Dawn Treader Award Nominations News Update

A few news updates on award nominations for the The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Bad news first, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was in the running for a Best Visual Effects Academy award, but did not make it into the next round of finalists in this category.

The good news is, Dawn Treader is a finalist for two BAFTA awards — Special Visual Effects and Costume Design. The full list of nominees can be seen on BAFTA’s website here. The document can be downloaded as a Word or PDF file.

And last but not least, Dawn Treader has also received a nomination for Best Fantasy Film by the Art Director’s Guild. That full list can be seen here.

Thanks to everyone who sent these stories in!

130 Responses

  1. Gem says:

    Oh, I forgot about Inception and Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland. Actually, I kind of hope Inception wins, although it would be great for Narnian if VDT won, Inception was an absolutely jaw-dropping movie.

  2. Gem says:

    Glad you liked it. I didn't really have anything huge against the song as a song, just against the fact they put it at the end of a Narnian film.

  3. Gem says:

    Yeah, basically all the music from the movie for the most part was unimpressive or nonexistent. It would be great for "TAPFU" to win, but I'd rather see "ISTL" take the victory, it deserves it.

  4. Princess Lucy says:

    Its soo sad whats happening in Brisbane..especially the main part of the city is flooded..the CBS…and I was born in Brisbane but yeah I hope these residents get enough help to live through this disaster…Can't believe VDT has just filmed in there…I bet the cast and crew would feel bad for the state..

  5. claireyy says:

    GO VDT! : )

  6. ajSilver X says:

    I know that Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is also a nominee for Golden Globes awards for best original music (There's a place for us: by Carrie Underwood, Theme song from Narnia:VDT) I hope it will win. Narnia always deserve an award for it shows us the love of God for us. Narnia is one of the BEST movie for all time. I'll pray to Aslan hoping that Narnia VDT will win these awards too. For Aslan!

  7. Just to be recognized should be an honor. I take this all as good news.

  8. Oh yeah, definitely, as a song in itself, it's very nice compared to some of the junk out there these days. I was just a bit disappointed because the lyrics could have explored so many deeper, more spiritual aspects of the film than "We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe". That line completely goes against the temptation theme, especially in Edmund's case, where he had to accept that he couldn't and didn't need to be the king of everything. I was really hoping that since they made such a great movie, they could make a great, meaningful song to go with it. 'This is Home' has to be probably my favourite song of all time, and it came from my least favourite Narnia film. It's such an awesome song because it explores an important theme rather than telling everyone to be a Disney Princess.
    Sorry, I really actually quite like the song as a song, I'm just a bit disappointed it's the best they could do considering how good the movie was.

  9. Gem says:

    Yeah, I've thought of him for the movie, but I don't think so. He was amazing (for the most part) in LOTR, but Narnia and LOTR should be completely separate, despite what a lot of other people say or think, they are totally different worlds, and I think Peter Jackson might take on Narnia with more of a LOTR perspective. He is a totally brillant director, just not sure if he's right for Narnia. Besides, he's busy with The Hobbit, right?

  10. Gem says:

    I totally agree with you that the song didn't explore what it could have. And especially the line "we can be kings and queens of anything if we just believe"…you're right, they aren't! And that's really the journey Edmund has to go through in the movie, is that he needs to be strong enough to realize that he doesn't need to be a king of everything because he already has one (Aslan). But for me, as I was disappointed with the film, it made even the credits bad, and I was hoping that they might at least have some good ending music or something.

  11. Loved how they included the Pauline Baynes illustrations in the background for the credits, though! That was way better than just a black screen with white names on it. I would have loved it if they had gotten an illustration of each of the characters and had the actors' names next to their characters, but I still really liked what they did. 😀

  12. freya says:

    1.300 years are supposed to have gone by though, so maybe it's not that weird that the fashion changes with the time, would be strange if it didn't. That being said, I thought Lucy had quite a boring costume in VDT, the pants, shirt, vest and ponytail got a bit old after a while. I get that Caspian didn't have dresses laying around on the ship, but they could've gotten her some nice dresses at Narrowhaven or something.

  13. SusanHater says:

    Um, are you people seriously praying to Aslan? You do realize Aslan is a fictional representation of Jesus, right? He's not actually God.

  14. Not Of This World says:

    I went to the theatre last night to see VDT again and I have been singing that song ever since we left the theatre. I think that is a brilliant song.

