Report: Perry Moore Had Secured Funding for The Magician’s Nephew is reporting that in a conversation with his mother on Wednesday night, Perry Moore told her that he had secured funding for The Magician’s Nephew.

“The night before he died, he had an hour-long conversation with his mom,” father Bill Moore said as he waited at the airport for a flight to New York. “He had gotten all the good news he could possibly get.”

Perry Moore told his family he’d secured financing for another Narnia movie, “The Magician’s Nephew.” He was also working with Starz, a cable-movie company, to adapt his novel, “Hero,” and he was preparing to meet with actress Julianne Moore on another project.

“He had everything in the world going for him,” his father said. “He was very upbeat.”

While it’s unclear how this will all play out, it appears that there may have been some negotiations going on for another Narnia film and that, rather than doing Silver Chair next, the production could have been looking forward to The Magician’s Nephew. This may also turn out to be speculation or the very early stages of a deal. What is certain is that we’ll need to show patience and restraint while we wait for more details to appear.

Thanks to ‘Louloudi the Centaur’ for the link.

176 Responses

  1. skandargirl_95 says:

    how can it be awful?it was a beautiful ending!it will NOT win the Carnegie award if it was awful…just imagine how much worst it would be if the end of the world happened NOW,like that 2012 movie(ugh!)

  2. Thyservant says:

    Also, I don't know which will cost more, the CGI or the real landscape? Apparently, MN is more of the CGI while SC is more of the latter. So if MN can bring back stars and cost next, you know, as MN doesn't have many 'realistic' locations, it may be more beneficial for the films to go on.

  3. skandargirl_95 says:

    agreed:good plan, but the flaws would be:
    1.the budget for EACH movie
    2.too much technical work for the CGI and special effects

  4. Sub says:

    Denial is a hell of a thing. I guess that wasn't imagery of turbans and coloured people in a lot of the book artwork I've seen over the years. Must have been far fetched to imagine I was looking at that and not drawings of an apple. The book is a product of its time, when that sort of thing was acceptable, like being sexist. It's far fetched for you to think otherwise.

  5. samuel says:

    3) Movies that are filmed together usually are released with a gap in the middle, I say 6 months is good.
    2) Again It's been done before, Lord of the rings was filmed in part together, though often so the post-people wouldn't get got bogged down, or they just split the work into two production teams.
    1) the budget for each movie should be the budget of a regular movie, a possible benefit to this would be marketing, they could save money by having one marketing budget and things like toys and products could feature more characters, think about your child getting a White Witch and a LOTGK figurine in happy meals and then they HAVE to go see BOTH films to see both characters, also might end up building anticipation for the series as a whole rather than four separate stories which might be a wise marketing move, and may offset the costs.

    Trying to think like a business man and not as an artist or fan, converting LWW and PC to 3D and the rereleasing them back into the theater BEFORE release SC and MN, then HHB and LB might be good marketing, like releasing Toy Stories 1 & 2 shortly before TS3… Not saying I would want to see the beautiful LWW converted into poorly done 3D, but hey If it sells it might just help see the series continue.

  6. Shasta says:

    Anhun is absolutely correct.

  7. Shasta says:

    As anhun stated above, calor is latin for heat, and although some of it is diplomatically naive, to call it racist is just an excuse to vent…you need to read it again, you will see that your reaction is a product of too much coffee, and white guilt. there is no hate for dark skinned people in this book.

  8. stateofgreen says:

    Completely true. Agree with your thoughts on this Perspective.

  9. stateofgreen says:

    I thought real landscapes were cheaper than CGI?

  10. caleb says:

    "settle any rumors of suicide"?
    Really? Was that anyone elses first reaction? Suicide? Seriously? I guess its possible.

  11. Reepicheep says:

    Okay I'm starting to get why doing MN would make sense. Seeing Will Poulter young in SC then rapidly old in LB would be really weird. I guess evening the age is a better alternative. It would also make sense because the story of HHB is told when they're having dinner at Cair Paravel in SC. If people saw a trailer of MN in theaters they'd be thinking 'ooh, prequel, i'm intrigued' that could really build up to a decent hit.

  12. ajSilver X says:

    Thought for the first reason that SC will be next to be made. Then now this report says that Perry Moore had secured funding for MN. No idea what does this means Maybe his prreparing to make MN next and not SC. it's great but, it's a big problem for will poulter's age. For they are doing the series in their publication order. Well whatever happens this means that MN will be made? Oh it's up to the Narnia-production Team.

