The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Movie Reviews
You’ve probably seen our story earlier today about RottenTomatoes getting their page up for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (which is up to 7 fresh ratings and 2 rottens so far). If you missed it, that can be seen here.
Here are a few additional reviews that are online and some highlights from each of them.
It’s heartening to report that Dawn Treader arrives with confidence and bravado intact โ the entirely expected stew of cod-medieval adolescent derring-do, attention-grabbing special effects, and sledgehammer moral lessons with nakedly religious overtones. You can’t help but be struck once again by the common elements the Narnia books have with Lord of the Rings; produced in the same dark, drab postwar years, attempting to reinforce the moral sense that Lewis and Tolkien presumably saw had been both drained and somehow redeemed by the war and its outcome.
The weaknesses, unfortunately, are human; like the Potter kids, performance anxiety is getting to the Pevensies. As they get older, in the real world, their self-consciousness increases, and acting abilities decline in inverse proportion. (The only benefit of delay in filming has been to manage the substantial time jump between this and the Prince Caspian movie fairly seamlessly.) (Includes pictures from the event.)
I had a spectacular experience after donning my 3D spectacles and enjoying the adaptation of the next C.S. Lewis masterpiece from book to screen. I’ve now seen the film in both 2D and 3D and enjoyed it both ways. And as someone who has read the book, I can also say that the film is a good and quite thrilling and moving adaptationโgiven a few creative liberties here and there. I have not been disappointed and plan on seeing it again when it releases in theaters.
Although I have not read the book and so cannot comment on how faithful the adaptation was, an enjoyable story it was. Early on we are introduced to a newcomer to the Chronicles, young cousin Eustace, played by Will Poulter. Having been a fan of his performance in Son of Rambow it was great to see him competently handle a wildly different character, and my fondness for him was strengthened by his humble and enthusiastic manner in person. The other stars were just fine too. I especially enjoyed Simon Peggโs voiceover for the character Reepicheep, replacing Eddie Izzard in this chapter, and it is always a joy to hear the silky tone of Liam Neeson as Aslan.
The film starts off with some strong effects seeing the protagonists swallowed up by a painting, the action then levels out as the story drags a little. However we are rewarded with a flourish of magical effects and excitement in the closing quarter: I loved the Ghostbuster โStay Puft momentโ. That combined with great camerawork and direction throughout make it quite a joy to watch. A must see family festive movie.
The Sydney Morning Herald: (Ironically this particular review has a video at the top that is probably the most negative review I’ve heard thus far.)
Lewis knew a thing or two about storytelling. And Apted knows a thing or two about directing. The British veteran of everything from the 7 Up documentaries to Gorillas in the Mist to The World Is Not Enough has a steady hand as he takes the Narnia wheel for the first time.
Crucially, he never allows plot or characters to be overshadowed by special effects. The Dawn Treader may sail on 3D seas, but the 3D effects are subtle, not over-the-top. Apted doesn’t just want audiences flinching or squirming to avoid beasties and swords; he’d prefer to involve them via his narrative.
Which is not to say the computer-generated effects aren’t well done. Tavros, Reepicheep and other digital characters blend seamlessly with the real actors.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader may not reinvent the fantasy genre, it may not transcend the medium, but it is an impressive feat of imagination.
As the Harry Potter films have become longer, slower and ever more pretentious the Narnia jaunts have merrily skipped off in the opposite direction, here delivering an effects-driven romp that is shorter, tighter and, frankly, heaps more fun than the first two.
The emphasis is on action and movement, with any engagement of matters deep & meaningful sticking to the roster of standard adventure themes about courage, inner strength, moral character and persistence, with any discussions restricted to the usual sandwich-board theme proclamations, along the lines of: “To defeat the darkness out there you must first defeat ther darkness within yourself.”
A big improvement on the first two and a potent antidote to HP7.1, Narnia III is strongly recommended, whatever your Narnian status may be.
