Douglas Gresham on The Lady of the Green Kirtle

NarniaFans has posted their video interview with Douglas Gresham (producer/Lewis’ stepson) at the premiere of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Gresham talks a little about why the green mist was added to the story, and then transitions to The Silver Chair. View the interview here; he starts talking about the LotGK at the 2:48 mark. (Thanks to Danyelle)

NF: Does [the green mist] foreshadow The Lady of the Green Kirtle?
Well, that’s probably why the mist is green. But, that’s the only foreshadowing effect.
NF: Would Green Kirtle Lady be a new cast or would Tilda–

DG: I think it will have to be a new cast. This evil spirit has found a new, young body in which to inhabit, and I think that has to happen.

NF: Do you know if the plan is to go forward with The Silver Chair if this one does really well?
Well, that’s a moot point. We are still in discussions as to exactly what to do next. The leading opinion, I think, among the filmmakers is that we should do Silver Chair. There are probably some who would like to do The Magician’s Nephew or something. This is a decision we will have to make when we know whether we’re going to be making another Narnia movie.

Barbara Kellerman

For budgetary reasons, the BBC Narnia productions cast the same actress (Barbara Kellerman) as both The White Witch and The Lady of the Green Kirtle. Some fans have been speculating about whether Walden might take the same route and cast Tilda Swinton as the Lady of the Green Kirtle. Now it appears they will cast a new actress.

IMDb currently has The Silver Chair listed for a 2011 release, but this is NOT an official announcement. The reason as to why it is listed as a 2011 release can be found on our FAQ page here. Keep checking back; maybe there will be an announcement soon!

274 Responses

  1. Pepper Darcy says:

    it would be neat if they cast Cate Blanchet as LotGK– Galadriel got the ring, found a wardrobe and thought: 'Narnia– MINE! Now.. how do I go about taking over this world?' Though how Galadriel started going around in green and turning herself into a snake is beyond me! 🙂

    But again, Cate is probably too old, but she'd be lovely enough. She'd bring an air of elven grace to the badguy and that would be a breath taking touch: it would make it so much easier for Eustace and Jill to give into her. She seems so harmless she *must* be telling the truth! 🙂

  2. Alambil and Tarvis says:

    Thank goodness!!!

    Now, for a LotGK suggestion…who here watches Merlin? I think Katie McGrath (Morgana) would be absolutely perfect for the role 😀

    Anyway, let's keep praying that SC happens. I have great faith that the numbers for VDT will go up after Christmas Day. I myself have contributed a LOT of money already and have brought friends along…I'm seeing it with another friend tomorrow and possibly with two more on Thursday.


  3. Elyk, this is still too early in Voyage of the Dawn Treader's run to make such pronouncements. It's been disappointing, but unless you can see into the future, you can't determine that it's a bomb at this point.

    Just recently today Box Office Mojo updated their VDT page, and the movie made 36% MORE this Monday than it did last Monday. Not only that, but the drop-off from Sunday to Monday wasn't even very big, which is atypical for movies. This is great news! And it really does show that schoolkids getting off for Christmas break and good word of mouth is really helping the film.

  4. glumPuddle says:

    Puddleglum is the only Narnia character I have ever had an actor in mind for: Bruce Spence. That's why I was disapointed that he was cast as Lord Rhoop….

    But now I've seen the film. You don't see him that much in VDT. I think you would not recognize him in the Puddleglum makeup.

    Just take a look at this picture. He's perfect:

  5. Sarah Peller says:

    I agree !! It sounds fine to me. lol !!!

  6. samuel says:

    I just don't think he has as much authority as we think. He probably got them to switch around the undragoning so it wouldn't appear to be from good works but rather unto good works, but he probably couldn't get them to get rid of the battle. Hopefully the film makers themselves will see that the character needs a different actress, and I hope that if the green mist is continued that she will be the cause of the green mist, not come out of it. I'd like it to go along the lines of "The dark Island has been destroyed and she has been forced to flee to the north to regain power." similar to how the white witch caused the great winter. LOTGK has to be the villain in the SC, not the sub villain…

  7. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I think Nicole Kidman could be a good Lady of the Green Kirdle. She could play the beautiful seductive side and the sinister sneaky side.

  8. samuel says:

    If fox drops this, It isn't unheard of that a production studio becomes self distributing, if walden does have enough interest and gets backing

  9. Lady Galadriel says:

    Yes! This is very reassuring!

