Pre-order The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on DVD and Blu-ray disc is now available for pre-order from The release date hasn’t been announced, but the DVD should be released in mid-April. To pre-order your copy, click the links below:

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2-disc Edition) $24.49

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Blu-ray Edition) $27.99

The Amazon detail pages don’t have any information about special features on the disc, though it’s probable that in addition to the usual making-of features there could be several extra scenes which were removed from the theatrical release. We expect that more information about the DVD will be released soon.

Please note that when you purchase your DVD through these links you are helping to support NarniaWeb. Your credit card will not be charged until your order is shipped and if Amazon lowers their price between now and the release date you will be charged the lowest price available.

69 Responses

  1. phvolt220 says:

    Cool! The cover looks great; I can't think of a better layout than that!

  2. I am so buying that DVD when it comes out. Not yet though, I don't have time.
    It's gonna be such a relief to finally hold that after so many years of waiting!!!

  3. glumPuddle says:


  4. Anna Pendleton (For Christ Alone) says:

    Woo hoo! I plan on buying it as soon I have the money! This is so great! I have both of the other new ones and all the BBC. I really want to have the whole collection! Will there be any like name drawing contests to maybe with the two disk set?

  5. ChristProclamer says:

    Can't wait to get mine. I only wonder why the picture shows the French DVD.

  6. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    I know how you feel. Strangely enough, on a cover for the Brazilian version( I know that's not a language)it has a different design with no WW on Aslan's I wanted that one to be a poster the second I saw it.

  7. Anna Pendleton (For Christ Alone) says:

    I did not see that until you said that! Hope they don't get it first. πŸ™‚

  8. Not Of This World says:

    Two discs? Awesome!!!!

  9. DominicLovesNarnia says:

    OH! I hope the cover is not the final one, didn't like it! And I hope they will released an EXTENDED VERSION of the film.

  10. Rob W. Case says:

    Uh-oh, does that mean that the American blu-rays might not have a DVD of the movie included like shows for their version? I think it's smart to include a DVD copy of the film with the blu-ray since people will spend more money on the blu-ray, but have the DVD on hand if they can't afford a blu-ray player just yet. That's what I did with older Disney films before I bought my blu-ray player. Also, the first two Narnia films that have been re-released on blu-ray now include DVD copies of the movie as well.

  11. Meh, I'll just wait for it to come out. I'm in no rush. Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie, but I don't think they will sell out of the DvDs soon.

  12. claireyy says:

    is the two disc version a blu ray dvd or regular dvd?

  13. Starlily says:

    I can't wait to find out what the special features will be. πŸ™‚

  14. Varnafinde says:

    From Europe (Norway), I shouldn't order the Region 1 version.
    Will there be a NW support link to for the Region 2 version later?

  15. Pepper Darcy says:

    *does the hiccup YEAH!* hurray! πŸ™‚ Very excited about this!! πŸ˜€ At least it's not like PC where you had to buy a different version for special features (which made *NO* sense at all) πŸ™‚ So very excited about this!! πŸ™‚

  16. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    What's the sigh for Glumpuddle?

  17. Not Of This World says:

    Yeah. We only got the one disc version, so I went on Youtube and watched the bloopers and deleated sceans.

  18. freya says:

    Pre-ordered it last week on my movieclub, the release date is March 30th here.

  19. AJAiken says: says the release date is April 18th for Britain.

  20. freya says:

    A fellow Norwegian, how cool. Just wanted to let you know that the release date here in Norway is set to March 30th. I've pre-ordered it from my film club, and I know they never release movies for pre-order unless they've got the release date.

  21. Pepper Darcy says:

    yeah, we did that for the bloopers! They were hilarious!! πŸ˜€

  22. Pepper Darcy says:

    hurray!! πŸ˜€

  23. Kelly says:

    That means it's 10 days late for my birthday. πŸ™ Oh well, it can be a late present. πŸ™‚ It's still ages to wait though. πŸ˜€

  24. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Based off what I know of him, it's probably the cover is basically the poster and that the witch is on it even though she's in the movie for a minute.

  25. Why hasn't Fox issued a press-release about this? Where are the details as to what will feature on it? And is there going to be an extended edition some point down the line? I suppose they'll keep that last part hidden from us so that they can get us to spend money on both. Everything about the way Fox has handled the marketing has been shoddy. I wouldn't be surprised if we found out years later that someone pocketed half the budget they purportedly spent on marketing this film.

  26. Freya, can you give me a link for the March 30 release date in Norway? The movie rental, not purchase, release date in Brazil is also March 30. Check out this story on AC for the different regions on Amazon for DVD and Blu-Ray.

