Walden Media Hasn’t Dropped Out of Narnia, Still Negotiating

We have been contacted by someone close to the production who claims that Walden Media has pulled out of making any further Narnia movies.

We are trying to confirm this news as quickly as possible. And should this indeed be the case, we have no idea what will become of the series from this point on.

UPDATE: There are a number of conflicting stories about what’s going on. We’re hearing different things from different people, so until things start to settle down we really don’t know anything for sure. What we can say for sure is that the future of the franchise at present is rather murky. Negotiations may or may not be ongoing, or may have ground to a halt for a while. We’re going to just have to wait and see what shakes out. -Tirian

UPDATE 2: I did have a chance to speak with officials from Walden Media today. Walden stated emphatically that they are still pursing another Narnia film and that they are continuing discussions with the C.S. Lewis Estate to make that a reality. At the present time nothing has been confirmed. But there has not yet been a final yes, or a final no. If Walden does another Narnia film, it will almost certainly be The Magician’s Nephew.

I think it is clear that some negotiations are still taking place, though perhaps as I suggested earlier, they are stalled. It is likely that Walden’s option on the film will last for several more years so it could be quite some time before we know for sure one way or the other.

428 Responses

  1. Not Of This World says:

    You seem like you're a girl.

  2. Not Of This World says:

    I ment if it was the real Georgie Henly because I sometimes see people on here who have nicknames that have to do with Georgie Henly. I didn't know if you were talking about the or the real one.

  3. Not Of This World says:

    I'll wait untill 1214 for the next Narnia. It wasn't very sucessful last time when PC came out durring the summer. And it would be crazy to go up against the Hobbit. Plus I don't think Lewis would want that, since Tolken was his friend. The only problem with that would be Will Poulter and his age. In that case I think they should film SC now and not realease it till after MN or which ever the Narnia people decide to do first.

  4. Queen_Emily says:

    At one point you start to get quite annoyed, because they tell you something really important and then they stop giving you ant more news for ages.

  5. Not Of This World says:

    Oh yes.

  6. GuardianofAslan'sCountry says:

    They need to make another Narnia movie. I've been hooked on Narnia since the First Movie and I have read all of the books. The movies are really good despite the problems at the box office. I hope they do the rest of books. MN and LB would be EPIC. More of Aslan in both. 🙂 Sadly, if they do another Narnia movie it will be over shadowed by Twilight's last movie which is ending this year just like HP. I think that the Narnia movies have been deeply overshadowed by those franchise. I hope they make the last 4 movies of Narnia or else MN, SC, and LB. H&HB just bored me but interested me about Archenland and Calormen.
    Anyhow the fate of the Narnia franchise is in the hands of Walden Media and Fox. We just have to take whatever they decide, unforunately.

  7. Anhun says:

    I'm not sure why you talk about Twilight overshadowing Narnia. No Narnia film has ever gone head to head with a Twilight film.

    As for HP, LWW faced off against HP4 and did very well. Potter was nowhere to be seen when PC came out. In the case of VDT, yes HP7 was still out in theaters when VDT came out, but, in America at least, it was winding down, and it fell off the grid by VDT's second week. I don't think HP was a key ingredient in VDT's weak box office.

  8. farsight-mssngr says:

    Just wondering that why don't you get my point? And what do you mean Im a girl? just asking though sory if I said something wrong
    thanks anyway 🙂

  9. farsight-mssngr says:

    Hey. it's already half year before the year ends. any NARNIA 4 movie updates? Cant wait for next NARNIA film
    is there any trailer released?

  10. Bookwyrm says:

    While profit not being a factor would be lovely, Walden kind of needs a movie to make a profit since every movie they've made since LWW has either been a flop or underperformed. No profit=no money to pay the bills. We don't live in some sort of communist utopia.

  11. GuardianofAslan'sCountry says:

    I am just saying that Harry Potter and Twilight have been the biggest franchises that has overshadowed the Narnia movies. They draw in more fans then Narnia. This is what I was trying to say. Once Harry Potter is out of the picture..Narnia will still have to go up with the last two Twilight films…but maybe Narnia would do better if it was played more on TV…cause all I see on TV is HP and I am sick of it. Once in awhile PC is played but that's it. Hopefully with HP going away Narnia will do well in the box office.

  12. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Um, what are you talking about? A trailer? There isn't even another Narnia 4 being filmed right now, and we're not even sure that there will be another Narnia film at this point.

