Walden Media Hasn’t Dropped Out of Narnia, Still Negotiating
We have been contacted by someone close to the production who claims that Walden Media has pulled out of making any further Narnia movies.
We are trying to confirm this news as quickly as possible. And should this indeed be the case, we have no idea what will become of the series from this point on.
UPDATE: There are a number of conflicting stories about what’s going on. We’re hearing different things from different people, so until things start to settle down we really don’t know anything for sure. What we can say for sure is that the future of the franchise at present is rather murky. Negotiations may or may not be ongoing, or may have ground to a halt for a while. We’re going to just have to wait and see what shakes out. -Tirian
UPDATE 2: I did have a chance to speak with officials from Walden Media today. Walden stated emphatically that they are still pursing another Narnia film and that they are continuing discussions with the C.S. Lewis Estate to make that a reality. At the present time nothing has been confirmed. But there has not yet been a final yes, or a final no. If Walden does another Narnia film, it will almost certainly be The Magician’s Nephew.
I think it is clear that some negotiations are still taking place, though perhaps as I suggested earlier, they are stalled. It is likely that Walden’s option on the film will last for several more years so it could be quite some time before we know for sure one way or the other.
I hope you're right and the series miraculously continues!!!!!
I think Douglas Gresham has a lot more say with the series than we give him credit for. Take for instance what he said in a Prince Caspian interview:
In Prince Caspian we had to make some fairly major changes because the book isn’t written that way. In this movie there are a lot of differences in it also to, as Hollywood says, “derive the plot”. I’m ambivalent as to whether they’re necessary or not, I don’t really think so. But that's the way they wanted to do it, and it was either that or not make a movie, so I said “Well, go ahead and do it.”
With this quote I'm assuming that he does have some say with the films, probably enough to generate continuing or stopping the franchise. Just my own personal thoughts.
Fox doesn't own the film rights, Walden does. Unless Walden chooses to sell them, there will be no more movies.
Accuracy and integrity in book adaptations? When? In an alternate universe? Their Jules Verne adaptations barely hold any resemblance to the books and their adaptation of The Dark is Rising is an absolute abomination that had the author nearly in tears as she was interviewed about her treatment by the filmmakers. And then there's the execrable Dawn Treader movie.
Honestly, I actually hope there are no more Narnia movies. They ruined Prince Caspian, they mostly ruined VDT, and it can only get worse.
I think it is rather odd that they would drop the Narnia movies, so I'll wait until I see an official confirmation before I believe it.
I do want to mention, however, that saying you hope there is no more Narnia movies is quite unfair to those of us (myself included) who love the Narnia movies and sincerely hope that Walden continues to produce them.
I hope one day to be a movie director and do all seven Narnia movies! Because it takes heart to make something that cherished your imagination! If you want something done, You do it!
Hah! That would indeed be amazing. I think he could get the essence of the story down very well, judging by the overall style of his work in series 5… (Amy bringing everything back through the stories she remembered as being real, for example!)
They can't make a fourth film under these conditions. The internal situation sounds really bad.
How is it unfair to express an opinion?
The internal situation sounds really bad. They should not make anymore films under these conditions.
I just hope they make a movie… I hope that Walden Media doesn't drop out, and I don't really mind that they might make the Magician's Nephew(I'm not too picky about the order, partially because I liked the Magician's Nephew better and it wasn't as dark) next, although I hope that people will like it enough so we can move on to Silver Chair and Horse and his Boy and Last Battle. Wow, we're about halfway through making all the movies already.
Unfortunately I think you're right. A house divided cannot stand. Fox wants one thing, Walden wants another thing, the Estate wants yet another thing.
I think an early sign of this is when Douglas Gresham started calling himself the 'Narnia Police'. It was always understood that it was Gresham's job to make sure the films maintained the book's integrity but the way he talked about his role for VDT seemed like the Estate and the film-makers were in a constant tug-of-war. One side would grudgingly let the other have its way for a particular aspect of the movie and in the end neither got what they wanted.
How do you know that Fox and Walden want different things?
Anneliese is not, I think, saying it is unfair to express an opinion regarding the movie.
