The Next Narnia Film: Where We Are Now

For quite some time now, Narnia fans have been waiting patiently for news on whether or not there will be another Narnia movie. But in the past few days, many rumors and bits of news have started circulating over the internet and our forums–both that more films are actively being scripted and that work on the Narnia films has ceased entirely. We were hoping for an official statement before posting any more news on the situation, but now we feel that things need to be cleared up immediately.

During the negotiations between Fox, Walden, and the C.S. Lewis Estate, the film option that Walden Media owned was allowed to expire and Walden Media no longer has exclusive purchasing rights to any further Narnia films. (What’s the difference between a film option and the film rights? Check out Wikipedia’s article here.) This has been confirmed to us by representatives of the C.S. Lewis Estate.

And while Walden and Fox have confirmed they are both interested in making more Narnia films, our understanding is that, by law, the C.S. Lewis Estate must wait a certain period of time (called a moratorium) before they can sell the film option for the Narnia books again. And when they do, it will be available to any film company out there interested in bidding on it, not just Walden and Fox.

So what does this mean? It means that the ball is entirely in the C.S. Lewis Estate’s court at this point, and they have to wait this mandatory period of time until they can sell the film option again. We here at NarniaWeb don’t know exactly how long this moratorium is, though it is likely several years. What we do know, however, is that Doug Gresham has mentioned many times that it’s his dream to make all seven Narnia books into movies so he probably won’t rest until he’s done that. This is not the end of the Narnia movies! We’re only going to have to wait a while before we see another one.

696 Responses

  1. Eviliini says:

    Wow. I guess that was it then. I never thought I'd say this, but it seems that the reboot is our only chance to get to see another Narnia film. Maybe in twenty years? I wonder what went wrong in the negotiations between Walden and Fox..

  2. Aslan's BFF says:

    I almost want to puke with anxiety. I mean really, they've done three why not four more? Now I'm thinking, even to do MN next would be fine.

    At the beginning of all the waiting and grinding teeth and crossing fingers and arguing, I was dead certain that they needed to do SC next. But now that it seems like it will be five or seven years from now, there's almost no point to whatever they do next.

    Why can't another corporation just pick the Narnia gig just because. Why must we /always/ be looking ahead and over our shoulder?

    JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!! Waiting will make everyone bored….

    (won't it?)

  3. Aslan's Country! says:

    I really hope they decide to either choose The Silver Chair or The Last Battle for the next movie. The Horse and his boy and The Magicians Nephew would be hard to sell unless you love narnia. For now I think they should stick with action packed stories to bring in more people. What do you guys think?

  4. Aslan's Country! says:

    I agree with you. Plus im sure you guys noticed they made the movies alot darker than the books are so far.

  5. Aslan's Country! says:

    Hey Dylan, you say the Voyage music sounded magical? Well no duh it does, Narnia is a land of magic. I personaly like the music from the Voyage. Think about that stupid Reepicheep theme in PC compared to in Voyage. No comparison.

  6. Dylan says:

    Wow. I said it was the music was trying to be magical. Of course Narnia is a mgaical land, my point is, they could have done better.

  7. Dylan says:

    We the fans are looking at this from a different perspective. We want the next movie, NOW! I dont think we even care what production studio or if its Fox or disney or any of that, we want it NOW. They, want whatever is in the best interest for them to get more money. The last movie wasnt so great, so Walden might be a little cautious as to if they want to continue the series or not. We need to look at it with a different perspective right now.

  8. IvaN says:

    Well, Walden had lost the film option. But no one said that this contract wasn't be prolonged (or wouldn't be prolonged)! And it quite may be, and this case will return the situation to the same status.

    As to me, I totally disliked the idea of reboot the Narnia films. I love LWW, PC and VDT, these movies mean very much for me. I'm not concerned that the new versions will be better – in any sense. Especially in the Christian content.

    I think they should return Adamson in the project and do all 7 films. Maybe it's the only chance to do the full and adequate screen version of Chronicles.

  9. Aslan's Country! says:

    Ya the music is what we are talking about. And as far as lucy's face, go watch LWW when Lucy enters Narnia and its snowing, SAME FACE. I dont think they could of done better, you guys say its cheesy. Well guess what, Narnia are childrens books so if you want blood and something not cheesy go watch LOTR or something. To say a childrens story is cheesy is calling ice cream cold. come on now.

  10. Friederike says:

    Does that mean that Fox and Walden have to wait also or could they do another sequel anytime?

