‘Dawn Treader’ Blu-ray/DVD Sales Update

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader DVD/Blu-ray sales got off to a slow start when it released on April 8, starting off at the #4 spot. It sold approximately 25% as many units as Prince Caspian (AslansCountry). The following two weeks were dominated by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, which released on April 15. The Hollywood Reporter writes:

‘The tally of Deathly Hallows, which had been released on a Friday and thus was on shelves only three days, is even more impressive considering the No. 2 title, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment’s The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, in its first full week in stores, managed to accumulate only 18.2 percent of the top title’s total.”

Read this week’s sales report from Blu-ray.com here.

189 Responses

  1. Not Of This World says:

    Vampires is witchcraft too.

  2. Narnia #1 Fan says:

    We have two of this in our house. My mom has a copy, and I got one for Easter. It is amazing!!

  3. Bookwyrm says:

    Isn't it fortunate then that no one calls for the devil or any other supernatural entity in the HP books or movies?

  4. Bookwyrm says:

    I think it's pretty clear you have absolutely no concept of what witchcraft really is. How exactly is a dude biting someone and injecting weird venom goop into them that mutates the person into a sparkly ubermensch witchcraft?

    And it's "are", not "is".

  5. Bookwyrm says:

    And this is yet another reason why it pays to do some research into a film before making judgements. Regardless of whether or not Thor is a deity in the comics and in mythology, in the film he is not. There's a brief reference to the Norse worshiping the Asgardians, but no character within the film ever claims to be a deity, nor do they demand worship of anyone.

  6. Anhun says:

    It's called arithmetic, Booky. For PC, the initial week was 5 days long. Whereas for VDT the initial week was only 2 days. That's 3 fewer days in stores.

  7. Anhun says:

    Average? LWW took my breath away. I would say the only HP film that compares favorably with LWW is Prisoner of Azkaban. And even that I wouldn't describe as better, just equally good in a very different sort of way. As for Twilight, I'll have to take your word for it.

  8. Queen_Emilie says:

    This was posted on the 28th of April! When are we going to get more news?

  9. Not Of This World says:

    They are still using witchcraft. That's pretty much calling for satan. Isn't it fortunate that Lewis had the bad evil Calorman Captain call for Tash? Not the followers of the true Aslan?

  10. Not Of This World says:

    Vampires are still evil and use magic. That's witchcraft. I think it is you, my friend, who doesn't know what witchcraft is.

  11. Not Of This World says:

    I don't care. I'm still not supporting a movie like that. It breaks the first commandment. I'm not watching a movie that makes another god look good, when God is the only true God. I'm never in my life seeing that movie.

  12. Moonwood says:

    Indeed, the problems began with P C, nearly ruining the franchise. People didn't go to the theaters to see A. Adamson's version of what HE thought the story should be…

  13. Moonwood says:

    Very good observations. I really hope they improve, but lets face it, the problem seems to be with the producer's choices of writers.

  14. primrose path says:

    Someone I am extremely close to -and I cannot stress that fact enough- was raised in a home where she was encouraged to interact with witchcraft. (FYI, she's a Christian now.) When we watched HP, she told me the witchcraft she knew about wasn't at all like 'real life' witchcraft. She described it as being more… Gandalf-type.
    Seeing as you are probably ignorant on the subject since you seem to refuse to go close to anything that is potentially controversial, Not Of This World- I hope you don't mind that I believe her and Bookwyrm instead.

  15. primrose path says:

    Blunder. When I said the 'witchcraft she knew about' I meant the magic in HP.
    See, this is what happens when I try sounding cool. 🙂

  16. Bookwyrm says:

    Primrose is right, the sort of thing Wiccans and other assorted magic practitioners practice tends to revolve around ritually invoking supernatural entities and nature worship. Some of the darker branches get into full-on demon summoning and worship of the devil, but they tend to be the rare exceptions. In Harry Potter, what they call magic is the innate ability to manipulate a power source present around the world that is unknown to science. You could easily strip the magic trappings away and claim they're mutants, especially once we learn that most of the spells in HP can be performed without words and even without wands in necessary. It has about as much in common with real witchcraft as a dude pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

  17. Bookwyrm says:

    So I guess that means you'll be skipping every movie ever made about advanced alien races since they clearly must be gods too.

