‘Dawn Treader’ Blu-ray/DVD Cover Art

Amazon.com has posted the cover art for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

Blu-ray Disc (Amazon):

DVD (Amazon):

130 Responses

  1. J.J. says:

    I thought NarniaWeb filtered out profanity… please do not use those words again.

  2. Aslan's Meadow says:

    Oh that not what I meant…I love Eustace in ANY pictures. But my favorite is when he is transformed…and has a softer facial expression. But when I want him annoying…he's got the perfect face for that too. πŸ™‚

  3. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    alas, i make MYSELF laugh sometimes….
    just kidding πŸ˜‰
    and yes, Caspian is quite georgeous in PC. the flowing hair, cute Latino features, and accent were amazing. And THEN Michael Apted came along and everything was instantly British-ified.

  4. Simple. Stylish. Looks like a kids movie.

  5. Fireflower says:

    WHERE IS CASPIAN???:( Otherwise it is very awesome!

  6. YES!!! The purple cover fits perfectly since the full color book also has a purple spine!!!

  7. I agree it's a dissapointment that Caspian isn't there, but he will most likely be on the back which we haven't seen yet so keep your hopes up!
    And with the whole White Witch thing I really think she's just being used to symbolize the mist. Remember it wasn't easy to defeat her, so she's still a nightmare, which is basically what the green mist relies on.

  8. I really hope Andrew Adamson directs the next one, he's seriously better and a lot less formal-ish than Apted! No offense to him of course, I just think Andrew is better suited for the Narnia movies.

  9. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Can't… stand… WITCH!
    I'm just going to print a picture of Caspian's head and tape it on the DVD cover over the witch.

  10. eclipse14 says:


  11. Lylanarniafan says:

    that's a good one

  12. YOJAR says:

    so for my words!!!! i was angry!!!! it never happen again


  13. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Somebody please explain to me why the White Witch is there and Caspian isn't. Completely disregarding the book, Caspian's got more screen time in movie VotDT than WW does, so, at least to me, logically Caspian should at least be on the DVD cover as one of the main characters.

    But, then, logic may have been displaced. You never know what they're teaching in schools these days.

  14. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    I'll join you! I'm no fangirl, but something is wrong when the King of Narnia isn't even on the DVD cover. :-/

  15. Estefania says:

    I love it!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!

  16. the other Pevensie girl says:

    Caspian? Caspian? Where for art thou, Caspian? o.O Ahh, wait, I see what's going on now. He's too busy being shoved off of the cover by the White Witch. What is that, anyways? "I'll always be alive… ON YOUR DVD COVER! Mwahahahahaha!"?! And why must Edmund look like he'll hack your hand to pieces if attempt to pick it up off the shelf? Oh well. Optimistic time… well, the colors are lovely, as are Aslan, Lucy, Reep, and the Dawn Treader. And, despite the hack-ness, Ed looks pretty boss… okay, basically, everything rocks except for Jadis. She has GOT to go!

  17. NarniaFan says:

    By no means a perfect merger, but here is how the cover art should have looked with Caspian on it instead of the white witch: http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/732/70935488.jpg

  18. Lucy says:

    I realized that i was too busy complaining about what I didn't like about the DVD cover that I forgot to mention what I did like. I think that the colors are quite beautiful, and I really like the pictures of Lucy and Eustace. Lucy really stands out, and she looks beautiful. I don't really like the picture of Edmund. They could have done a much better job with him, and he is one of my favorite characters. Aslan, you look amazingly beautiful on the cover, and I wouldn't change a single thing about you. As far as the White Witch is concerned, she can just go take a very, VERY long hike. Maybe she will choke on some green mist along the way. πŸ™‚

  19. lilims says:

    they put the white witch but not caspian -__-

  20. His facial hair /might/ have made him look like a caveman, if it had any substance to it.
    You see, in my opinion, Ben Barnes was never the right guy to play Caspian. In PC he looked like a girl, in VDT he looked like a girl with facial hair. Whatever happened to the Caspian with blonde hair, who looked young enough to still be a kid? Sorry, but Ionic = cannon freak πŸ˜€
    I'm not saying that Ben Barnes is a terrible actor (unless an accent is involved), I'm just saying that to me, he wasn't right for Caspian. You know, Caspian being a BOY and everything πŸ˜‰

  21. midnightmoon says:

    Logic certainly was misplaced when Fox had to take control of the Narnia films. If this was a Disney movie Ben Barnes would be on the FRONT cover of the DVD in all his glory, just like he was for Prince Caspian. I'm just sayin'.

