‘Dawn Treader’ Blu-ray Screenshots

In addition to his detailed review, NarniaWebber ‘Griffle’ has uploaded fifty images from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Blu-ray Disc, which releases in the United States this Friday.

View them here

Griffle’s description:

Images (from top left and down): Asian character screen that is shown when the BD disc has loaded, BD main menu (animated), BD Extras Menu, King Caspian’s Guide to the Dawn Treader Sub Menu, Seven Swords Game info screen, Seven Swords Game screen where you have to memorize the placement of the swords, Seven Swords Game after the timer has run out, Seven Swords Game: Correct Answer, Seven Swords Game: Wrong Answer, Seven Swords Game: Try Again!, VFX Progression Reel screen #1, VFX Progression Reel screen #2, The Secret Islands… screen cap, In Character with Liam Neeson screen cap, In Character with Geogie Henley & Will Poulter screen cap, Direct Effect screen cap, Making a Scene screen cap #1, Making a Scene screen cap #2, Making a Scene screen cap #3, the following 14 screens are from the Good Vs. Evil featurette, the two storyboard screens are from the Portal to Narnia featurette, scans of the 3-disc BD+DVD+DC set, the screen of the Painting is from the Good Vs. Evil featurette and the rest is DVD Menu screens.

Huge thanks to ‘Griffle’ for taking the time to write such a lengthy review and upload images!

71 Responses

  1. Lucia says:

    Oh,I hope it will come japan soon:)

  2. So buying it Saturday.

  3. glumPuddle says:

    Oh brother, of course Disc 1 has the White Witch on it. Misleading the viewer there seems kind of pointless… If they’re looking at the disc, it means they have already purchased/rented it, so there is no need to mislead them anymore.

    I am not planning on buying this, so it’s nice to see these pictures. Thanks Griffle!

  4. Daniel James says:

    Just to check, at the beginning of Griffle's description…is it supposed to say "Asian" or "Aslan?" I think "Aslan character sheet" would make a bit more sense than "Asian character sheet," considering that it's Narnia…but I'm not sure. =)

  5. Daniel James says:

    Oh never mind…now that I looked at the picture, there really IS an Asian character sheet. Who would've thought? My bad lol.

  6. DominicLovesNarnia says:

    Sad, I wanted to see your review.. but your not planning on buying it! ahaahah. πŸ™‚

  7. DominicLovesNarnia says:

    Oh sorry, I'm wrong .. my msg. above is from GPuddle.. ahahah . wrong send… πŸ™‚

  8. DominicLovesNarnia says:

    Will get this on Friday, but on 2 Disc DVD not Blu-ray. πŸ™‚

  9. Pepper Darcy says:

    SWWEET! Can't wait to get this! πŸ™‚ I'm just glad the discs look… NICE. I was so bummed with the way PC's disk turned out. What's *up* with people not putting nice stuff on the disks anymore? It always looks so cool! πŸ™‚

    It'll be nice to be able to watch this whenever I want, though despite the probability of having MN next… the probability, NOT the confirmation… after the disappointment of NOt getting SC next *weeps softly* I'm probably looking forward to How To Train Your Dragon 2, more than Narnia…

    *sigh* I still love Narnia. But all their choices don't make sense. Just get them all done instead of dragging feet… at least there's The Hobbit and HtTYD 2 (and HOPEFULLY a 3 so we can have a Hiccup Trilogy :D) Anyhow…

    Maybe I'll still get to see SC. Who knows? Only time…

  10. narnian says:

    yey!! I already have the dvd a week ago!!! I bought it in video avenue!! the dvd came a week earlier!! her's my link of Unboxing the narnia 3 combo-pack!!!!!! enjoy!!!


  11. jag says:

    No offfence, but the aussie released dvd's and blue-ray look WAY nicer… (these still look great tho) I guess its something a little special cause it was filmed here! lol

  12. Not Of This World says:

    When they show the movie in Japan, do they use different voices speaking in Japanesse? If so, does it get annoying sometimes?

  13. 8SilverSky says:

    I won't lie; I love the packaging. At least it's original. It's always disappointing to open a Blu-Ray/DVD case and nothing else being there other than the disc.

