The Next Narnia Film: Where We Are Now
For quite some time now, Narnia fans have been waiting patiently for news on whether or not there will be another Narnia movie. But in the past few days, many rumors and bits of news have started circulating over the internet and our forums–both that more films are actively being scripted and that work on the Narnia films has ceased entirely. We were hoping for an official statement before posting any more news on the situation, but now we feel that things need to be cleared up immediately.
During the negotiations between Fox, Walden, and the C.S. Lewis Estate, the film option that Walden Media owned was allowed to expire and Walden Media no longer has exclusive purchasing rights to any further Narnia films. (What’s the difference between a film option and the film rights? Check out Wikipedia’s article here.) This has been confirmed to us by representatives of the C.S. Lewis Estate.
And while Walden and Fox have confirmed they are both interested in making more Narnia films, our understanding is that, by law, the C.S. Lewis Estate must wait a certain period of time (called a moratorium) before they can sell the film option for the Narnia books again. And when they do, it will be available to any film company out there interested in bidding on it, not just Walden and Fox.
So what does this mean? It means that the ball is entirely in the C.S. Lewis Estate’s court at this point, and they have to wait this mandatory period of time until they can sell the film option again. We here at NarniaWeb don’t know exactly how long this moratorium is, though it is likely several years. What we do know, however, is that Doug Gresham has mentioned many times that it’s his dream to make all seven Narnia books into movies so he probably won’t rest until he’s done that. This is not the end of the Narnia movies! We’re only going to have to wait a while before we see another one.
They're waiting so long between movies, by the time they get to "Silver Chair" Ben Barnes will be aged enough to play an old Caspian without any makeup or special effects. I'm being sarcastic. 😉
The horrid thing is that BBC didn't make all seven of the books into films. Not only that, but they greatly shortened Prince Caspian. However, they were really good, and at least we have those for the first four books. But after the rest? Either our imaginations as we read the books and act them out will have to suffice, or we'll have to see some indie films of Narnia come out. My brother was actually friends with a boy about my age who made LWW into a movie, and then PC later on. I got to be in PC, as well as my brother and three of my sisters. I would love to see that happen, and have the movies made as good as possible and uploaded to Youtube for us fans to watch 😀 I think Walden has done us wrong for two films (PC and VDT), Disney did us wrong with PC, and Fox with VDT. The movie industry can't stand a movie that doesn't have action and romance in it, and that doesn't copy LotR, so I really don't care whether any more of the books are made into movies by a big film corporation.
I hope that Lions Gate take the Narnia films.
Everyone can now take a big long EXHALE.
@ High Queene Shelly Belly: You obviously have only read Silver Chair once, because they don't trudge around in the marshes at all. They go to the marsh, where Puddleglum lives, then they go to the North of Narnia, where there are certainly no marshes. And if you don't think that it's exciting to be almost eaten by giants, then I don't know what is! Besides Puddleglum is possibly the very best character ever written.
@ Sword of Excalibur: LOL 😀
Yes, and also hold our breaths that maybe Walden and Apted won't be involved in any more of the films 🙂 Also, glumPuddle, I saw your video analyses of VDT, and they were great! I've only seen the movie once, so I couldn't remember everything about it, but you nailed most everything right on the head, and of course expressed it better than I could have done. The Aslan facepalms were hilarious!
Don't toss terms like "true fan" around. It's arrogant and condescending. And your hostility is not appreciated. No one was being sarcastic or nasty in response to your comments.
i hope its not a remake i want andrew adamson as the director his passion for the bringing the narnia series to life was strong and beautiful i thought harry gregson was a wonderful composer i have both complete soundtracks i listen to them alot
My reaction to the news is pretty much a great big meh. Considering it has been almost an entire year since VDT came out with absolutely no news of work beginning on a new film, I doubted they were actually going to be making a new one anytime soon. And honestly, VDT was terrible enough that I really don't care to see another Walden-helmed Narnia film. Walden has yet to make a single movie other than LWW I've liked and I doubt MN/SC would have changed that trend.