  13. Anhun says:

    The comparison with the creation story in Genesis isn't valid. For one thing, MN is not the creation story in Genesis. It's not even the creation story of Narnia. It's the story of two kids who travel to different worlds and ultimately witness the creation of Narnia. Therein lies the problem.

    In the Bible, God, Adam, and Eve are the central figures in the creation story, and they all take part in the goings on. At the beginning of MN, Polly and Digory are set up as the central characters in MN and you develop an emotional connection to them, however they spend much of the book being spectators. Listening to Jadis tell her story, watching Jadis terrorize London, watching Aslan create Narnia, watching the animals and their antics. Polly and Digory do have an active role to play at the beginning and the end, and of course there's nothing wrong with central characters taking a *temporary* back seat to supporting characters, but they are just too passive to work as heroes in a movie.

  14. Peter the Magnificant says:

    This in a way I s odd I could see it happening on both sides. At this point I'm going to lean which ever way takes us to a 4th production of a narnian film. I do remeber when prince caspian was green lit not a week after the LWW release I hope we can have another one made but what ever the outcome at least we had 3 great ones

  15. Non-Negotiable Comment says:

    High Queene Shelly Belly:

    I do prefer 'The Magician's Nephew' to 'The Silver Chair', but I think you're being a bit too dismissive of the latter. I wouldn't call it 'silly'. I think it has a lot of value, both as entertainment, and as a faith lesson. From a spiritual perspective, it has a lot to say about discipline, obedience, and the power of unwavering faith. Puddleglum is a wonderful character who never strays from his goal, despite being exposed to all kinds of temptation, frustration, and deception. From a more human perspective, the relationship between Eustace and Jill is very special. It's quite different from the familial relationships of the previous books. And, while, they don't have blood ties, they share something almost as powerful: the bond of adolescent loneliness. If you have the Focus on the Family Radio Dramas on CD, listen to the first few minutes when Eustace and Jill are hiding from the bullies. Eustace goes from being glib, to defensive, to ashamed, to compassionate, all in the space of a few moments. Conversely, Jill goes from being dismissive to angry, and then is sort of shocked into silence by the realization of Eustace's sincerity. It's a wonderful exchange that really cements their friendship, in a completely believable way. I love quiet moments like that that give these characters a little bit of depth and humanity. The music is beautiful in that sequence, too. I wish the films could capture the spirit of those radio dramas, and I still hope to see a respectful attempt to capture some of that sentiment cinematically.

    Lastly, I've always found the ending to be truly joyous. Poor Caspian, spending the last ten years of his life mourning not only the loss of his wife, but of his only child. Then, finally, passing away peacefully, but not before Aslan grants him his life-long wish of seeing our world, allowing him to draw his sword in "battle" one last time. Maybe it's silly, but the idea of a massive golden lion and a suddenly youthfully rejuvenated sexagenarian leading the charge against a group of English school bullies is delightfully appealing to me.

    So, while it's not my favorite of the books, it's still a wonderful story with a lot of magical moments, and I do hope they decide to make 'The Silver Chair' next. Or, at least, eventually.

  16. Avalona says:


  17. Anhun says:

    The thing is, LB is supposed to take place many years after SC. Also, given how people age differently at different times of life, even if they film SC next, the difference between his looks in VDT and SC will be a lot greater than the difference between his looks in SC and LB.

  18. stateofgreen says:

    @Non Negotiable—What you said about Jill and Eustace's friendship is why I so badly want to see Silver Chair translated to screen. While the first movies focused on the relationship of family members, Silver Chair and Last Battle seem to me to focus on relationships outside the family circle. I get regretful when thinking how PC was botched…Disney pulling out really delayed everything and Will P will (and could still make a heart-rending Eustace with a good script….)….big sigh.

  19. claireyy says:

    oh weeelll, although i wanted sc next mn is fine too; i liked the story very much.
    i just want another narnia flim to watch!!!!