  13. Not Of This World says:

    Your point was "Happy B-Day Georgie!". And when girls are talking about their favorite stars they usually sound like that. All I'm saying.

  14. farsight-mssngr says:

    YES since youre right
    I knowthere are no trailer for the fourth film
    BUT they are still talkig about whats next either MN OR SC
    they are still negotiating about it to save NARNIA FRANCHISE

  15. Harry Potter was like Indiana Jones with younger actors, a copy–at least in the way the movies were made. If Walden did bow out and let someone else take over, I fear Mr. Greshem won't be going along, or else they won't respect his input as much. I think he should dig in his heels and stick to his guns to keep making Narnia.

    I loved all 3 movies so far, changes and all. As much as I'd like to see Magician's Nephew in cinematic form, it seems more logical that Silver Chair should follow, since Eustace is still the right age to be believable. Delay his second appearance, and he might appear too old for the part. Plus, Swinton would have a major part in both.

    Another thing that concerns me: Horse and His Boy and Last Battle both deal with the quasi-Arabic Calormenes. How can they show these without creating a stir among Muslim nationals? Also, my first exposure to HHB disappointed me at first, until I understood its messages; I'm sure those who don't know the entire series would feel lackluster about it as well. But at least the next 2 should be made before negotiations stop.

    ~ VT

  16. Anhun says:

    I think HHB would make a great stand-alone story. Did you read it first in the series, and then found you enjoyed it better after reading the other books? That would surprise me.
    For my part, I liked it the best of the books when I read it as a child.

  17. Anhun says:

    I've heard a number of comments in various forum threads and news articles about how Will P is young enough to pass for book Eustace now, but he won't be in a few years. I would like to put the discussion in clearer terms.

    1.What is the acceptable age range for movie Eustace in SC, so that he can be portrayed the way he's written in the book?

    2. How young can they make Will P look right now?

    3. How young can they make him look, a few years down the road?

  18. Princess Lucy says:

    I agree GuardianofAslan'sCountry: having twilight and HP being grossed well will make people expect darkness in every other movie franchise made!….lol i am also soooo sick of seeing the HP trailers on tv everywhere!!!!!!

  19. Anhun says:




    That's pretty much all we've got for now, ha ha. I thought the shots they used for MN, sparse as they were, worked pretty well. SC, not so much. "Jill to Terebithia" looked a little too modern, and as for "Lady of the Green Stardust" . . . hm, I don't recall the part of SC where LGK takes her clothes off.

  20. stateofgreen says:

    1. 15-17 yrs of age with modifications to the bullying type
    2. 15….anything younger would be foolish!
    3. I don't think we have crystal balls about that. It's now or never. Unless they do Last Battle first and recast a younger lookalike for SC 😀

  21. Anhun says:

    1. 12-14, and 14's pushing it: I put 12 as the lower limit, because Will P passed for 12 in VDT. Even if they recast, it would be weird if the character de-aged. As for using 14 as an extreme upper limit, Eustace is decidedly pre-adolescent in SC. It's most noticeable in his interactions with Jill. There's a certain "boys rule and girls drool" strain in their relationship (at the beginning anyway) that wouldn't make sense if they were teenagers, even if there was no romantic tension. If they have a teenaged Eustace and Jill, they will have to change the relationship to make it more teenaged.

    2. 15+

    3. No difference: I think Will P should be able to play a mid-teen if they film any time in the next 6 or 7 years. 20-somethings play teens all the time.

  22. midnightmoon says:

    Nooo!!! We need more Narnia movies!! I love how Harry Potter can get 8 or 9 Movies and our wonderful Narnia only gets 3. Are you kiddin' me? I thought we were gonna at least get to see The Silver Chair. King Caspian was gonna be like 100 years old in that movie, do you know how much makeup and CGI it would take to make Ben Barnes look old.That would have been hilarious. Oh well, maybe it'll get made, but who knows at this point.

  23. Not Of This World says:

    By the time they get arround to make that movie Ben Barnes will be 100 years old! 🙂

  24. stateofgreen says:

    ROLOL! @Not of this World Narnia did not have its franchise act together to beat Potter.

  25. Not Of This World says:

    Unfortionatly it didn't. But I personaly think once it does get its act togeather, people will be talking about Narnia way after it's finished.

  26. I love georgie says:

    I Agree !!!

