Walden Media Hasn’t Dropped Out of Narnia, Still Negotiating
We have been contacted by someone close to the production who claims that Walden Media has pulled out of making any further Narnia movies.
We are trying to confirm this news as quickly as possible. And should this indeed be the case, we have no idea what will become of the series from this point on.
UPDATE: There are a number of conflicting stories about what’s going on. We’re hearing different things from different people, so until things start to settle down we really don’t know anything for sure. What we can say for sure is that the future of the franchise at present is rather murky. Negotiations may or may not be ongoing, or may have ground to a halt for a while. We’re going to just have to wait and see what shakes out. -Tirian
UPDATE 2: I did have a chance to speak with officials from Walden Media today. Walden stated emphatically that they are still pursing another Narnia film and that they are continuing discussions with the C.S. Lewis Estate to make that a reality. At the present time nothing has been confirmed. But there has not yet been a final yes, or a final no. If Walden does another Narnia film, it will almost certainly be The Magician’s Nephew.
I think it is clear that some negotiations are still taking place, though perhaps as I suggested earlier, they are stalled. It is likely that Walden’s option on the film will last for several more years so it could be quite some time before we know for sure one way or the other.
vdt sucked with Fox, so I am going to put my neck on the block and say that i hope disney comes back.
I cant believe i said that. it must be the magic of Disney!
Disney sucked. They tried to block out anything involved christianity in the books, released Prince Caspian at the worst time possible, spent way too much money on it, and then complained and dropped the franchise. If Fox is gone give it to New Line, and forget Walden let someone else handle it if they want to be such a pain.
See, I don't see it as a contradiction. In the interview with Fournier, he didn't say "You're going to love the make-out scene we squeezed in there!" He said that he would find the movie thrilling. I personally thought the kiss was a bit odd (more for artistic reasons than book fidelity). I still found the first hour of the movie completely engrossing. Also, while he did, in the interview with CT, say that he disliked the kiss, he went on to say that it wasn't that big of a deal.
Narnia is in trouble for being drop out. Remember Disney left the franchise in the air. But great thing Fox saved the franchise. Then now Walden?-NO WAY! Narnia is one of the best films Walden ever released and releasing in the big-screen. Still, till now, they are in the process for Narnia 4 but "The Magician's Nephew" will probably the next (for they want to save the franchise and hopes MN will save it like in the books)
Anyway, "The Hobbit" is the next big competitor of Narnia.
The Big question is: When can we see Narnia 4 in the big-screen? Will it be worse than VDT? or better than LWW? Will MN save the franchise? or it's the end?
Oh I want to see the whole chronicles in the big-screen. Really hoping MN will save the franchise.
Further UP and Further IN!
dont even….
it's the opposite for me, i found out about narnia through the films, so they are the real thing to me, and it's hard for me to read the books cause i didn't read them as a kid.
infighting goes on all the time making movies, and always will. simply because it's a team effort.
Walden is not dropping it! They are still in negotiations. Read the headline people!
I know that. I just said "no way!" but I know they didn't and won't drop the franchise sorry for though you didn't understand what I mean 🙂
That's a great idea! If Walden is thinking about dropping out (WHICH I HOPE THEY WILL NEVER DO!), New Line is like one of our only hopes… Maybe I'm being a little too pesimistic, but these companies are sooo complicated.
Surprised in rumor that they will drop the franchise-that's very awful. But it's good that they won't dropping it.
Thanks Walden Media for you have faith in Narnia's franchise that they will rise up again like LWW did. I just want to say that they should make Narnia 4 better and they should follow the book's story (if it's necessary, they should do only little differences from the book or no differences at all). Narnia 4 should be better than LWW or just the same cause if Narnia 4 flops again like PC and VDT, it's likely that Narnia will end. big question is: when can we see Narnia 4 in the big-screen? and is "The Magicians Nephew" or "The Silver Chair"?
FURTHER UP and FURTHER IN! Narnia 4 is coming soon!
The problem could be the lack of wisdom to recognize good scripts, or maybe the problem is forgetting that the classic, literary gold they have in their hands should be treated with more respect. The reader waits through chapters, dying to read four or five lines from Aslan, because we know it will be brilliant.
And through the wonder and raw beauty that the author creates, these lines are enough for the reader.