There's finally a new article and all it says is that we might have to wait a few more years :/
We have to wait? So be it. I'll wait however long it takes. My advice to people is to distract yourself with another book/movie. It works for me all the time 🙂 but I instantly forget them when exciting Narnia news pops up. 😉
Walden got alot of things right to me, but bits not so right detracted at the same time.
A solution to the C.S. Lewis estate that might help any reservations about the first three films could be this:
C.S. Lewis Estate ( Douglas Gresham i presume in the main) & the production company (Walden if able to compromise i guess in the main) both have equal say in the Director for each movie.
The Director has majority creative decisions for production design/direction and script for the movie. That way there is kinda of a neutral independent element that can take everything that has been right about the first three films & incorporate that into the film being done while getting around the tensions that may be out of sync. with what is going so well with the adaptions.
The potential directors get to pitch the themes – very important , artistic feel & presentation (essence to be marketed) they would do for each film, which the production company and Estate have to equally agree upon. This should include good familiarity with the books and the films made to date.
Once both parties have found a Director for each episode they are happy with, common ground for difficult issues in the making of the films will in a sense be less contentious and equally co-operative as the Director is bound to the parameters that were set at the start of the process, so nothing should end up too out of whack for both parties in outcomes to that.
Magician's Nephew should have a LW&W budget, and under new approach, once that is wildly successful, a PC type budget for Silver Chair and then same for 'Horse & His Boy' directed by Andrew Adamson. Simple ehh!
"Worldwide" gross is an almost completely meaningless concept without context. International numbers are a FRACTION of domestic take for the studios. 'Prince Caspian' blew 'Dawn Treader' away, domestically, WITHOUT the benefit of the 3D premium, the oh-so-desired Christmas opening, and with MUCH stiffer competition. It lost much more money than 'Dawn Treader', but it also, unquestionably, grossed more, too. In the markets where the money is made, 'Dawn Treader' sank like a stone compared to the previous film. "Narnia" does NOT have a "huge" following. NOT cinematically, it doesn't. And that limited market is DEFINITELY shrinking. The first film was a cultural event that reached far, far beyond the core fanbase, the level of interest you will NEVER see for this franchise again. It had name recognition. The other books DO NOT. Every other adaptation in the series MUST stand on its own merit as a good FILM, and NOT rely on the Narnia brand name, because it is just not powerful enough to depend on by itself. The film franchise CAN succeed. But, NOT with a mediocre product like the last film.
And, that's why we are where we are right now…
Yeah, I guess it's just cool to be able to say"First comment!" Have you ever had that thrill?
I hope that they get the legal issues worked out and that the series will continue, but please don't bring Adamson back. He totally missed the mark with PC.
When Peter and Caspian are introduced to each other Peter remarks "I haven't come to take your place, you know, but to put you into it." Adamson totally ignored that important portion of the book and in fact turned it completely around making Peter trying to take total control. That running theme throughout the movie nearly ruined PC for me.
Oh yes!
*exhales… even if only for the moment*
I agree that he missed the mark with Peter/Caspian by far… and with Suspian, but overall I still really truly loved PC…
And he didn't completely alter the entire plot… *coughmistcough*
So I'd be happy with Adamson on the helm, I do however respect the fact that he needs a break once in a while 😉
Heck yeah!
Thank goodness NEWS!!!!
It's pretty certain that when the new Narnia movies are made it'll be a remake (hopefully with Peter Jackson)since it's probably going to be a few years.
And hey, maybe they will go with the books this time.
At least I now can relax, Narnia is considered one of the world's biggest franchises. So we'll see them again.
In all seriousness I think this is for the best. 🙂
I respectfully disagree that the mark was missed with Peter & Caspian – & after the White Witch was summoned, Peter & Caspian were both on the same page.
And before then, they were still on the same side with the same goal.
The changes to Peter's character & Caspian's to his, were part of a wider theme to the episode, both of the book & film.
Upon further reflection I realize that there is still a piece or two missing.
We've been told the moratorium period is a few years – how hard is it to believe the words of moderators who have information straight from the Estate?
The truth has been here for several months. It just got overlaid with denials published on other sites.
"A remake" ? I don't think it's likely that there would be a sense of starting again and repeating the three stories already filmed.
When you say "a few years" do you think that's a very long time? Three or four is "a few" – and you have other films to get excited over in the years between now and then – like 2 Hobbit films!
