Dawn Treader on DVD and Blu-ray April 8th

Several sources, including the Official Facebook page for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader are reporting that the DVD and Blu-ray will be in stores on April 8th.

Extras on the DVD include:
– Audio Commentary by director Michael Apted and producer Mark Johnson.
– Deleted Scenes (“The Kids in Narnia…”, “Eustace II”, “Mutiny”, “Caspian’s Doubt”)
– Untold Adventures of the Dawn Treader – Animated Short.
– King Caspian’s Guide to the Dawn Treader: Legends and Lore of the great ship.
– 5 “Island Explorations” featurettes.
– 7 Narnian Discoveries: Friends and Foes of Narnia featurettes.
– 4 “Fox Movie Channel Presents” Behind the Scenes featurettes.
– A DVD game having to do with swords.

The Blu-ray will include all of the above plus:
– 3 additional Behind the Scenes featurettes including “Battle on the sea”.
– Digital Copy of the film.

NarniaWebber Griffle points out that the VFX Progression Reel featurette and the Music Video mentioned here is not listed as being part of the extras, but will still probably be there.

To pre-order your copy, click the links below:

Thanks to Griffle and Louloudi the Centaur for the heads up!

UPDATE: Amazon has new cover art:

391 Responses

  1. Cierra says:

    I was really hoping for a commentary with the kids, those has always been my favorite part of the dvd.

  2. Cierra says:


  3. Lucylove says:

    I'm gong tell my friend that's a HUGE fan of Narnia about this cause I don't know if she visits sites like this!

  4. Narnians says:


  5. REDROBINS007 says:

    will there not be a commentary with the actors and director cause that's usally one of my favebits about the commentaries hearing them all laugh along and chat about the film.

  6. ilovefauns says:

    is there a 3 disc edition?

  7. narnian resident says:

    wow the cover art looks so awesome! i am really excited! it could be an Easter gift 😉

  8. Nick says:

    Will there be a trilogy boxed set?

  9. DancingInRain says:

    Wow this is so cool! But I'm really going to miss the commentary with Skandar,Georgie,Will and Ben. 🙁 can't wait though…

  10. DancingInRain says:

    A untold story of the dawn treader? Animated Short? I wonder what that could be…

  11. wolfloversk says:

    Sounds great, but missing the multi-disk edition 🙁 That's a lot for one disc though 😀

  12. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    No commentary with the actors, but pretty cool features.

  13. Andreya Of Narnia says:

    Me too!!! 🙁

  14. Starlily says:

    Wait, the Blu-ray gets "3 additional featurettes", but the regular DVD doesn't? I protest! I don't have a Blu-ray player! What kind of rotten deal is that? And where are the bloopers?!

    But the special features still look cool. Can't wait to see them. 🙂

  15. Alambil and Tarvis says:

    No Bloopers? 🙁

  16. Pendragon says:

    Wait, why does the first DVD cover have the Dawn Treader with only half the sail? I thought that was fan-made…that can't be the real thing, can it?

  17. Starlily says:

    Yeah, I'm curious too. It could either be pretty dumb, or quite interesting and clever. I'll try not to get my hopes up. I'm not expecting as good special features as the Disney ones–but then again who knows?

  18. WarriorMaiden says:

    No cast commentary or blooper reel? I was looking forward to those. 🙁

  19. LL says:

    Thank goodness for the "Seasick Gag Reel"!!!! But why does the Blueray DVD include a digital copy and not the regular 2-Disc??? A digital copy was included in the 2-Disc Prince Caspian pack…oh whatever. I'm just glad there are bloopers 🙂

  20. Reepicheep775 says:

    I'm such a sucker. I didn't even like the movie and I'll probably be buying the two-disc set.

  21. Ugly Pig says:

    "Animated Short"? That's unexpected.

  22. Well, there have been rumours of a 'seasick gag reel'. I'm not sure how complete any one of the lists found on Amazon or anything are, so we might see some bloopers yet. Here's hoping!

  23. Jake says:

    "The untold adventures of the Dawn Treader," as in the true story they decided not to show in the movie? Heh.