    I really hope Silver Chair gets made.

  10. samuel says:

    I agree Mayor, I noticed this especially in PC, where when she is called up in what I can only assume is a vision or ghostly form (and not actually the WW herself) she is once again her royal state, with a more flawless complexion, just how a temptation would come to you, looking more beautiful than the actual article. In Votd she looks understandably more creepy and also more scary, like a fear would

  11. samuel says:

    I liked the movie Miraz, though there is more villainy in the movie than he, the whole of the telmarines are the villains, the "advisors" of miraz, also the pevensies not following aslans lead. It's a very complex story is the movie as well in the book.

  12. narnian elv says:

    maybe reminding people of LOTR wouldn't such a bad idea, it might equal more publicity and ticket sales. Or even better, we should remind the film makers and producers of LOTR so they'll see how to make AMAZING adaptions of AMAZING books! (see, micheal apted, it can be done! and done well! w\o having to change a bunch of stuff) I wish BBC would make Narnia again, I think they'd do it right, only thing would be they'd have to be willing to put up the $ for the visual effects.

  13. Not Of This World says:

    I think we all wish that!

  14. narnian elv says:

    basically Ditto means "I agree"

  15. narnian elv says:

    you know, sometimes I almost wish Jackson was directing the Narnia movies. He did a great job with LOTR. Of course those are slightly more mature movies then Narnia(actually showing blood, for one). I have a hard time seeing him direct some of the more fantasy type ones like VDT but LB or SC seem like ones he could do a good job with. At this point, I didn't think I'd ever say this but….I wish they'd bring Adamson back. He might have messed up somethings in PC but at least he seemed to get the feel of it, the themes etc. And don't forget the great job he did with LWW.

    Random thought of the day: If Fox drops the franchise might BBC be able to pick it up??? (thinking glorious thoughts about what might result if this were to happen)and make Peter Jackson the director for LB and SC! now we're really cooking!

  16. samuel says:

    they are both from charn? that's the confusing thing. I wonder if the WW had a child up in the North before the great winter.

  17. narnian elv says:

    Johnny Depp as puddleglum? 🙁 If they did that I would officially boycott the whole rest of the franchise! It would be AWFUL! I've got a rooster named Johnny Depp…and it's not because I like either one!

    Jason Isaacs is an interesting idea…and Brunce Spence definatetly could pull off the Puddleglum look.

  18. Lady Polly says:

    like 🙂

  19. Gem says:

    BBC doesn't have the money or resources or ability to do a modern Narnia series that would do well. And Narnia is it's own place, you can't compare it to Middle-earth. To make Narnia resemble the Lord of the Rings would be a failure to make the Narnin stories films.

  20. So how do we ensure Douglas Gresham isn't overruled? Send thousands of fan letters to all the other producersto let them know what the fans think! Or maybe a huge petition!
    *laughs* Just kidding, but that would be pretty cool!

  21. ClodsleyTrowel says:

    As long as we're dream-casting the Lady, I agree with the suggestion that the actress should be someone more conventionally beautiful than Swinton or Blanchett. Naomi Watts has been my preferred pick for this role for quite some time.

  22. Mayor Wilkins says:

    If I can't have Tilda, than I would love to see Cate Blanchett in the role. 😉
    She looks a lot like Tilda. Enough so that they could be "one of the same crew" in appearance, but totally different in methods. Still, no matter what DG says above, I wouldn't consider that definitive proof that Tilda Swinton will not at all be involved. This is just his opinion. I absolutely love him and respect that opinion, but who knows? In the future, they may "talk it all out" and arrive at some compromise that involves the White Witch. I don't know. I guess I'm just nervous because I love Tilda but with a new actress, there's a chance I won't like her. Know what I mean? Nervous.

  23. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Yep. 😉 She looked quite beautiful in "Prince Caspian." I loved how her hair floated behind her as if underwater. It definitely seemed like a ghost or spirit of the White Witch. I think it was alluding to her being reborn. With a new ice gown, and her wand in the floor would probably have been remade by the ice. We'll never know though. If I were her, I'd have found some more evil creatures as guards. ;P The hag and werwolf were not enough.

    As for "Dawn Treader," I personally loved her in that…. maybe even a little more than in "Caspian." She looked a bit more "undead" in those shots…all of the mist's creations were unable to look completely beautiful… as if it couldn't hide its evil nature. But she was still beautiful in a creepier sense. And her eyes…. there was magic in those eyes. The green of them likely held the power of the Green Mist, perhaps. Anyway, they were certainly captivating and instantly noticeable. The whole thing added a bit of tension to the final moments.