Given that moderators on other sites that claim (like you) to have their information from the source are saying the exact opposite, it's actually very hard to take anyone at face value.
You have some good ideas there 😀
Honestly, this is about the best news I could hear right now. I would be very nervous if I heard Walden was going to make a new film right on the heels of VDT but deep down I really don't want these movies to be over. I'm glad the Estate has control over the series' future.
Well saying its goofy ans cheesy is condesending. so? I will say something.
Thank you for seeing what I see! I agree with you! =)
There is NO WAY that Peter Jackson would EVER make a Narnia film. First off, if Walden are still producing the films (at whatever point), they simply could not afford him. Secondly, Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh (his partner, whom he would inevitably hire to write the script) would almost certainly have NO interest in tackling anything this overtly evangelical in nature. If they did, it would be unrecognizable, from a spiritual perspective. Third, why would the creative force behind one of the most successful franchises in film history choose to work on another franchise that is, generally, considered to be an inferior knockoff of his? It makes no sense, whatsoever.
Lastly, the idea of a series reboot is beyond ridiculous. This isn't Spider-Man or the X-Men, which can constantly be repackaged. 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' was a once in a GENERATION film. We've had ours. It's done. MAYBE your grandchildren will see a new one. It would be ridiculously risky to spend MORE money to create another film so soon that LESS people would see.
"At least I now can relax, Narnia is considered one of the world’s biggest franchises. So we’ll see them again."
What? What?? Where did you get "I can relax" from THIS article? Again, I am just stunned by how many people here vastly overestimate the size and influence of this "franchise". It is NOT "one of the world's biggest franchises". Until everyone involved in the franchise (investors, producers, creative talent, and FANS, especially) stop assuming this, the franchise is doomed to repeated failure.
I'm so sorry Praying Pevensie!!!! 🙁 🙁 I know, you did have the first comment! And I was supposed to have second! But I guess Narniaweb is just being a little strange…Cause I replied a couple other stuff on my own comment yesterday, and now they're gone. :/ Again, I'm so sorry!!!
LOL I know I'm sorry! That's what I was afraid of!
Hm, okay I guess my other posts weren't gone…lol
Ya that's a pretty sweet name! I love Eowyn. 😀
Awesome. Looks like most of us love the idea of Peter Jackson directing Narnia! 😀
Yes, I know, but hopefully afterwards! 😀
Oh no!= {
Don't apologize for it! I'm very very, happy for you, and think that it's good you got that thrill. ( Why do I call it that?) I'm sorry that I made it and issue, and talked about it-sorry! =(
Nice picture! = )
With a moratorium now in place, it sounds like all of us Narnia fans can hibernate for a few years as it seems as though we won't be seeing a new movie any time soon.
Aslans Country, you may say that you were relaxed, but re read you above comments.
you go ballistic about the goofy smile thing. Then to add on to it, you think i am degrading the performance of the acter because of one minor scene. Come on now!
I love Redwall, the books are so good. And yes it would be great for them to make it into a movie cause it would something frash. we need another series other than HP, LOTR, or narnia.
Narnia is very personal for me and unlike many of you its my number one over LOTR and others. Sorry for taking it so personal but thats exactly what it is for me. If you guys wanna bag on Narnia go do it on another site because this is Narniaweb not LOTRweb. There are alot of other HP fans and LOTR fans that already bag on Narnia so if you want to do that go find their sites and do it but if you do it here things will be said. Dont voice your negative opinion on narnia on a Narnia fan website and expect us to sit and say nothing. If you want to talk about how amazing Narnia is im all for it.
I completely agree with you!! Peter Jackson is very good at doing sequels AND staying true to the book AND making it exciting!