  18. primrose path says:

    I normally don't comment on these little sorts of conversations between two people, but I'm somewhat confused. Who is it breaking the commandments if Thor isn't a god? Just out of curiousity, not trying to be pushy.

  19. Bookwyrm says:

    And yet another broad generalization that ignores the wide body of vampire fiction with its varied depictions of what it means to be a vampire in favor of overly dogmatic and simplified erroneous statements. Twilight vampires are only evil if they want to be. There's nothing supernatural about them, they're essentially genetic mutants. There's plenty of things to attack Twilight over (misogyny, horrible depictions of what romance and true love are, truly repulsive ideas about what women and men should be like) without creating false claims of witchcraft in the movies and books. If you're going to make that claim, you'd best be able to tell me what page it happens on and who's doing the spellcasting.

    And furthermore, if you intend to condemn fiction that suggests that vampires (supernatural or not) can be redeemed and become good beings, then you must also condemn the Chronicles of Narnia and most of C. S. Lewis' fiction. In case you have not noticed, the CoN includes numerous mythological creatures. These include satyrs, fauns, and centaurs. All were known for their vulgar appetites, womanizing, violence, and boozing in Greek/Roman mythology. Does that make all use of them in any sort of fiction "evil" and "witchcraft"? And since you have a problem with fiction using personages considered gods in mythology, then you must also have serious issues with the fact that Lewis refers numerous times to nature gods in the CoN and includes Bacchus in Prince Caspian. Also, in his Space Trilogy, he includes the gods Mars and Venus as real entities, similar to angels, who preside over the planets who bear their respective names. But let me guess, it's okay because the CoN is Christian, right? 😛

    Considering the fact that you think swishing a stick around and saying a phrase in Latin is witchcraft, it is laughable that you think you're some sort of expert on witchcraft. If you ever intend to have serious dialogue with your religious opposition, then you must understand what they believe. Stick-swishing certainly isn't what Wiccans, etc. believe in. Hopefully you are never the person attempting to win a Wiccan away from their religion and to Christianity, because your erroneous ideas about reality most likely will not make a positive impression.

    And finally, since speaking Latin is apparently so wicked and dangerous, will reading the Vulgate Bible make the devil appear? 😉

  20. Bookwyrm says:

    My mistake. I thought the words "initial week" actually meant, you know, the whole week.

  21. Cross Trainer says:


  22. Not Of This World says:

    I don't care if the witchcraft like your friend experienced (glad to hear your friend gave her life to Christ – and I'm totally not offended about your different veiw), wizards use magic, which is witchcraft.

  23. Not Of This World says:

    One of the few things that bother me about Narnia is there are wood gods and other gods. But as for fauns and other creatures they arent gods and they don't use witchcraft. For the pages, any time wizards or vampires are madeout to be good. Witchcraft is evil. Im not replying to you anymore. I'm not going to waste my time any longer.

  24. Not Of This World says:

    Actualy Primerose Path, he is a god. It says so in the adds for the movie. As for you, Bookwrm, I'm not answering to your arrogant comments.

  25. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    i wonder why on earth they hired him, esp after hearing his comments about the material.

  26. Bookwyrm says:

    Your response is beyond incoherent and makes no logical sense whatsoever. Portraying a vampire as being capable of choosing good over evil is witchcraft? Really?

    And you've completely dodged all of my points. Fauns etc. are mythical beings, most of which do have magical powers, and are all almost always portrayed in a very negative light in the original myths. *Exactly* like vampires. If any portrayal of vampires being good is "evil" and "witchcraft", then so is the CoN's use of fauns, etc.