What happens in the movies, ? When Aslan shows up, they change his lines. What happened to Aslan's powerful voice ? The spiritual fear the children feel ? The smell of all sweet smelling things in his presence ? Aslan touching the children's foreheads with his tongue ? Not being able to look him directly in the eyes ? The beams of light from his mane ? WHERE IS THE NUMINOUS ?? They have been trying to make something simple enough so that as many people as possible will like it– translation: Wanting to make as much money as possible, as opposed to just making a lot of money–
A few movies have been made that were NON-CONFORMIST, and have become timeless classics that will be watched and studied for generations. '2001, a Space Odyssey' , for example. Of course, you need exceptionally good material that can be popular for generations, at every age…OH THAT'S RIGHT, THEY HAVE THAT ! —!!!!!!!—
And please, let them read Lewis' descriptions of dryads, because if I see one more drift of dancing hybrid-tea rose petals, I am going to stick a fork in my eye.
Considering "The Fans" all want to see "The Silver Chair," you'd think they'd just listen and go with it. If not for the fans, who is there? Nobody, duh!
A "Silver Chair" movie would at least be better than PC. If they completly stick to the book (like with LWW), then it should be better than VOTDT as well.
Stop this nonsense and go ahead and make The Silver Chair and The Last Battle! You have the power of Will (Poulter) and that will never let you down! Further UP and Further Jill!
I'm skeptical about the next film, if there is even going to be a next film, because we've had almost the same scripwriters for all 3 narnia movies. You'd think that after writing for every movie you'd at least get better, but it appears like they've backtracked and gone downhill since the first film.
Further Jill? *scratching head at that*
LOL! I wonder how they're going to explain the children of Helen and Frank having children with the flower cloud dryads if they do make MN next. And don't even get me started on all of the changes to Narnian stars.
I think Walden Media is just shooting themselves in the foot if they film The Magicians Nephew next. Why didn't they just start with The Magicians Nephew? Wait I know they are going to give us all that crap about "Well The Lion,The Witch, and The Wardrobe was the most popular book so we will film that first", and they're right, but we've heard almost that same baloney every movie. They then called Prince Caspian a dark book and complained about how it didn't do as well at the box office as they hoped,then they said that the book sales mirrored the popularity of the moviegoers to the theaters, so why not go with Magicians Nephew next since it nips at the heels of Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe. In my opinoin, I think that Walden Media is going to end up in the same boat as the BBC version of Narnia, which is 4 filmed adaptions. Years later when the series has been out awhile were going to get a movie 4 pack that you see at Walmart for $10 such as: The Batman movie 4-pack, Superman movie 4-pack, Blade movie 4-pack, Final Destination movie 4-pack, The Matrix movie 4-pack, Dirty Harry movie 4-pack etc….. If they don't make up they're mind soon either the series is going to end, they will film The Magicians Nephew and no more, or change characters and whatever else after that, or they will film The Silver Chair, or they will just quit squabbling over what movie to make and start on one. I mean OH MY!!!! They've had almost 7 months after VDT to make up they're minds!?!?!?!?!???? Right now the franchise does not seem to be in a good spot.
Walden Media can't do this they have to give the Narnia franchise at least one more try, wheater it be "The Sliver Chair" or "The Magician's Nephew". What the people at the studio have to realize is that the Narnia movies have the potenial to be a great, epic, classic, franchise like "Harry Potter" or "The Lord of the Rings", because the books are just as famous and just as good as those stories.
The problem is the studio needs to put the movie franchise in the hands of better filmmakers who admire the books a lot more, and understand C.S. Lewis's vision a lot better, and will especially stay much more faithful to the book and NOT throw in their own crappy matrial that adds almost nothing to the main story and just makes it worse like what they did in "Prince Caspian" and "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" and failed for the most part in my opinion.
If the studio can just get filmmakers and scirpt writers who will do those things, then I know for sure that the Narnia can be at the same level as the "Lord of the Rings" and the "Harry Potter" movies. And if you don't believe me, and think I'm crazy for saying that then reread at least one of "The Chronicles of Narnia" books, and see the skill, and imagination, and character development, and story arch that the great C.S. Lewis crafted into each of the seven books; and you'll argee with me that the Narnia movie franchise can be just as great, and epic, and as much of a classic as the "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings" movies. The studio just needs to treat it better.
The main thing is to get a Director who's creative vision & talents for the next episode both Walden & the Estate are enthusiastic about!
Then they 'help' that person make the vision a reality – meaning they have free reign in providing input but everything is the directors choice. But first have to get director they can follow and support into the unknown.
Don't do script or any major creative stuff till they got the director, and coming from their champion for the episode or will lead to confusion down the line i'd think.
& increase production budget & decrease marketing budget
ONWARDS Narnia 4, wahoo!
I'm just guessing is all:)
Yeah what I said earlier, quit squabbling and do something, you've had more than half a year to choose a film!!! Maybe they should do The Silver Chair since the Puddleglum character seems to be what Walden Media is acting like right now. If they don't do anything soon I bet we'll be seeing Narnia for $10 at Walmart in the 4 movie packs.