I believe she is saying it is not fair to hope that the movies will not even be made on account of all those who truly enjoy them.
I agree. That is a selfish prerogative.
If someone dislikes the Narnia films, and doesn't want to see another one, he is welcome to not watch it. However, the rest of the fan-base would be left very disappointed.
This morning, we were coming home from vacation. Before that, I went to NarniaWeb. I found the news that Walden seemed to no longer be doing the Narnia films. For the 12 hour ride home, I was really upset, barely talked, and thought of nothing but Narnia. I had absolutely no idea what to say when I got here at home.
Now… I still have no idea what to say really. I've found no news in Google News. Maybe it was a misunderstanding of some sort? I don't know. I'm praying for the future of the franchise, not just because they are some of my favorite books, but because I have really learned Aslan better here from the Narnia books, and somewhat in the films.
Uh, no. Douglas Gresham is great, I agree, but he's no filmmaker. (save doing voiceovers/etc! Loved his voice cameos in the films as well as the intros in the FOFRT adaptations!)
I think the studio should give him more say, yes, but he ultimately has no real experience making movies. Directing is a huge job. There is more to it than just being the step-son and highly committed fan of C.S. Lewis. You have to have experience or the entire film set will fall apart.
Maybe they could say screw Walden and get someone else, Fox seemed happy. And so the Silver Chair-Magician's Nephew can wait. That said this battle royale situation is silly-maybe someone should just give up and allow them to make another movie already.
*update* I now might not even want Walden Media to continue with the series thanks to a very smart news reporter at Aslan's Country! I'm not posting the link here, but go ahead and go to their news story on this and scroll down and find the links to why I don't want Walden Media to do the Narnia films anymore! And I don't think that any of this was Fox's fault!
wow you described my feelings completely.. this news just ruined my week! I hope they can all come together and agree to move forward.
If anyone should drop out it should be Fox, things began to get screwed up since they came. And also Michael Apted should leave, he's not a good director for Narnia. Disney should come back and above all Andrew Adamson NEEDS to come back.
"… It is likely that Walden’s option on the film will last for SEVERAL MORE YEARS so it could be quite some time before we know for sure one way or the other."
Am I misunderstanding something? Is anyone else perplexed or confused by this statement? If Walden is going to sit on Narnia for several years until it seems more opportune for them to continue, I'd rather they give up and let someone else continue. I for one have never liked it when a movie series suddenly has an overhaul on the cast for the same characters. It's like having a sequel 20 years after the original! Maybe I'm just reading into that statement too much.
I swear, just do SC next and cast David Tennant as Puddleglum and the Doctor Who fans will flock to the theatres!
I'm wondering if they tried the ultimatum approach again, and it backfired this time, causing the current hold-up. Before they said "we'll have a green-misty (or whatever) VDT or no VDT at all" and he went along with the changes. Perhaps they said "We're replacing the apple subplot with an epic battle (or whatever) or its no MN at all." and he went for no MN.
man, i dont know what to say about this.
Another problem noone has noted yet is that several more years will mean recasts, especially in the case of Will Poulter and probably the Pensevies in HHB as well.
dear me, what a lot of angst over a film series – mere entertainment! I mean really, if the movies are made, they are made, if not, we still have the books to love. This being said by someone who still counts LWW as her all-time favorite film.
Yes, that's a rather infamous quote from Mr. Gresham that I found extremely amusing, given his pre-release victory tour for that particular film, assuring us how wonderful it was. The gentleman is very astute at deflecting criticism to other, less beloved, targets, I grant him that. Regardless, he is a consultant on the films. He is respectfully listened to, and, more likely than not, tolerated to a large degree. It is increasingly clear that he has no power to make any significant changes to these films that the producers and directors don't wish to make. I'm sure the estate has written various morality/content clauses into the agreement with Walden (we know of the PG requirement, for instance), and he's on set to ensure some degree of compliance, but the perception that he somehow digs in his heels and holds up the production unless his demands are met is sheer fantasy.
If his objections make sense, and they can be accommodated, they are listened to. If they're logistically, creatively, or otherwise opposed to the ultimate intentions of the producers, they are, politely, ignored. I think Mr. Gresham's presence, occasionally, helps to make the Narnia films better than they otherwise would have been. Unfortunately, he's powerless to stop them from being BAD, if they are so inclined to be. That's the best way, I think, anyone could describe his role. Inluence, yes. Control, no.
