Vote For Your Favorite Scene in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’

Walden Media’s film adaptation of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” began its theatrical run on December 9, 2005… six years ago today! It would ultimately gross $745 Million worldwide.

To commemorate the film’s anniversary, we are asking NarniaWebbers to vote for their favorite scene in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The poll will close on December 24, and the winner will be revealed on the 31st.

Remember, you have until December 24… so take some time to think it over before voting.

Vote here (If you check more than three scenes, your submission will later be deleted. Please only submit one set of votes).
UPDATE: The poll is closed. Check back on the 31st to see the results.

242 Responses

  1. Dylan says:

    Wow, hard to pick a fav scene from such a good movie with so many good scenes!

  2. glumPuddle says:

    Well, you have until Dec 24, so don't rush. Take a few days and think if necessary. 🙂

  3. A says:

    The Battle of Beruna is definitely one of my picks – epic to the extreme! My eleven-year-old self was entirely floored. Plus, the score for that part was EXCELLENT.

  4. aslan's child says:

    I love the whole movie.the entire 2:20 hours is just amazing. i kinda wish that andrew adamson had directed the 3rd as well because he made the first 2 sooooo good.i still liked the third but i think it would have been better if he had directed it.Anyhow LWW will always be my favorite movie!!!!!

  5. aslan's child says:

    i agree the scene alone is epic but with the music is absolutely breathtaking!!!!!

  6. Bruce Forbes says:

    How does one choose a single scene from a masterpiece?

  7. Dylan says:

    I agree, if I could vote for the whole movie, I would!

  8. Dylan says:

    I like how they show the map then in one sweeping shot go down to the battle field with the gryphons flying overhead, that would be really cool in 3D.

  9. Jill_of_Narnia says:

    So hard…this is definitely going to require a re-watch. It's a good thing we have till Dec. 24th! I can't believe it's been six years, I'll never forget the first time I saw it.

  10. Dylan says:

    I recently rewatched it when my family got a 50 inch plasma tv, so I had plenty of time to choose my favorite scene. I still think the battle scene is the best……

  11. WillowofNarnia says:

    I don't know why reading this made me want to cry. I guess it's because I love Narnia so much and it makes me sad that I'm growing up and that there aren't any more movies being made for a long while. I wish I could go back sometimes and have all this be new all over again! Narnia does that to me…makes me want to cry…

  12. WillowofNarnia says:

    I completely agree with the wishing Andrew directed the 3rd movie thing. I love all the movies, but there was something missing from the 3rd one and I think it was the love that Andrew normally puts into the films. I think Michael Apted took the directing of the movie as strictly a job and nothing more. It makes me sad. 🙁

  13. WillowofNarnia says:

    So wait, can I only vote for 1 or can I vote for no more than 3 scenes?

  14. I have more than one email address, so I voted twice! <3

    1st email: fav LWW moments.
    2nd email: fav Edmund/Lucy moments.

  15. glumPuddle says:

    Please please please do not vote more than once. It will make the final result meaningless.

  16. glumPuddle says:

    1 vote = Up to 3 scenes

    Check up to three scenes and then click Submit.

  17. Hiking Peter says:

    Yes, I agree. I also LOVE the Scene when Aslan is resurrected. Magical, almost. Plus I love it when the White witch says "Impossible!". And then there's the great scene when the Professor says to Lucy, "Keep your eyes open." But, It was so hard, since I loved every one of the scenes. Especially the music!

  18. glumPuddle says:

    My favorite scene is Edmund going to the Witch. I also voted for Lucy finding the wardrobe, and meeting Aslan.

    It has some great moments, but overall it's just a pretty good movie. Well done, but nothing special.

  19. Dylan says:

    The music rocked! It really fit the movie well!

  20. Dylan says:

    Yeah, its good and all, but to me Prince Caspian and VDT reall ystick out with the personality of their films, while LWW felt sorta blah.

  21. Aslan's BFF says:

    I think one of my favorite scenes was the last scene with Tumnus and Lucy. I love how Tumnus gives Lucy back her handkerchief and squeezes her hand. So believable and so sweet! I remember getting tears in my eyes the first time I saw it, and I still do. 😀

  22. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    Oh, it's so hard to say which scene is my favorite. I love them all!

  23. Peepiceek says:

    Hmmmm……. Very Hard!

  24. Liberty Hoffman says:

    I voted, in this order:
    "The Melting River" (I LOVE that scene!)
    "Aslan's Resurrection"
    "Edmund Healed"

    it was hard, all except the melting river scene. I've always loved that scene, and it's been my favorite since the first time I saw the movie 🙂 it's so epic 🙂

  25. aslan's child says:

    i know right plus andrew made it more real somehow like narnia actually existed.i think is because he shot more on location and michael used too much cgi and sets!!!