Thanks to Louloudi the Centaur and Daniel James for sending us a couple of these links!
First comment! I'm glad everybody liked VDT. . .I just hope that I'll be the same way! ๐
I'm glad to hear a 'report' without there being any spoilers!!! It sounds like although there are many positive comments, there are also negative ones, although to me the positiveness out weighs the negativeness!!! I was a little surprised/disappointed when someone said the comment about
The weaknesses, unfortunately, are human; like the Potter kids, performance anxiety is getting to the Pevensies. As they get older, in the real world, their self-consciousness increases, and acting abilities decline in inverse proportion.
I hope that does not mean anything too much….I have faith that it will be a great film…
im sorry i barely speak english.. but that reviewer said that the pevencies did't act well???
Pas si mal mais pas si bien…l'opinion d'une ou 2 personne, mais W. Poulter est trรจs bon. รe sont des trรจs bonne critiques !
C'est un succรจs. ๐
yeah i wish i speak french too…
I live in Australia and was privileged to watch an advance preview screening on December 1. Having just re-read the book a week prior to the movie, I must say I came out of the cinema feeling somewhat disappointed. While the cinematography and special effects were outstanding, I believe the movie did not very well depict the storyline as portrayed in the book. The story line of the movie was like a total mess compared to that of the book. For starters, in the movie the islands are visited in the incorrect order, some events that occurred on multiple islands in the book are combined to take place on single islands in the movie, and Eustace, well what happens to him in the movie goes well beyond what actually happens in the real story. I understand that when making a movie you do have to enhance things somewhat to make the movie interesting and entertaining, but I believe in this movie it has gone well beyond that โ what a shame!
I'm not going to read anyone's movie review except my own. X)
The movie was released today on the Gold Coast, Australia and I think it is just great. The parts of the book are jumbled but I think it helps for a tighter story. The things that have been added, I think, help to give a much more plausible reason for why the characters end up doing what they do.
I was holding my breath in some sections, which I didn't even realised I had done until I started breathing again.
The special effects are brilliant as always.
The acting was good, not brilliant but defiantly good enough. Ben Barnes has improved as all have done.
The only one thing I wish they could have done is have Eddie Izzard do the voice of Reepicheep again.
HP is a completely different type of movie and from one person who has grown up with the Narnia stories I feel that EVERY story is just getting better and better with the telling.
It is sad that at the showing I was at, at 10am, there was only 25 people to see it.
I HOPE beyond HOPE that it goes well and we get to see the Silver Chair. No one (that I know of) has made it passed this point.
An interesting mix of reviews. I almost have to wonder if these people all watched the same movie. ๐
I think the general impression I'm taking from this that, like Prince Caspian, it will be a good movie but not the greatest adaption. I look forward to seeing how the acting is (Guardian may have different tastes than the rest of us) and I'm excited that it's fairly lightharded and rompish… as it should be.
Thanks for your review and comments. What you say about the movie not following the narrative of the book – I expected that to be the case. That is a shame to hear. The book's strongest point is the sequence of mystery regarding each island's curious surprises and how the Pevensies must overcome the tempatations that the lost lords could not do themselves.
Perhaps there is no faithful adaptation we can expect for Narnia movies…sigh!
Sir Anton, I totally agree with you regarding the sequence of mystery regarding each island's curious surprises. I thought that the events that happened in the book would be exciting and interesting enough to replicate in the movie without having to add to much 'padding' content. I know that when I read the book, my imagination runs wild enough to picture what's going on as I read it. Imagine what you could do in an accurate movie adaptation and with all the cool technology and special effects.
Even though it's very dodgy according to today's technological standards, I still commend the BBC's accurate adaptation of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader book in their television series, which i still find enjoyable to watch to this day ๐
Just got back from first 3D screening in Melbourne. I don't think this is spoiler-y but be careful just in case.
