‘Dawn Treader’ Grosses $10.5m Over New Years Weekend
Happy 2011! The Voyage of the Dawn Treader grossed an estimated $10.5m over the holiday weekend. Box Office Mojo writes:
[Gulliver’s Travels] remained in eighth place and couldn’t top its 20th Century Fox stable mate The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which drew $10.3 million in its fourth weekend. With $86.9 million in 24 days, Voyage lost more ground to [Wardrobe] but it gained some on [Caspian].
The film has now grossed $86.9m domestically. Its worldwide total is up to $297.1m.
Still no word on another Narnia film being green-lit, but keep checking back!
Hey, that is good news!
Wow! It's doing pretty good (mostley overseas).
Praying that Silver Chair gets green-lit…checking everyday.
Good news! We're still making money! I read on Yahoo VDT made 5th place in the Box Office. I didn't see what place it had on Box Office Mojo.
Me too…
Few things to note:
VDT rose 10% from last week as most of the other films in the top 10. Mainly due to schools being out.
At this time, LWW had grossed $217 million in North America.
And Prince Caspian grossed $125 million.
Overseas the film dropped by about 50% from the weekend before.
I expect another $30 million from NA and probably $50 million from overseas, putting it under the $400 million mark. If it can pass that mark then Fox and Walden will probably consider another Narnia film. Remember, the VDT had a $150 million production budget and about $100 million for its marketing budget.
I don't know if this is good news or not :/
I'm still waiting for an article called "Silver Chair Green-lit!" to show up on here 😀
It can only have one place lol. Doesn't matter who reports it. And yes it was in 5th place just under Yogi Bear which surprisingly had a strong weekend. (It rose 56% from the weekend before)
I hope Silver Chair is Green-lit.
Well it's always a good thing when a film rises when it has been out for almost a month. Back in 2005, LWW gained 30% its 4th weekend grossing $25 million(which is actually more than VDT's opening weekend)
I didn't know if the yahoo one was official, but now that I think about it, it was a silly coment LOL 🙂 I didn't think that one through 🙂
I do too!
I don't know if I want to see a "green" light maybe orange?
What is the Box office numbers of the other movies? I mean, what's number 1, number 2, number 3 . . .
1. Little Fockers $25 million [down 16%]
2. True Grit $24 million [down 1%]
3. Tron Legacy $18 million [down 2%]
4. Yogi Bear $12 million [up 56%]
5. Dawn Treader $10 million [up 8%]
Thanks 🙂
I'm happy that Dawn Treader is about to cross the 300 million mark worldwide. I too think that if it can sail its way past 400 million globally Fox will be interested in continuing on with this franchise. This can happen; how the film performs in the month ahead will be crucial. And if SC is made, why not trim down that budget some more? I'm confident that a quality Narnia can be made for no more than 100 million. They'll just have to be creative! 😉
I was thinking along the same lines. Much of Silver Chair would require limited or no effects. Of course it depends if they make Puddleglum a make-up enhanced character or a CG-enhanced character.
Hmm, I think hitting $400 million will be hard.
They claimed to have resurrected the franchise, even with such a poor opening weekend, so surely they'll be considering SC with much less than $400 million collected from VDT
I honestly want to know what is wrong with tribunal. He/She is systematically trying to get everyone down on this movie. Any news is bad news to tribunal. Listen, the movie is a good movie, that's just plain and simple. C.S. Lewis wrote pure fantasy for children, and overt supposition(if not complete allegory) of the story of Christ Jesus. The same is true of the movies. Now, while people(for the most part) for some strange reason didn't like Prince Caspian (though it follows the book very closely), it still sold $419 million riding the coattails of LWW. Note: I loved Prince Caspian. Voyage of the Dawn Treader on its opening weekend was riding on the coattails of the dislike for PC, which is the reason it made what it made on its first weekend. However, the popularity of the movie keeps going up, coming up 10% on its 4th weekend(by the way, LWW came up on its 5th weekend 30%, if you're going talk negative, at least get your facts straight).