  24. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    oh COME ON, no actor commentary? really?!?!?!
    the set is beautiful, though. it really captures the narnian "spirit". oh well….
    we still get to see the movie….

  25. Okay now I'm REALLY excited, I need that DVD right now!! It has way more features than the first two which is awesome!!!!!
    But are all those features on the normal DVD or the two disc edition?! I really want to know so I'd really appreciate it if someone would reply thank you!!

  26. narnian21 says:

    April 8 is a Friday. Aren't most DVDs released on a Tuesday?

  27. glumPuddle says:

    No doubt based on the book CS Lewis didn't write. 😉

  28. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Oh yeah, I like the design of everything in the picture, except for the ever undying witch(BOO):P. The Dawn Treader actually looks complete.

  29. Promise says:

    Do you think that this special feature list is complete, as in official? or do you guys think that we could still get an actor commentary on the blueray by April? they still have time to do that right? I would also love to see the bloopers! 🙂

  30. Lucy says:

    It does look beautiful, that dvd/blu-ray set, and I certianly mean to buy it, but I have a question, and I was wondering if anyone on here could please, if they know the answer/understand my question (I suck at wording things sometimes, which is weird because I'm actually a writer, LOL) reply to me. Here goes nothing: Does anyone know if the dvd that comes WITH the blu-ray combo pack has the deleted scenes on it? See, I'm thinking of buying the blu-ray cuz it's sooooooo pretty looking and has more features and all, and comes with a dvd anyway, but I don't have a blu-ray player and really, really want to see deleted scenes, really, really badly. So can someone answer my question? Does the DVD in the combo back have the deleted scenes, or would it be only on the blu-ray itself, which I couldn't watch?

  31. Anhun says:

    Apted only allowed 2 takes per scene, so the actors had to try their absolute hardest every time. It's unlikely they had enough bloopers to make a full blooper real.

  32. Anhun says:

    I was looking forward to hearing Georgie and Will's banter. Georgie's so dynamic, and Will's really sweet. Skandar's heart really hasn't been in Narnia or acting lately, and it shows in the interviews he's given.

  33. Griffle says:

    Sorry to say it, but this is what most studios do nowadays. There have even been a number of cases where the DVD of the film have been released without any extras at all. At least in this case, DVD owners get most of it. But I agree, it's not fair.

  34. Griffle says:

    I'm afraid it is. FOX's marketing artwork for VDT is really embarrassing. Most of it looks like it's been made by amateurs. I believe the case to the left is the digipack (Sure hope I'm wrong about it being Digipack (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digipak))casing that fits into the O-card slip cover to the right. Now that you mention it, it is pretty strange that they've used two different versions of the ship. Didn't notice that at first. Again: Embarrassing!…to the extreme.

  35. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    where did you hear that?

  36. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    no wonder the acting was so stiff-

  37. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    i have the same dilema- dont have a blue ray, probably will in the future, have an ipod so want the digital copy. will the blue ray's regular dvd have the extras on it? and i'd get the box set if it's cool, should i wait and get the blue ray with that, or get the blue ray out now, but then i might not be able to see the extras if they are only on the bluray disc and not the dvd. i wish they would explain-

  38. Griffle says:

    Actually, I think I might be wrong in assuming the inside packaging featured to the left is of the digipack fold out variety. I'm pretty sure the big box to the right holds both the DVD, the booklet and the art cards. The case to the left is probably just a normal keep case with room for the three discs and with an O-card slip cover over it. Kind of like the packaging for the Japanese "3-Disc Premium Art & Picture" set for PC.

  39. Ha ha, yeah. I watched one particular interview in which Skandar was so silent, I was beginning to wonder if he was photoshopped in or something! Yet again, the reporter made quite a few mistakes, such as refering to Aslan as "king of the jungle", and calling Georgie 'Georgia'. Just painful…

  40. Griffle says:

    YES! The deleted scenes are available on the DVD. Don't worry. What you miss out on if you can't play the BD are the three featurettes listed under "The Blu-ray will include all of the above plus:"

  41. I am still upset about how horribly they wrecked the Dawn Treader. 🙁 I can't admit to feeling a lot of pleasure, excitement, or really much of anything about this.

