‘Dawn Treader’ Blu-ray/DVD Cover Art

Amazon.com has posted the cover art for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

Blu-ray Disc (Amazon):

DVD (Amazon):

130 Responses

  1. narnian21 says:

    I love it!!!! first comment!!!!

  2. NanoGeek says:

    Nice. Love the purple background. Great way to make it different from the other Narnia covers.

  3. I would rather they cut out the WW and put Caspian in her place, but whatever. I'm glad it's not the standard VDT poster we've seen so much of, but something different. And is that a new picture of Lucy?

  4. Looks good! Now, what's on the disc?

  5. Lucia says:

    I'll buy it when it come 2 Japan!!
    Beautiful,isn't it!?
    I love it so much**

  6. Lucia says:

    I am agree with u about Caspian!
    I want him 2 come out.

  7. hwin-fan says:

    I really like it!! But why is Tilda Swanson always on the cover art though?

  8. Gleeokan says:


  9. Lucia says:

    In Japan,there is a saying;don't 4get first time.
    Maybe she is some kind of hint 4 the next,i mean SC!

  10. J.J. says:

    That looks really good! I'll probably buy the Blu-ray when it arrives.

  11. Shastafan says:

    Yeah, I never seen that pic of Lucy for advertising. I like it better, though! πŸ™‚

    Poor Caspian, he is a part of the movie a thousands more times then the WW, so that really should get fixed. But overall, I love the design better than the posters, and I'm getting really giddy for it to come out! πŸ˜€

  12. DOECOG says:

    You took the words right out of myβ€”or rather my finger as I type this. I like it for the most part. But I don’t like that Caspian is a major character and he gets knock off the cover by someone who only had a few minutes screen time.

  13. DOECOG says:

    I mean my fingers.

  14. claireyy says:

    it lookks awesome! cant wait to own it! ^ _ ^

  15. telmarine says:

    I like the cover, its not too busy like the VDT poster that has all the characters… wish it had Caspian though, but oh well.

  16. glumPuddle says:

    Not sure why the White Witch and Aslan are so prominently featured. Both have very minor roles in the movie.

  17. ~DaughterOfEve~ says:

    I want to cry. They have the WW and no Caspian?!

  18. Princess Lucy says:

    I can imaginw what Ben Barnes reaction would be…it has no Caspain…its ironic u know coz he was one of the main characters in the film…but i love the design and the colours and design…but put caspian in it like replace him with the witch…she is not mean to be in this book and yet they exclude the main character of the book and film…ironic

  19. Edmund-is-hot says:

    Wow, I really love it! It is a shame Caspian isn't on there….but it's still great! I like the new picture of Lucy, but they've never changed the pic for Ed. I'm not complaining, but everyone gets different pics but him. Anyway, I'm really excited πŸ˜€

  20. Griffle says:

    This is actually pretty good, much better than the posters anyway. My only question is: Where are the seven swords?

  21. Beginte says:

    It's beyond weird that Caspian is not there! o.O I honestly didn't expect that, after all he's one of the very main characters *puzzlement* I really hate that he's not there, but apart from that, I like the design better than the poster, especially the colours. Still – why the heck isn't Caspian there?!

  22. Wow, I LOVE this new cover. For one, you don't have to stare intently at it for 10 minutes to work out what the movie is about… Aslan is dominating half of it!!!
    But the White Witch instead of Caspian??? Okay, so I've never really liked Ben Barnes as Caspian anyway, but I like the over-advertisment of the White Witch even less… I mean, she's in the movie for what? 30 seconds? Surely Caspian is a /bit/ more important than her, you know, being the MAIN CHARACTER and everything.
    But apart from that, I really like it! It makes the movie seem more like the magical adventure it is.

  23. Rilian The Disenchanted says:

    I'm glad the dragon is gone, he looked kinda cheap on the movie posters. Hope we Flemish people get this dvd-cover too.

  24. Lucia says:

    Caspian…I think Ben did very good work.He must come!!

    & about Lucy,I love the new 1*
    Georgie is so cute!!