Now, this movie still has 1month+ left in the theaters in North America, and has yet to be released in some foreign countries. Meaning this movie could still make very possibly $350-$400, plus what other people have mentioned about profit coming from DVD sales+PayPerView+TVspots. I mean, what you don't realize is that when Christians find out that a movie was made for them, the support is seen eventually; which is what is happening with this movie.
Another thing you're not accounting is that Walden Media wants, repeat, WANTS to make movies like this(which Micheal Flaherty mentioned himself in an interview posted in this website, again, if you're going to be negative, at least know all the facts). Walden media doesn't need a lot of motivation to make family oriented, or value driven, or Christian films. So my projection based on these things is that VoDT breaks even with production budget and marketing, and makes profit on DVDs and TV; which is more than enough for the series to be continued.
So to tribunal I say, be easy homie, ok? In love I say, be easy. If this series is to die with VoDT, let us mourn when and if they(Walden/Fox) say so; until then, let us hope. Moreover, for those who are confused, the fact that its made $300 Million IS good news.
Live on Narnia…
Live on Narnians…
That is good! But I don't think any of the movie will ever top LWW. It was the first and most-advertised and well known. But I hope this tops PC!
I think Yogi is getting the munchkin vote. People want a movie where they can take the little kids. Tangled went up as well, briefly rising about VDT's daily, probably for the same reason. I wouldn't be surprised if Yogi drops dramatically over the next week, since it's getting thoroughly panned by audiences and critics alike.
VDT will definitely drop, it remains to be seen if it falls off the grid immediately, or ebbs away over several weeks. Today's box office should give us some indication.
Its understandable Susan, LWW was the story of the crucifixion, so thats hard to top. However, there are still some stories that have great appeal like Last Battle (the end of the world, people love the end-times stuff) and The Magician's Nephew (the creation of the world). With those two at least, I expect big box office outcomes.
Though like the rest of you I'm hoping and praying for The Silver Chair!
Live on Narnia…
Live on Narnians…
The problem is that they MUST advertise SC better than VDT.
We need announcements at christian concerts, billboards galore, and narnia collectables in happy meals to truly explode the movie.
PC did that, but it simply wasn't a good narnia movie to excel like LWW.
My motto: make a GOOD movie, & THEN advertise it tons
we certainly don't want to see a green mist… 😉
What version of the book Prince Caspian did you read? :O
The movie deviated dramatically from the book, which is a good thing plot-wise, because the book was dull and flimsy, reading more like an epilogue to VDT rather than an interesting book in it's own right. In the 80s version, they actually filmed it that way.
All movies will likely drop next weekend. Traditionally this weekend is good for movies since many are on vacation from school/jobs.
Anhun I read the same version CS Lewis wrote. For a movie adaptions changes always have to be made, regardless it still contained all the basic elements of the plot, and a lot of the specific elements. Also, all the basic thematic elements were there as well, so it did follow closely. What some fans want is a word-for-word, or rather word-for-image adaptation, and a lot of the times thats not feasible.
Alexander, where exactly was I negative in the post you quoted? The first four points I made are facts, is it so bad to compare VDT to the other Narnia films? I never said that I thought the film was bad and you calling it a good film is an opinion, not "just plain and simple." It does after all have a 50% on Rotten Tomatoes. Compared to 76% for LWW and 67% for PC.
And I love how you tell me to get my facts straight as you fail to do just that. LWW had a 30% bump in its 4th weekend, not 5th as you state. I actually already mentioned this in a post made a few hours ago.
And lastly I never said Walden didn't want to continue the franchise. Why wouldn't they? It's their highest grossing franchise, but if it is not making them a decent profit, why continue? Don't forget, Fox is in this too.
@Tribunal: I know. The question is, how much of a drop? If VDT falls by 80%, I don't think that bodes well for the future of the franchise. Where as if it eases 30%, there's definitely hope. Somewhere in between is probably more likely, but who knows?
@Alexander and Tribunal: I think there's room on this website for different opinions and perspectives. I personally loved the movie VDT and am hoping for a continuation of the franchise. Just the same, I've still been heckled for being a Negative Nelly just because I make comments that I consider to be common sense.
80% is a bit much I think. It's rare to see movies drop by that much on any weekend.