  15. Reepicheep says:

    But it's not in the running anymore. Inception is like what all movies should be like, done to tell a story and not for money. My hat goes off to Chris Nolan by the way for that approach! The things they did with the visual effect you cannot possibly picture happening in reality! The two other movies that deserve the final nominations are Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Tron: Legacy, both of which have eyeball popping visual effects.

  16. always narnian says:

    Yeah, I think I agree with the medieval style. I like that better. The costumes were kind of boring. Lucy had like the same outfit the whole time. Edmund's changed a few times, I think, but Lucy wore the same thing the whole time… 😛 I liked the kind of costumes in the first movie!

  17. always narnian says:

    Uh yeah I agree. Aslan shouldn't be prayed to. He is just a representation of Jesus, not actually Him.

  18. Anhun says:

    I thought the score was pretty enough, taken on it's own, but, when I think of what Harry Gregson-Williams would have done, David Arnold's Score falls SO far short. HGW's music acted almost as a narrator, helping you feel what the characters were feeling at a given moment (Remember when Lucy first stepped into Narnia?). VDT, with it's themes of intrapersonal struggle, would have been a million times more powerful with that type of musical dynamic.

  19. Anhun says:

    In the book, Lucy wears one of Caspian's tunics as a dress. I think that might have been an interesting look, but I don't suppose they could do that in the movie, because they didn't give Caspian a tunic. Either way, none of her costumes in VDT were as bad as the freaky grizzly-bear suit they made the poor girl wear last week. 🙁


  20. Anhun says:

    Hm . . . looks like my opinion of Alberta Ferretti has been censored, lol. So I'll stick to my main point. In the book, Lucy wore one of Caspian's shirts as a dress. That might have been an interesting look, but I guess since his style in the movie was very different from the one in the Pauline Baynes illustrations, they couldn't make that work.

  21. narniafan says:

    of course.

  22. Starlily says:

    Freya, I think you're right about fashions changing over the years, and I can accept the costumes heading a bit in the renaissance direction, with a Telmarine influence. But the fashions changed hardly at all in the books, and I'm hoping the movies will be faithful to that. Somehow the buttoned waistcoats people wore in VDT didn't say "Narnia" to me. And if the fashions keep changing too much, the Narnians will be in tri-corn hats by the Last Battle! 😉

  23. Gem says:

    I wish Inception would have had chance at winning though, because it was a much better, more successful film than Scot Pilgrim vs. the World and Tron: Legacy. I cannot honestly believe any human being came up with such a brillant intriguing story, AND managed to put it on a screen.

  24. Gem says:

    Exactly, Anhun, exactly! You got it to a tee, it wasn't bad, but compared to Harry's…his music captured the very feeling of Narnia and showed you a whole different side of the world the you never knew existed through music. Absolutely glorious. The only part in VDT where the music was everything I was expecting it to be was where they showed that sweeping view of the ship right after the Pevensies have gotten on board the ship.

  25. Gem says:

    Yes yes yes! I loved it, such an original idea, and so true to the feeling of Narnia! Sadly, I couldn't enjoy it very much due to the song.

  26. Gem says:

    Really? It is a catchy song, but I didn't like it. But I'm glad it was nice to someone. I am going to see it again, maybe then I'll like the song and the movie overall better. Although I highly doubt I will like the song just cause I go and hear it again, I don't think I'll ever agree with them putting it at the end of a Narnian film. Just like "The Call" in PC, I loved the song, but it wasn't right for a Narnian film. But in this case I don't like the song.

  27. bkey says:

    The Academy Award nominations aren't announced until Jan. 25. There's still hope, although not much.

  28. Queen Helen says:

    i so agree starlily, i mean just look at Pauline Bains' drawings of the clothes they were in the horse and his boy, you can just see them fitting in with Lewis' description of Narnian clothes in the last battle, ('in Narnia your good clothes were not your uncomfortable ones. They knew how to make things that felt beautiful as well as looking beutiful'(chapter 12))i personally do not think that Lucy's clothes fit that description very well

  29. I reckon it might be a song that will grow on me… first time I heard "Dance 'round the Memory Tree", I hated it, but now I quite like it!
    I wonder if any fans have written songs about the movie? As in, songs about the whole movie in general? If they have, I'd be very interested to hear them!

  30. Not Of This World says:

    I had also liked The Call. I had thought that I was great for Narnia, but I would of had the Switchfoot song "This is Home" at the end of PC.

