Vote For Your Favorite Scene in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’

Walden Media’s film adaptation of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” began its theatrical run on December 9, 2005… six years ago today! It would ultimately gross $745 Million worldwide.

To commemorate the film’s anniversary, we are asking NarniaWebbers to vote for their favorite scene in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The poll will close on December 24, and the winner will be revealed on the 31st.

Remember, you have until December 24… so take some time to think it over before voting.

Vote here (If you check more than three scenes, your submission will later be deleted. Please only submit one set of votes).
UPDATE: The poll is closed. Check back on the 31st to see the results.

242 Responses

  1. Dylan says:

    Thats excatlly how to choose lol!

  2. QueenLucytheValient says:

    And I thought that my 12 viewings were a lot! πŸ™‚ I guess that I have alotof catching up to do πŸ™‚

  3. Jenn1 says:

    I only skimmed some of the replies, I'd be here for a hour reading otherwise. πŸ™‚

    As for the scenes, *I did this the other day* Train scene, music mostly, and actually, the DVD that had the extended edition made it even more touching to me. Tummus and Edmund jail scene, although that was never canon, I was actually glad it was in the movie, of course, at first when I saw it, no, but after seeing it, it become one of my favorite scenes. *I know some nitpicked with the movies VS books seeing the movies. I do that least the first time. and the last one, would have to be Aslan's resurrection. *don't think I really need to explain that one?

    As for the movies keeping to the books, I would have to say LWW was the closest. VDT would have to come to close second, though, to me, I felt they through the book up in the air and made it into a jig saw puzzle, at least that's just my POV. PC though it was a decent movie, and again speaking as fan, but it could have done alot better. Also depending how and hoping 'when' they do the other movies if PC will be the 'worst' of the series. HHB or even MN may not do so well, but they could surprise us. Of course… I hope that won't be SC or LB for they are my favorite of the series, seeing Eustace and Jill are my favorite characters.

    One favorite moment in VDT was the time was mostly the ending before everyone comes back to this world. Eustace was saying farewell to Reepicheep, that just, nearly had me crying, for they really won't see each other until they reach Aslan's country in LB. But of course I think what really stole the end was Aslan's famous words he said, knowing him in their/our world as they had got to know him in Naria, so glad they kept that in. And of course Lucy turning back to embrace Aslan. It just really really makes me want to see The Last Battle on the big screen, for it was my favorite of the series.

  4. nic says:

    If skip the final big battle just after catapults start slinging to next chapter of Lucy finding Aslan, Prince Caspian is masterpiece of the film adaptions hands down πŸ™‚ – & trees coming alive into battle is goosebumps!

  5. nic says:

    The Narnia adaptions are very different to LOTR.

    Superficially they are the same genre, but after that an entirely different kettle of fish. Using a fantasy game analogy for the films – on a whole -, LOTR is more hack & slash type epic fantasy game where as Narnia is more a fantasy strategy epic type game, that's how different they are as film adaptions. Both type of games have their fans who really like that particular style, same as for the films, can't truely say one fan likes one style better than another likes the other.

  6. Gilglad says:

    Again, films were ok as films. As adaptations, not so much. @nic. I'm having a little trouble understanding your analogy. I like both books greatly. Narnia is a more elemetry style book than LOTR, but that doesn't mean the quality of adaptation has to be forsaken. We are not arguing which is better, books or films, we are arguing over the quality of the adaptation. LOTR is far superior in adaptation quality, and I would be thrilled if Narnia films could match it. That said, I'm in favor or a rebut, hopefully and "adaptation" instead of a "based off of".

  7. susan says:

    I voted kids practising archery and sword fighting, Edmund healed and coronation.
    I love the whole movie though. I've watched in 30 times!!!!

  8. Dylan says:

    Wow, thats a lot of times, I dont think Ive watched any movie that many times, and even if so I dont think Id care to count…….

  9. Dylan says:

    How do you keep track lol?

  10. Dylan says:

    nic's analogy really proved to me that LOTR and Narnia simply should not be compared. The movies are completely different, and even more so with the books. Yes, the genre is the same, but theres a pretty wide gap between both of them in that genre.

  11. nic says:

    Hi Gilglad

    For a book experience or whatnot, go with the original material is a often problem for audiences involved in movies that are not entirely original . Beyond the stylistics interpretations, LOTR films made some very big changes from recollection -without getting into their cons or pros – which were not like the books at all. How does this not make them 'based on', which from what i can gather, is where you are coming from?