For comparison, LWW dropped 39% in its 5th weekend so I think a similar drop for VDT is in order.
Agreed 100% Todd. This really goes to any Hollywood blockbuster, but studios really need to get their act together with these huge budgets they spend on movies. There have been plenty of films with great visual effects made with very low budgets.
Example? Look at District 9, it cost $30 million to make and it grossed $115 million domestically[$210 miilion WW]. There is no reason as to why The Silver Chair can't be made for $100 million.
hmm . . . might even drop less than that. VDT seems to be a lot more stable than LWW. Didn't drop as much it's 2nd and 3rd weekends, didn't rise as much it's 4th.
Long Live Narnia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tribunal you're right, I misread some of the information. However, I notice you not have correct figures, or at the very least have information that doesn't take everything into account. For example, the reason you can't compare these films is because of so many factors:
1. LWW is the Crucifixion story, that's pretty hard to beat.
2. PC was riding the popularity of LWW, and so made the money that it made.
3. VoDT on week 1 was riding the popularity (or disdain) of PC. People had given up on Narnia. Then Narnia comes back with part 3, and the people that thought it was dead, noticed it was alive again; which is why its made near $300 Million. Come on man! PC was erroneously placed in the summer, and was chocked by Iron Man, Indy: the Crystal Skull, Sex and the City, Kung Fu Panda, Wall-e, Hancock, The Dark Knight! I mean come on, PC had a monumental marketing error, and VoDT's opening weekend suffered for it. How can you not take this into account? I think you and the rest of you negative folk ("no we're just being honest, those are just facts") need to realize:
1. This movie has made $300 Million, in spite of the marketing mistakes of PC.
2. If/when this movie makes $350 million, the series would have made 1.5billion dollars, making it around 17th or 16th on the highest selling film series of all time. If all 7 are made, the series could be worth 3Billion dollars and be in the top 10 for highest selling film series of all time.
Those two facts aren't something to just glance over. And might I add, who cares what Rotten Tomatoes says, they have distorted figures all the time(the Passion of the Christ has 50% on Rotten Tomatoes as well, so please). If you want the continuation of this series, then I challenge you to do something about it, rather than sit there talking 'bout, "no, i dont agree, LWW made alot more than this…"
Live on Narnia…
Live on Narnians…
Yeah, that was the major, major problem with VDT. It was a great movie but their marketing left a whole heap to be desired. What about merchandise? I've seen Justin Beiber dolls in toy stores, and I honestly think that kids deserve somethig better to play with!
And once they make a good movie, they need to reflect that in the trailer. The trailers for VDT almost turned me off D:<
Most people prefer Fox to Disney, I think I do too, but at least with Disney we had good marketing. Fox really needs to get their game together if they want SC to be a hit (if it is greenlit, which I am really hoping for!)
he is an underground agent of doom, planted by disney…..
…Right. And you're a close minded fangirl planted by Fox…
See, I can make stupid comments too. High five!
Alexander, exactly where in my post are these incorrect figures? As for the rest of your post, I won't even bother responding as it is just opinion and baseless what ifs.
Although, I do agree with you on Prince Caspian's release date. Disney went overboard releasing it on the date they did. Though it didn't really have to go up against The Dark Knight, Wall E, or Kung Fu Panda as those released later in the summer.
Yes, I could not agree more. The marketing at least in my area was pretty much nonexistent-no billboards, no posters, etc. I think the worst was the fact that vdt was not even included In any holiday movie previews. I remember looking thru entertainment weekly expecting at least a picture but there was nothing at all. We also had no tv appearances on talk shows etc with georgie or skandar, no La or NY premiere with pictures,etc. It is amazing it has held up as much as it has. I think it is a testament to the good word of mouth that it has not completely fallen off the grid.
I don't know why I'm spending my time on this conversation….
C.S. Lewis wanted to glorify Christ with all that he did. This series was no exception. I don't why I'm sitting here bickering with you. May God bless you Tribunal, and may you truly know Jesus. I honestly wish you the best, and I apologize if I've offended you.