  27. IceKat says:

    I'd love to see the Magicians Nephew being made. The Silver Chair was done when the older series was made and it was a decent adaptation (with Dr Who star Tom Baker as Puddleglum). The Magicians Nephew is a fabulous book that would work well on screen and I'd definitely go and see it.
    Personally I'd love to see them do them all but I doubt they'll ever do The Horse and His Boy unfortunately. Perhaps if we pester them they will do all of them…after all all 7 Harry Potter were done…why not Narnia????

  28. I love georgie says:

    Exactly !!! 🙂 x

  29. BILLY says:

    i cant wait till the next movie comes out, but i wish it would be the silver chair!! i mean, eustace will be so much older and so different by the time they make the silver chair (if they even do make it…) if they make the magician's nephew first. narnia needs to get more fans!! its great!! it could totally become more popular than harry potter if they just keep up the movies!!! 🙂

  30. Emilyn Writer says:

    I really want them to just make their decision and make the movie! Wow, this reminds me of Treebeard and the trees in the Lord of the Rings the Two Towers making the decisions and taking….. a…. long…. time….. to…. say…
    I know, I know. "Don't be hasty, master Pippin."

  31. Lucia says:

    I hope they will make all of the 7 into films!
    I want2 act aravis in HHB! :p

  32. Lucia says:

    I think they should stop comparing Narnia with HarryPotter,it's quite different u know.
    In my country of course HarryP is much more popular than Narnia,but I LOVE NARNIA than any other films!!!
    Well,yes I am crazy about The Chronicles 🙂

  33. Zach says:

    I think you should this discussion and get back to making movies before the other fans start complaining and sending bad commits and cus words to this website. Of Course I won't be doing that sort of thing because I am not like that but there will people who will be so beware.

  34. Zach says:

    I think you should Stop this discussion and get back to making movies before the other fans start complaining and sending bad commits and cus words to this website. Of Course I won’t be doing that sort of thing because I am not like that but there will people who will be so beware. sorry I goofed the first time.

  35. Not Of This World says:

    Ahh there's nothing like Narnian politics 🙂


  36. Seiko says:

    It is very true Narnia and Harry Potter have almost nothing in common; they are set up in entirely diferent ways, entirely seperate plots and looks. Their only real similarity is the "use" of a train to travel and basically that there seems to be a god and a devil character:

    Narnia: Aslan and White Witch/Green Witch
    Harry Potter: Harry and Voldemort

    That's about it. Anyone else imagine a romance between Jadis the white witch and Voldemort, and a friendly relationship between Dumbledoore and Aslan?

  37. Seiko says:

    Or perhaps Jadis would rather hang out with Snape, or Lucious Malfoy. Imagine the crossover potentional-but I shouldn't be giving anyone the idea of this. I'll be a worse distraction out of the Magician's Nephew versus Silver Chair battle brawl.

    In one corner we have Eustace and Jill following the four signs to save Prince Rilian and escape the underground kingdom of The Lady Of THe Green Kirtle, and in another, the creation of Narnia with Digory Kirke and others discovering other worlds and accidently releasing Jadis onto the newly created land of Narnia.

    Oh, and giants in one, and Jadis conquering London in another.

  38. farsight-mssngr says:

    Harry Potter now ends. and it's a fantasy-series film. We want NARNIA for it is also fantasy-series film.
    They must start to film the next movie and start casting. It's up to them for what is next (The Silver chair or The agician's Nephew), But they should make sure that it will surely succeed with a big box-office and make NARNIA 5 in the big-screen! Can't wait to see NARNIA 4 in the big-screen!

  39. farsight-mssngr says:

    I'M going to miss HARRY POTTER so much!
    NARNIA!!! save the fantasy-series movie franchise!!

  40. I love georgie says:

    Iv'e Never Seen The harry potter Movies, Are they AnyGood ????

  41. Lucia says:

    I think they r not bad 😉
    (but I watched Stone,chamber,and Order only…)

    I liked the 1st 🙂

  42. Lucia says:

    And you know,Narnia is not only fantasy,but there's Aslan himself!
    Like Puddleglum says,that's why I don't forget narnia…:)

  43. Jewel says:

    I do correspond personally with Douglas Gresham (C.S. Lewis' stepson if anyone here doesn't already know). Walden has in fact dropped out, sorry to say. They found the most recent films not sufficiently profitable. The movie rights therefore revert to him, but per contract, no one other than Walden can release the films for 7 years, which means that he plans to start working on them again in 5 years. He did not say so, but "logically" Walden could of course renew an offer to make future films at a sooner release date than 7 years. I am nothing other than a C.S. Lewis fan (no relation to the estate or film industry), but everyone has my totally unofficial permission to besiege Walden with requests to continue making the films. Here's hoping they change their minds.