    But, knowing me, the desperate Narnia fan I am, I know I'll still buy it…

  42. Griffle says:

    Since the first two films were made by Disney and VDT by FOX, it's highly unlikely that this will happen. But you already have the first two films on DVD already anyway, right? 😉

  43. Alambil says:

    Pretty sure there are some typos in those deleted scenes names. "Kids in Narnia…" is actually "Kids in Narnian Clothes", and "Eustace II" is "Eustace is Ill" (Ill could have EASILY been mistaken for the roman numeral II)


  44. Alambil says:

    Also, here's another good article:


  45. Griffle says:

    Yeah, the titles of the deleted scenes were taken from the Narniaweb news story before this one (posted by glumPuddle) and I'm pretty sure those were copy+pasted from the website linked to in that (AreaDVD). fantasia_kitty, who posted this news story copy+pasted it from my post in the merchandise forum, if I'm correct. Neither one of us is to blame for this. That's all I wanted to say. 😉 hehe

  46. Griffle says:

    The extras listed above are taken from DVDActive.com who only post info on extras once that information is available from the studios in a press release. I take it that these are all the extras listed in that press release. It would be really cool if the list of extras found in the Narniafans article would be on the BD though. 🙂

  47. Lucy says:

    if you please, I don't mean to sound dense and repeative or nothing, but just to double check we are on the same page, you DO mean the dvd that comes WITH the blu-ray right? cuz that's what i mean to be asking about.

  48. Lucy says:

    I do not mean to sound pompous, but if you will forgive my asking, if you didn't like the movie, why do you want it for? (I personally loved it and am all for as many sales as possible regardless so I don't care, but I AM curious as to why someone would want a movie they didn't like).

  49. claireyy says:

    cool : ) i can't wait
    i really hope they include bloopers though!

  50. lilims says:

    mine too 🙁

  51. stateofgreen says:

    If there's not a commentary with the kids I shall boycott buying this DVD. I would hope the marketing people would not make such a foolish mistake as that! I've emailed Walden to ask about it.

  52. stateofgreen says:

    Yes, I can't believe they would be stupid enough not to have the kids on the commentary? Will is very sweet and he and Georgie are so fun to watch in their interviews together.

  53. stateofgreen says:

    I didn't like the movie and yet I still want the DVD because I did like some parts of the movie and want to be able to watch them over. I think a lot of people have a love/hate feeling towards this movie. I look at it as the "great blockbuster that never was"…. *big sigh of sadness and regret*

  54. stateofgreen says:


  55. stateofgreen says:

    What if everyone just boycotts buying this DVD?

  56. stateofgreen says:

    I forgot to add that the purpose of boycotting it would be to protest the lack of actor commentary and force them to do it over.

  57. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    Here's what Michael Flaherty had to say when Hollywood Jesus asked him that question in an interview in December:

    HJ: What does the change from Disney to Fox mean for future Narnia box sets for Blu-ray and DVD? You have two distributors now; is that going to make it challenging to put together box sets where people can get all of the Narnia films in one set?

    MF: You’ve just hit on something that there’s a team of lawyers right now who woke up early in Burbank are trying to figure out. That’s a very good question, but I think we’ll get a good solution.

    HJ: Okay, so you haven’t quite worked that out yet.

    MF: No, no we’re hoping to by Easter when this comes out on DVD.

  58. 8SilverSky says:

    If everyone boycotted the DVD/Blu-Ray, sales would be awfully bad and Fox would probably not even consider a fourth Narnia movie.

    I too loved the cast commentary, but hey, I only really watched it once. It's not the end of the world if it's not there. Yes, it brings a smile on your face, but there's plenty of other things that can do that. At least we get A commentary, so we can still be excited for Apted talking about the scenes that a lot of us are "questioning".

  1. February 1, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by NarniaWeb.com, Madai Pevensie, Sammi, Cierra W., Ben Furlong and others. Ben Furlong said: RT @NarniaWeb: #DawnTreader on DVD and Blu-ray April 8th. http://bit.ly/e4J4Ca #narnia […]