    Also, the pretty packaging is a good marketing technique, I'm sure πŸ™‚

  14. Oh, it looks as though there isnt a Cast Audio Commentary. I'm kinda disappointed- I enjoyed the LWW AND PC cast commentaries.

  15. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    Wow, thanks so much for the review and all the pics, Griffle! πŸ˜€ I love the packaging, and I can't wait to see the movie again! But my dvd player just broke πŸ™ Maybe it's time to get a blu-ray player… πŸ˜‰

  16. Some of these pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS.

  17. Moonwood says:

    No, of course we would not want to send the producers a wrong message, along with our money, saying 'please make more Narnia movies'.
    Your boycotting message has absolutely no impact whatsoever on the the producer's decisions, and would not have one is you convinced 100 , or 1000 people.
    If it had an impact, it would be them seeing that there is not enough profit for another movie.
    The other possible effect is adding a touch of negativity to an otherwise happy mood in this forum.
    So which is it, no more Narnia movies, or bringing us all down ?
    Even Puddlglum was positive when it counted…

  18. Hiking Peter says:

    Yeah, but maybe MN will be such a big hit, you know, So then they make SC…..Always possible….

  19. Hiking Peter says:

    Why can't all the cool stuff be on the dvd version????? I'm not about to go get a bluray,when I guess I 'm more excited for just the movie.

  20. Hiking Peter says:

    Day after tomorrow BIG MOVIE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  21. 8SilverSky says:

    Same here! I'm having a whole group of friends over, and we'll be watching it together! I'm so excited (as are they!)

  22. Akie says:

    White witch on the DVD, 'cause she appears more' then Caspian or Eustace.

  23. BreehyHinnyBrinnyHoohyHah says:

    Ditto, The 2 disc DVD not blu-ray, as I have no blu-ray player…

  24. BreehyHinnyBrinnyHoohyHah says:

    I'm asking the same thing! Why only put awesome extras on blu-ray?! It's a conspiracy, they want us all to go buy expensive blu-ray players to play the exspensive blu-ray disc's…DVD is just fine to me, and it's much more adaptable and portable.

  25. Griffle says:

    Yeah, there are TWO blue screens with Asian characters in white greeting you before you get to the menu screen. Can't remember if they're before or after the trailers. They feel really out of place either way.

  26. Griffle says:

    I wish they'd include the Blu-ray exclusive features on the 2-Disc DVD, but that's sadly not the case. As it is now, there's really no point in getting the 2-Disc DVD if you're a DVD owner. I mean, the only extras on that second disc that are worth anything are the promo featurettes under the FOX MOVIE CHANNEL banner, and we've all seen those already. I know it sounds harsh, and I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but I'm afraid it's nothing but the truth. (In my opinion) πŸ™

  27. Griffle says:

    In what way do they look nicer? Picture quality, extras or cover art?

  28. Griffle says:

    I want to point out that none of the images or scans in the image gallery linked to above is representative of the picture quality found on the Blu-ray. All images, with the exception of the FOX MOVIE CHANNEL extras screen caps and the cover art are originally photos that I've taken of the movie or extras playing on my TV that I have then cropped in Photoshop.

  29. Griffle says:

    *are (embarrassing)

  30. nic says:

    I think the two dvd is definitely worth it. Second disc is a good compliment to the film.

    Blue ray packaging looks stellar, & while it's extra docs look like they maybe could of been a bit longer from their run time, overall i'm sure they really balance out with the nifty content from the dvd second disc for a pretty great Narnia package – & having the double dvd pack ain't too bad at all by a long shot itself.

  31. @Daniel James-clicked on your name. lol. Thank goodness that was an April Fool's joke. I haven't seen Rebecca Black's music video, but I would have screamed if it was true about Justin Beiber. πŸ˜‰

  32. @Daniel James- p.s. Did you write the April Fool's Joke?

  33. Andrea'88 says:

    I have the BluRay from April 1 (that was the release date for Italy).
    Just… fantastic! The colors (!!), the quality (!), the movie itself… well done, Fox & Walden!

