Georgie Henley on ‘The Magician’s Nephew’
Georgie Henley (Lucy) was asked about The Magician’s Nephew at the Empire Awards on Sunday. You can view the video here (Georgie’s interview begins at 0:50)
GH: “I really have no idea what’s going on with the Narnia franchise. … [Will Poulter and I] won’t be in The Magician’s Nephew, but I know that our characters are in some of the franchise, an older generation. So I wonder what will happen there, I don’t really know.”
DS: Maybe a flashback or flashforward or something?
GH: “A little cameo would be nice, it would be good.”
C.S. Lewis actually included a few “flashforwards” in The Magician’s Nephew, and one of them mentioned Lucy:
The lamp-post which the Witch had planted (without knowing it) shone day and night in the Narnian forest, so that the place where it grew came to be called Lantern Waste; and when, many years later, another child from our world got into Narnia, on a snowy night, she found the light still burning. And that adventure was, in a way, connected with the ones I have just been telling you.
–The Magician’s Nephew, Ch. 15
It will be interesting to see if The Magician’s Nephew film ever flashes forward to footage from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. And, if they ever make The Silver Chair, there is always the possibility that the filmmakers will give Lucy and Edmund cameos, just as they did with Peter and Susan in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Of course, Lucy and Edmund appear in The Horse and His Boy and The Last Battle.
Hey, that actually sound like a GREAT idea!!!! THEY SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE IT LIKE THAT!!!! π π <3 <3
I always imagined the trailer for MN. . .There will be no narrator, and the words will just appear like: Before all of there adventures started. . . .Before all Evil arose. . . .Before Life. . . .Before Light. . . .Before Narnia was born. . . .There walked a Lion. . ." Or something like that. . .^^
Is it me or does Georgie have too much make up on? I've noticed somthing about her face and eyes ever since Perry Moore's death. Is she depressed? If any one knows can you please tell me? I know God knows though…
Anhun already said that idea…but yes it would be awesome!!!
I don't know if she's depressed, but it certainly would be likely that she's deeply sad. Death is hard. I hope she's not depressed, and if she is, I hope she can overcome it.
I also think if the professor's talking to Eustace, and the conversation takes place the summer before the events in SC, then MN would be connected to Eustace's continuing story, so we would have chronological order after all.
oh, good idea! π
@Lucy- About a year ago I stumbled across your fanfictions and instantly loved them. My favorite is Diamond Flask. π So, when you were saying that your penname was Lucy on I pretty much knew who you were. Again your fanfictions are great! Oh, would you consider writing a story about Susan after LB? I always love those. π
Is that Will's mom?(in the backround of his interview) LOL, she looks like him…
you're right… she looks really really sad
evidence right there for the published order-of reading the series
great idea!
perhaps they thought ahead and made footage for MN in 2005?
Really? I saw the exact same "something" in her earlier Dawn Treader interviews. Seems to me like nerves.
…thank goodness you're NOT one of the writers for the movie! lol jkjk
oh, what an original idea…personally i think that would be really cheesy…but thank goodness the movie writers are more creative! π
cool : )
To use your analogy of the locked room, Jono, I think what Twinimage is trying to say is why use a 300 page manual when there's a key right in front of you? Why have an actor's cameo when it is unneeded and wouldn't do anything to benefit the story? Magician's Nephew isn't about the Pevensies, so why chuck them in? We saw the results of what happens when uneeded characters are thrown back into the story in VDT. Some, such as Peter and Susan's, were unneeded but didn't do a great deal of damage. Others, such as the White Witch's, completely ruined the film (in my opinion anyway).
I think that the filmmakers should let Lewis' brilliant work speak for itself, and stop thinking they know better than him! Green Mist? *cringe* Not only was it unoriginal, but it took away screen time for the important aspects of the story, for example, the theme of discovery.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that if cameos are just going to be chucked into MN simply for the sake of being cameos without adding to the value of the story, the filmmakers shouldn't bother.
I don't know if the 2014 release date (on IMDb) is accurate, but if it is, I'm inclined to think Walden has decided they can only realistically carry on with one more Narnia film. So MN is their last hurrah. π
I'll never get to see a film version of HHB . . .
Hehe I would freak if the real actors were on here. I would prolly lose my mind and begin talking nonsense till they thought I was the craziest person they ever met π
In order to be completely secure about the franchise's future, I need to know these four things:
1. The release date of Magician's Nephew
2. The director (possibly Michael Apted but who knows)
3. The writer/s. Chris Markus and Stephen McFeely were snacked up by Marvel to write a sequel to Cap. America. (My guess is Micheal Petroni and one or two other writers, but then again who knows)
4. Any plans to do the Silver Chair! It's my favourite book in the series and I'm sure us fans would have satisfaction in knowing its current status.