Have to say, sorry, a little disappointed. Wish this wasn't the case.
The good: Effects (esp the dragon), Eustace, Reepicheep (Simon Pegg is wonderful), and the ending is glorious. Lucy's obsession with Susan's looks was well done and made her seem very human. The relationship between Eustace and Reepicheep is given good depth and has a nice arc.
The bad: disjointed storyline, no real heart in the adventures/battles (they seemed rushed, and like video games at times), I agree the acting was a bit so-so, and Liliandil and the 7 swords oh dear they were lame.
Overall, I thought it lacked the heart of the previous two (even PC with all its faults was at least passionate) – this felt strung together without any real core of emotion and the theme of giving into evil and temptation was shallowly portrayed, not enriching and uplifting as Lewis made it. Some of the plot twists were illogical, esp the kidnapped slaves – sacrificed to whom?? Didn't make sense.
The ending was the salvation of the movie, that was beautifully realized. But I wasn't carried away and I so wanted to be.
I want to make a point, but not sure how it will come out. I loved the Narnia books because they are wonderful stories, but also because they show us a time a few generations ago when people had different values, different aspirations and led very different lives. I just wish that modern film makers would not immediately transform characters from these old books into modern teenagers with angst, whining and contemporary phrasing. It doesn't work.
Hmm… Well, it sounds like some people will love it and other won't. Let's just hope enough people like it to pave the way for SC!
All I know is that I am going to try to watch VDT with an open mind. December 10th seems like such a long time away! ๐
Silly me. I forgot that BBC made a short film of The Silver Chair. Remembered just as I sent it. Sorry
Gentlemen, this information has been widely publicised on Narniaweb for several months. I am sorry you are so disappointed, but if you just wanted an illustrated book try the BBC version which is very gentle and never strays far from Lewis's actual words. I have seen the movie myself and believe it has adapted well into a unified story, which the book doesn't actually have – although its episodes are all most satisfying in their way. But you will not get millions of people worldwide who don't know the story, to sit through a slide show of the book.
Try watching again and enjoy the movie on its own merits as an adaptation. Yours sincerely, C.Mole.
Actually they made a 6-part television serial for children. It was probably the best of the Narnia adaptations they did for children's TV, with PC condensed into 2 and VDT into 4 half-hour episodes. It was low-tech but still enjoyable.
Saw the film yesterday at a preview screening and I have to say this is a solid, not great film. It is faithful to the spirit of the book, but of course we all know film adaptations are never the same as their source material – the Lord of the Rings films are a definite case in point. And screenwriters have the added burden when adapting a Lewis novel of giving it broad appeal (they have to make money from these films if they are to continue) and some of the language and concepts in Lewis' prose would alienate people. So they have definitely been faithful to the spirit of the film, that is a journey of discovery and maturity. Books and films – different mediums. Prince Caspian had to re-jiggled the narrative to make an interesting film, and certain liberties have been taken with the DT book in the name of dramatic arc and excitement. People have also moaned about the inclusion again of the White Witch — which in itself is the outworking of Edmond's fears, that have been carried successfully through the three films, in PC he broke the ice that reflected her image and in this film he fights his "demons" in the form of the White Witch. Adn I was a little disappointed in the Eustace scenes, becuase I really love them in the book, but again, things had to change to make this a mainstream film so it makes money. Much has been made about keeping the films seemless so they could eventually be viewed together and you could see the characters develop – which they do also in the books. I have never been a fan of the actors and find them a little underwhelming in this outing, but its a rollicking tale well told. We need to support the film to keep the franchise going…
If VDT is a flop, they obviously have critical success to back up the making of SC, which is my personal favorite.
I saw VDT today with a few friends, and I would disagree with all those who have said the acting was not up to scratch. It wasn't the acting that was the problem, it was the awkward script. It didn't really seem right.
On the bright side, I thought that overall the movie was quite good, and Will Poulter was absolutely fantastic as Eustace.