  22. Reepicheep says:

    This is the best cover design in the whole series, it is fabulous! Cannot wait for the blu-ray!

  23. Not Of This World says:

    For Christmas I got a video game, but my grandma bought it, and what ever website it came from sent it, but it didn't come with a cover. So (I have a couple game covers of games that don't work) I used one of the covers, turned the paper part inside out to the white part and drew my own cover. You can turn the VDT paper part inside out and draw your own cover. πŸ™‚

  24. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    Swordebrithil12, you are SOOOooo right, I want Adamson to come back too. in VDT, the actors felt stiff and the dialect sounded waaay too rehearsed. Adamson, in my opinion, put the actors at ease, which is VERY important. Then the acting feels more up-close and personal.
    Ionic Bonding Rocks, u crack me up. πŸ™‚
    Caspian looks like a "girl with facial hair????"
    toooo funny πŸ˜€ I myself am not a cannon "freak" πŸ™‚
    -which doesn't mean that they're not important- so I can't entirely relate to what you're saying, but you have a point. πŸ˜‰

  25. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    i TOTALLY understand what u mean, Aslan's Meadow. Whenever I try to explain to my friends why i LOVE Will Poultler so much, i never get the right wording, but what u said about his facial expressions is the exact reason i love him so much. he's such a diverse actor. i hope acting in Narnia gives him more chances to act in other movies as well. πŸ™‚

  26. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    perfectly alright YOJAR, we all have our moments. πŸ˜‰
    and yes, it IS angering to see HER on there.

  27. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    hahaha, that sounds like fun! there should be a contest for that or something. πŸ˜‰

  28. {the girl who checks her closet erry night} says:

    i find it extremely weird and aggervating that caspian isn't on it. he's a way more important character than the witch {who, may i add, is just a figment in edmunds imagination in this movie. and yet she gets on the cover? what??} but its still beautiful. much better than the official poster. i cant wait to see this on my shelf!

  29. N4eva says:

    This is sooooo stupid! How come Caspian isn't on there? He is one of the main characters- so why isn't he there? I am very disappointed in Michael Apted for no Caspian on the front cover. MEH.

    Apart from no Caspian, I like it! Apart from the WW, of course. The colours are nicer and Lucy doesn't look photoshopped anymore- thank goodness. It makes the cover look a whole lot more professional.

  30. Reepicheep775 says:

    I beg to differ. Aslan wasn't the backbone of the movie at all, he was a walking fortune cookie who left the story whenever it was convenient. All his power, signifigance and wildness was gone. With remarkably little editing (although they'd have to reshoot the ending), Aslan's presence could be completely gone. That couldn't be said for the first two, especially Prince Caspian. In that movie everything depended on his return.

  31. I remember an interview where Georgie said that "Adamson was so nice and friendly while Apted was so BRITISH" oh my God I almost suffocated with laughter! Adamson MUST direct The Silver Chair it's just such an awesome story and if it does well all may not be lost for the movies.

