The Next Narnia Film: Where We Are Now

For quite some time now, Narnia fans have been waiting patiently for news on whether or not there will be another Narnia movie. But in the past few days, many rumors and bits of news have started circulating over the internet and our forums–both that more films are actively being scripted and that work on the Narnia films has ceased entirely. We were hoping for an official statement before posting any more news on the situation, but now we feel that things need to be cleared up immediately.

During the negotiations between Fox, Walden, and the C.S. Lewis Estate, the film option that Walden Media owned was allowed to expire and Walden Media no longer has exclusive purchasing rights to any further Narnia films. (What’s the difference between a film option and the film rights? Check out Wikipedia’s article here.) This has been confirmed to us by representatives of the C.S. Lewis Estate.

And while Walden and Fox have confirmed they are both interested in making more Narnia films, our understanding is that, by law, the C.S. Lewis Estate must wait a certain period of time (called a moratorium) before they can sell the film option for the Narnia books again. And when they do, it will be available to any film company out there interested in bidding on it, not just Walden and Fox.

So what does this mean? It means that the ball is entirely in the C.S. Lewis Estate’s court at this point, and they have to wait this mandatory period of time until they can sell the film option again. We here at NarniaWeb don’t know exactly how long this moratorium is, though it is likely several years. What we do know, however, is that Doug Gresham has mentioned many times that it’s his dream to make all seven Narnia books into movies so he probably won’t rest until he’s done that. This is not the end of the Narnia movies! We’re only going to have to wait a while before we see another one.

696 Responses

  1. Dylan says:

    Point well made.

  2. Dylan says:

    Thank you for clearing that up Aslans country.

  3. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    A general post regarding my negativity and "attitude"…

    1) I have gone out of my way to say ANYTHING I can in a positive manner about 'Dawn Treader'. I have REPEATEDLY mentioned my favorable opinions of the final scene, the cinematography, the beautiful end credits, and Will Poulter's fine performance as Eustace. Perhaps your pre-conceived notions of me as being ONLY negative preclude you from seeing when I do praise some aspect of the film? You might want to consider that before you start casting stones. Just saying.

    2) I am EXTREMELY positive about the first two films, in nearly every aspect, EXCEPT the catastrophic financial planning behind 'Prince Caspian'. I'll go so far as to say that I am one of the more vocal DEFENDERS of that film, both in terms of how it performed, and in how it was adapted. I am NOT "negative about Narnia". I am opposed to 'Dawn Treader', exclusively, because it was the worst possible film at the worst possible time. In case you haven't noticed, the franchise is, for all intents and purposes, DEAD. I UNDERSTAND that many of you love it. I am NOT trying to make you feel bad. But, it failed, utterly and miserably, in doing its part to sustain this franchise. It is NOT an accident. It is a POOR film. Much, much worse than the other two. I drove over an hour in one of the worst blizzards I have ever seen to attend that film on opening night. Is that a "negative" person? My observations are based on what I believe. I have documented, in great detail, my reasoning behind those observations. They are not randomly typed sentences meant to make anyone here feel bad. Love it all you want. My opinion should not affect what you love. But, you cannot hope for other films AND accept that poor of a product at the same time. I an not going to debate whether or not you "LIKE" something. I am trying to explain, objectively, why the film failed. If you cannot see that distinction, you will be constantly angered reading my posts. If that is the case, please don't bother, for your own sakes.

    3) My "name", as I've already explained, is NOT meant to be taken seriously. I think I'm the only one who DOESN'T take it seriously. If you've been around here long enough, you MAY remember its origin. If you haven't, I can't explain it in every post.

    4) Those of you complaining about my style of writing, and how you perceive my "attitude". You are not the first to do so. You will not be the last. This is how I write. It is not an attempt to be "aloof" or "cold". It's me. My grammar is not something I think about it. I just type. The vast majority of your problems with my attitude are, I am afraid, your own perceptions, and based very little on substance. I cannot control the perceptions of another human being. I offer my opinions in as rational a manner as I can compose them. I do not attack people personally, only their opinions, and I am as quick to praise those who warrant it, as anyone else. In short, this is me, and I'm not changing.