  24. Anhun says:

    I'm for Christy Turlington. I don't know if she can act, but I think she has the perfect look for the role.

  25. Anhun says:

    If they do decide to interpret "same sort/crew" as same race, the only explanation would be that LGK is WW's descendant, as you said (child, grandchild, etc.), since WW was the last of her race when she left Charn. We know that the WW went off to the north after she ate the apple in MN, so it makes sense that her descendant would be ruling a kingdom in the north (or under the north).

  26. Princess Jennifer says:

    I love Reepicheep !!! He is so cool !!!

  27. Princess Jennifer says:

    How old are you ? I"m 15. Do you know where you audition ? I can"t find anywhere to audition !!!

  28. Princess Jennifer says:

    I would die to be Jill !!!! I wonder how tall will P. is.

  29. narnian elv says:

    you might be surprised at BBC could do, if they were willing. I didn't say I wanted Narnia to resemble LOTR but I think the people behind the Narnia films could learn something from how the LOTR films were made. I like the LOTR adaptions for many reasons 1. They didn't add anything major that wasn't in the book. Sure, they emphasized some themes that were more minor in the book for the purposes of character development, and they added a little more to the Aragorn\Arwen storyline, but pretty much everything they added or changed that I can think of right now was simply things that are in the books they just chose to give either more of\or less of an emphasis in the movies. 2. They were very wise in what they left out. They knew what their goal was in making these movies, and what themes they wanted to bring out, and they edited accordingly. They didn't cut any from the book that is necessary to the story, and most importantly they didn't cut things and then add their own stuff.(my personal biggest pet peeve with movie makers) They just cut what was un-necessary w\o losing the feel themes from the book . 3. The few things they DID change made SENSE! Like how they re-structered part of the begginning of Fellowship, they needed to do that for the movie, becuase really that's probably the most boring\slowest part of the books right there and they had to do something to make move faster. 4. I really feel like they had respect for the books and Tolkein all the way through, if there was a way to do it right, they did it right. This is something I've felt like has been missing from the last two Narnia films. Some little details, that aren't going to make or break the film, have been lacking, and these are the things they nailed in LOTR. For instance, in PC Lewis specifically says that none of the children sat on the Stone Table…and then in the movie there Lucy is laying all over it. I cringe everytime I see that scene. I know that probably the only people that care about stuff like that are Narnia geeks but seriously it's something that Lewis specifically mentioned in PC and it's not it's going to cost alot, or totally change the scene to simply have Lucy sitting somewhere else. It's not a big deal, but to me it shows a lack of respect from the movie makers which eventually transfers into changes in everything else too.

  30. Queen Elizabeth says:


  31. Not Of This World says:

    13 🙂

  32. Not Of This World says:

    I don't know where any aditions are, but you can send in a letter with you head shot to the Narnia people.

  33. Aslan's Girl says:

    OH MY GOODNESS!! He's so perfect! I started freaking out when I saw his picture on the link… that's like exactly what Puddleglum should be like! I hope they cast him!! That would be SO COOL! 😛 Do you think they will? Hey, when are yall going to make another podcast? I've been checking itunes every day! (no, I don't have an obsession… why would you think that??)

    Further up and further in!

  34. Princess Jennifer says:

    To Out of this world: And what is the Narnians address ?!!! lol !!

  35. Princess Jennifer says:

    Yeah, or maybe Anna Popplewell with alot of eye shadow and liner. However, everyone would notice her and it would leave a bad message for Susan. I will keep thinking……Nicole Kidman wasa nice idea !!! A great idea !!!

  36. Princess Jennifer says:

    Yeah !!! We have some woods out back and it has a tunnel out of branches and would you believe it ? We have beavers !!! We also have a huge pond

  37. Anhun says:

    That increase the second week is typical for movies that come out in mid-December. It doesn't mean there's good word of mouth, it just means more people are available to go to movies during the week. Eragon went through the exact same thing and Golden Compass had a similar bump it's third week. Both were considered box office bombs.

  38. Princess Jennifer says:

    Yeah, but I would LOVE to see the horse and his boy, or The magicians nephew get made !!! I think My fav. character is Aravis, the girl in the horse and his boy. I want to be her !!