    As a book fan, i like the variations on the Narnia films from text, it adds an extra area of fun in being able to compare and see how it relates – or not – to the book although for the most part the changes do have connections to the stories in the book and that gives depth to a book fan. LW&W variations were more small shadings of the characters, like the river scene & Peter's hesitancy as opposed to the powerful Narnian King he has become by end of film. PC's variations were more related to deeper themes of the novel and what i have liked the most. VODT was in two minds about where it was coming from, but had additions like the Green Mist which had elements of being a great cinematic idea in relation to the themes of VODT to the other themes in the sequence of the Narnia chronicle narratives, but which wasn't realised to full potential. It had other changes which were less inspired & interesting as relates to the books (& consequently previous two films) though, so i would know where you are coming from to that i suppose.

    Again there is difference between say, book & film medium of experience, & both LOTR & Narnia have had sequences of events plotted diff. to those in the books. I don't think that is important, more how it relates to an involving movie that complements the books is what counts.

    Respectfully Nic.

  12. HQSB says:

    i love the scene when they first walk into aslan's camp, i love all the medevial tents with the banners flying and when they first meet aslan and everyone bows. it gives me the chills!

  13. HQSB says:

    ps I just saw the LWW professional stage play! awesome!!! they have photos of the production online now-

  14. nic says:

    I just wanna do a quick post about Themes of the Chronicles, so what i was trying to mean abit more in above post.

    For VODT novel, to me, one of the main themes is Lucy's journey & experience is of knowing Aslan now she is older – and as a main theme of the film Georgie Henley would have carried it exceptionally well. But the addition added of the Green Mist, could have been amazing theme also in relation to entire chronicles.

    PC theme book & movie is about the hearts of man becoming corrupted – in film even Peter & Caspian had troubles with this before conquering it in film. So by VODT, a theme not developed but hinted at is that as Prince Caspian is now King, this problem in Narnia has had to find something else since Narnia is restored under Caspian. So it became the Green Mist, taking a more supernatural guise. After this is defeated in VODT, it becomes Lady of the Green Kirtle for SC – BUT VODT Green Mist is set up to be spell of LoGK, but thematically for overall cinematic Chronicles it makes sense as taking form as her, after it's defeat from VODT, meaning Green Mist wasn't her spell in VODT & she didn't exist then.

    This relates to Magician's Nephew, & thematically the whole backstory of Charn, which in the book is the origin of Narnia's corruption before is was a day old in Aslan creating the world. In LW&W for the Chronicles, it is the establishing of the rule of the High Kings & Queens in the Golden Age, thematically, the corruption that originated in Charn has been banished permanently in that era.

    Horse & His Boy, while my favourite story, is a side story of the Golden Age and not related to the overall sweep of the themes in the ages of Narnia. The Last Battle though, is the culmination of all of the themes in the journey through all the different ages of Narnia.

    This is a main thematic thread that is there in the novels and for the most part in the first three films to date. thanks, πŸ™‚

  15. Anhun says:

    I still say that to describe PC and VDT as "nothing like the books" is more than a bit of a stretch. In the case of PC, it has me wondering how long its been since Dylan actually read the book. The movie had most of the same plot points and themes, but it was restructured to make it more cinematic.

    When you're reading a book, everything is told to you, so it doesn't make a difference if a large chunk of the book is told in flashback. In a movie its better to show things, so it made more sense to reorganize and tell things chronologically. Yes, they stuck in some filler material. They did the same thing with LWW, though.

  16. Dylan says:

    I was actually wrong on that part about PC, yes it was differemt then the book, but it was not completely different. They kept it basicallly the same.

  17. Dylan says:

    Actually the green mist-LotGK connection might be interesting if they made Silver Chair. I'm not a huge fan of how they added the mist in the movie, but that actually makes sense. Maybe they meant for Silver Chair to be the sequel to VDT.

  18. Aslan's BFF says:

    Oh yeah! I loved how Georgie screamed. Not in the book but definitely realistic. Did you see the behind-the-scenes of how they shot that scene?

  19. Gilglad says:

    Nic, I'm not even going to get into the changes of the other two films, so lets focus on LWW. Your whole argument about themes backs up the point of "based off of", which keeps the general themes. LOTR made some changes, yes, but non of the changes effected the story or weakened the impact or excitement because of it. Narnia did. "Adaptation" is translation form book to screen, LOTR did that. Narnia didn't, so it falls into the category of "based off of". So lets stop arguing about which is a better film (LOTR wins) and start to understand that faithful translation is the key, to a truly great film.

  20. Gilglad says:

    I would also like to through in the point that my brother hasn't even seen VDT because hes scared of how bad they messed that one up

  21. Gilglad says:

    @Anhun. Your statement makes me wonder the same. Yes, for the sake of the PC there was restructuring. We get that. But there were also some major plot turns, additions, and subtractions, that did not appear in the book. Same for VDT. A lot of them were unnecessary. The books were great, people loved them! So why change what the people love? so you can make a buck? we have seen how well that worked out

  22. Brock says:

    I love the whole movie, but my favorite scenes are 1) when the train leaves with the opening credits, 2) Lucy going into the wardrobe for the second time at night, and 3) Aslan's death. The first two are just so magical and the music is so awesome and it makes my heart swell up. The last is the hardest to watch, but sooooooo well-done.