    Hiking Peter, I am Catholic, with evangelical sympathies. Or maybe it's the other way around. That's as best as I can describe myself. That's an excellent verse, and really what I meant. Ask questions, to be sure of what you hope for.

    Oh, and one last thing. I am not going to apologize for every occasion when something I type unintentionally offends someone. However, if you ARE offended by something you see, could you at least ASK ME FIRST if that's what I meant, before ASSUMING you know? I don't expect many courtesies from the internet, but a chance to explain myself would be nice.

    Thank you for your attention.

  4. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    I've addressed most of your concerns in a comment on the next page. Sorry, I meant to post it here, but I hit the wrong "reply" button. I hope that puts an end to this.

  5. Dylan says:

    By the way, who is that in your pic?

  6. Narnian Meerkat says:

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 You rock Peter Jackson!!!!!

  7. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    It's Gerald Ford, the 38th President. I use this same email account to post at a hockey site, and that's my avatar there. Narniaweb uses the same avatar service that they do, so he pops up whenever I post here. It doesn't have anything to do with Narnia, but I'd rather explain why I have an avatar with a 60 year old bald man HERE than a picture of a faun (or whatever) THERE. If you know what I mean.

    Ford was a fan of the team I cheer for.

  8. Dylan says:

    Ok, that makes more sense.

  9. Dylan says:

    Thats good that its doing well. when I heard that this movie was coming out I was like " Please dont be a bad movie", but it sounds good. they have done other good movies, so this sounds interesting.

  10. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    I just noticed that I mangled the sentence about my grammar. Man, I would be ÜBER aloof with an edit button…

  11. Dylan says:

    No kidding lol. I do wish they had an edit button. So, what is your favorite hockey team? Im not a huge fan, but when I do root I root Bruins. Its funny, I watch a lot of different sports, but I dont watch hockey that much.

  12. Dylan says:

    I really dont know…. maybe Screwtape letters? I have no idea.

  13. PuddleCheep says:

    Here's the website for it.

  14. Aslan's Country! says:

    Dylan- First off are you kidding me? Want to talk about blowing something out of proportion look at what you said. What i ment was a true narnian fan trys to feel the magic. MY OPINION! If you could not feel it, i am sorry for you. I never said you werent a christian! wow! All i said was striving to be a true narnian fan has alot to do with striving to be a good christian. So you need to understand i never said anything about you in this comment.

  15. Lucia says:

    They have to make it!!!

  16. always narnian says:

    Aslan's Country! Thank you for being so humble about this. It's hard to admit that you're wrong, so thank you so much. I'm sorry if I seemed to jump on you, I usually try to be calm on these comments.
    Again, I'm this way because I love the books so much and just want to see the story portrayed faithfully.
    God Bless

  17. always narnian says:

    Haha BBC Eustace. He's good too 🙂 Really funny! 🙂 I love Puddleglum in the BBC version!

  18. always narnian says:

    What would I add from the book? The storyline, for one thing.

  19. Hiking Peter says:

    Speaking of pictures…How do you get one on the thinger here at Narniaweb? I have tried it all. (Well, obviously not all, but, hey)

  20. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    Dylan, this link explains it better, if you're interested. It's slow, but it will come up, eventually.

    Hiking Peter, go to gravatar dot com (I'd give you the exact link, but I don't think we're allowed to post two links in the same post), and register an email address. You can then upload a picture, and it will appear here, so long as you enter that email address into the field on the left. That's for news articles, only.

  21. Dylan says:

    Wow.. didnt know that. Okay, Im going to try the avatar thing, hopefully it shows up.

  22. Dylan says:

    I got it, I dont know if its up yet though

  23. Dylan says:

    Darn, hey Non negotiable comment, I cant get the thing to work

  24. Dylan says:

    Aw sweet, OK I got it!

