keep going, just do something!!!!

  20. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    By the way what do you do to put a picture on your little box??? I know Dylan figured it out but how? πŸ˜‰

  21. Dylan says:

    Its a site called

  22. True. If VDT seemed almost to be made of scenes chopped and crammed together instead of a whole flowing story…at least that how it comes across.

  23. farsight-mssngr says:

    Is there any news about the fourth Narnia film? Walden should renew their contract with C.S.L. estate and begin filming narnia 4. Whatever the case, I just wanted to see Narnia again in the big-screen!

  24. vita hindin says:

    yeah i love that movie i realy love end bit because they find themselves in england again i just realy love the books

  25. Yes, faithfulness is a biggy for me πŸ™‚

  26. Jenn1 says:

    Actually NarniaWeb had something up on Oct about Walden's contract as expired. It was confirmed by Douglas Gresham C.S. Lewis' stepson, who would love to see all the Narnia films on screen so would I. He also is the co-producer of the films as well. They hope to film another one in three or four years. That was back in Oct I believe if you go under Narnia Movie News than Douglas Gresham on Future Narnia Films.

  27. ally says:

    haha, Christmaasss! πŸ™‚

  28. ally says:

    It's been really great .. apart from the smells… haha πŸ˜€

  29. Narnia- Coordinator. says:

    Everybody grab a partner! eg.
    -Aslans #1 Fan & Jenn1
    -Ally & Dylan
    -nic & ILovegeorgie
    -farsight-mssngr & Anhun
    You guys get the picture ask someone to be your partner
    Base it on who you think has same Loving of narnia, and thinks the same as you! I read the comments and picked a few that i thought had something in common, πŸ™‚ goodluck!

  30. what are you talking about?

  31. WillowofNarnia says:

    Okay, thanks! πŸ˜€

  32. WillowofNarnia says:

    Oh it was so hard to choose! There are scenes that aren't my favorite, so those I obviously didn't pick, but most of the scenes I LOVE!! It was so hard to choose just 3… πŸ™‚

  33. Riklionheart says:

    My favorite scene is when petter is looking at Cair Paravel in the distance.

  34. Sophie says:

    I cant decide that, its to difficult. Every scene is even fun and I love all the scenes with Lucy ( and specially with mr. Tumnus. I think I would chose the scene with mr. Tumnus and Lucy and the end, when Tumnus says: It's not a tam (no idea how you write that) lion, you know.

  35. Sophie says:

    But the scene when Lucy see Narnia for the first time is, I think, my favorite scene too!

  36. Dylan says:


  37. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Faithfulness would be really nice…but just going with the flow of the story is good enough plus going with the main points of the books. You can get to ungrateful otherwise…I mean I heard of people complaining that LotR was to far away from the books!!! If any movie makers did good on that it was Peter Jackson. Yes it wasn't perfect but it went with the heart of the story.

  38. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Yes that is a wonderful scene…just put an 'E' at the end of 'Tam' and you'll be good! ;D

  39. yeah, lotr followed the main story well. Narnia did NOT at all. They completely changed the plot. Really annoying…

  40. Pretty neat scene! It is breathtaking…..When he come walking up in front of the sun….:) Makes you think of Christ, huh?

  41. Dylan says:

    Lion Witch and Wardrobe stuck to the plot, Prince Caspian at least had the plot somewhat correct, but what happened to VDT???? Lewis is rolling in his grave right now…..

  42. Gabriel says:

    Tumnus restored–best scene ever in the whole series.

  43. farsight-mssngr says:

    The best scene of LWW is each and every scene that they made the beloved masterpiece came to life and made it a blockbuster hit!

  44. Zanna says:

    Just watched PC with commentary last night! Hilarious! if you can, watch LWTW wit commentary. all of the kids who play the Pevensies are REALLY funny to listen to πŸ™‚

  45. susan says:

    totally agree with you! i watched it recently and laughed the whole time πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  46. ally says:

    Even if just one scene wasn't put in! it jusst wouldn't be narnia! πŸ™‚

  47. ally says:

    Both PC and LWW commentary's! are amaaazingly hilariouss! It's a shame they diddn't do one for VDT it would have been awesome! :)))

  48. ally says:

    Me and Dylan..? maybe ..:)

  49. Reepicheeps Archer:) says:

    Hi, Could you please tell me what channel Prince Caspian comes on and if you do know when?

  50. Reepicheeps Archer:) says:

    My 3 favorite scences would have to be
    1 When Lucy first steps into Narnia And meets Tumnus
    2 When Edmund gets pushed down by peter when Ed is making Lucy upset by teasing her about Narnia
    And 3 (My ultimate favorite scene in the whole movie:) 3 when Aslan pounces on Jadis And kills her by eating her face off!!

  51. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    (Laughing) That's awesome!! Ha…Yeah those are very good scenes. My fav. though would probably be the final battle, and the whole end part. πŸ™‚

  52. Puzzle2005 says:

    Ei! I missed this poll all because of the busy Christmas holidays!
    Anyway, my bet for best scene in LWWW will always be those scenes involving Lucy (Georgie Henley) entering the spare room for the first time and eventually discovering what's inside that wardrobe.

  53. QueenLucyTheVallient says:

    I missed the poll too! =(

  54. vita hindin says:

    i watched the movie about 400 times but wait theres more and there are 4 things would like point out 1 i am a huge narina fan 2 iam alergicg to peanuts 3 i am left handed and 4 iam 8 years old and i have more to tell you my pets are 1 i used to have a fish i was alegig to them i haad to give away and now i have a cat

  55. Aslan's #1 fan says:


    My other fav scene is when Lucy finds the Wardrobe for the first time.

  56. Achmad Nur Fajriangi says:

    I think my favorit scene is Final Battle …
    When Edmund and ally shooting fire phoenix arrow …
    it was amaizing …
    and formation aslan team is awesome …
    when they take spear in the front …
    it was amaizing battle …
    i ever watch …

  57. Evitacha says:

    I love NARNIA… amaizing … peter first king in NARNIA, He's Handsome

  58. Evitacha says:

    ouhww love…

  59. Ali says:

    I love narnia very much.I want one more narnia agin. I want narnia 4