  20. Rob W. Case says:

    I thought that too… at first. But then I got to thinking. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was the highest grossing movie of the entire Narnia franchise. That said, it was the most popular. The Magician's Nephew adds context and is a prequel to LWW. Now, what that means is that the two most powerful personalities would have a larger role which I think would help the franchise significantly. Tilda Swinton is market tested. She is a powerful personality and an ultra-powerful force in this franchise. This would call for her return with a role about as large as LWW. Then of course you would have Liam Neeson. With those two powerful personalities, one would sort of have to see this movie to be able to acquire more dimension and context to LWW. I think the idea here is that these points would then translate into interest and generate the sales needed to proceed to go further with the Narnia franchise. Let me say it another way. If people saw the LWW and liked it (the "New Testament" of the Narnia franchise), then people will have more of an interest to see MN (the "Old Testament" of the Narnia franchise), and together they would make this bigger and deeper story that would generate the sales needed to proceed with The Silver Chair and perhaps maybe even the others. The order of this franchise is being strategized by how they think the sales will translate. That, I think, is the essence of what what Michael Apted meant late last year when he was talking about how making the other movies would be challenging.

  21. Peter the Magnificant says:

    I'm agree with you claireyy, I just want to see another narnian fil. I hope this isn't the last one but like I said in my last post its better to have three then 0 still I'm hoping there will be a 4th installment

  22. -centaur- says:

    Well…that was unexpected. I was very excited to see SC, as it is my favourite of the books.
    However, having read glumPuddle's previous headline about which movie they should make next, I can see the logic behind this move. To quote gP
    "Which would attract more viewers, a LWW prequel or a VDT sequel?"
    Agreed, glumPuddle. Although, again, I was really looking forward to SC, if this is the best move for the franchise, go for it.

  23. Non-Negotiable Comment says:

    Anhun, your vision of what constitutes the elements of a good film is nauseatingly formulaic. First of all, this isn't Indiana Jones. There is no need for a "hero" to constantly initiate the advancement of the plot. That goes to the heart of the Chronicles: it's partly about putting ordinary people, NOT "heroes", in extraordinary POSITIONS where they OCCASIONALLY make heroic (i.e., personally difficult, but morally correct) choices. Digory resists some extremely powerful temptation and retrieves the silver apple for Aslan. Heroic. Polly forgives Digory the act of violence he perpetrated upon her. Heroic. King Frank accepts Aslan's challenge to be responsible for an entirely new civilization. Heroic. These small acts, individually, and prima facie, don't amount to much. But, taken as a whole, they weave the moral fabric of that universe. So, there are larger forces at work in the background in this universe than square-jawed Hollywood "heroes". It's how the characters act at the junctures where they intersect with these forces that matters. Not what they do to speed a plot along.

    Of course, the "That works OK in a book, but it'll NEVER work in a film!" argument is surely next.

    The history of the cinema is replete with successful (even legendary films) that don't meet this "active hero" criteria.

    For example:

    Stanley Kubrick pitches his masterpiece to Anhun:

    "'2001: A Space WHAT?' Where's the hero?! There's no semblance of a plot! It's just a bunch of loosely based episodes tied together! Are you telling me the characters just sit and WATCH stuff happen for NINETY PERCENT of the film, with no dialogue?! There's the door, Kubrick! Out! OUT!! Come back when you wanna do 'Spartacus II'!"

    I don't mean to pick on you. You're clearly intelligent, and you make many valid and insightful points. But, this constant mantra of "A story/film HAS to have x and y to work!" is far too rigid and defeatist. There IS no "right" or "wrong" when you're contemplating art. For film, the ONLY salient criteria is: "Can this material be presented in a captivating and entertaining fashion given both the strengths and inherent weaknesses of this medium?". My perspective, as I have said repeatedly, is that CREATIVE filmmakers with vision enough to get to the heart of Lewis' stories, can create both recognizable AND entertaining adaptations of these books. Your comments seem to indicate that you have very little faith in the source material to transcend paper and ink. I don't really understand that, but, OK. Your viewpoint may, perhaps, be more practical than mine. But, cinematic practicality precludes studios from making anything but 'Twilight' movies until we run out of 14-year old girls.

    I don't want to live in that world.

  24. Not Of This World says:

    I know why they are doing MN instead of SC. They want to give Ben Barnes time to get older and grow a white beard 🙂 Just jokeing

  25. I still think they should do Silver Chair next, I'm really looking forward to that.

  26. LucyMyHero says:

    It would make more sense to do Silver Chair next , but it can be really good to make Magicians Nephew next. I am crazy about the whole series and does not really matter what they do next as long as they are actually be able to do it.