  25. Dylan says:

    That looks cool!

  26. Hiking Peter says:

    OK, thanks!

  27. narnian resident says:

    they're basing it off his book "Surprised by Joy" (an amazing book, by the way. must read) which was basically his autobiography about his childhood and growing up and his experiences of becoming athiest and them returning to Christianity. i absolutely loved the book, and i cannot wait to see the movie.

  28. narnian resident says:

    yes! of course! who could forget! i am so incredibly pleased that they took on the project of making a movie on this amazing person. i think its going to be truly inspiring 🙂

  29. Aslan's Country! says:

    ok…… That still doesnt give many details?

  30. Aslan's Country! says:

    Oh no worries i totally understand and i appreciate your passion. If i ever get anything wrong again please be the first to correct me. God bless you as well.

  31. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    Nice. (<— exceptionally rare single-word post–except this part).

  32. Hiking Peter says:

    Actually, I have a bad feeling. I think I'll skip it this time. I really don't want the chance of a virus in my CPU.

  33. DaughterofAslan'scountry says:

    Supposedly their is a screwtape letters movie in the making.

  34. Edmund's Queen says:

    I am so glad that we are recieveing information about the next Narnia Film.I hope it's the Silver Chair.I would really love to audition for the role of Jill Pole.I have read the books lots of times and then the movie came out and I was blown away.The setting,the plot the style and the cast were perfect.That was the day I truly fell in love with Narnia.Then 3 years ago Prince Caspian came out and I loved it.

  35. Unfortunately, due to this waiting period, I don't think using the same actors and actresses would be a great idea. They'd all look too old, and that would ruin it for me, seeing as they're all supposed to be children. Except in HHB… Boy, that would make a fantastic film! It has the perfect movie formula: linear plot, battles, rags-to-riches type story. If there was going to be one more Narnia film, I'd be hoping they'd stick with that.
    Unfortunately, the filmmakers seem to be more interested in MN. I love it, but it isn't a cinematic book. It would need A LOT of changes to become a film, which, from past experiences, the filmmakers are more than likely to mess up. 🙁
    As for SC… with Will Poulter, in my eyes, being too old in 2 years, I'm not sure it would be the best choice. For me, the best part of VDT was his acting as Eustace, so to see a follow-on of VDT without the best part would be a major dissapointmet. 🙁
    So here's fingers crossed for HHB!

  36. Hiking Peter says:

    laugh laugh

  37. Dylan says:

    LOL! I think this may be his first ever one word post!

  38. always narnian says:

    I would love to go see it again, but that's not happening. Can't wait till it comes out on DVD. I hope they do really well, then we can have more of thier movies 🙂 But if Fireproof did pretty well, then this one should do really well.

  39. Dylan says:

    Ok, lets just end this. This argument is done.

  40. Alyianna says:

    NOOOOOOOO! It is nice to receive information about the next Narnia movie, but it's so sad to know that it may be a long time. 🙁 *sniff*

  41. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    I still doubt their going to start where they left off, the actors will be to old for one things. I think their going to reboot or something, if we like it or not. But then again…maybe they will keep going with what they have which would be nice.

  42. Hiking Peter says:

    Still trying to not fall of my chair…..(thump)….Laugh laugh…..(thump)…..laugh….

  43. Hiking Peter says:

    Unless, they do HBB next….Then they won't be too old…

  44. Dylan says:

    ….laugh laugh(thump…..(breaks leg)…. crie crie…crie..

  45. Dylan says:

    Skandar Keyes would be around the right age to play himself again.

  46. DaughterofAslan'scountry says:

    What church groups got disgusted?

  47. I gotta be honest, when I first heard this news I kind of lied to myself saying that this was a good thing and there might be another Narnia movie after all. But now, especially after reading this news for a second time, I gotta be honest with you guys and say that I'm really not sure about that anymore. Because first of all the C.S. Lewis Estate is waiting a certain period of time before they can sell the film option to a studio, and they said that could take sereval years.