  25. Queen C The Gentle says:

    Cool but where's Caspian, Susan, and Peter?

  26. 8SilverSky says:

    I think it's now safe to say that "Snowy Aslan" was indeed "Starry Aslan" after all. It's pretty clear now that all the white dots are stars. At least, they seem to have enhanced them πŸ™‚

    Also, a minor thing that'll please a lot of people: The Dawn Treader has been flipped, meaning that the letter "N" finally appears as it should; yay!

    Myself, I love the cover! It's so, amazing! And purple, haha! Definitely agree that the White Witch should be replaced with Caspian though… Meh, the movie is what counts, and I sure liked it πŸ™‚

  27. Embrace says:

    The Lion The Witch & The War-treader-mouse…
    Where is Caspian?!
    The translated title of the movie and book
    in swedish is (in case you didnΒ΄t know it)

    King Caspian And The Ship "The Dawn" πŸ˜‰

  28. 8SilverSky says:

    While I agree with the White Witch's role, I think Aslan's role was well-done in the movie. Both on-and-off screen. But not to start a discussion on that here πŸ™‚

    Also, I think it's safe to say that Aslan is Narnia's icon. You almost can't not have him there. He's on the cover's for the previous two movies, so this fits in nicely.

    As a side note: whatever artist worked on that particular image; he/she did an amazing job on it! I love the mane!

  29. Pepper Darcy says:

    Wow! That is *beautiful*! For all the *tiny* slips they made in one poster, they sure made up for it in THIS! That's amazing. I just about squealed when I saw it. Aslan's picture is georeous! And I love how he's so *huge* here!! πŸ˜€ Finally! Feels like they'r enot cutting back his role. Love Ed's pic. LOVE Lucy's new pic!! πŸ˜€

    It's just all around georgeous! Don't care either way about the Witch's picture– after all it's just a cover– but it's *so* beautiful. I didn't even notice Caspian was missing, but that's okay since in the book he wasn't as prominate as the other two kids. Besides Lu and Ed deserve a prominate role there since Su and Peter always took it before πŸ™‚ They've got the spot light!! πŸ˜€

    Overall, this is *awesome*!! πŸ˜€ I can't wait to see the back. Good work whoever designed this!! πŸ˜€ Makes me excited to see the movie all over again!! πŸ™‚

  30. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    I totally agree with you about the WW. If anything, they should kick the WW off the cover, put Caspian there, or a blob of that green mist (because really that is the villain of the movie, not the WW.)

  31. NarniaFreak says:

    This is amazing! I absolutely love this design. The white witch is annoying here though- Caspian definitely deserves that spot more than her!
    But other than that, it's BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love it! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  32. YOJAR says:

    I LOVE DE DESIGN IT'S REALLY BEAUTIFULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





  33. QueenLucytheValient says:

    It's great, but yeah, what about caspian?

  34. Not Of This World says:

    I like the cover, but I agree that Caspian should be on their instead of the WW.

  35. Lucylove says:

    Wow! Lucy looks younger in that pic! And Caspian should be on the cover!

  36. Lylanarniafan says:

    I love them, they look very very narnian
    I agree about tilda and ben !
    because Tilda dosn't appear in the book
    and Caspian does !

  37. Reepicheep, Knight of Narnia says:

    Aslan has a minor role in several of the books (take SC for example). However, he's still the backbone of the story, you might say, and the movie adaption of VDT is no exception. It's only right for Aslan to have a prominent place on the cover of the DVD's and soundtracks, and on the posters.

  38. Aslan's Meadow says:

    Shastafan..I agree. Lucy is beautiful in that shot. And that is my favorite picture of Eustace.
    But I am upset that Caspian is not there. He is such a part of the story and in it so much more then the White Witch. LOVE the purple

  39. Aslan's Meadow says:

    lol…..I can just see you typing everything out with one finger. πŸ™‚

  40. Aslan's Meadow says:

    My only answer: WHO CARES! It's great that the swords arn't on the cover. lol. But if you liked the swords I can understand that too.