  27. Ted C says:

    Good to see everyone on here showing "patience and restraint". One other thing, someone actually posted that Horse and His Boy is racist. I say, give me a break.

  28. Narniamaniac says:

    Wow, that is extremely surprising! I would've never thought they would make The Magician's Nephew next. I was really looking forward to seeing The Silver Chair come to life as a movie, but oh well. I'm sure MN will be good too.

  29. I'm sure they will all be good. Sadly it's not up to us to decide which one comes next.

  30. This is really off topic but I had to say this. Does anyone else remember how Georgie Henley said she didn't want to be a model like Emma Watson? Well, haha ,she lied. I found pictures of her at a recent fashion show, modeling. And then found these pics that seen a little on the odd side.

  31. Hwin says:

    Wow, I guess I should not be surprised, but I am! Although this is not absolutely certain, of course. I do not mind too much which one they do next, but SC is my favorite book, and Will Poulter is SUCH an Eustace Clarence Scrubb that it would be a shame if for some reason he would not be able to return to the role.

    Patience is a virtue. . . 😉 (and something I need right now!)

  32. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    Hey Non, i hope to Aslan you are a writer because you certainly have a wonderful talent for it! I enjoyed your commentary more than I even enjoyed the book! and yes, thanks for pointing those things out, it has given me more of an appreciation for the book, which never really grabbed me. yes I have the Focus cd set, man, it rocks. If only the movies could be a film version of the cd's, life would be perfect. fantasically acted, faithful adaptations, filled with emotion and meaning, I recommend them to everyone. THEY bring narnia to life better than any other media has!

  33. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    there really is no way to film the ages perfectly like the books, anyway. because we arent on narnia time, at all. : )

  34. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    snicket: you think a movie about the end of the world and the antichrist would be boring? huh?? how cool is that? not to mention seeing narnian heaven??!! it would be AWESOME!!

  35. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    PS -and then we find out in our world, Aslan actually looks like Ted Neeley!! SWEET!

  36. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    LB-terrrible story? it's the only one that made me cry! and gasp out loud when someone was killed! and the majestic ending- phenominal!! you need to read a commentary on it to really get it if you weren't moved by it- it was incredible!

  37. Puddleglum says:

    I have said this before, and I will just keep repeating until some media big-wig hears me.
    Why not film both at once? It has been done. We have only to look at the LOTR as an example of how well it works.

  38. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    don't worry, Anhun, they won't be using the MN book as the basis for the MN movie anyway. they're planning on using the book CS Lewis DIDN'T write. : )

  39. Lady of the Green Kirtle says:

    Personally I would have preferred SC to be next, but I guess the film makers felt MN would do better in the box offices (frankly, as much as I hate to admit it, they're probably right about that.) This could actually be really good for the franchise, because if MN does do well it could open the door for funding of future Narnia movies. On the other hand this will break up the plot line, making it harder for people to follow along, but if this could lead to the rest of the series being made into movies, then I'd say that in this case the ends justify the means.

  40. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    @ shasta- as much as I love Anhun to pieces, s/he is NOT correct. the calormen and their country are a veiled critique of Islam – notice the takeoff of "peace be upon him" the clalormen use which in Islam is said after mentioning Muhammed. also there's a veiled commentary on the practice of memorizing the koran in arabic, – which is portrayed in HHB as them in repeating themselves over and over in stardardized sayings.. and CS lewis felt Islam kept people poor and in bondage, and primitive, hence the portrayal of the conditions in the city. In LB , Tashlan is a warning against christians getting too tolerant of Islam, and it becoming a mashup of the two faiths: watered down Christianity and a weak willed acceptance of Islam just to keep the peace. It is nothing against dark skinned people, or european supremacy, or male chauvanism. Islam and Christianity are diametrically opposed- (christainity teaches jesus is the son of god, Islam teaches god has no son and it is insulting to Him to even suggest that.) Lewis feared Islam overpowering christianity if the christians were to clueless to recognize what was happening, a slow infiltration until the narnians (and christianity) had to fight for survival to avoid a takeover. Lewis was hugely influenced by CG Chesterton, who was very leery of Islam and predicted its resurgence and subsequent takeover over christianity. That is also predicted in the koran as their version of the end times, and many head muslims overseas are very vocal in stating that is their goal.

