Never-Before-Seen ‘Dawn Treader’ Photos and Artwork

Isis Mussenden (Narnia costume designer) has uploaded twenty-six images: eighteen photos from the set, and eight pieces of artwork. View them here

37 Responses

  1. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    Wow that's really cool! When I was watching the movie I didn't take any marked notice of the costumes, but looking at them up close and comparing them with their sketches you can really see the work and creativity that went into them. I especially like the collage pictures of the dufflepuds and flowers πŸ™‚ VotDT should have gotten an oscar nomination for costumes >:(

  2. Not Of This World says:


  3. Son of Adam no.1 says:

    I thought the costumes in VDT were'nt as good as LWW and PC, although Isis did a good job, as always!

    I had a really bad dream last night, which was set in a conference centre. I think it was a Narnia conference. I had some piece of paper in my hand. The leader stood up and said: "Michael Apted will be directing ALL the rest of the Chronicles of Narnia films". Everyone but me and my dad applauded! I was totally dumbfounded that Walden and Fox would make such a decision. I stood up and tore the sheet of paper in frustration! I jumped up and down and felt like shouting and screaming. Then I woke up.
    What is the probability of him directing MN???
    (I hope Andrew comes back!)

  4. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Ooh! So cool! Interesting how stuff for the Dufflepuds are plant-inspired.

  5. lilims says:

    Cool and…Prince Caspian is trending on twitter x)

  6. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    Really? That's cool! Wonder why… o.O

  7. Julie Allen says:

    good picture!

  8. girlofgondor says:

    I hope Andrew comes back too! Although he strayed somewhat in PC, I think he 'gets' Narnia; whereas the fragmented and skewed re-piecing of VDT that Apted and co. did, is just sad. Andrew, we need you! πŸ™‚

  9. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    I just love the drawings, they're so cute πŸ™‚
    This is a great collection, thank you so much for sharing. πŸ˜‰

  10. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    I agree wholeheartedly with both of you. And Son of Adam no. 1 – I'm concerned about whether or not Apted is directing the movies too, but I can't say I've dreamed about it! πŸ˜‰
    Let's just hope that your dream doesn't become reality…

  11. Not Of This World says:

    I'll take Andrew or any good director πŸ™‚

  12. narnian resident says:

    dreams can be so freaky sometimes….

  13. WilliamMOseleyand Skandarcrush says:

    It would have been fun to act out one of those kids in Lucy's dream. I'd love to wear one of those old-fashioned styles!! I wish they would come back to America!! Nowadays, we're so immodest!
    I love how everyone is kinda serious faced in their pictures by themselves, then the last pic of Will Poulter cracked me up. He looks so happy πŸ™‚

  14. LL says:

    Skandar's costumes dominate all :0

  15. Aslan's BFF says:

    These costumes are magnificent. Truly. But I really think that the ones in the other films were more exciting, even though Caspian's breastplate was copied so much in PC. I got a better look at the costumes now, and I'm wondering if there is any way Isis can make me some! πŸ˜›

    I miss Andrew Adamson alot. He actually was a Narnian, in my view. I don't think Michael Apted knew what he was doing. In an interview he even mentioned that he wasn't a fantasy person. I want you back Andrew! Do you hear me!! πŸ˜‰

  16. Isis is amazing! I would wear these to parties if I could. Very detailed! Now it's easier for me to understand what Jill meant in The Silver Chair when she said that Narnian clothes PWNED.

  17. Kelly says:

    Isis is amazing. These costumes are all amazing and incredibly detailed. She needs to win more awards. πŸ™‚

  18. Hiking Peter says:

    I SOOOOO agree with you. I was just thinking about how much I miss Andrew directing the films. The costumes are good, too.

  19. Hiking Peter says:

    yeah! i oughta find Andrew's email address and beg him to do MN!!!!!!!!!!! I'll not be happy if Michael does it. (Which he will)

  20. Samuel says:

    huh, I wonder if every time prince caspian trends on twitter, disney shakes their heads wishing they hadn't given up

  21. Samuel says:

    Yeah the dufflepuds costumes are the BEST!

  22. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    You mean the Dufflepudd costumes. πŸ˜‰
    According to the caption, there's an extra D tacked on the end.

  23. Zwenga says:

    Cool! I'm gonna try to draw her in anime!

  24. Aravis says:

    i love narnia soooo much that i had a dream where i was fighting ogeres in a wood but instead of swords we used shotguns πŸ™‚ LOL…

  25. Prince Norin says:

    I wish we had all the sketches for all of Isis's costumes!

  26. Arvan says:

    What a horrible dream… Let's hope and pray it's not prophetic.

  27. Arvan says:

    Seriously, write a letter to Walden Media.

  28. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    Haha, that's funny!!! πŸ˜€ I had a dream where I was in Narnia once, and all the Narnians were going to give up on the battle, but then I stood up and made a grand speech and they all stayed! πŸ˜‰

  29. Not Of This World says:

    Awesome dream! Once I had a dream I was fighting the witch's army with a lightsaber and a couple wookiees were with me! πŸ™‚

  30. Not Of This World says:

    Where'd you find it???

  31. eclipse14 says:

    Wow! I absolutely loved these costumes! Isis did an amazing job as always! I cannot wait to see costumes in the next film!

  32. eclipse14 says:

    That's too funny! I've dreamed I met Georgie Henley and she seemed really nice! She signed my plastic cup! XD

  33. Narnia101 says:

    I think that Andrew and Michael should direct the movie together. And I hope that Harry-Gregson Willams comes back.

  34. Nellie says:

    Pretty neat, I don't have that drawing talent!

  35. Nellie says:

    I agree, but I think Prince Caspian was the worst so far! πŸ™

  36. WilliamMoseley101 says:

    This is so cool!

  37. Peepicheep says:

    When I saw LWW's special features for the first time…it seems to be that Andrew Adamson was a true Narian reliving CS's Naria through fresh eyes like nobody has ever done before and that is why I really really really missed him in VDT. It lacked Adamson's magic that's what I'll call it for now…some people will disagree but I say even though he did not return to his place in VDT I still believe and hope he'll come back in Silver Chair. πŸ™‚