But Caspian, seriously, GET A HAIRCUT!!!
"…with any discussions restricted to the usual sandwich-board theme proclamations, along the lines of: 'To defeat the darkness out there you must first defeat the darkness within yourself.'"
Ugh. That's what I was afraid of. But no film (especially an adaptation) is perfect. I still think the seven swords plot and slaves being sacrificed is really bad and a poor attempt at pulling together the islands, but I'm sure I'll like the movie well enough. Looking forward to it, and I'm glad most of the reviews are not negative. On to Silver Chair! (I hope)
Wow, all of these are making the movie seem really bad. I was super excited for it but it all sounds awkward now.
well, just about a week! I didn't think from clips we've seen the acting seemed off… that's what everyone says about the Narnia movies: 'their acting was off.'
Maybe are they just saying it because its a kids movie? I'm really confused about it, because I thought it was good with sometimes one or two little 'moments' where it seems off. But all these reviewers keep saying their acting is forced…
It's probably just me.
I hope the adaption is better than PC. That one was so disappointing with a *few* good moments that left you hungry for more– then you walked out of the theater frustrated because you only had been given three minutes of what you were longing for… ๐ No wonder I felt like Lucy leaving Narnia– because it felt so empty once or twice ๐
So, I'm really hoping this one proves itself in adaption and story! ๐ Hoping! ๐
yeah, I know. I was a tad worried as well. But remember though, Tirian after his pre-screening and the other Narniawebber staff who went to saw it had positve reviews ๐
What's awkward or weird to some of the reviewers (maybe they haven't all read the book) might be something from the book that we'd recgonize as normal? I'm not saying that's true, but it *might* be possible ๐
So don't worry, I'm a little anxious now as well ๐
Come on December 11th! Come on!! ๐
Released in Singapore today in 3D. Saw it first screening in the morning 10 am!
Yes there are changes but it brought the book alive! For me, it's a great adaptation. Creative, engaging and entertaining. I agree it isn't 100% faithful to the book but the essence is there and most events were well captured (though some of the processes were modified). The movie flowed well and the acting was fine (though certain characters could probably be better). Even for those who haven't read the book will probably enjoy it – my boyfriend did ๐
I love it so much – going to watch it again tomorrow…lol
I can't wait to get my hands on the soundtrack too~
9 december it's in holland!
I can't wait!
I saw the Voyage of the Dawn Treader today.
Okay. I'm a Narnian nut. I have been since the age of seven, (many, many years ago.) when I was gifted a gorgeous, (and rare,) The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe large coloured illustrated version.
I religiously carried a Narnia paperback novel with me throughout Primary school, and eventually read everything about it and its creator, C.S Lewis.
I grew up, like most in the Commonwealth, watching the BBC dramatization. (Sam West…golden Caspian!) And of these adaptations, like it was my favourite novel, Voyage of the Dawn Treader was the best. With its mixture of Simbad and The Odyssey, it was by far one of C.S Lewis best novels.
I eagerly awaited this movie version. I'd liked what they'd done with the movie series, so I'd been waiting since 2005 and LW&W for this movie.
Underwhelming is a good word for a first reaction.
Most of the cast is back, and tries its best (Ben Barnes is very good, [but underused.] Will Poulter is an excellent Eustace Scrubb, and my home town man, Gary Sweet, as Lord Drinian is also noteworthy.) But the script is very flat and miles from the original story.
The condensing of two island stories into one is depressing and blatantly obvious step in cutting costs. Ramandu's daughter, (here given an unpronounceable name of Lilliandil,) is on screen for about ten minutes, then disappears. Caspian only asks if he will see her again, not asking if he must kiss her to break the enchantment as per the book. (He marries her darn it! No-one I ask in the cinema guessed that would happen; or knew it as I did because they'd never read the novel.) [Note: Ramandu himself doesnโt make an appearance, despite being quite important in the novel.]