  32. Yeah, with all the trying to make the movie appeal to a large range of audiences, someone seems to have forgotten that the books were written for CHILDREN, and the movies should be made to please children as well as other audiences. I really like this cover, because it will make kids want to see it (with the bright colours, the shimmering dawn treader and the younger looking characters) but it will also appeal to other audiences, with Edmund holding his sword and Aslan gazing majestically from the top half of the cover. πŸ˜€

  33. Man, I'm so torn up about who should direct the next movie! I mean, after PC I completely lost faith in Adamson, from the themes he chose to concentrate on to Suspian. But after seeing what Apted has done, I think I'm starting to wonder whether Adamson perhaps could come back and do SC. At least with Adamson, the emotional dimension was there. With Apted, the acting seemed a little forced. And if Adamson came back, we'd have Harry back!!! /That/ would be something. I missed Harry's music so much in VDT.
    On the other hand, I'm not sure I quite trust Andrew anymore. What if he made a Jill/Eustace romance??? *shudders*
    As long as Wes Anderson doesn't direct… after what he did to 'Fantastic Mr Fox', I don't think I could ever forgive him.
    As a side note, has anyone noticed how much Caspain looks like Rafa? I was watching the tennis last night, and I thought, "Gee, he looks like Caspian! If they wanted someone to do a proper Spanish accent, they should have got /him/ to play Caspian!"
    Kidding, kidding! Getting a tennis star to play Caspian would have surely meant the painful death of the Narnia franchise πŸ˜€

  34. Narnian Meerkat says:

    Oooooooo!!!!! I love it!!!!! So nice looking!!!!

  35. Braden Woodburn says:

    Is this like, legit for real what the cover is going to look like when it is on shelves at stores? Don't get me wrong, the creative artwork and design is amazing but seriously I am with everyone else, where is King Caspian? That's so lame to just not have him on the cover because that is like not even having him in the movie!

  36. greenbird37 says:

    The cover looks good but Caspian should have been on there…

  37. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    LOL, i think i've seen that review before, Swordebrithil12. Leave it to Georgie to tell it like it is. Ah, you gotta love that girl. πŸ™‚
    And I agree Ionic, it is pretty hard to find the right director for SC. Tim Burton would ROCK doing SC, although normally i hate **most** of his movies b/c they're so weird and dark, but SC IS a little weird and kind of dark.
    It's good to know that there's someone else in this world that misses Harry Gregson Williams. He's, like, my hero. I listen to the PC soundtrack at least 2 times a day and i NEVER get tired of it. πŸ˜‰
    And don't freak out so much about the Suspian, we don't even KNOW if he'll come back yet. Although the Eustace/Jill thing sounds a bit mortifing. πŸ˜›
    In the end of VDT, though, that's almost where they're headed. "Eustace! Jill Pole has dropped by for a visit!"
    wow. where the heck did Apted get THAT from?
    Still, it was kind of cute, and made me hopeful that SC will be made. πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

  38. Not Of This World says:

    Yeah! That would be fun!

  39. Lylanarniafan says:

    Yes, i prefer your's!

  40. Beautiful cover. The purple and blue really capture the magic of Narnia. I love how it's so much brighter than the Prince Caspian cover, which was all brown and nasty.

  41. Bailey says:

    Its absolutley lovley! πŸ™‚ I love it! πŸ™‚

  42. Queen Susan the Gentle says:

    Uh, where's Caspian?

  43. Hmm, I don't know about Tim Burton… something tells me he'd turn it too dark… I mean, it should still be enjoyable for children to watch, seeing as the books are written for children, anyway.
    But yeah, I miss Harry's music sooo much! It had so much excitement and magic and depth and emotion in it, and the movies are lacking something without him! He's my hero, too πŸ˜€
    I don't think that Apted was prompting a romance between Eustace and Jill, he was simply giving the book fans a little something to look forward to. However, he's kind of fencing himself in a little, because how's he going to explain them being friends /before/ Eustace is changed? The only explaination I can think of is that Alberta and Jill's mother are friends, and and Jill's mother drags Jill to the Scrubb residence with her. Something like that πŸ˜‰
    I'm kind of hoping Adamson will direct SC, if it gets greenlit, but I'm wondering whether he will accept. I don't think he wanted to do VDT, because he needed a break from such a huge full-time job. :s

  44. always narnian says:

    I like it, it's really different though. The first cover is the best one so far, though. Yeah, me and my family were like, Caspian should be on it before the White Witch! Argh… πŸ˜›