  31. Gem says:

    Oh my gosh, you have no idea. Some people were talking about just that on here a while ago, and they all had written like a dozen songs for the movies AND the future ones. I don't know, if we can get songs like, "There's a Place For Us" at the end of Narnia movies, then maybe we SHOULD go with something a fan wrote.

  32. Gem says:

    I just don't like how they put modern pop songs at the end of the movies in PC and VDT. Like in LWW, the music was different and unique, but it sounded like it suited Narnia. The Call was good and somewhat captured the feelings that the Pevensies had leaving Narnia, but at the same time it was distracting to have something so contemporary and "of this world" at the end. I wish they would do music that sounded like it came from Narnia, like they did in LOTR.

  33. You guys when LWW came out "pray to Aslan" became a commonly used phrase. You aren't ack-chellay praying to Aslan. Calm down. Besides Aslan is a representation of God anyway so it's not a big deal if people are just saying it as a phrase.

  34. Not Of This World says:

    I wouldn't consider those songs pop, but I know what you mean. A song like the Tumnus's Narnian Luliby would be awesome.

  35. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    it's called a joke, lighten up, Hater-

  36. Alambil and Tarvis says:

    I hope it wins. I loved "I See the Light," but for me, "There's A Place For Us" had so much raw power behind it that it really hit me. Both songs were incredibly emotional, but there was something about TAPFU that was just like WHAM and had me stunned after listening to the full song. IMO it captured the full spirit of longing and even desperation to make it to "Aslan's Country" and to the end of our life journey. Plus, Carrie's voice was just so powerful singing it I could literally feel every emotion pouring out of the music. Granted, ISTL did that for me too, but TAPFU did it on a much higher level.

    That being said, regardless of which one wins, I will be happy. Each song is equally deserving of the award 🙂

  37. Alambil and Tarvis says:

    Meh, I occasionally like what they pick for the Oscars, but most of the time the "Academy" completely snubs some of the best works of film. IMO just because the Oscars don't include something doesn't mean it's "unrecognized" or insignificant. I think Hollywood would like us to think that way, but it's not true. Honestly, what kind of people completely FAILED to nominate 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas' for anything? That movie deserved Best Picture, Vera Farmiga should've been nominated for Best Supporting Actress, Asa Butterfield and Jack Scanlon should've been nominated for Best Actor, David Thewlis should've been nominated for Best Supporting Actor, James Horner should've been nominated for Best Original Score…and that's not even the whole of it. They also failed to nominate 'Bright Star' for anything (except costumes, I think) last year, which was another disgrace, and of course back when 'The Passion of the Christ' came out, Jim Caviezel should've won every award in existence for the effort he put into his role, but they didn't even nominate him because of their anti-Christian slant. And don't even get me started on how Thomas Newman has NEVER won an Oscar even though he's been nominated what? Five? times or something for his musical scores, which are absolutely brilliant. Oh, and then there's that brilliant little film 'Bella,' which got no mainstream recognition because of the "pro-life" elements implied in the story (although the message was in NO way overbearing and actually quite tactfully done), although it won the people's choice award or something at the Toronto Film Festival (which is actually a bigger deal than the Oscars since it's the biggest film festival in the world).

    In short, a lot of what goes on with the Oscars is VERY political, and it really ruins what the point of the whole ceremony should be about–appreciating good art. So even if VDT doesn't make the Oscars, I wouldn't get TOO upset about it. The good thing is it won't get mixed up in the overly political mess that is Hollywood's (insanely biased) awards system.

  38. What they said wasn't a joke ack-chellay. And how does this make me a hater? I'm telling them not to be so harsh on people. Saying that makes you look rude.

  39. Anhun says:

    QE, Shelly's comment isn't in the same sub-section as your comment . . .

  40. georgiehfan says:

    aww… carrie underwood didn't win at golden globes… 🙁

  41. Not Of This World says:

    She was comenting on SusanHater's coment. She was just calling her hater because of her name. It was just shortened. I agree that people shouldn't pray to Aslan, but I think it was just an expresion.

  42. I don't think that 'There's a Place for Us' was really /that/ bad, I mean, it could've been a lot worse…
    But the advantage of having a fan write a song at the end of the movie would be that they would /really/ have a great background understanding of both the book and movie and all the themes that fans would want in a song.
    Just as a side topic, is Carrie Underwood a Christian? I'm just curious. 😀

  43. Not Of This World says:

    The world wide total is 355 million.