There are a lot of flaws, I'm worried the same script writers will be working on The Silver Chair.
So here's hoping they pick up their act for that adaption; because making something as dramatic as Rillian's struggle in the silver chair is a little bit harder than explaining a mysterious mist…that isn't fully explained.
I'm…very sad. I think I'll go watch the BBC adaptation…
I found a review in Newsweek… they hated it and blasted C.S Lewis!! I was furious!!!
OH NO!!!!!!! AAAWWWWW!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Don't day that!!!!
To hate the movie is one thing… but CS Lewis??? ๐ ๐ ๐
Par for Newsweek, really. ;))
No surprises in the reviews either. Reviews are truly subjective.
"And of course, with the birth of the artist came the inevitable afterbirth … the critic." Mel Brooks.
I wouldn't pay any attention to someone who criticizes the HP acting. Daniel has always been average at best, but Emma and Rupert have gotten better and better with age. So if they're comparing Georgie and Skandar to them, then I don't think you have anything to worry about.
"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read." – Anton Ego "Ratatouille"
I am so excited – but plese dont diss Harry Potter!
Well Narniafans, THIS is why I be really carful NOT to expect too much!!!!! Especially for JUST movies. So, yeah, when I'm going to see VDT, hopefully on opening day, wich is the tenth for the US, I'm soooooooooooooo not going to expect so much. THANKYOU ~Blue Skies~ for the warning, even though I practically knew that this movie probably IS not going to be all that great. Well, back to my school!
I like that quote.
Overall for those browsing by, it means don't let critics get you totally winded up. They are doing a job. * virtual hugs*
I watched it at 10am (25 people in the theatre)I went back at 6.30pm (40 people in the theatre)on the 2/12/2010 and watched it again and even though I knew what was coming this time I found I was still holding my breath in some scences. I don't agree that the acting was 'off'. Granted the acting was not 'brilliant' but unless the actors had been taught through the stage and had been doing it all their lives (which of course they haven't) I don't expect it to be. I personally thought that the acting as a whole was much better than before, which is to be expected.
Things can always be improved and nothing will EVER please everybody no mater how much money or talent they throw at it.
I personally thought it was great!
Aww. Don't take a review as any thing other than a personal opinion – good or bad. Go see the movie. ๐
Within 24 hours, the approval rate has dropped to 62%, but that is only of 13 reviews. Come on, post some positive reviews! ๐
Am I the only one who finds these reviews disheartening? ๐
Loved the reviews except for the last one! Rule Number 1 for me: Never, ever, insult Harry Potter!
Haha, i thought the exact same thing when i read that review! They obviously don't know anything!!
Thank you for your kind and well thought-out comment.
From RottenTomatoes, it seems as though all the Austrailians critics (except one) aren't liking Narnia for some reason.
December 10th here I come!
They didn't put in the line about Caspian hinting at kissing RD?
What were they thinking?! That was a funny and clever line, and it said so much about the romance without saying much at all. It was just the right amount of romance. The one love story in the whole Narnia series, and Hollywood let it SLIDE? It's so uncharacteristic I almost can't believe it! I know I'm ranting, but this is really bugging me! I should be the last person complaining since I usually have the "kissing is gross" attitude, but Caspian is supposed to MARRY Ramandu's daughter later on. If they don't even hint at a romance, how are they going to explain Prince Rilian??? It doesn't make any sense! They tried to make a love story between Caspian and Susan, but when it comes to his future wife they want to skip it???
I guess I shouldn't get so worked up over it, but I was kind of hoping for a nice little romance between the King and the Star's Daughter. It's so sweet. I'm really disappointed in the movie-makers for deviating from the book in such an incredibly unexpected way.
Okay, I'm done. Maybe they'll add a scene that will fix this. But probably not. ๐ Oh well.