If Walden doesn't take up the option, as has apparently happened,then another company will get the opportunity to do so. Don't despair!
I think that's meant to be left to the imagination . . . no flower porn, please.
As for Moonwood, you're the second person on here who's held up Space Odyssey as an example of how non-traditional movies can be successful. The comparison is simply not apt.
2001 was not and is not the sort of movie that can appeal to your typical child. I can go into a discussion of the themes as they relate to Erik Erikson's stages of psychological development if you really want me to. It certainly won't have children going back to the theatre again and again. 2001, when it came out, was wildly popular with the stoner crowd because of the eerie visual trip. Narnia doesn't have that going for it. Also, the word "Narnia" is often associated with childhood interests and certain subsections of the movie-going public won't go to see a Narnia film because of that association. 2001 didn't have that going against it.
The Narnia series was originally intended to introduce children to the delights of imaginative story telling. A Narnia movie that sticks to the purpose of presenting complex themes of personal/spiritual development within a context of fantastical childlike wonder, is most likely to be successful. For both commercial and artistic reasons, Narnia movies need to be family films. If you are going to make the point about successful non-conformist movies as compared with Narnia, please use a successful non-conformist FAMILY film.
If you were considered a caretaker of a beloved cultural legacy, and you were completely powerless to stop someone from doing something to it that would affect it negatively, say something "nonsensical", something that would bother a lot of people, would you:
a) admit how powerless you were, and that your position is almost entirely meaningless
b) shrug it off as "not a big deal", and imply how one has to choose one's battles carefully
Again, nothing against the gentleman in question. But, he is very much a political figure in many ways, and is always aware of which way the wind of public opinion is blowing. His promotional interviews pre-release were bubbling with praise for the film. There were never any preemptive apologies or explanations. I have seen and heard enough from Mr. Gresham to, as I have said previously, apply the context of the specific situation, and to consider the audience he is addressing at that particular moment, before fully evaluating his statements. If you see no evidence of contradictory behaviour, Anhun, we will be forced to disagree. I do not believe that would be the first time. Mine is just one opinion that I offer up for consideration. All I'm saying is, you know… grain of salt.
An official announcement by anyone associated with Walden would help set the record straight about Narnia.
Rumours are already circulating on other websites.
Meh, I can't believe people even care anymore. VDT bombed. Walden is either in or out, either way they'll deny that they are out until they announce it, thats how movie making (and politics) go.
Things that Walden, the Estate, Disney and Fox got wrong on their way to failure.
-PG requirement. This is stupid, it totally turned off the 15 – 25 age group. The main group who go to the theaters to watch movies.
-Altering the script to horrible degrees. River Scene, fine. Night Raid, fine, Green mist? Blech.
-Suspian. It was stupid, if they had dove into it more then maybe the public would of been more receptive. Even if it made the fans mad. Once again they went for a comprise and it backfired, making everyone angry instead of just one group. Bad move there.
-Peter/Caspain Rival plot line; once again they should of commited to it or not done it at all.
Disgusting diolog writing.
Not keeping to the books.
Medicore acting.
Choppy scenes.
Must I go on?
some of us would rather have something than nothing!!
"just as good"? I'd say that Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are so far behind in Narnia's dust they look like the mudflaps on a tractor trailer that hasn't been washed for umpteen years!
You said it "child of Aslan"!!
I understand that there will be something official announced, but not immediately. I'm sure the studio and the Estate want us all to know what is really happening.
You know what this franchise needs? A new Andrew Adamson. Not someone with the same directing style and such, but someone with the same passion that he had. Now that Adamson is gone, we need someone new to step up and be even more passionate about the Narnia franchise. If this doesn't happen, without a doubt Narnia will die.
I agree. How can you be so sure that it can only get worse.
Remember : "We have nothing if not belief" -Reepicheep
Please stop being a wet blanket! In fact, no one here has ever actually thought like you!
thank God! I never thought there would be an issue like this one.
i'm still hoping they're gonna do the whole series.
Go read my comment on the front page. 😛 I was hoping for another production company to take over Walden, one that doesn't take perfectly good novels and dumb them down into insipid nonsense. As for MN, if it ever makes it onto the silver screen under Walden's management, I won't be viewing it unless they can convince me that this time they want to make a *good* movie and not just another generic fantasy movie. Given their track record, not just with the Narnia movies, I doubt this will happen.
I don't know about the Underworld series, but all of the Pirates and X-men movies have featured at least one of the main characters from the original. Neither would be the case for MN or SC. MN stars a minor supporting character from the first film, played by a different actor no less. SC has a previously introduced main character, but he didn't come on board til the 3rd film.