  41. Aslan's Meadow says:

    I'm still convinced that it was snow.

  42. Varnafinde says:

    Caspian is definitely missing. Otherwise it's a nice cover.

  43. Fire vien says:


  44. Queen Su says:

    This is sooo much better than the poster! πŸ™‚ Although, why is Tilda on the cover and Ben isn't? I mean the WW doesn't even play a huge role in the film… I think they should have left the WW out and put Caspian in.

  45. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    i hate the white witch on there as much as the next guy, but can we try to keep language, u know, "family friendly"? thanxs πŸ˜‰

  46. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    it looks absolutely georgeous! the design is very fitting: the gold, purple, and "sea-fairing" feel. πŸ™‚ i LOVE that pic of Aslan, i have the poster in my room. πŸ˜€
    it's a little annoying that the White Witch is on there…. okay, it's REALLY annoying, after all, she was in the film for all of, what? ten minutes??? what's up with that?

  47. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    i actually don't mind them dissing Ben ( i mean Caspian, sorry πŸ˜‰ )
    he was one of my least favorite characters in the movie. his lines felt too rehearsed (well, then again, just about ALL the characters had that problem, in my opinion) and the facial hair makes him look like a caveman. sorry. πŸ™‚

  48. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    Aslan's Meadow, ANY shot with Eustace in it has to be good. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  49. PeterCharn says:

    I would give this cover art 6/10.

    Its interesting…..but not at all what I expected. I dont' know why the white which is on there when she had a whole 90 seconds of screen time. I wish Caspian was on there.

    I understand why aslan is on there so prominently….he is the face of Narnia and the only carryover character throught he whole series.

  50. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    and i feel bad for ben cos VDT is his fav narnia book. but the's remember he was front and center for PC, and no one wanted him to be remembered for that at Fox.

  51. Lucy says:

    I'm a little frustrated that they didn't put Caspian on the cover. It makes no sense whatsoever to me to put the white witch on there, but not Caspian. What are they trying to alude to? I get that marketing the White Witch MAY help with advertising the movie and therefore MAY help with making more profit. MAYBE. She has become(regrettably, in my opinion) a perpetuating antagonist in the movies…so i get it. What I don't get is why they could not make room for Caspian, who is a MAIN character. I'm sorry, but that really bothers me. Probably more than it should too. I really did enjoy the movie and, I am a huge fan of the books. I feel a little better now after I vented. Only a little though. πŸ™

  52. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yeah, that's why I didn't like the official poster, with the bleak , drab grey colors and muted focus. I hope it didn't hurt movie sales, cause look how much more magical this cover makes the movie look. the poster makes it look like a much more serious, not fun tale. not appealing to kids.

  53. wolfloversk says:

    1) Yay for using the good Aslan pic
    2) More Caspian, less Jadis please!
    3) Any multi disc dvd editions?

  54. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yea! i win the bet!!!!!

  55. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    aslan looks sad cause caspian 's not there= : )

  56. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    because Tilda has an oscar and ben doesn't, maybe?

  57. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    Ha Ha- i laughed out loud at that, I thought he was so much more gorgeous in PC! his hair is flat and stringy now, he's washed out and his eyes disappear with no makeup, and the "beard" is patchy. plus, i know i'm in the minority, but I liked his accent. And I liked the telmarines as a distinctly different race.

  58. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    all hail Overlord Aslan! : )

  59. Duffleglum says:

    Yeah this one's quite unique, but doesn't separate its design from the others.
    Love the purple and blue, as well as the simplicity.

    SO glad they're not sporting SNOW in this cover πŸ˜›

  60. Aslan's Lamb says:

    One problem with the poster is that it felt too crowded. There were too many main characters. I guess they felt that since Barnes got so much spotlight in the last movie, they could leave him out here. Makes sense to me and I hope Barnes doesn't feel snubbed. As for the witch, I'm beginning to think that she's the best friend of all the movie people so they put everywhere because they like her πŸ™‚