Throughout history, humanity perseveres. Though one person may give up, another may look at the idea, see hope, and take up the baton. Fox has taken up the baton for Disney, and even if Walden Media does give up, someone will take up the idea and run with it.
I love the books and films!!!!! All movies are amazing!! not like the first but still love them!!! no movie based on a book!! sticks to the original order!!! so!!! I DONT CARE OF THE ADAPTIONS!!! if they have the messeage that the book tries to show!!! im gald with it!! so!! Go narnia!!! I hAVE faith that the 4 movie will come!!!
Actually, the interview was also pre-release. I don't know when he actually sat for it but it was posted here on 12/6. In fact he finished that paragraph with the sentence,"It will be interesting to see the audience reactions." He wasn't deflecting criticism because the criticism hadn't generally been made yet.
You are mistaken.
That quote was from an interview published December 6, 2009, a full year and a half AFTER the release of 'Prince Caspian'. Mr. Gresham's last line is referring to 'Dawn Treader'. My post is referring to 'Prince Caspian'. I stand by my previous statement.
Tonight I'm going to have nightmares about armies of marauding exclamation points.
[QUOTE]I think it is clear that some negotiations are still taking place, though perhaps as I suggested earlier, they are stalled. It is likely that Walden’s option on the film will last for several more years so it could be quite some time before we know for sure one way or the other.[/QUOTE] This sounds like a good and bad thing. Bad in that there may not be a new Narnia film for longer than expected, good in that maybe they will really take the time to make a good quality next effort, a sort of mini-reboot, and perhaps a new clean slate to start with. Goodbye Will Poulter, best wishes for your next great character role in the movies! It was nice to have seen you at least in VDT! 😀
When i read walden had dropped i cried for hours! Now though there is some hope and i can't help thinking this could mean a comeback. The magician's nephew is so richly told and has so much depth. It is the most popular book of the series and still sells well. If they take a long time to make it, then it could mean that they think everything over well and make the film as good as LWW! If they get it right and is a hit at the cinemas, then it is probably certain that the Narnia movie series has a future!
So you would be okay with an R-rated Narnia movie with sex scenes and gory violence, just as long as they got something in there that could be construed as "sticking to the message"? Oooookay then.
Darn. I went and got my hopes up for nothing.
Hey, that's an idea… New Line Cinema, you say? Yes, I loved their adaptations of LotR and Inkheart. Very faithful. If they were to take the Narnia films up, perhaps they'd be a bit more open to the 'risks'.
To think this is all over knuckleheads who don't want to stay the chronological order. This is the same thing why their are sometimes 4 year periods between James Bond Movies.
Walden Media has a page on Facebook. All, who are on Facebook and want more Narnia films, could go to that page to show support for more Narnia films.
Other ways of supporting: Buy dvds of "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader". If that film does pretty well overall, there's a bigger chance of getting more films. Petitions may also do some good.
Now is not the time to loose faith. "We have nothing, if not belief"! (Quote: Reepicheep)
Do not quit Walden Media!! please keep filming untill the end.
I read in a book titled C. S. Lewis and Narnia for Dummies that some guy working for Walden Media made a promise to bring all of the Chronicles of Narnia to film. If they quit, who'll continue the series?????? Why are they quitting???
Just in my opinion, I think some people do not want to work very hard to make all of the narnia books into movies because of the switch in so many characters especially after all four of the Pevensie children won't be returning it is quite a downward spiral…It is still soooooooooooooooo sad!
I hope sooooo!
The last four lines were about VDT. Remember, by December 2009 they had already wrapped up major filming for Dawn Treader. The only thing he said about PC in that quote was "Prince Caspian WE had to make some fairly major changes because the book isn’t written that way." He's taking joint responsibility for the major changes, even though, in other interviews, he's mentioned that he didn't care for some of the smaller changes (like Suspian). I don't recall his ever saying that he strongly objected to something that ultimately made it's way into the movie PC, which is what he implied for VDT.