Well, I think it's good that they are planning on doing MN since it is chronologically first- even though SC was expected. I really really hpe they make it and I am glad to hear that they havent' pulled out of it even if things do go slowly! But I agree with others that it would be very nice to hear and official statement by Walden Media about the status of the project.
They should really try to negotiate Andrew Adamson and Harry Gregson-Williams back into the picture. Just my personal opinion.
Wait Andrew Adamson needs to go back for Narnia 4 together with Harry Gregson-Williams. Adamson told in PC (movie Companion) that he will be resting for while which means he's not directing VDT. He said he want to make Narnia better that's why he's resting and planning to make Narnia movies better. Maybe he's going back in Narnia 4 and I hope he'll be back to direct Narnia 4 together with Douglas Gresham, Mark Johnson and Philip Steur with Harry Gregson-Williams as the score composer!
stephenb=#1narniafan, I completely agree, and I think the reason the series is seeing such a big drop from LWW is that each movie was further from the book than the previous one was. LWW was very true to the book, and enjoyed huge box office numbers. PC was altered quite a bit, and made a little more than half. DT barely kept up with PC, but I believe that it only did that well because of how many international CS Lewis fans there are that love that story, and were excited to see it on the big screen.
Personally, for both continuity of the actors playing the characters, and for the progression of the story, I think they need to make SC next. I think MN could be perceived as such a random story if released in between the other ones, that it could serve to disrupt any momentum that they might be able to gain with a true-to-the-book production of SC, where people can follow the story and the growth particularly of Eustace.
While I think your right, Q. Susan, about the Narnian stories surpassing (at times) those of LotR and HP, you must admit that the *movie* adaptions of these other two franchises are much, much better that those of Narnia.
Both Potter and Lord of the Rings movies have something in common- they were made by people who desperately loved and cared about the books they were adapting. So far, I haven't seen that trait in Narnia film makers. Such a shame, really… 🙁
Maybe they should do a remake of Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
I agree, "Further UP and Further Jill!"
Does New Line even exist anymore since the `Dark Materials Trilogy` fiasco?
''We have nothing if not belief'' we need to have faith in Narnia
She may say that as her opinion, guys. It's not being a "wet blanket", I actually agree that Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader have been flops. I am still interested in seeing others, although I get mad every time I see one!
Yeah, but I am glad about the PG requirement. They're kids books and family-safe. I agree about the other stuff though…They do have terrible dialogue and script writing….Acting and CGI has diclined alot since the first movie too…JUST FOLLOW THE BOOKS
"You just have to have faith about these things." !!! I found out if they keep making the movies every couple years or so I could be able to work on the last one! XD
Wow! I still thought they were doing silver chair next!
I still think they should change to allow PG-13. They can be more faithful to the books and yet still be able to not graphically show things that would scare the under thirteens. It CAN be done!
Glad they're 'pursing' another idea 😉
Does anyone here still wonder what the clip was about in the 1st DT trailer with the four pevensies? I know its kind of random but I have to know. 🙂
It was a scene shot exclusively for the trailer. The reason being the Pevensies are fan favourites and they wanted to trick audiences into thinking Peter and Susan would be in the movie more than they actually are.
i think that all three of the narnia films have been FANTASTIC! as much as i want to see will poulter in the SC i understand the logic in going with MN. i think by doing MN we have better chances to see them both made. I believe if they bring their A game, then MN could be just a big, if not bigger than LWW. i think having Tilda back with a major role, and with the potential of the creation scene, MN could be epic.
I could not find them Louloudi,I went to their page called 'FALSE:Walden Media pulls out of Narnia'and all i could find was someones movie review for PC( unless thats what you meant and i just don't understand).
I think that the Narnia films are great! Although, I think that the first one is still the best. Voyage just didn't wasn't good enough for me. The Green Mist made it seem different from the book and they are adding the witch in the movies too much! I'm glad their doing the Magicians Nephew next though. I think that it could bring some viewers back! Just make sure the script is good, the soundtrack is a fresh sound and that the trailers will bring the audiences attention! The Magicians Nephew should be fun because its a Prequel too! (Im prayin it succeeds)
I was very disappointed with the last two movies and I think audiences have been showing less support, I know I have. They need to make them true to the books. Both Prince Caspian and Voyage were cute little movies but they were changed so much that really don't deserve to bear their titles.
John, according to cinemascore 75% of the audience gave VDT an A+. Doesn't sound like they are dissing VDT.
I think they should still do Silver Chair next to keep the order going. If they do MN people who haven't read the books will just be confused.
oh gosh!! they better not stop making them!!!
i love the movies but i think it would be better if they
did the silver chair insted of MN because the actors will get older