Vote For Your Favorite Scene in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’

Walden Media’s film adaptation of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” began its theatrical run on December 9, 2005… six years ago today! It would ultimately gross $745 Million worldwide.

To commemorate the film’s anniversary, we are asking NarniaWebbers to vote for their favorite scene in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The poll will close on December 24, and the winner will be revealed on the 31st.

Remember, you have until December 24… so take some time to think it over before voting.

Vote here (If you check more than three scenes, your submission will later be deleted. Please only submit one set of votes).
UPDATE: The poll is closed. Check back on the 31st to see the results.

242 Responses

  1. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    Today Narnia 3 is 1 year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

  2. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    "It's been a year. How long do they expect us to wait?"

  3. Anhun says:

    I can't even fathom that. I feel like I'm still in the initial phase of reacting to VDT.

  4. Dylan says:

    Nice quote, but I don't think we are returning to Narnia any time soon :(………

  5. Dylan says:

    I feel the same, reality hasn't quite set in yet.

  6. Thee Narnian Meerkat says:

    Hmmm, I wonder who's going to win and exactly WHAT we'll win…Or is this just a for fun thing? ^_^ Wow…SIX years….I even wrote it on my calender…And today is one year since VDT came out in theaters (in the US)…

  7. Thee Narnian Meerkat says:

    DON'T SAY THAT!!!!! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  8. Thee Narnian Meerkat says:


  9. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    Yeah, months ago I thought it would be appropriate on the Narnia 3 anniversery to quote Peter from Narnia 2 regarding news of another Narnia film. We'll just have to wait. "It'll probably happen when we're not looking for it."

  10. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    It feels so long ago and yet not long at all. Not as much for Narnia 1 though, at least for me. That feels like it's been out for a long time.

  11. Dylan says:

    Yeah, Narnia 1 was quite some time ago, but I still feel like VDT was released like last week.

  12. Dylan says:

    I really don't know, but what he said sounds likely.

  13. Dylan says:

    No other way to put it dude.

  14. ISlayDragons says:

    One of my favorites is actually the scene where Aslan dies. It was so well filmed that I almost cried; it gets me every single time. Also, the reason he is dying is super impactful and makes me love him even more (and I also know he won't be dead forever); but I think it is one of the most powerful scenes in the movie. The movie as a whole was amazing, but this scene truly tugs at my heart because I don't want him to die, but I also know why he's choosing to do so. This scene reveals so much about Aslan's character.

  15. nic says:

    When the Centaur (Orious?) goes to save Peter at its own expense is very involving, the whole end battle is great but the extended version is even better – a contrast to end battle in PC for me which i find parts of too cliche/too long & out of sync with movie & i skip it even though i still like PC movie best –

    Also the charge of each side going into each other and suspended moments just before they started tearing into each other was pretty cool.

  16. Dylan says:

    I love that scene.

  17. nic says:

    The main theme of Lion Witch & Wardrobe is the return of innocence to Narnia

  18. ILovegeorgie says:

    I know exactly what I'm Picking!!! Which one you ask? THE BATTELE SCENCE of course!!!!!
    Ok well I don't think anyone here knows me? I'm ILovegergie πŸ™‚
    I LOVE narnia and last year I came on this site everyday! well the Jill Pole page b'cos I really wanna audition For JILL POLE!
    I Would give ANYTHING to be her!But anyway.. The battle scene is by faaaar my favourite b'cos it leaves you sitting on the side of your seat! it;s intence and that what I love πŸ™‚ btw does anyone know the chances of auditioning for Jill?

  19. ILovegeorgie says:

    Oh!, and the opening credits were amaaazing! spesshh the music it was perfect! It had the whole magical feel! πŸ™‚

  20. Skilletdude says:

    In my opinion, it's a stretch to call LWW a masterpiece unless we're talking about the book. It was a decent start for the movie series but it sure went downhill from there.