Come on Walden, you're our man, if you can't do it…well, then we're kind of doomed.
Not doomed. Just out of countdowns. I have a feeling this isn't over yet, though. And if it is, then, well, anyone interested in trying it /ourselves/? 😉
Hmm…I really do wonder what is going on behind the scenes to make this happen. I will attempt patience as we wait to hear the full story.
RE: Comment by "The Doctor"–David Tennant would make a very interesting Puddleglum but I have a hard time envisioning him in that role. It would be funny though as he's been compared to Tom Baker and TB played Puddleglum and The Doctor. 🙂
CT mentions the kiss, and Gresham responds: “[…] I agree that it shouldn’t have been in the movie; I think it was nonsense."
-Douglas Gresham
"I still remember the day the “Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” was released; I was the first in line, with my adult son. It was a marvelous masterpiece of a movie. I know that Prince Caspian will be even better. I told Doug during our interview, that I am so excited about seeing this film that I feel like a child again.
He laughed and told me I will be thrilled."
-Deacon Keith Fournier interview for catholic.org
That, to me, is a contradiction, and is indicative of the difficult position that Mr. Gresham is in. I admit that it's ridiculous to criticize one's own film (or, rather, a film that one has a stake in) prior to its release. But, I wouldn't do it POST-release, either. That is uncool, and I would call THAT "deflection", yes. I'm not going to impugn his character. That has never, ever been my intent. All I am saying, is that he is in no position to caretake these films in the manner that we would want him to, and that his assurances, like those of anyone promoting any product, have to be considered in context.
I like the gentleman. I respect the gentleman and what he stands for. But, at the same time, I roll my eyes at a LOT of the things he says, and he is not going to save the integrity of these films for us. He just can't. We should not put that burden on his shoulders, and he should not be trying to fill it.
If it's taking this long to negotiate what to do next, why don't they film MN and SC at the same time and release SC first (it also might increase their profits because of less time between the two films).
boy all this uncertainty is stressful. who knew movies can be this complicated?
Okay I feel better now that they are still negotiating and have not dropped out. I'm also happy that they are still wanting Magician's Nephew as a number 1 choice. I really want to see Magician's Nephew adapted as a film so this makes me very happy. But please hurry up, this isn't the casey anthony trial!! Just pick and go with it Walden!
well if MN comes out, just dont watch it… problem solved 😀
I don't know why they face so much worry with whose is the main character. The X-Men movies have changed characters constantly. Underworld 3 had different main characters. The new Pirates movie was missing most of the characters from 1-3 and it's made tons of money. "The Silver Chair" will still have Eustace and old Caspian. "The Magician's Nephew" get's billed as a prequel. Both are good choices.
Yeah, I wish this whole thing was more simple…and more positive. I wish it was more like LoTR, where the fans didn't have to agonize about whether the next movie would be made or not. And although I am NOT a Harry Potter fan, I envy the series because it never has anything to worry about; there are more than enough fans to support the movies.
Yeah, I wish this whole thing was more simple…and more positive. I wish it was more like LoTR, where the fans didn't have to agonize about whether the next movie would be made or not. And although I am NOT a Harry Potter fan, I envy the series because it never has anything to worry about; there are more than enough fans to support the movies.
It really is stressful to be wanting a Horse and His Boy movie, and knowing there's only a tiny chance of it being made. 🙁 And hey, at this point I'd be happy with ANY Narnia movie, provided it was well-made and true to the source. I guess there's nothing to do but watch and wait.
Whoops. Didn't mean to double-post. 😛
Quite right, Nonny
Somehow, I felt relieved that Walden and it's 'Lego Land' image of Narnia was out of the picture; even if it may have taken a while for the next to come out.
Now, i fear we may get another infantile, sanitized, simplified, in a word Americanized ( ok don't panic some US movies and books are good, but everyone reading this knows what I mean ) McVersion of Magician's Nephew. Lord, I hope not.
I am hoping they will finally find writers that will follow Lewis' style of writing for children, That is to say doing it so well, adults find it clever too.
We shall see.
oh no!!!
They have2 make further films!!! 🙁
I know. What ever happened to intelligent writing for children?