    Holy crap are you kinding me, at first I thought there was no way they were going to do a reboot, but if it's going to take sereval years before we could see another Narnia movie, than either that's what there going to do or there won't be anymore Narnia movies at all. I mean why does the C.S. Lewis Estate have to wait so long, I don't get it, they don't really explain why; why not just do it now? I don't like this, I don't like this one bit. Both the news that I read and the idea of a reboot, it all sucks.

    Also the C.S Lewis Estate isn't a movie studio what are they going to do with the Narnia franchise while other studios wait, and then eventually lose there patientace, (sorry if I spelled that wrong, I'm not much of a speller) and stop caring about making the Narnia movies at all. This is all just so annoying.

  48. Braden Woodburn says:

    Yeah, I don't think a reboot is going to happen because The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe did amazing and still is at an amazing level with it's box office amount. No way could they top that plus Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader again. Let alone, who would want to start fresh again after all these years the films have been made!?

    Still, I do find the C.S. Lewis Estate being rather annoying on this. Most franchises such as Twilight, Harry Potter, Saw, ect all want to keep making film after film as fast as possible to not only get them done, but to please the fans. I mean, if this whole "wait" is based on a law, then I guess there really is nothing to do except obey it.. although it makes no sense why to do it that is. I think Walden Media is perfect.. Walt Disney was just too greedy that they wanted to drop out so it's their loss, and 20th Century Fox is very well of a film company too to be partnered with Walden Media.

    My main concerns about this whole delay is 1, what film to be next and 2, think of the actors ages. Yes, The Magicians Nephew would be great because it could maybe bring in more money to finish out the rest. The Silver Chair is wise too because it is next in line after Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Will Poulter is back who honestly, looks older than his character should be.

    Guess we just have to sit tight and keep our fingers crossed.

  49. Will says:

    I'm not sure if that's good or bad news. At least, as you say, people are interested in finishing all seven movies. Maybe it would be better for another studio to take over? Fox kind of let the quality slip on VotDT. I also don't know why people think TMN should be made first. Assuming that TSC and AHaHB wouldn't do well at the box office (how does anyone know this?), don't you still have to make them at some point? The only difference might be that you earn a profit on TMN, in order to break even or lose $ on the other two movies that come before "The Last Battle."

  50. Umar says:

    Iluv narnia so much and is my best film.

  51. Hiking Peter says:

    Laugh, laugh….Sigh, sigh…Gasping for air…asks, "hows your leg doing?" Laugh laugh.

  52. Aslan's BFF says:

    Hey Dylan, look back at your older comments. Your avatar is there too. Totally awesome pic, bro!

  53. Dylan says:

    Yah, I know, its pretty cool!

  54. Dylan says:

    Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Now we have no jobs, no hope, and no cash!

  55. Brock says:

    I would like to see new Narnia films: the remaining stories that haven't been made into films yet. I would like to see them done respectful of the content in the books, and not deviating from them. I don't mind waiting a while. If they're going to deviate as they did in the last two films, then personally I'd just rather they didn't film them, or wait until someone more skilled to translate the stories onto screen is available.

  56. Hiking Peter says:

    AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Laugh, laugh….THUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……Laugh, laugh, laugh…..Thump! "Oh my aching clavicle!) Laugh, laugh

  57. Dylan says:

    Laugh laugh laugh…….. THUMP!………(silence). (Next day)……….(bagpipes)… "We are here in the remembrance of….."

  58. always narnian says:

    Agreed 😀

  59. Not Of This World says:

    More time to wait for next Narnia movie 🙁
    More time on NarniaWeb 🙂

  60. Queen Susan the Gentle says:

    Oh I wanna be in one of them so bad! Being Polly would be so amazing and so would being Jill…. *fingers crossed* But I am sooo happy they aren't done with making them.