The Next Narnia Film: Where We Are Now

For quite some time now, Narnia fans have been waiting patiently for news on whether or not there will be another Narnia movie. But in the past few days, many rumors and bits of news have started circulating over the internet and our forums–both that more films are actively being scripted and that work on the Narnia films has ceased entirely. We were hoping for an official statement before posting any more news on the situation, but now we feel that things need to be cleared up immediately.

During the negotiations between Fox, Walden, and the C.S. Lewis Estate, the film option that Walden Media owned was allowed to expire and Walden Media no longer has exclusive purchasing rights to any further Narnia films. (What’s the difference between a film option and the film rights? Check out Wikipedia’s article here.) This has been confirmed to us by representatives of the C.S. Lewis Estate.

And while Walden and Fox have confirmed they are both interested in making more Narnia films, our understanding is that, by law, the C.S. Lewis Estate must wait a certain period of time (called a moratorium) before they can sell the film option for the Narnia books again. And when they do, it will be available to any film company out there interested in bidding on it, not just Walden and Fox.

So what does this mean? It means that the ball is entirely in the C.S. Lewis Estate’s court at this point, and they have to wait this mandatory period of time until they can sell the film option again. We here at NarniaWeb don’t know exactly how long this moratorium is, though it is likely several years. What we do know, however, is that Doug Gresham has mentioned many times that it’s his dream to make all seven Narnia books into movies so he probably won’t rest until he’s done that. This is not the end of the Narnia movies! We’re only going to have to wait a while before we see another one.

696 Responses

  1. GemmaLaurie says:

    Hello lovlies πŸ˜›

    It's me, Gemma. I used gemmajones on the other page :)Some of you guys may remember me from Narniafans page and now I'm here! Anyway…

    I knew that it was never gonna be a positive outcome in this whole next film buisness but I'm still so annoyed! I really wanted to audition for Jill Pole or Polly but seeing as it'll be more than 2 years away I'll be over 18!! GAH! Well I suppose Will Poulter IS older than 18already so it wont make that much of a difference…. gah who am I kidding. Anyway, if you want to check out my "audition videos" (that I was gonna pick the best one after I put up more and send it in the the casting directors….) then come on down and check out my channel!!!…. aahh I'm so sad now -___- xx

  2. Lucia says:

    Oh u maxrideJ!
    I love your videos πŸ™‚
    I hope they'll make next film soon…xxx

  3. Lucia says:

    Oh,i am fine πŸ™‚
    Coming to asia! I hope you'll enjoy it<3
    Love you xxx

  4. Lucy says:

    No they can't get rid of Will i <3 that kid. Hes a really good actor!!!

  5. Evelyn (narnia 1# fan!) says:

    Hey Dylan out of curiousity how old r u exactly i just want to no cause it seems to me that you r a big fantasy movies fan and im just wondering if your young like 13 or old like 25:)

  6. Evelyn (narnia 1# fan!) says:

    hehehe thats funny you just posted you email to the whole world now anyone can email you. i just wish cute guys would do that one that look like peter or caspian and maybe Eustance:)lol

  7. ILovegeorgie says:

    Gemma! Your here! yay! πŸ™‚ I'm Sad too! It was so much better last year how there was the Jill Pole page and all we had was positive hopes! and it's REALLY hard to believe that was a Year ago! I Will totally freak out if they don't make more narnia movies!! Hump.. We should ask them to do another Jill Pole page regaurding the odds now of usss auditioning now if it will take longer, πŸ™‚

  8. Narniarox says:

    Hey guys it's me! It's so great to see us all chatting together again. So I know I haven't made an audition video lately but I did make a silver chair video :).

  9. Rumblebuffin says:

    Hey, just read about the plans for a new C. S. Lewis film, but the link PuddleCheep gave now redirects to somewhere else.

    Are plans for the film still on target? Where can I read more about it?

    I did find info here, but I'm not sure if it's up to date:

  10. ILoveGeorgie says:

    Heeeey! come on 'vote for your fav narnia scene one'

  11. Aslan's Country! says:

    Is Non and Dylan teaming up again??? You two are like frodo and sam…..but…..from the books…. where they kiss and stuff….

  12. Aslan's Country! says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA Dylan, as you know most the time I disagree with you and think your a negative dwarf but this is pretty funny.

  13. Aslan's Country! says:

    They have to be made! Its all about appreciating what we have. In VDT there were many things that were added and changed from the book but to see they ship sailing with the Narnia theme behind it gave me chills. Eustace and other characters introduced like Drinian. Awesome!

  14. Aslan's Country! says:

    No WAY! Im sorry i try and not get involved sometimes but this is funny. They mutilated LWW??? I understand if you say they mest up a few things in VDT. They also mest up things in PC for sure. LWW was amazing and perfect. Yes it had minor differances from the book but it really brought the magic of Narnia to life and with conviction.

  15. Lucia says:

    I voted<3

  16. narniafan16 says:

    Yay i made the audition video guys! Yay! Check it out:

    i'm not speaking in a British accent cuz i need 2 work on it, so this is the "US version." Hope ya like it!

  17. narniafan16 says:

    Yeaaaa they should realize the tons of Narnia jill pole fans are suppuorting narnia!!!!