  26. Xenithar says:

    My favorite scene out of the three I chose was when Lucy finds the wardrobe and goes in for the first time. It was very dramatic and very appropriate for the feel of the film 🙂

  27. Dylan says:

    I love how Adamson adapted LWW, I just wish really bad that he could have done VDT, then it could've had an entirely different result.

  28. Fireflower says:

    Aslan's resurrection all the way!!!!!

  29. Dylan says:

    I agree, very awesome and beatiful scene!

  30. Fireflower says:


  31. Fireflower says:


  32. Fireflower says:

    I also wanted to say thank you to the NarniaWeb people for putting up something new in Narnia news in this REALLY LONG movie news drought! I like stuff like this and wish there was more of it.:D Even if they don't do any more movies, we Narnians need to still do things like this to keep Narnia alive!

  33. Dylan says:

    LWW, was great, its just that VDT and PC really had distinct personalities. But still, this movie rocked! I can't decide which movie had the better battle sequences, LWW or Prince Caspian. Hmmmm…..

  34. Dylan says:

    Yeah! We need to do this with Prince Caspian and Voyage! that would be cool!

  35. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Voted scenes: Aslan's Resurrection, Lucy Finding the Wardrobe/Narnia, and the Coronation.

    Okay, while I didn't exactly see it on the 9th of December 6 years ago today, I can still remember the day pretty well. The film was not perfect, but to the eyes of a recently turned 8 year old… it was inspiration almost. Now of course I view it different as a young teen, but still.

    The other night I was listening to parts of the LWW soundtrack, and for the first time, I actually teared up a little. Nostalgia all the way. 🙂

  36. Dylan says:

    Yes, the track High King and Queen really gives me that nostalgic feeling. I wish HGW chose to stay on as composer, he is an awesome composer who really understands how to do a good score. If not him, Howard Shore is the next best bet.

  37. Fireflower says:

    I know! 'Its been a year.(since VDT) How long do they except us to wait?' 🙂

  38. Dylan says:

    Well how this is going we might not get one until December of 2017 lol! By then they might have actually started filming again……

  39. Son of Neptune says:

    Pure awesomeness. I was 9 when I first watched LWW, a couple of years after it came out, and I still think that it is awesome. Narnia's Legacy Lives On. NLLO.

  40. Son of Neptune says:

    Me too. The river scene is the best in the movie, except for the Battle of Beruna. It's still cool though, epic music and all.

  41. 小幻 says:

    厄…不好选喵~貌似不太全 很多没有的= =

  42. Roger says:

    I voted for Lucy and Tumnus at the lamppost because that really sets up the movie, and I voted for Lucy and Tumnus after the coronation because that brings the movie full circle. Georgie Henley was brilliant in both scenes. I also liked Father Christmas because it is a lighter moment in the middle of a lot of running and hiding. I think that Lewis putting that scene in there was brilliant.

  43. Evie says:

    Well it was easy for me after all i have seen the movie exactly 23 times and my fav scene would defintly be after thr ceremony when Mr. Tummnus and lucy are talking it makes me cry every time:)

  44. Lucy says:

    I do to i would have loved it to be andrew who directed it again:)

  45. Non-negotiable Comment says:


    That, and Peter's "battle" with Maugrim, were the two most disappointing scenes in the whole movie for me. I loved the movie dearly, but I just felt that those two scenes were very, very compromised, and did not represent the passion and power of Mr. Lewis' words as they should have.

    I chose scenes from the film that legitimately moved me. I was expecting the death/resurrection sequence to be the most heart-breaking/uplifting, but, as I said, it wasn't. What really shocked me was the train station sequence at the beginning. Which may surprise some, as I'm known as a "book purist", and that is original material. The absolute agony at the parting of the family, and poor little Georgie's sad, pathetic face displaying Lucy's thoughts of being separated from her mother, really made you feel how desperately lonely those four children were. The music, the mood, the acting… I found that everything perfectly laid the foundation for the children's journey. It told us, "They're frightened, they're leaving everything behind, and they don't know what lies ahead for them.". You care about these kids, and they almost say nothing in that entire sequence. Great work by Adamson and the actors. Plus, that set looked fantastic.