I agree with dylan that in PC at least the themes (not the plotline) were kept quite true to the book: The themes of needing Aslan, trust Aslan although he doesn't show himself to the pevensies, the truth and fact that without Aslan, the narnians would have lost against telmar and the theme of listening to the holy spirit (Lucy is a clear symbol for that): She's the one, who sees Aslan, who trusts him although her siblings don't believe her and she's the one, who loves Aslan more than anything. Those themes clearly came through in the movie and you cannnot say the same thing with VDT. Maybe the plot was closer to the book than PC but the themes of longing for Aslan's country and the joy for adventure, Eustace's change he goes through and that Aslan has to change him, but also that without Aslan's help they wouldn't have made it did not come through in VDT. They even turned it completely: Suddenly, there is a save-the-world-story and an "epic" battle against the green mist storyline and they didn't make these changes to put more christianity in it but because they didn't think that the book itself is a real story and people wouldn't like it because there always has to be battle good vs. evil, if not it's not a good story (that's the opinion of holliwood)
the temptaition, in my opinion was very good and I liked that they added this but people are not so stupid so that if there is temptation you always need to have green mist on the screen. People get it easily without it..
Dude, I dont hate Narnia at all.I like the books alot and the movies, well, there so-so. The first one was exceptional, the second was done well as well, and the third was not my favorite okay. Im not bagging on Narnia, why else would I be on Narniaweb (do discuss,of all things, Narnia). I dont think that if I were a huge LOTR fan who hates Narnia Id even waste my time on this site.
Thank you!
Dude, you nailed it this time. I could not possibly agree more. There is absolutley no relief form this article whatsoever. To me, its more of relief that theres another article, and that there is more news at all on this next movie. Maybe thats not what Aslans 1 Fan meant, but if its a relief at all, its relief that there is news. Now as for Narnia being a huge franchise, I cant see how. Maybe if the films had been going the way of PC and LWW, maybe it woul.d be huge.
I meant FRESH, lol.
I would have to say that I liked VDT as a movie (CGI – great, acting – great, plot – easy to follow). But I liked the feel behind PC and LWW better than VDT. Something about VDT wasn't as "magical" in a sense of "This is Narnia, and I love Narnia". With VDT I didn't feel like I was in Narnia, unlike the first two.
I'm not really sure how to describe this any better. I know when I say that PC and LWW seem to be more "magical" you all start thinking "Well, VDT was clogged with magic. Why do you say that?" With PC and LWW I got this feeling of Aslan watching over everything and always being in control. Whereas with VDT, it seemed like Caspian, Ed, and Lucy were the "new rulers" of Narnia. And that Aslan, sort of, wasn't in the picture at all except to say "Time's up. Get going!"
I guess I just liked that Aslan was (is) in control more. And whenever he showed up everyone was like "Oh thank goodness". Which was completely different in VDT where it was like "Oh, good friend. Hello and goodbye, because we have to leave now after just saving the world".
If any of you can understand that, GREAT! If not, I need to work on my communication skills! — sorry! 😀
Trust me, your communication skills are perfectly fine. VDt tried to show that Aslan was in control (eg. Lucy and the spells) but it wasnt like you felt like he was there. I think they defintaly could have set the tone differently.
The green mist was a poor addition to a wonderful(in book and *some* of the movie) story.I wish they would have left it out too.
By then Poulter will look his age.
Truth being said, he is too old. But does he look it? No.
🙁 Well, I guess we just have to wait for a bit! I won't give up hope for the Narnia films though! 🙂
I'm going to jump right in and voice my opinion. Let's face it. VDT just didnt have the same feel as the other two. I didn't think:"Oh, this is my Narnia!" I thought:"Oh, they could've done better."
Does this mean they will have to pick new actors.
That was fine for PC (adding excitement I mean…I think it turned out very well accept for the susan/caspian romance bit)*maybe* because they did not add some absolutely new plot line (which was quite lacking)like in VDT. The winning part for me in VDT was Will and Skandar's acting please don't be mad at me when I say this(Narnia IS my favorite movie series)but georgie seemed like she'd been coached a little too much and it had made her a somewhat self-conscious NOT horrid mind you just a little off (just my opinion)I wish the acting coach would lay off the whole imagine yourself saying *whatever* stuff.She did NOT need any coaching she was a PERFECT actress in LWW and PC(Just a side note,I think she will be fine in the future Narnia(crosses-finger's) films.It's a hard transitioning place to be in(girl to young lady) but in time she'll be fine.)
PC felt dark(NOT as dark as the movie mind you)in the book,but I must agree VDT felt darker than the book in a lot of areas,thanks to the added plot.