  11. jmr7 says:

    @ Jeanette, Could you please explain where the Christianity was in TRON? I just saw it recently and don't remember there being any Christianity in it.

  12. Aslan's BFF says:

    Okay. I'm still shocked that it appears that no one wants to do this.

    It's not that I want to movie NOW, it's that I REALLY want Will Poulter to be Eustace again. (can I stress my point further?) I think that he nailed the personality on the head and is a brilliant actor who needs more screen time and recognition. (Maybe I'm just weird)

  13. Friederike says:

    I thought the article said that Doug Gresham wants all 7 to be done and I believe it can be done.I love the horse and his boy. I hope they will make all 7. I also understand that the Magicians Nephew was in the debate to do next.I wished they would do Silver Chair w/ Will Pouder next. I don't mind if they lower the budget.Lord have mercy and send the right company to make it.

  14. Aslan's Country! says:

    jmr7 I totaly agree with you. There was alot christianity in VDT too. Aslan even says, " In your world you may know me as another name." Obviously he is talking about god. There are a few more things like this in the movie as well.

  15. Friederike says:

    I hope they don't reboot, that would start the waiting all over again.

  16. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Hey, did the Narnians ever give up on Aslan? Yes, but when they gained faith in Him, everything turned out very good. I currently, regardless of the state of franchise, have been and will be praying that things will turn out very good every night and day.

    Anyway, at least we know that the films are wanted to continue on being made, and money wasn't the reason why Walden had alleged dropped the franchise(Yes, money is and will be a problem, but let's not get on to that.). So, I wonder why they didn't renew the contract when they could have, since Walden really wanted to continue the films with MN next? Hmm, that will probably require a long explanation, but moving on.

    And here's something else positive to think about. Not only is it Douglas Gresham's dream to have all seven books adapted to the big screen, but I've also heard that the Estate really wants that to happen too. Almost as desperate as the fans who still have faith in the Walden franchise. 😛 (I wouldn't consider that too many though.)

    With an expired contract, as mentioned in the article, that means that other film companies will have the chance to adapt Narnia, not just Walden Media. Many fans have now gained hatred toward Walden just because of how VDT turned out, and perhaps a new company will try to use their source of material better. I would like Warner Bros. to pick it up. I was never a fan of HP, but if the films had that much hype, then Warner Bros. must be a great film making company and marketers. I feel that Narnia should have been more than it has in all three Walden films. There was potential for them to be epic in their own sense, but I think Walden at times was playing too safe. (I don't hate Walden Media by the way, I'm just giving my opinion.)

    I also kind of hope that another film company comes along because of the many fans who were feeling they had been betrayed by Walden. I almost felt depressed for all those. I must be one of the younger and newer fans of Narnia on here because I didn't really feel as upset by certain things as other people. But my heart went out to those who felt upset and angered, and I wished I could have done something about it.

    There will be a lack of Narnia films for a few years, but I'm not going to stop visiting all these great, up to date fan sites, nor will I stop reading the excellent books. I have much to learn yet of the world of Narnia, and I will still come here and debate on the aspects of the books and what we still have left to cover about the three films we were given. Thank you so much for making us Narnia geeks come together, NarniaWeb. 🙂

  17. Aslan's Country! says:

    Ya I agree with you. I was talking about from the fans point of view. I think they should stick with action for now to biuld up fan base. Ask anyone and they will say Horse and His Boy was a slow read, however I really enjoyed it. I also love magicians nephew because of the creation of narnia, however maybe this is just my opinion from a huge fans point of view ya dig? I try and think of how someone would enjoy narnia movies with nor prier narnia knowledge of passion.

  18. Friederike says:

    I still liked a lot of movie except the long seamonster battle and the green mist, that really isn't in the book. I wished they would have left that out. The BBC version is closer to the book- not that I like that one better. Aslan in the BBC is not good at all. LEt's hope and pray for the best and a short wait. I'm also glad to hear something, was wondering lately and my children keep asking when they can see the next Narnia movie

  19. Dylan says:

    Yes, but she was 7 in LWW, and in VDT she was 14. I have never seen a 14 yr old smile so goofy. I want to ask you this, did you find PC and LWW cheesy? Because they are childrens stories, and as far as I can tell, they werent that bad.

  20. Movie Aristotle says:

    I'm very glad that the missing piece of the puzzle has finally been supplied. This makes sense out of the conflicting reports that we've been getting.

  21. Dylan says:

    Couldnt agree with you more. Poulter's performance as Eusatce was phenomanal. I agree with you that Poulter will be too old if they dont start now.