    It's fairly clear from your responses that you have to real basis for your allegations and are merely spouting out into the world whatever you've taken in from ill-informed people. Whether you want to believe it or not, a Christian has a duty to actually know what they're talking about when they start labeling the activities of others as sinful. If you can't be bothered to do so, you need to refrain from condemning people.

  27. Bookwyrm says:

    If anyone here is being arrogant, it is you. You are the one who has chosen to label anyone who watches Thor idolators, as if you somehow speak for God and know what's in a person's heart.

    As for the ads, remember those ads that claimed the White Witch would return and be the enemy in VDT? Yeah, that didn't happen. As I've already stated, Thor *never* demands worship from anyone and *never* claims to be a deity. Multiple interviews about the movie described the Asgardians as aliens. Thor himself in the movie states that the Asgardian magic is just advanced science.

    But I can already tell from your other replies that you entered these conversations with no intent of considering that you might be wrong. It's a shame, because you're missing out on good movies and good books. Well, not Twilight. Twilight sucks.

  28. Bookwyrm says:

    So you don't care if someone who has experience with the belief system you decry says that Harry Potter isn't like her former religion? I guess your motto would be "Never let facts get in the way of a misinformed opinion."

  29. Weirdo says:

    Definitely. I'm bored, and some good news would be great!
    Just so everyone knows, I love Narnia, I love ALL the movies, and I thought the effects were good for the budget.
    Does anyone here think Edmund and Lucy are weird? Because someone said they were once, and I completely disagree.

  30. Weirdo says:

    Sorry, but that was funny.

  31. Weirdo says:

    I agree. When I saw a preview for the Last Exorcism in theaters, (and I wish I hadn't) I thought *this is going WAY too far.*

  32. Queen_Emilie says:

    Lucy and Edmund are definetely not weird! On the contrary the're awesome!I also love all the films and I don't understand why people are so dissapointed! I just wish they would givw us some clue on what's going on, everyday I check Narniaweb and everyday I see the same headline! 🙁

  33. Queen C The Gentle says:

    Any Narnia fan is a Twilight fan? If so, is it possible to see Breaking Dawn trailer now?!!!!!!!!

  34. stateofgreen says:

    I think Disney and Walden were silly to have and permit such a humongous budget for PC. It took two to cause that rift, it wasn't solely Disney. If PC had been as wildly successful as LWW then VDT probably would still be with Disney. But Disney is greedy, they could have given VDT a chance, they might even have had more input in having the script closer to the book maybe?

  35. stateofgreen says:

    @Anhun how do you know all this? 🙂

  36. Just Queen, not High Queen says:

    I totally agree!!!!!!!!!! This is the first website I go to everyday and it's said when there's no news. It seems to me that with this website, there are huge gaps with no news and times when the news appears all at once.

  37. I TOTALLY agree with you! I also think cutting the "green mist" out altogether would have left a lot more room to expand on the scenes that were actually true to the book. There were a few things I loved about VDT (like Eustace), but once again, the moviemakers substituted too many of their own mediocre ideas for C.S. Lewis's wonderful story. Ideally, I would really love to see a Christian direct The Magician's Nephew (if they even make it), but that's probably too much to hope for. I'd settle for a screenwriter who can actually write dialogue – or who is willing to use some of the brilliant writing already available in the book. :-S

  38. Queen_Emily says:

    When they were at the very start of making the Dawn Treader we were constantly getting news! But now even the stars have left the limelight and i start to doubt whether we'll be seeing another movie anytime soon.

  39. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Hey Narnia Web!! BIG NEWS!!
    On Wikipedia on the Chronicles of Narnia movie fanchise page, it states that MN will be officially released in 2013!!!!
    Its official!!!
    Is it?