  21. ILovegeorgie says:


  22. ILovegeorgie says:

    ^Exacctly! LWW was carried out better then all of them!. And also personally I can't see what's wrong with the other two asswell? , I mean to me they were nothing short of amazing!. I don't get why people say that they were bad , and nothing like the book?

  23. Dylan says:

    It might help if you actually READ the book. And yes, if you do, Caspian and Voyage are absolutely nothing like the book. But I like them, regardless, PC more so then Dawn Treader.

  24. Gilglad says:

    i like to compare Lord of the Rings adaptations to the Narnia adaptations. Its sad. The love that went into LOTR is incredible. They Narnia crew did not match it. What's up with the water fall sense? the battle sense? the White Whitch looks nothing like she was described in the book? the entire sequence of how they discovered the Narnia was changed. They CHANGED to many thing to make a good adaptation. Non of the movies did the books justice.

  25. Dylan says:

    Well heres the deal with comparing LOTR and Narnia, they are completely different series, the movies, the books, everything has a completely different tone. Yes, the love that was put into LOTR was amazing, the only movie in the Narnia series that really seamed like the love was there. Now as far as the battle sequences go, I have to complement the sequence for the battle in Lion the Witch and the WArdrobe, it was paced well and it wasnt random fighting like LOTR seemed to be.

  26. ILovegeorgie says:

    LWW was my favourite book and in my personal opionion they stood truer to the book then they did with the other two..Prince caspian …Just wasn't and VDT was The same..But they were still amazing!
    @ Dylan, if that comment was for me..?I have read the books all of them.. Even tho they weren't "perfect" I Still love all of them with all my heart. πŸ™‚

  27. AJAiken says:

    This was tough … I have several favourite moments in the film, many more than three, and there's no way I can select all of them. So I went for the three scenes that are the most special overall, and for me that's the train journey with the credits, Lucy entering the wardrobe (and Narnia, for the first time), and the end coronation. I think they're the most Narnian scenes in the whole movie.

  28. EdmundandLucy says:

    But if I had to pick one the battle scene had this pure epicness about it,!

  29. ILoveGeorgie says:

    The opening credits were amazing!
    – you could feel the magic of narnia
    – The Music was incredible
    – The train was PERFECT
    – and Just seeing the actors/actresses names coming up was awesome!
    It was VERY well done! πŸ™‚

  30. Thee Narnian Meerkat says:

    Yes, me too, just because it was so epic, and the most important scene…

  31. Dylan says:

    To quote you "I dont see why everybody thinks they were bad, and nothing like the book". Well, yes that was aimed at you, but not in a rude way (sorry if it came across that way). But what Im saying is this, not that VDT and PC were bad, they were just nothing like the books at all.

  32. DaughterofAslan'sCountry says:

    Oh, how to pick scene! I think this is this the hardest movie to choose from, because many of the scenes are defining Narnia scenes.

  33. ILovegeorgie says:

    Sorry..What I meant was..That I thought all three movies, were true enough to the book that can be excpected, I mean it's not actually easy to keep a movie like the book, there could be multiple problems that could arsise and they diddn't have a choice to change it for all we know, And the "I don't get why people thought they were bad" was b'cos To me it's a movie based on a book and it diddn't really bother me that the two were't exactly the same. πŸ˜€

  34. ally says:

    I Can't choose!, hass anyone got any suggestions on what i should base my vote on..?

  35. ally says:

    Omg! EXACTLY!