  41. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    thank you Sub- is that short for Subglob?

  42. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    it's not about race, it's a statement against Islam. see my discourse above.

  43. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    correct, shasta. and nothing but sympathy for the calormen and the conditions they were stuck with.

  44. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yeah, hope they feature pevensies again, except maybe skandar won't cooperate. says he's sick of acting.

  45. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    I hope georgie doesn't turn out to be another paris hilton type twit. her saying she just LOVES FASHION kind of disturbed me.

  46. Mikey says:

    Assuming this is true, then it's good because it means they aren't going to just feature the same four stories that the BBC did way back when. It would be nice to see all seven if possible and it wouldn't matter what order they are released in because when/if the come out on dvd you can watch them in whatever order you like…

  47. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    i don't know if this makes me feel better or worse about, well, everything….
    i just hope we get to see Will Poultler again 🙁

  48. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    *groans* really, Georgie??? it's okay to love fashion, but u don't have to go out of ur way to be a model, for Aslan's sake! you're such a talented actress 🙁

    thnxs for posting Queen Elizabeth, it's okay, i don't mind it being random 😉

  49. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    i know!! that's EXACTLY how i feel, like, MN is cool and all, i love how it's totally unique and stuff but WHAT ABOUT WILL POULTLER?!?!?!!?!? we can't just leave him hanging there! since VDT, my entire life has been lived to see him in SC, but if they make MN next, by the time they get BACK to SC, Will's gonna be in his, like, twenties! in my opinion, it's so obvious that making SC is the best move. But, whatever happens, at least we know that Narnia might possibly have a future. 🙂

  50. Not Of This World says:

    I think that they should do SC next. I can't wait to see MN, but SC is the logical move. Will Poulter will get older and people who havn't read the books will be left hanging with the question, "Where is Eustace?"

  51. Not Of This World says:

    I must say those pictures are rather scary. Very, very, very creepy.

    Common Georgie! What in the world was that for?

  52. Embrace says:

    A total mistake to make The Magician’s Nephew! They must do The Silver Chair and The Last Battle! I want more Eustace and lots of lovely Jill! Perhaps they can make them both at same time? They will need completely different actors anyway.

  53. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    *gagging noises* so scared of the first pic, i didn't even want to LOOK at the second one 😛

  54. I still love her and all, but when I saw these I was shocked. The one of her up-close face, makes her look old and like she had been partying or something. If she was madeling for like Kohls or Target or something that would be ok, because they aren't wearing SUPER heavy makeup. And the clothes that "models" wear are sometimes in-appropriate. I wish she wouldn't do any more. I hope "Hollywood" isn't making the wrong impact on her.

  55. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    i know what you mean, Queen of England. it's just after seeing those pics i was like "Um…Georgie?" she is so beautiful, and in my opinion, all the makeup made her look really trashy and ugly. That doesn't change the fact that she's beautiful, though, after all, make up washes off, but impressions don't.
    Not that the stuff she was wearing was innappropriate, actually it wasn't even that stylish in my opinion, it was actually really weird and mismatched and ugly. but the make up and hair was what scared me the most, it was like a 15 year old version of lady gaga or something… 😛
    Anywho, i still love Georgie too, it's just kind of sad to see her like that.

  56. Writergirl says:

    It would be interesting to see MN. I had wanted to see SC first, but thuis works.

  57. Writergirl says:

    Plus seeing creation would be AWESOME!!! And they have to introduce MN characters before LB. They could do SC then MN then LB, but Eustace and Jill would have a age gap between SC and LB.

  58. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    Oh my gosh, really? whatever message C.S. Lewis was trying to convey in HHB, i doubt it is racist. Even if it was, IF, HHB had even the slightest racisim references and it was made a movie, I'm sure Walden Media/Fox/ whoever the heck is making the movies in the future will do all they can to smooth it over. I strongly agree with you, though, Ted C. However, people are allowed to have their opinions so… i guess i can't really argue w/ whomever posted saying HHB was racist. 🙂

  59. Writergirl says:

    I agree with High Queene Shelly Belly, it would be awesome to see Revelation, Narnia form!

  60. Writergirl says:

    And you couldn't do SC, LB, then MN, because you would have already seen the end(LB) and MN probably wouldn't have a big box office appeal.