  40. Barnes Fan #5 says:

    Wikipedia isn't always the most reliable place of information, but they are usually right. So it has probobly been greenlit, but let's not call it official yet. But good news 🙂

  41. Cyclops says:

    One thing that people don't seem to get is that Fox wasn't behind the script, nor the final result. They provided funding and marketing and whatnot. Walden Media is the studio CREATING the film, while Fox is merely DISTRIBUTING it.

    One thing that never received much light was that the scriptwriters had turned in an early script that was close to the book- and the C.S.Lewis Estate rejected it, because it "didn't translate well to screen".

    So people, c'mon, stop demonizing Fox. -_-

  42. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    True, I'll take you advice and take it as an encouraging word. 🙂

  43. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    I'm dying for some news, even if it is a April Fools joke, something…something…please.

  44. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yeah, how about a question of the day? a discussion point? just to keep us active? i come here every day looking for a drop of narnia to refresh my palate!! you could solicite for discussion questions from the readers!

  45. Barnes Fan #5 says:


  46. Not Of This World says:

    I agree!

  47. Any recent news????

  48. Anhun says:

    Wikipedia is only as good as it's sources. Since they don't list a source for the 2013 release date, I would not trust this information.

  49. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Agreed!!! Ok lets see…
    Oh, what is your favorite character in the movie VDT?
    For me it would be Aslan or Lucy.

  50. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    What are you looking forward to in the MN movie?
    What are your fears?
    What do you think Charn or the other worlds will look like?
    Will Jadis be wearing obviously different clothing from Wardrobe?
    Will the movie be darker than PC since the MN book is very dark? (the darkest of the series in my opinion)
    Any opinions?! 😉

  51. Moonwood says:

    Rotten Tomatoes reviews of the last Pirates movie; Walt Disney's latest desperate hope, is crashing horribly–half as popular as VDT

  52. Moonwood says:

    The producers need to hire writers that understand the delicate, fine line ( that Lewis obviously understood ) between a magical children's story full of WONDER, and a story that is clever, multilayered, and deep enough to entertain a clever adult as well.
    THat i,s the bottom line.
    Please please, hire writers that do not think that children, and people who enjoy children's books, are 'simple'.
    This is not a story about a flying elephant.
    Something for children, but not CHILDISH, as I think Lewis would have put it.
    The writers must understand WHAT they must pick and choose from the story, to keep that balance.
    Lewis' books could be dissected and argued over without end.
    Concordia university in Montreal taught a course specifically on the Chronicles of Narnia maybe 30 yrs ago. I don't think, so far, they would have taught one about these movies, any more than they would for 'Return to Witch Mountain'
    If the popularity of these movies actually approached the popularity of the books over the years, the producers would be so rich, so rich…

  53. totally agree!!!

  54. ((((((((((((((Does anyone know of any "for sure" news about if a new Narnia movie is coming and is there any "new" news???

  55. Queen_Emilie says:

    – In the Magician's Nephew, I'm looking for a movie that will catch the essense of the book! As it is one of my favourite's i want it to be as magical as anything!
    – My fear is that they won'y make the CREATION OF NARNIA as perfect and magical as it should be!
    – Charn will be cold dark, kind of creepy with a cold air going through the destroyes city!
    – I think Jadis's clothes, like in the book will be more colourful! More like a bedazzled medieval Queen! Lots of purples, royal purples and of course GOLD(lots of it).
    – I believe it will be mysterious and very beautiful! The special effects will have to be excellent to catch the essense of this magical book!

  56. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Cool! I think Digory's Uncle will be very creepy. A evil look here, a greedy look there. The rings will be cool, especially how they will probably will betray the children moving through the worlds!

  57. Aslan's #1 fan says:

    Nope sorry. Don't look like it! But keep an eye out, news will come I'm sure. 😉

  58. Anhun says:

    I'm sure they're crying all the way to the bank. The last Pirates didn't fare much better on the tomato-meter and it ended up making almost a billion world wide.

  59. Not Of This World says:

    Aslan! (Ask about any other book you'd get the same answer 🙂 )