  27. I've been told by another staff member at AC that the press release from Fox will come this week or next week. Just sit tight and wait!

  28. Here's the cover of the Brazil version [March 30 = movie rental, not release, date] for those interested.

  29. Both the DVD and Blu-Ray have "two discs." But it seems that the Blu-Ray, for now, doesn't include the DVD. It's a bit confusing. Click on the links in the story to see the product details.

  30. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is sooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Edmund-is-hot says:

    Pre-ordered already ;D

  32. Starlily says:

    Cool! πŸ˜› Thanks, that at least gives me some idea of what the DVD will have. I was hoping for more deleted scenes though, and bloopers…maybe there will be more in reality than that website lists.

  33. Starlily says:

    Oops! I meant to post that on my other comment, in reply to 220christian/Aslan'sLily. I must have clicked too fast.

  34. freya says:

    A bit hard to link it, it's a membership club and you have to log in. Sorry. It's on

  35. Anna Pendleton (For Christ Alone) says:

    But, why? I mean…did France have anything to do with it? Kinda odd.

  36. Tribunal says:

    Will probably rent this.

    BTW, the film grossed $1.3 million this passed weekend crossing the $100 million mark.

  37. I know, right? I got the PC DVD for my birthday a couple of years ago, but it was just the normal edition without all the bonus stuff I really wanted to see! I would have loved to see the bloopers and deleted scenes and all that!
    It's really good to hear that there are going to be special features on these DVD/BluRay disks πŸ˜€

  38. With you for the extended version! I have a feling the movie would have been a lot better if they hadn't deleted so many scenes; less choppy and fast-paced.

  39. High Queene Shelly Belly says:


  40. ~DaughterOfEve~ says:

    I really like the Brazilian cover. I am with Gp. The WW doesn't belong on the cover for VDT

  41. Not Of This World says:


  42. Duffleglum says:

    Yep, though the white witch could be dropped to make the poster less cluttered

  43. Ted C says:

    Good AND awesome? Wow.

  44. Ted C says:

    Its "so" best to do it when you have time.

  45. Lucylove says:

    YAY! I hope I'll be able to get it when it first comes out! πŸ™‚

  46. "KingPeter" says:

    The DVD cover art is on Looks awesome!

  47. claireyy says:

    thank you! : )

  48. Ah, thanks. I guess I'm just showing my frustration over what I consider the mishandling of the film's marketing. If Fox announces there'll be an extended edition coming a few months after this release (as New Line had done with the LOTR DVDs), that will assuage some of that. Of course, it's possible they have no intention of doing an extended edition, but that would be a shame.

  49. ChristProclamer says:

    Really? That's good, right?

    (Cause if you're saying it optimistically, Tribunal, I know it's good…) πŸ˜€

  50. ChristProclamer says:

    Out of curiousity, will the 3D thing affect the DVD at all? Will the DVD come with wonky glasses or something? Or will it just be a regular DVD, not 3D stuff?

  51. Tribunal says:

    I wouldn't say it's good.. but that's a conversation for another time. Just posted the news because it appears Narniaweb has stopped reporting its box-office, which is understandable as its been out a while.

  52. christopher james says:

    No need to buy just download it now!! Absolutely for Free
    Click the link below.

  53. Not Of This World says:

    Yes they were! πŸ˜€

  54. Not Of This World says:

    You could still see it in my theatre. Do you think we'll get reports again when it starts up in Japan?

  55. narnian21 says:

    yeah and for each person downloading thats $20-30 each that fox and walden wont get so they can make SC. I'm buying the DVD…

  56. Adrian Downes says:

    I find that it is one of the best movies in the world

  57. Mayor Wilkins says:

    I would be upset if The White Witch WAS NOT on the cover.
    Sorry, guys. Minute or not, The White Witch added so much to the final moments of the film's climax. It was probably the smartest thing they could have done to add extra tension to the scene. Can anyone give me a reason why Tilda should not have been there without mentioning anything about "not being in the book?" Looking at just the film, can anyone tell me why using Tilda to give The Green Mist a voice was a bad idea cinematically speaking?

    If you're looking at the film series, it's a great idea to include the White Witch. I understand she's not in the book. Fine. But this IS NOT THE BOOK. It is the movie. And this movie benefited from having Tilda Swinton's performance.

  1. January 22, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, Donna Renee and Madai Pevensie, Nathasa Gracia. Nathasa Gracia said: RT @NarniaWeb: Pre-order The Voyage of the #DawnTreader Now at Amazon! […]