  39. elanor says:

    *If* Johnny Depp would be cast as anybody, it should be as Uncle Andrew, the "Magician" in MN.

  40. Lucylove says:

    Me too, but I really want to see the Magician's Nephew

  41. elanor says:

    For LotGK I could almost see an actress like, for example, Rachel Adams. At first glance, you would never guess she was a witch, but maybe another Ramandu's daughter… making it worse, because she "seduced" in a sense Rilian, and killed his mother. Most people would probably think someone older, but why not? She's a witch.

  42. elanor says:

    You're not the only one. 🙂

  43. Anhun says:

    elanor! That's a fantastic idea! I know Johnny Depp is too young to play the aging magician, but they could always give him make up to age him. I think he could do the mannerisms perfectly.

  44. Not Of This World says:

    We have a rooster too, Narnian Elf, and we named him Russel (don't think I spelled that right) off of the contestent on Survivor.

  45. Anhun says:

    I have to wonder: How old is LGK supposed to be? We don't know for sure if she's immortal. If she had a direct connection with the white witch, she would have to be, but if she's a distant descendant, I'm not sure.

  46. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    I agree Mayor, i feel like TLOTGK is kinda boring and not impressive as a villian. Matter of fact the book SC kinda bored me. I really would love to see MN next but for the sake of continuity and Eustace's age, I guess we need to make it first. I hope they beef up Caspian's part and make it more about him, his marriage, his regaining youth, etc. If it's just another movie about trudgeing around a marsh for 2 hours, I'll be pretty bored. I'd much rather see the creation of Narnia and now they have mind blowing effects, its would be so cool. Notice how gresham seemed really surprised 75% wanted SC before MN. He probably thinks MN is a superior book too. I REALLY don't want to wait 4 years with baited breath for it, like i did for 2 1/2 years for VDT.

  47. Princess Jennifer says:

    I"m guessing the WW"s age or older.

  48. TheReepicheep1 says:

    I would have to agree with Gpuddle. If they casted Tilda as LotGK it would imply that the WW was never really killed, which lessens Aslan's power.

  49. Anhun says:

    If she's older or the same age as WW, then she would have to be from yet another world, not Charn or Narnia.

  50. Anhun says:

    What about Anna Sophia Robb? I think she could pull off the phony-sweet enchanting side of LGK and the Evil side.

  51. Anhun says:

    I think he looks too serious for the part.

  52. Anhun says:

    I guess we just like internal consistency. But, if Swanwhite were pre-Pevensie, that would make a great backstory for LGK.

  53. Anhun says:

    Actually, Gem, IMO that was one of the downfalls of PC: they tried to make it into LOTR junior, all the way down to traipsing through the woods of New Zealand.

  54. The Thief of Eddis says:

    I think that the filmakers will probably overlook The Magicians Nephew, and The Horse and His Boy to focus on The Silver Chair and Last Battle.
    If they decide to continue the series at all.
    I certainly hope they do.
    Good movies like these are hard to come by these days.

  55. Gem says:

    No, they did not try to make it into a LOTR junior. The reason it was bad was because they had bad screen writing. The story was poorly written and therefore turned out poorly. And the LOTR movies were very muched so changed from the books. Thankfully, most of the changes were either harmless, unnoticeable, or added to the story, but some of them didn't, like the Aragorn/Arwen romance. But I do agree with you, for the most part, they made the movies with respect for the original stories that Tolkien had written. In PC and VDT, that is completely and obviously not something anyone thought of or worried about. And yes, the scene with Lucy lying on the Stone Table is hypocritical and inappropriete. Looks like I'm a Narnian geek too. But I already knew that. ^_^

  56. Princess Jennifer says:

    For some reason I hope they do NOT do the Last Battle. I think that is a respectful,honorable, book that should be read so that everyones imagination can fly !!

  57. Lucylove says:

    How can you be so sure that she's not going be in it at all? I think they'll put her in a scene. But I don't want Tilda in it because the White Witch is GONE!!! I F.Y.I. I hate the White Witch and the Green Lady, just saying.

  58. Lucylove says:

    No! they should overlook The Silver Chair and Last Battle! NOT The Magicians Nephew, and The Horse and His Boy.
    I LOVE the Magician's Nephew!!!

  59. Lucylove says:

    Yeah , but I really want The Magicians Nephew, and The Horse and His Boy to be a movie. WAY MORE THEN THE SILVER CHAIR AND I DO NOT LIKE THE LAST BATTLE!!!