  45. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    i agree Ionic, Burton would probably bring out more of the "dark side" of SC, and probably make it a little creepier. I know this sounds awful, and don't get me the wrong way, but I'd almost Narnia be a little darkers than OVERLY cheery. I felt like VDT was kind of takin a turn for the worst a couple times with Lucy and all. She was more childish in VDT than in the first two movies.
    I TOTALLY agree about what you said about Harry's music. It had a certain depth and majestic feel that I don't think ANYONE but him could capture. PLEASEEEE COME BACK HARRY!!!!! narnia SUCKS without you!!!!
    I guess ur right about Apted. I think it might be kind of cute if Eustace liked Jill just a LITTLE. πŸ™‚ I don't mind the Suspian THAT much, yeah, it was unexpected, but it added a different twist. so far, i actually like the movies better than the books, mostly because they're surprising and WAAAaay more interesting. πŸ™‚

    I know this is totally random, but does anyone notice how there is a sever lack of Narnia gossip? I guess after the movie comes out, there really isn't anything that exciting going on anymore. i always feel sad when that happens. πŸ™

  46. Chamindu nisasala says:


  47. narnian21 says:

    I don't think Directors have anything to do with the cover art for posters or DVDs but I could be wrong

  48. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    I know right? I hated the Prince Caspian cover art. It looked so childish. It was too busy, too many colors, and no central theme to tie it all together. This one is way better. The LWW one was really good too.

  49. Jessica says:

    AMAZING!! <3

  50. reepicheeps archer says:

    i like it. but ticked off cuz Caspian isnt there:(((

  51. Casue says:

    I love the purple and the Georgie pick, but….
    he served a much bigger part than both the WW amd Aslan.
    Sorry Aslan, buddy, you know i respect you.
    you too, Tilda.

  52. Estefania says:

    Jaja me too!! i can't wait!!

    P.S. i like your nickname.. is funny!

  53. Oh yeah, nobody wants the movies to be overly cheery, but I just think that Tim Burton would go to the opposite extreme and make it super-dark, too dark for kids to enjoy it as well. Whoever directs needs to find a balance between these two things.
    Again and again we come to Harry's music, and the fact of the matter is this: his music has such a distinct Narnian flavour to it that I'm not even sure I would want Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore to take his place. Harry's music + Narnia = pure awesomeness. πŸ˜€
    About what you said about Narnian gossip, Reepicheep's fangirl (assuming that by gossip you meant news of any sort), I would have to agree with you. There is virtually NO Narnian news out there, hence us all hanging out on these pages for prolonged periods of time. However, I think it is great that NarniaWeb has still been able to provide us with some news at least once a week, which is compliment to their dedication to provide us with a great news site. πŸ˜€ I hope SC gets made so that this website continues to run!

  54. Yes, the subtlety of the cover really pays off. I'm glad some of the stuff in Voyage is different from Wardrobe and Caspian since they were war stories and this is just when they go out seeking adventure.

  55. Lu_valient says:

    I love it!!!!!

  56. claireyy says:

    they should squeeze caspian somewhere in there, he'll fit nicely : )

  57. Em says:

    Yeah, just about the first thing I thought of when I saw this was that Caspian should have been in the WW's place. Other than that it's nice.

  58. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    yeah, i guess Burton would take it to the other extreme. look at what he did to "Alice In Wonderland"! Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter???? sure, he's a good actor but the MAD HATTER? wow, **creeepy**.
    i thought about Peter Jackson, but i think i already discussed that before, and he's busy w/ LoTR 'The Hobbit' (all who's excited say "I!").
    yes, i agree, I am very thankful for NarniaWeb's reports, and the fact that they're so up-to-date with all the stuff we absoluetely NEED to know. LOL πŸ˜‰

  59. QueenLucytheValient says:

    is it just me, or does it look like the cover of Enchanted?

  60. narnian resident says:

    yay they have the beautiful picture of Aslan and not the terrible one! good. and a much better picture of Lucy. i'd really wish their strange obsession with the White Witch would have not squeezed its way onto the cover. and where is Caspian? for goodness sake he's, like, very important! even so, its a very nice cover. cant wait to own it!!!!