  36. ally says:

    I found that scene to have a real narnia spirit about it. πŸ™‚

  37. ally says:

    I think it's only for fun and to determine what scene we like the best? ,

  38. ally says:

    I had to go to the cinemasss to see it ATLEAST 5 times!! <3 πŸ™‚

  39. ally says:

    Sorry!, wrong reply to a comment! πŸ™‚

  40. ally says:

    I actually agree with ILuvgeorgie , I diddn't really mind it being that different B'cos the movie was a masterpiece in itself, πŸ™‚

  41. ally says:

    Don't worry about thinking it over it took me two days of serious LWW watching to determine my favourite scenes. πŸ™‚

  42. ally says:

    Same! x:)

  43. ally says:

    It's funny how the last part of the movies always the best! πŸ™‚ And I also loved the undragoning of eustace asswell, And even tho eustace was HILARIOUS!! I like the nicer side of him a bit more he seemed almost charming, My FAVOURITE scene in the entire movie was there entrance into narnia! for me that was the most extreme and magical one they had! (even tho the train entry I think is now. πŸ™‚

  44. ally says:

    It would be cool if we also did what we thought would be the best scenes and the most emphasis in SC (IF they decide to make it)and what we excpect and hope would be really good in it πŸ™‚

  45. ally says:

    All three narnia movies had perfect music! Escpecially 'theres a place for us' 'and we'll come back'

  46. Gilglad says:

    Here's the sticking point.Was it an "adaptation" ( a translation from book to screen) or was it "based off of" (the general themes, characters, and sequences.) And Dylan, your comment on the fighting of the two movies makes me wonder how much you know about medieval warfare. Going back to the main point: "adaptation" or "based off of". The movies are fine as movies, but they are not "adaptations". I will not be satisfied with a Narnia film until it is a true "adaptation".

  47. Dylan says:

    Gilglad, do you expect me to be a proffesor, or some historian expert on arms and armor? Do you honestly think I care if it has no realism, because you know what, its still a cool battle scene. Realistic or not, I love battle scenes. Now Gilglad, you may be some high and mighty history teacher who knows everything possible there is to know about medievel fighting, but what you said was a little much.

  48. Dylan says:

    now that I know what you mean, I kind of agree with you πŸ™‚

  49. Dylan says:

    Haha, awesome name!

  50. Dylan says:

    Gilglad, you said "I like to compare the LOTR movies to the Narnia ones." Why? You have already expressed that you did not like LWW and you think it was a "trashed" movie, why then, would you bother comparing the two series'? If you adore one film, and hate another, they do not deserve comparison.

  51. Gilglad says:

    You criticized the battles of the LOTR, yet you admit your not an expert. I,m not a "High and mighty history professor", just a guy who knows a lot about medieval warfare. I'll say it again, as films, the Narnia series aren't bad. As adaptations, they are lacking. I love both series. According to C.S. Lewis, that gives me the right to criticize. They are in the same genera, thus they can be compared. The Narnia films are not an adaptation, thus, I didn't really like any of the sense. About my comment being "a little much", it was no more so than you suggesting that ILovegeorgie hadn't read the books.

  52. Dylan says:

    Excellent point. When I critisize LOTR's battle scenes, I probably should put it more as I like LWW's pace better, I love Lord of the Rings. I honestly do, but what I meant by saying Narnias pace was better was that Lord of the rings was every were, it would do one shot of Gimli, then of Aragorn, then Legolas, then Theoden etc, it was a bit dizzying. And the one movie that had alot of that was Two Towers, but almost all the other scenes in the other movies were paced fine.

  53. Dylan says:

    We should do a poll of that, what scenes in the other books you would look forward to seeing the most if they made it into a movie. That would be awesome!

  54. Dylan says:

    And by the way, is your name supposed to be Gil-galad?

  55. Gilglad says:

    Thanks for clearing that up. Yes, the LOTR battles scenes are different than LWW. Different type of combat, different filming style. And no, its not suppose to be Gil-galad. Its suppose to sound similar, but not the same.

  56. Dylan says:

    Ah, that makes more sense.

  57. Dylan says:

    Nice name ISlayDragons!

  58. Fireflower says:

    Yeah! Good idea!

  59. Fireflower says:

    I agree with ILovegeorgie too!

  60. Fireflower says:

    I you can't choose, just randomly click on three scenes! After all, they are ALL awesome!