  23. Dylan says:

    OKay, for one thing, can we stop insulting each other? And another, at Gilglad is right, there was quite a bit of differences from book to big screen. When I said PC was completely different from the book, I meant that stuff was left out, and added in. And too much stuff. At least Prince Caspian had the same goal of the book, while as VDT had a completely different goal and plot.

  24. Dylan says:

    Ha! I dont blame him…..

  25. Dylan says:

    I wish they could re do Voyage, with this: VDT – Michael Apted + Andrew Adamson – David Arnold + Harry Gregson Williams – 20th Century fox + Disney – green mist= My idea of a good movie.

  26. susan says:

    πŸ™ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ >:(

  27. Dylan says:

    ? πŸ™‚

  28. Braden Woodburn says:

    Mine is the first time Lucy finds the wardrobe. Why? Because from that moment on, there is a big long adventure that awaits her, her sister, and two brothers. Knowing where that wardrobe came from and how a ordinary little girl discovers it and it's magic into a new world where the Pevensies would be crowned as kings and queens.

  29. ally says:

    Now that would be cool! πŸ™‚

  30. ally says:

    Nice strat! I'll Trey ittt!@

  31. ally says:

    haha Thats awesome! I think im only up to about 25 times! πŸ™‚

  32. ally says:

    Try* πŸ™‚

  33. ally says:

    It would be cool if they actually did that! πŸ™‚

  34. ally says:

    Guess what? IM IN ASIA ON HOLIDAYS!!

  35. ally says:

    BUT! thank god theres internet cafe's!!

  36. Anhun says:

    @Dylan: You do know that when Disney was on board, they wanted to cut the production budget to 100 mil, and the people were going to be sacrificed to a green snake head, instead of a green mist? The film climax was going to be an under-water battle scene.

    That being said, Disney movies tend to have less severe editing. A Disney VDT would likely have had better story-telling, even with relatively cheap special effects and an even lower level of fidelity to the books.

  37. Wow…I've seen it too many times to count… But I've only seen Prince Caspian 3 or so times and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader…5 or so times…But LWW I've seen….TONS of times….

  38. Dylan says:

    Disney would have done a better job.

  39. Dylan says:

    Hmmm…. Its almost completely the opposite for me, I've seen Prince Caspian at least 10 or more times, and Voyage of the Dawn TReader maybe like 6 or 7, but the one Ive seen the least is LWW. I think its because Prince Caspian is on tv often, and Voyage is almost always on HBO or HBO family, so maybe thats why πŸ˜€

  40. Dylan says:

    Start? πŸ˜€

  41. Dylan says:

    Or was it Strat?

  42. Dylan says:

    Yeesh, thats obsessive……..

  43. Dylan says:

    Have fun in Asia!

  44. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Man…I love the first one. It's so hard to make a chose but hey it's ALL Narnia right?! πŸ™‚

    Now when they remake Narnia I don't know how they'll trump this one. Though the others need it. I like them still though. πŸ˜‰

  45. ally says:

    haha πŸ™‚

  46. ally says:

    Thankks dylan! πŸ™‚

  47. Really? Haha. Yeah. But I think LWW plays on the Disney channel every once and a while. But I own LWW & VODT but not PC, so that is the one I have seen the least. Is PC your favorite? Or LWW?

  48. Dylan says:

    I like PC alot but I have to go with LWW.

  49. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    Excuse me!!!!!!! LWW is absolutely AMAZING! You are crazy! It is the best movie EVER!

  50. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    I was just at a mall that had that Narnia mall display last year and it had the exact same palace, but with no Narnia. πŸ™ It was kind of sad. I can't believe that was a year ago.

  51. Yeah LWW is really the only one I like. It's just so much more Nariaish than the other two.

  52. When they remake them? That's not for certain yet.

  53. Dylan says:

    Srry Aslans #1 fan, I dont think there being remade any time soon.

  54. Dylan says:

    I know what you mean, it really had the spirit of Narnia in the film. PC was alright too, its just Peter and his bratiness that made me hate it.

  55. nic says:

    Have a good holiday there Ally, but i'm sure you don't need telling!

  56. Fireflower says:

    DITTO! That's what I think too!

  57. =( I was so disappointed in Peter. William Moseley is a great actor, and I just wish they would have given him a better part. That type of attitude was just NOT Peter…the farthest from!

  58. ally says:

    Thanks! it a long way from america! πŸ™‚

  59. ally says:

    It's* sorry asian computers! πŸ™‚

  60. ally says:

    I honestly don't want them to remake them only b'cos they will never find greater actors/actresses then the four pevensies! But it would VERY interesting to see how they improve it and the people they choose for all the roles! Oh great… now youv'e got me all excited about them maybe making another one! πŸ™