    Next, I'd say Lucy meeting Tumnus. So incredibly beautiful, on every level. The infamous reaction of Georgie as she sees the finished set for the first time, on film, the (again) incredible music, the just-cute-enough dialogue between Tumnus and Lucy… what a fantastic moment. I KNEW they had, incredibly, MADE Narnia. It was REAL. I could see it. I'll never forget that.

    Lastly, the very final scene with Lucy and Digory walking away hand in hand. Combined with Imogen Heap's wonderful, wonderful music, I thought it was just the PERFECT ending to a fantastic experience. That moment left me with such a buzz. It really FELT magical. So much hope. So much excitement for more to come.


    I also loved the Battle of Beruna, the hunt for the white stag, and Aslan emerging from the tent the first time, with the sweeping camera movement of everyone kneeling. Boy, that one shot got me soooo excited in the trailers. I think I watched it a thousand times.

  46. Arthiel says:

    Nice idea! Normally I would be agonizing over picking just three scenes but I actually just watched LWW last night so I've already been thinking about my favorite parts. So this time, after six years, the scenes that STILL stand out to me are:

    The Train Scene (the music is what makes this scene, anxious but exciting, perfect way to start)

    The Wardrobe Scene (again, the music is incredible, and everything else is just perfect, the nearly empty room, the rainy window, the fly, her eyes, the cloth falling down, the mothballs, the door left open, the rows and rows of coats…)

    Eustace Healed (it's short, kind of an odd favorite scene, but this has always been the part that gets me emotionally)

  47. Tarwe, the Narnian Elf says:

    Six years since LWW?! Almost 4 since PC?! One year since VDT?! Where has the time gone? More importantly, when will we get another movie? It's so hard being an impatient fan! 😉 Also, I agree: we should do this for PC and VDT! It's a fun idea! 😀

  48. Tarwe, the Narnian Elf says:

    Yes! Harry Gregson-Williams and Howard Shore are the best! To be perfectly honest, I was a little disappointed with VDT's score, but don't get me wrong! VDT is an awesome movie, too!

  49. lady polly says:

    I love the scene when lucy first enters narnia.

  50. narniafan says:

    i cant choose i love them all!!!! by far my most favorite movie ever!!!

  51. Twinimage says:

    This is the only Narnia movie I really like. It does seem to lose it's "pizzazz" after watching it so many times though.
    I thought it was very faithful to the story and was a great movie all around. I'm not totally sure if it conveyed all the themes of the book, but I'm not sure what all the themes are in the book. I wish someone would share what all the themes are.
    It will be hard to decide what is my favorite scene. May take a few days to think it over. 😉

  52. Not Of This World says:

    When Aslan comes back to life!!

  53. Dylan says:

    I think all three movies had a great ending to them, PCs was a little sappy, but LWWs and Voyage's were PERFECT.

  54. Dylan says:

    The score for VDt wasn't my favorite either, it was just missing that majestic feel of the other movies. Thats why I want Shore, his LOTR music was incredible, I hope hes still composing the music for The Hobbit…….

  55. Gilglad says:

    When you trash the movie, the best scenes from the book are ruined. So I really can't pick a favorite, because they never did the book justice.

  56. Dylan says:

    My favorite scenes out of the whole trilogy would have to be

    LWW: Orious' charge, still my favorite scene in LWW

    PC: Either the water god scene, or the train scene.

    VDT: Either the Eustace undragoning, or the last scene in the movie, when Lucy puts the painting back up on the wall.

    Now regarding the Eustace un-dragoning, yes, it could have stayed true to the book. but when you think about it, the way they did it was just fine for me. Aslan looked absolutely magnifecent in that scene, and seeing the change of Eustace afterwards was interesting too. The last 20-30 minutes of Voyage was the best part of the movie, I mean the rest of the movie had its own goal, own plot and everything, but they stayed true to the book on that last 20 minutes. The end of the world scene was amazing, and I can't think of a better way for them to end the Pevensies trip to Narnia then how they did it in Dawn Treader. Yes, the rest of the film would have been tons better without the mist, but I think the movie ended quite qell. And I loved the end credits, those were beautiful as well. Overall, yes, it did need some work, but I have learned to accept the last quarter of the movie as what the whole movie should've been.

  57. Hannah says:

    i found it difficult but i think i chose wisely with 3 of my fave scenes!

  58. Dylan says:

    They did absolutely did not trash that movie. That was the closest to the book out of all three, and I think it served the book justice. Yes, some of the scenes that are important were shortened and not as emphasized as they should have been, but what you just said is absurd.

  59. Hannah says:

    i checked 3 but i dont know whether you can do 1 or 2…. : /

  60. Dylan says:

    It is. That would be really cool!