  18. narniafan16 says:

    heyhey i luv ur videos Gemma! I'm purpleusagi1 if u know me from u tube

  19. narniafan16 says:

    yeah OMG my best friend moved to Brazil and she said that she has to start 7th grade all over again cause they have a different school year! For us in the U.S. school starts in september so my school year started about three or four months ago

  20. narniafan16 says:

    Hey Lucia! How r u doing? We've missed u SO MUCH
    really…they're not making ANY MORE narnia films? I am gonna cry :'( I luv Narnia
    im getting a pack of narnia posters for christmas…well i put it on my christmas list so i really dont know yet for sure but my dad is also a narnia fan so hopefully he'll get that 4 me! πŸ™‚

  21. narniafan16 says:

    Hey guys i'm sorry i keep on telling u guys that i'll make a video when i really don't until now πŸ™ but i'm really busy! Today, though, I had little hw so i got to make a part 1 narnia audition video for Jill! Hmm…next time i'll maybe do polly, lucy or aravis. I'm really willing to do any role in the Narnia films now but esspecially Jill <3

  22. narniafan16 says:

    oh yea and by the way, i think i might be getting into singing aruditions tho! Me and my friends are making a singing band. And i'm gonna try to audition for the next school play if possible πŸ˜€ Or maybe i should just take acting class cause i dont even know enough abt acting! My friends mom makes commercials and she knows some agents…and she told me that she left a note at this guys office to see if he could reccomend agents or something like that. But he hasn't ever replied πŸ™ Wish you guys and me luck! 4 NARNIA!! I can't wait to get posters!! πŸ™‚

  23. narniafan16 says:

    Yay finally a new page! And I'm the first to comment on it. LOL πŸ˜€

  24. narniafan16 says:

    Voted πŸ™‚

  25. Narniarox says:

    So guys, has anyone heard anything new about the making of the next movie?? I keep hearing different stories! It's gonna be SC, it's gonna be MN. Will they make up their mind? a high school not too far away from me is putting on LLW and they just had auditions but I couldnt audition for it because I dont go there! grr. but I guess it's fine becuase I dont know how, but they're making it a musical… strange. but my school is doing Alls Well that Ends Well by Shakespeare and I'm going to be playing one of the gentlemen :).

  26. EllaWhoWantsToActInANarniaMovie... says:

    OWH!!!! I really would like to do Aravis…. But I'm from Holland…. And I don't have an agent….But I REALLLY (!!!) hope you will get the Jill Pole role…. I don't know why, I just hope so…. Sorry for the dots, I don't know why I typed them…. (ARGH!!! AGAIN!!!!) Sorry.

  27. narniafan16 says:

    hey Ella! It's nice 2 meet u. Welcome to the-group-of-want-to-be-in-narnia-movies LOL. It's ok…I know how u feel…its like u rlly have a big dream 2 get into the narnia movies. I also don't have an agent so don't worry! Actually, idk abt some people but i think ALL of us don't have any agents! i heard that it's really hard to get one. So have you had any acting experience yet? I haven't really πŸ™ lol. Thx for watching my video if u did. Was it good or bad? Thx anyway xxxxnarniafan16
    ps. maybe you should change ur name to a little shorter one like NarniaElla or something cuz then it's kinda easier to remember lol

  28. narniafan16 says:

    And i also heard that they might re-boot it! But that would kinda suck to be honest. But then we could all have a chance of playing lucy, and that is the character that i REALLY would want 2 play but obviously i cant x) They still are making up their mind so we'll probably have to wait until they finnaly make the descision. But theres so many problems that go along with each movie they could play…cuz when they made LWW they didnt plan ahead x(. First of all, Will Poulter! He's like 19 years old!!
    And jill…was 9 or 10 in the book. Maybe they could re-cast eustace? Idkkkk.

  29. Narniarox says:

    well they made him look young in VDT so they can probobly do it again. And i think all of the characters are older than C.S. wanted them to be. if they start casting and writing the script now, I think they might be able to finish SC by the time he's 21. and then it depends if they decide to do MN after. lets not forget Eustace is also in LB. actually all of them are in LB! but then again it all depends on timing and whether they want to change it a lot.

  30. Narniarox says:

    and I even think this is the re-boot! I have a bunch of Narnia movies that my mom bought me and they are NOT our actors. they combined PC and VDT. they also did SC. I wanted to watch them but I haven't found the time. I think they might be the Narnia from the generation before. who knows?

  1. December 10, 2011

    […] Walden Media’s agreement with the C.S. Lewis estate expired this year, and the estate isn’t available […]

  2. December 10, 2011

    […] but now there is a further complication. Walden Media’s contract with the C.S. Lewis estate expired this year, and the estate isn’t permitted to sell the film options for another couple years. […]

  3. December 10, 2011

    […] but now there is a further complication. Walden Media’s contract with the C.S. Lewis estate expired this year, and the estate isn’t permitted to sell the film options for another couple years. […]

  4. December 10, 2011

    […] but now there is a further complication. Walden Media’s contract with the C.S. Lewis estate expired this year, and the estate isn’t permitted to sell the film options for another couple years. […]

  5. December 12, 2011

    […] but now there is a further complication. Walden Media’s contract with the C.S. Lewis estate expired this year, and the estate isn’t permitted to sell the film options for another couple years. […]