Yeah, IBR pretty much said it for me. Thanks. π
Why try to add the Pevensies in a story where they won't even be born for a few decades, you can tell the film makers are trying too hard to add cameos and just shows how much they don't believe that the story will be good enough without reminding people of LWW… again.
They got Tilda Swinton, and the lamppost. Oh, and Aslan, though they must not like him, cause they keep making his role smaller every movie. lol π
I still have to look twice every time I see Georgie; she looks so grown up. I think it's funny, too, that her sister Rachael Henley (who played adult Lucy in LWW) is standing right behind her during the interview. The resemblance between the two has definitely grown.
On the cameo; I think there might be one, but it doesn't sound like Georgie is totally pushing for it. I think she might have been just humouring the interviewer. I wouldn't mind if there was; Lucy's in the books more than anyone but Aslan (so there,Tilda!) and it would be nice to foreshadow SC with Eustace and Lucy appearing breifly in MN. I believe Anhun suggested that somewhere up the page, and I very much agree with him/her.
We didn't? I couldn't visualize the scene with the magician's book without a cameo of Anna, when Lucy gets to the part about the beauty spell. Of course, I didn't expect it to turn into a whole dream sequence. Also, I rather anticipated there would be something at the beginning to explain why Peter and Susan aren't at the Scrubbs', although I expected it to show Will and Anna, not just Anna.
Awesome user name! π
Rachael and Georgie look like identical twins!
I don't see what Edmund would add to the proceedings, but introducing a grown-up Polly might be interesting. Back and forth between the Professor and Polly could make the narration more dynamic.
It has been to over used and it doesn't add anything to the story. (And quite frankly I am getting sick of the White Witch reappearing)
The MN should end simply like this:
The apple tree is blown down in a storm. it is taken away and a carpenter shapes it into a wardrobe….with a close up shots of carving the pictures.
The next shot is of the wardrobe in the spare room. The proffessor hangs up a fur coat, smiles and shuts the door
I ahould clarify…I didn't like the WW in VoDT…I don't mind it when she is in the books
i totally agree that cameos wouldn't be a good idea in the movie, i just brought up the analogy to say that twinimage just sounded unimaginative and unresourceful when they were bringing up examples of why cameos would be added. for instance, twinimage said that maybe cameos of the Pevensies would be added if they were being told the story by the Professor or if they were telling the story to Eustace…a first grader could come up with a better scenario to bring the Pevensies into MN! again, i'm totally against the Pevensies being in it, but seriously, i get annoyed when people make up ludicrous movie scenarios and speak of them as if the film makers would actually use them and then make that their reason for being against it! it's pathetic…wow, i'm pretty sure that made no sense lol π but anyway, that's what i meant when i said twinimage would probably need a 300 page instruction manual on how to use a key because they wouldn't be resourceful enough to figure it out for them self. no offense haha
I love your name. It made me laugh. π Just wanted to say.
Thanks for the feedback! π
That would be cool to have the Pevensies in MN!!
They could use clips from LWW to create a cameo instead of getting the actors to do another.
well hopfully they dont screw it up with MN and i also hope they are going to make more narnia movies if not il make my own lol and good job keep it up and hurry it up!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would be so cool if they did put in a flashforward to LWW in MN!
Ooh, I like the sound of that!
@Lucy Hey, my favourite film is PC and VDT. I saw your comment about your profile at fanfiction. I clicked into the link and I found great stories. We like both few films and books!!! I don't have profile at fanfiction but I love fanfictions and I'll read your stories!!!
100th comment…again…and my prize is absolutely nothing…again…LOL!!! π
I do hope they get a little cameo, that would be cool. π
GEORGIE HENLEY! Anything and Everything with Gorgeous Georgie is the Ultimate Treat for All! Lovely Lucy, Our Valiant Queen, has been and will forever be the best of Narnia. The films NEED Her! Other roles would so triumph with the Great Actress, GEORGIE HENLEY! Lucy Forever!
all I want to know is whether or not they will even make it!
soon anyway.
Will Georgie Henley be in the next Narnia?
I hope Tilda Swinton plays Jadis again. It would make a lot more since to me If Tilda Swinton played Jadis In this film, because she played Jadis In the last two films.
I think Tilda Swinton makes a better Jadis then that Barbara girl In the other version of the wardrobe. Tilda never screamed or over did It. I hope Tilda comes back to do the Magician's Nephew because she did pretty good In the lion, Prince Caspian and the Voyage Of The Dawn Treader.
So in the background, we see:
Mrs. Henley
Rachel Henley
but whose the guy with Rachel? Her husband (is she married?)
sorry…just curious