  44. Not Of This World says:

    The world wide total is 355 million.


  45. simplyphilly says:

    like what freya said. Fashion never stops changing, I mean it makes sense fashions would change over time like ours does. But I do have to say I really like the costumes from the movie before, they were much more Narnian in the sense of form.
    P.S. Just ignore me if what I'm saying is nonsense as I'm half asleep right now.

  46. Duffleglum says:

    I was just gonna say that too!! SawweeeeT!!

    $400 million here me come! (Lord-willing)

  47. Not Of This World says:


  48. Just found something on Arabella Morton's FB fan page. A link to an unnoficial page for The Silver Chair. It seems that someone already made the logo….


  49. freya says:

    Well, to be honest, I don't think C.S. Lewis was very concerned about the fashion aspect. And if they were going to stick to Pauline Baynes' drawings, Edmund should've worn a sweater, shorts and knee-socks throughout the whole movie. And I'm sorry to say, but that would've been just plain sad, like Lucy's costume was. They could've taken a few more liberties with the costumes I think, but I do agree Starlily, we do not want tri-corn hats. LOL.

  50. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Sorry to say this, but I am very sure this is a fan made logo. On Aslan's Country, it was on advertising how to save the series and get The Silver Chair. If that had been the real logo, it would have been most likely reported some time ago.

  51. Ok, thank you Not of This World, it just looked like it was it was direted at me. I was just defending someone.

  52. Yes it's obviously fan made. I have the font but it is hard to get it just right.

  53. Nancy Brown says:

    Oh my God this movie should have won every award possible. You could not have found better people to place these parts. The visual was awesome, the costumes, I mean everything about it is awesome. Can"t wait for the next one.

  54. Gem says:

    Well, that's a good point, but a lot of the fans of Narnia are just fans of the movies or of the actors cause they think they are hot or whatever. I'm not sure I would trust a fan to write something, but I don't trust them to get another celebrity to do it either. I think Carrie Underwood is a Christian, but it's hard to tell, all country singers mention God in their songs, but that doesn't exactly mean anything, just that they aren't an atheist most likely.

  55. Gem says:

    Well, obviously "There's a Place for Us" is a country song and "The Call" is not a "pop" song, but I just meant "pop" as in contemporary and such. Yes, Tumnus's song is wonderful, but even stuff like the music they had at the end of LWW…if only they would do more of that kind of stuff at the end of the Narnia films, it would be so much more appropriete.

  56. Gem says:

    I think "ISTL" was beautiful, sweet, emotional, imaginative, and powerful, none of which "TAPFU" was. It was a nice song, but shallow in describing the feelings and emotions that Edmund and Lucy and Eustace were feeling. I mean, "we can be kings and queens of anythign if we believe"…how vague! Not exactly silver words in my opinion. I like Carrie Underwood's voice, but the song didn't fit and was disappointing. I hope ISTL wins, it deserves it. And besides, unfortunately the movie behind ISTL was much better in my opinion that the movie behind TAPFU.

  57. Well another problem with opening up the end credits song to the fan base would be that there would be thousands of entries flooding in, which would be time consuming to listen to, besides the fact that none of the fans would have actually /seen/ the movie yet. And, as you said, there would most likely be many fangirlish songs composed.
    I was wondering if there was perhaps a middle ground – get a fairly well known Christian band/singer who has loved Narnia (obvoiusly not really rocky or heavy metal)from their childhood. I reckon Steven Curtis Chapman would be nice, or maybe Tenth Avenue North? I love Casting Crowns, but their music isn't very Narnian sounding. If they got SCC, the song would probably be about the friendship between the characters. If they got TAN to do it, the song would probably be about the emotional journey of the characters. If they got CC to do it, the song would probably be about Aslan himself. I don't really know many Christian bands/singers, so that's the best I can do. 😀

  58. :-)Narnia says:

    Weird, I just don't know how this movie would receive nominations for these awards… I guess I get part of the visual effects award but costumes?? Give me a break!

  59. simplyphilly says:

    I thought the Itlaian version (by Sonohra) was much more powerful and embodied Narnia more. It wasn't so "airy-fairy-follow-your-dreams-ish" but it was a substantial better version. I'm just saying! And I'm not Italian!

  60. Not Of This World says:

    Yes, that would be nice