  34. sachin says:

    The Man In India Who Dubs For Aslan In Hindi His Voice Is Even Better Than Liam Neeson I Have Never Heard Such A Great And Powerful Voice In My Whole Life.

  35. glumPuddle says:

    It has nothing to do with boycotting. I didn't like the movie so I don't want to buy it. Simple as that.

  36. For once I agree with your comment about the White Whitch disk GPuddle, but I'm still buying the DVD. I love the magic and lessons of Narnia. Even if the adaptation is not perfect. The story is great πŸ™‚

  37. Being an artist I think the color comp for the menus and such are GREAT!

  38. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    you could also support the cause by giving it as a gift to an appropriate person!!!!!

  39. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    listen to the radio version featuring these actors in your head til they get the movie done! heck, at least the movie in your head will be accurate- πŸ˜‰

  40. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    that was fun! good timing!

  41. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    how about uploading his voice onto youtube so we can hear it? now im curious!!

  42. claireyy says:

    i am SOOOOO gonna buy this! : )

  43. glumPuddle says:

    I think the movie is anti-Narnia and anti-Lewis. Nothing worth supporting.

  44. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Moonwood: "So which is it, no more Narnia movies, or bringing us all down ?"

    Probably both. *brief, irritated sigh*

    For the record, they are not misleading anyone by including The White Witch on any material. The Green Mist uses her image the most often to personify Edmund's temptations. The only (possible) gripe you could have is the coloring of the witch. To be more accurate to the film, they SHOULD have made her more green to match the story.
    But this is just a small nit/pick on my part.

    It seems like no matter what the news story is, there's always someone with something to say in the negative. Whatever people. Whatever.

    I'm gonna watch this movie THOUSANDS of times. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  45. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Glumpuddle is allowed to have his opinion.

    But we are allowed to have ours too. πŸ˜‰
    Mine is…. the movie is beautiful. Wonderful. Can't wait to see it again. πŸ˜€

  46. Fireflower says:

    I only have to wait ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!

  47. Old Narnian says:

    OMG I just got the dvd a day early AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! apparently pre-orders on amazon prime allow that to happen

  48. I don't think it's anti-Narnian, they still kept my favortie scenes, at the end with Aslan in his country. Maybe GlumPuddle you are used to other big films and are thinking about the quality of the cinematography while the rest of us like the story. I still think the movie was well done.

  49. It comes out TOMORROW where I live! πŸ™‚

  50. reepicheeps archer says:

    im going to buy it tommorow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Seiko says:

    Great…so when is Magician's Nephew coming out. December 10th, 2013? Just announce it already. Or better yet, do Silver Chair first! December 10th, 2012!

  52. Moonwood says:

    I will watch it thousands and ONE times ! I also feel that it beautifully captured the mood of Narnia ( and getting rid of the silly accent was so much better )

  53. Moonwood says:

    Not to be rude, glumpuddle, but as you have made your point that there is 'NOTHING WORTH SUPPORTING' about this movie, and it is in fact detrimental to C S Lewis and the Narnia tales, perhaps you have nothing more to comment until there is tangible news about the next movie ?

  54. Dancing Nymph says:

    Pre-ordered and I can't wait, looks like it is going to have some very cool special features including a tour of The Dawn Treader by Prince Caspian.


  55. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    i understand where you are coming from, glum, i wish it was more faithful to the book, but I want them to do MN. less to screw up in that movie ,too.

  56. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    that was a very polite way of saying-"quit being a drag!" LOL

  57. Reepicheep says:

    I was more satisfied when I watched this when it was in cinemas, the Blu-ray was a BIG disappointment.

  58. Guess who just picked up his own VDT 3pk at 12:00am, yep, I did!!! whooopie!!!!!

  59. Moonwood says:

    LOL I bought two copies of VDT today, one to compensate for some… : )
    Watching it now–I prefer it in 2d, it is STUNNING

  60. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    Yeah, the lighting in several scenes was changed on the DVD also, but a lot more detail could be seen luckily. I always like seeing movies in theaters better no matter what. There's something magical about it that is always missing when watching DVDs and blu-ray.