As for the movie, its already done well, I don't know what us Narnia fans are waiting for. I'd love to have all 7 made, but a 3-movie DVD box set is just fine. Just another tool I'll use to bring people closer to Christ. Because in the end, that's what these movies are: evangelistic tools. And if the Gospel and Christian walk can't be depicted and portrayed through Narnia movies, then please believe God will use some other medium; 'cause you can't stop Him.
Live on Narnia…
Live on Narnians…
Live on Aslan………….>
I stand by my original post and only decided to respond because you pretty much accused me of lying. But this conversation has lingered far too long. I agree to end it.
I wish you the best as well.
You forget that it's being released in China January 6th, huge market that.
"Overseas the film dropped by about 50% from the weekend before." Aslan's Country is reporting that the movie dropped less than 8% overseas from the weekend before (the figure is apparently what Fox released to the press, so it is unlikely to be wrong). In other words the film is still doing well overseas and should most likely still have legs through January.
Aye! For example,the voyage didn't land yet . So we can consider that I'm in China,and we have 1.3 billion men ,at least 10 million men will see a movie on the holiday ,we can suppose that 500 thousand among them see the Voyage ,what a such great sum of funds!
I think it may reach 0.5 billion!!!!
Long Live ASLAN!
this is greate news
Sorry, I meant January 7th. I had it mixed with the release in Argentina, lots of people there too though 🙂
Should I dare to get my hopes up? I so hate to be disappointed, but I'll cross my fingers anyway. Long live the Narnia movie franchise! (Even with its flaws)
I guess we can still have 'hope' that the franchise continue. Compared to Eragon or Golden Compass, Narnia has better and more solid fans. Another opportunity if they continue is the fact that Potter series ends this year and Narnia could be also the next consolation for fantasy fans. I am just hoping that Fox is not as greedy as Disney. I think Narnia movies has long term sales from DVDs…
IMHO, I am bit fed up myself, that many 'children' movies are pretty shallow – only emphasizing on (sometimes dirty) humor and uneducative compared to Narnia or Bridge of Terebithia. Many reviewers are also reviewing Narnia with 'prejudice' that it is a Christian movie while if Narnia series are assessed properly, I bet they would give better reviews. People should remember also that Lewis wrote this for children! Surely the movie is suited for children – not like Deathly Hallows which is more for teenagers! How many secular reviews you read that already 'bashing' the movie for its Christian values from first or second paragraph?
Almost 300 million. It still playing here. Then later it will go to the cheap seats. Then there's DVD sales. Critics said this would be a flop. I was very discouraged. But it's doing good despite that. I would have liked it to do better, but what's done is done. I want to see Silver Chair and the rest of the series.
this is exactly what they predicted, that it wouldnt do as good as LWW but better than PC. after seeing i knew that would be the case. im happy, this is good news.
Yes, I belive it will fall to. I'm guessing 45%. I don't know where in the box office they will place, but I think it will be like this weak. However, that being said, I think when they pull the movie out of theatres, they will have $400 million and we shall have a reprot that Fox has green-lit Narnia.
For Narnia! and For Aslan!
I personally think that the film is doing great. It's at $300 million and holding very strong, and it still has some pretty big markets in China and Japan where it has yet to debut. But even so, I feel very privileged to have had 3 of the Narnian books to make it to the silver screen and each one has been faithful to the heart and intentions of its creator. This may sound selfish but I personally don't care if everybody sees these films. These films are made for us… the Narnians. And if we enjoy them that should be all that matters. I'm proud to have made it thus far and hope that the series continues, but if it doesn't I'm alright. We've been given 3 of the best movies ever made and we should all feel very honored. Thank you all for being such loyal fans with me. Further up and further in!
hey, it's not doing so bad! I'm very hopeful *now* for Narnia 4!! 🙂 Hope so! Hope so! Hope so!!
here, here!
I think another Narnia film will be made. The budget might be slashed again, but they'll make another film.
for Narnia(L)
It looks fairly good…I have a good feeling we will see the next narnia film..hopefully…300M is not that bad..and theres at least a couple more weeks to go…and btw how many countries has it not shown in besides China and Japan…it should increase more…and how can VDT not do that well as it is the most favourite book in the series..if its like this with this book..what about the rest…I hope I'm wrong 🙁