  22. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    Yeah!!!!!!!!!(More news!!!)
    Hope is not lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope the moratorium isn't too long! We don't want Will to be too old for SC!

  23. Dylan says:

    I dont think its Waldens problem for doing VDT not so good, its Apted's.

  24. For everyone that is upset about the actors being too old:
    By the time the next film is produced (even though I totally agree in the case for Will Poulter because of continuity and simply because he is a brilliant actor for the role)you need not be sad.

    Just think about it this way: If you all really want it to follow the book to every dot in the I and cross in the T, then you have what you are asking for. In the Last Battle, the Pevensie children are older, much older in fact, and by the time that flim comes around; Im sure that they would use the original cast instead of the older actors that where needed in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe's last scene.

    In my personal opinion I just think that all they need to do is prolong the agreement and work with Will Poulter before he gets too old. They should leave the Magician's Nephew for later (IF the rumors about the change in film order are true of course). Then if it takes a few years for the last batch, I don't see why it would be bad (obviously considering the facts in my prior paragraph).

  25. Aslan's Country! says:

    What's wrong with VDT??? If anything i think narnia fans would be upset with PC seeing as how that was the most far off movie yet. Of course they got LWW perfect! In my opinion they have done VDT very well.

  26. Anhun says:

    Lol, all this time I thought there were two Narnian Meerkat's running around.

  27. Anhun says:

    To be honest, I thought that Prince Caspian was like Narnia à la Peter Jackson. I didn't mind that treatment for PC, and it might work for HHB or LB, but I wouldn't want to see what he'd do with Silver Chair.

  28. Aslan's Country! says:

    Same actor, same faces. Like i said watch the scene when Lucy finds Narnia for the first time and watch her smile then to. You didnt say anything about that im sure. If you are saying they should get rid of Gorgie Henley (Lucy) you are crazy because as far as im concerned she brings the story to life with her acting. You may see her with a cheesy smile and thats all you see. A true Narnian fan feels the magic in that scene and doesnt judge Narnia (VDT) off of a single smile. That movie is amazing and if anyone has something bad to say about it i would love to hear why?

  29. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yeah, i hope the estate hasn't just decided these books can't be filmed properly. or there isn't enough interest in the later books. oh, if only adamson hadn't changed PC so much and got the church groups disgusted, disney would have had the series done by now.

  30. I'm sorry, I meant that they wouldn't need to get a hold of the previous actors that where used in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe's last scene of the older Pevensie's in Narnia before they returned to their world.

    In my personal and humble opinion, I dont think a reboot is necessary. Not everyone is fond of the idea, since some people (including myself) think Henley was adorable and perfect for Lucy. They can extened the rights for a little longer, since it is possible. I also believe that Poulter won't age that drastically; look at Ben Barnes, he played teen Caspian when he was in his late twenties. I conclude that a break to focus on the rest of the films, the order they will be produced, and which company will be purchasing the rights would actually be better. That way they stick to Lewis' vision of the book, keep the same actors, and make everyone happy. At least I think so…. and who knows, maybe that will give them more time to find more actors for the remaining films and attract viewers.

  31. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    walden had a book-like script, the estate rejected it. told them to come up with one "more exciting".

  32. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    HHB a slow read?? what? it was action packed with horseback riding and journeys! SC was boring to me, trudging around in the marsh, looking for signs. snooze.

  33. Praying Pevensie says:

    ok. Well, darn. I always wanted to do that. = (

  34. Aslan's Country! says:

    Flying owls, fishing for eels, giants trying to eat them, underground world, slaying a huge snake. or horseback riding and a small battle. no comparrison. Now dont get me wrong I love HHB I just read it for the 8th time but it is slower than SC.

  35. Dylan says:

    I know right. I have never been first commenter before.

  36. Dylan says:

    Yes, it was more of a mini LOTr in Narnia.

  37. Ana says:

    I totally agree!

  38. Anhun says:

    I'd like to see Adamson come back for HHB. I think he'd do a great job with that one. Don't think he would do well with any of the other three, though.

  39. Dylan says:

    Aslan's Country!, relax. I just said one thing, its not like i hated her acting. and she was perfect for the charqacter of Lucy. when I think of the movies and the character that defined it, VDT was eustace and Poulters amazing performance, and LWW was Lucy. She is a really good actor, and it was only a minor thing that I noticed, no big deal.

  40. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    maybe the state feels they can get the audience back with a new company, since it seems everyone got mad at walden. then people will give the new studio a chance.