  44. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    If they have officially dropped out, don't you think they would have contacted NW by now? I don't think we can trust such news just by one comment. We need actual evidence this is true. Sad if so, but it could be beneficial in a few ways.

  45. I love georgie says:

    Wait, I'm so Confused Whats Happening ??? Did they drop Out ???? And will And when will the movies Be made ??? 😀

  46. Not Of This World says:

    I would like to see your proof.

  47. Sam says:

    Any new official news?

  48. Jewel says:

    A wise point of view, one that I would share in your place. I could quote his email verbatim on the subject, but that would hardly constitute proof to someone who doubts what I said earlier. There is absolutely no way that I will post Douglas Gresham's email address. I would guess that those who run this site have his email address though. He's back from vacation now, so I'm surprised that they haven't received confirmation from him on the subject, but perhaps they are waiting on Walden's official confirmation as well. They may not be ready to openly announce a decision, I only know they gave him one. Another reason for fans to urge Walden media to continue the films in my opinion.

  49. liz says:

    he's going to be 30 yrs old this aug

  50. Not Of This World says:

    I don't know wether or not to believe you (which Im sure you will understand). But I hope you're wrong! I want more Narnia!!!

  51. WishIWerePolly says:

    WE NEED NEW NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, no that my freak out is over I can calm down and act like a normal human being.

  52. Not Of This World says:

    So are you family or a friend or how do you know with Douglas Gresham?

  53. Jewel says:

    No, as I said I'm only a C.S. Lewis fan. I haven't many talents, but I'm a very peristent researcher. So I found a very roundabout way to contact Douglas Gresham. Like his stepfather, he kindly and generously replies to his mail, with astonishing promptness I might add. He is everything that you might hope for from a man raised by C.S. Lewis; a perfect gentleman, very witty and a marvelous sense of humor. For those interested, he wrote a book about his childhood with C.S. Lewis & Joy Gresham Lewis. It's called Lenten Lands.

  54. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    @Jewel Please just let NW take care of what is happening. Sorry to sound like a grouch, but we can't completely trust what you are saying just from a comment. NW is a very big Narnia news site that is up to date and very accurate. Contact will be made to NW if something like this is to happen. It could just be a misunderstanding. Please let NW take care of this.

  55. Birch Girl says:

    I don't want to sound like a grouch either Louloudi, but NW seems to encourage people to post anything they have heard. See the About NarniaWeb page. They mention "spies" all over the world. They even have a whole forum for Rumors. I don't see Jewel claiming an official role, basicially says this is what I heard, believe or don't, up to you. So what is your problem here? All we are getting from NW right now is "we may not know for a long time". No dates attached to their updates either. I don't like Jewel's news, but it's my business whether I believe it or not and I like to have a choice. I'm sure you mean well, but it's a just comment section and we all know that. Relax and let people have their say.

  56. Not Of This World says:

    I'm not trying to sound like a grouch either, but if you have news you are supossed to report it to the "Contact Us" button on the top right. And the rumors fourm page is for rumors and the comments on stories are not for rumors. I have to agree with Louloudi. Leave it to NW.

  57. Not Of This World says:

    Douglas Gresham does seem like a nice guy, but I don't know anyone who would let a stranger into their inbox. I'm having a very hard time believeing you. Plus if this is true, you should contact Narnia Web and tell them. Just posting comments won't do you much good. I think you should leave it to Narnia Web (Read my comment down there).

  58. Cyclops says:

    One thing you need to take into account is not only the production budget, but also the marketing budget. I would expect that Percy Jackson had the least marketing budget, with PoP and VDT about the same (100 million). The numbers point to Prince of Persia being a much larger flop financially than the Voyage of the Dawn Treader was (especially considering how large it was originally expected to be).

  59. Birch Girl says:

    I might agree with you except for one thing: the whole story belongs in the Rumor forum anyway. NW chose to post rumors from people not named inside Walden Media as real news. They can't confirm it. Then they leave us all hanging. Seems silly to get uptight and act like NW is so responsible and everyone else should be so careful about how they report things after that. Unofficial censorship just bothers me. NW is the one who posted in the wrong place. Not trying to be harsh with anyone tho.

  60. Viníccios says:

    I Need Silver Chair ou Magician Nephew's News =(