C. Mole is right. You all are naive going into a film adaption of a book expecting it to follow the book. Who cares if the island are out of order. I know C. S. Lewis had a lot of meanings behind things, but I highly doubt he had a meaning behind the order of the islands. You should know now that a movie adaption based on a book never follows the book. Only a few. Like Mole said the episodic style of the book is great for a novel, but it would look atrociously unorganized in a movie. Don't ever go into a movie expecting the pages of the book come alive word by word.
And one more thing, if you want it to follow the books religiously then watch the old BBC series which by the way sucks horribly. Then you will see why they didn't follow the book devoutly.
that's a really good idea
these are kinda depressing
Rotten Tomatoes always turns down any fantasy movie that has to do with love and courage. They are very Liberal. Just because Narnia has a Christian background they think it's gonna be cheesy.
I am so glad there was no hint of a Caspian and Ramandu's daughter Kiss. It would destroy Caspian's image and make him look like a womanizer. AND PLEASE GUYS, CAN WE STOP CRITICIZING THIS MOVIE. It's becoming very irritating. If the themes of the books are in the movie, that is enough. Lewis wasn't writing just a story, he was writing one with an important message and if this message is found in the movie, that should be enough. If u want a movie exactly like the book, create one in ur mind, at least ur mind would not fail u!!!
hey there! Im a liberal and I LOVE fantasy and Narnia! ๐
ozwitch, your points are perfect.
I enjoyed it very much indeed, as did all our group of 15 people from young schoolgirls to some ladies over 80!
Because I knew about most of the changes, they did not prevent my being thrilled by a great deal of the film, and enjoying the rest. Great acting – clearly some people have a different idea of what is good acting from mine! Sets beautiful, music nicely woven in, humour that didn't grate, and just enough scary stuff.
Professional reviewers have to say nasty things – it seems to come with the territory!
But the Queen enjoyed it and was moved to tears, so I know I'm on 'the right side' to be one who applauds this film!!
I saw this yesterday and while I was disappointed with the multitude of changes, the end of the film really was one of the shining moments for me. I actually cried when Georgie's Lucy was hugging everybody knowing that she'll never see Narnia again. Really felt sorry for her!
Agreed with the omission of Ramandu and the lack of a hint of romance between Caspian and Liliandil!!! Poor show!!!
I was really disappointed as I really wanted to like the movie. But this is Fox we're talking about after all. They've always been more about quantity over quality as of late!!!! Who knows we may have an Extended Edition once it hits the DVD/Bluray market though. Oh Walden why oh why did you go with Fox in the first place???? I should have seen this coming. So much for them just distributing the film!!!!
How would it make him look like a womanizer? People are allowed to kiss more than one person in their lives. Besides, where exactly do you think Rillian is going to come from if there's no Caspian/Ramandu's Daughter? Plucked off a tree?
As I've said before to other people whining like you are, no one is making you read the critical comments. If they upset you so much, skip them.
Pretty much every fantasy movie ever made is about love and courage. LotR has that and it was written by a Christian and yet the movies still have these ratings on RT.
Fellowship of the Ring: 92%/92%
The Two Towers: 96%/100
Return of the King: 94%/98%
In contrast, most of the HP movies hover in the 80-70 percent range. So perhaps it isn't bias and just that the movie wasn't really that good?
Disheartening as these reviews may be, it should be kept in mind that one person's vantage point may not be the same as everyone else. I myself have known these changes from the very beginning but will not stop me from enjoying the movie tonight.
People can be critical at times; wanting every part of the movie to be as close a hair's width to the book. If this was the case, the LOTR would be longer than its current time. Even though VODT is a book fit to be translated into a film, there is still the fact that there are some areas that needed to be edited in order to create a movie that can appeal to a mixed audience. The episodic nature of the book will be quite boring to some people who may have not read the book at all.
I cannot say much further until I watch the movie, but to those peopl having second minds of watching, doubt not. 'Till then, sail on Dawn Treader!