  41. Dylan says:

    Really? PC actually had the same idea and goal as the book. VDT's goal and purpose of the whole film was to get the swords to the table, and then defeat the green mist. Now, can you tell me one part of the book were that all happened. At least PC was portraying the books goal and purpose, to defeat the Telmarines and all that. They actually didnt get as far off as VDT.

  42. Dylan says:

    HHB was a very fast paced read. That one and I think LB keep you glued to the book. If anything SC was pretty slow no matter how many flying owls and eels you get.

  43. Dylan says:

    Yes, i have noticed it, and I like it that way.

  44. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    Apted was indifferent to improving an awful script. I think there's plenty of blame to go around. I also think that the next time we see a major Narnia motion picture, glumpuddle Jr. will be ranting about it via real-time 3D holograms.

  45. Aslan's Country! says:

    First off they added the green mist because it was like the devil (adversary) to give it a more cristian feel. I beleive C.S. Lewis would agree with that and in the book they were searching for the lost lords and they did that in the movie that was the whole plot. If you want to compare things they added when in the PC di they attack the castle? and why did the trees attack the battlefield when really it was ivy that went to the classroom? They both added things but at least VDT added something to go along with cristianity which is what the books are all about.

  46. Aslan's Country! says:

    It is obviously personal opinion. But I would rather see flying on owls and, hiding from giants and slaying a huge evil snake over horseback riding anyday. But i will say this LWW and LB are the best!

  47. Avra says:

    Don't think of that too importantly,(if we have time) we dedicated fan's will read your post whether it's the 1st or the 400th!

  48. Aslan's Country! says:

    I agree with you, and I am relaxed just voicing my opinion chap.

  49. Liberty Hoffman says:

    *sits down and cries* I am SO sad!! we'll have to wait and since we don't know how long that will be, then it will be worse!
    well, maybe when they are able to do another movie, they will just jump to HHB and have the by-then-older Pevensies come back to cameo again 🙂
    at least we know that hope isn't gone!

  50. QueenLucytheValient says:

    I couldn't stand a reboot. It might be fine it like 20 years, but not right now, it would be so weird to have a new LWW only like 8 years later. (Yes I know it has been 6)

  51. lady polly says:

    Peter Jackson is a great director,but he's busy making the hobbit.

  52. lady polly says:

    WHAT!!! NO!!!

  53. lady polly says:

    well i don't think peter jackson should direct the narnia films

  54. Aravir Morningstar says:

    Yes, Aslan says that line. But, unfortunately, the writers butchered so much of the rest of the scene that the "that you may know me by another name" line majorly lost it's real meaning. For me, the way the scene played out, it sounded like it could have just as well meant any other religion – not necessarily pointing directly to Jesus the way Lewis intended.

  55. Anhun says:

    Barnes is Barnes and Poulter is Poulter. Barnes is unusually young-looking for his age, Poulter used to be, but not since his growth spurt. Not to mention, Caspian was not clearly defined as a pre-adolescent in the books.

  56. Aravir Morningstar says:

    I have to disagree. VDT has a dual theme. It's first introduced theme is the longing and hope for Aslan's Country. The second theme is each character's growth in faith, though especially more so in Eustace's character since the book features his transformation as well.

    The search for the lost Lords is more of a plot point that provides a reason for the voyage and a continual forward momentum. As my film profs. are teaching me at the moment, this is "plot" not "theme". The former is HOW the story is going to be told. The latter is WHAT the film's message is.

  57. S & G says:

    Middle-earth Network tweeted the following 2 hours ago!

    "Confirmed. Live interview with Douglas Gresham, stepson of C.S. Lewis and Narnia co-producer on Oct. 15th. On @MyMeRadio"!/MiddleEarthNet/status/118800191569661952

  58. Secrets of Excalibur says:

    To Dylan, they should definitly make a Redwall movie – it would be awesome. Even if the movie was nothing like the books it would at least bring the books more attention, so they would be more popular.
    As for the subject of Narnia movies, a few years just seems like too long to wait. 🙁 But I'll grin and bear it because I love Narnia.

  59. Aslan's Country! says:

    I agree with you, however that was not even part of the argument? so lets say finding the lords (which is why the whole voyage began) is a "theme". that doesnt much add to existing argument. just saying

  60. Aslan's Country! says:

    Well I think that if you know Narnia you know the meaning behind this saying? and what do you prefer? Aslan showing up as a lamb first like in the book? I think they did a good job.