The NarniaWeb Interviews: Liam Neeson

During the press junket in London I had the opportunity to interview Douglas Gresham, Georgie and Will, and Liam Neeson.

I asked Liam Neeson about his preparations for voicing the role of Aslan, whether he spent any time on set and about his favorite scene in the film. He’s a very interesting man:

103 Responses

  1. WarriorOfNarnia says:


  2. _Lilliandil_ says:

    He has an amazing voice. Perfect for Aslan, really deep and warm but still radiant. He does SOOOO great. He seems so peaceful-minded. Does he have a slightly Irish accent? Why didn't he just go to the zoo to see lions? I guess people like that like to do everything in a big way. The end is also my fave part of movie.

  3. Komali says:

    His voice really is perfect for Aslan!!
    He is great in Star Wars too!!

  4. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I love Liam Neeson! My favorite film he is in is (VDT of course) and Les Miserables. He does a really good job, capturing the voice of Aslan, I can't imagine Aslan any other way. Think of it… Aslan with a high pitched voice? EW! That would ruin the franchise lol

  5. adamie says:

    Well, I guess lions in the zoo aren't as lion-like. They're in captivity, you know. I think it's a completely different thing seeing them in their natural habitat.

  6. Queen Su says:

    I like how his son turned him on to the books…that's great! πŸ™‚

  7. yeswelovenarnia says:

    If we had any other person voicing Aslan then it would be a disaster! I love him as Aslan! So perfect :):)

  8. yeswelovenarnia says:

    Same thing happened with Viggo Mortenson when he played Aragorn in Lord of the Rings (diff book of course πŸ˜‰

  9. Bob says:

    Gosh I wonder how he's coping without his wife. Seems like ages ago that she died but I still remember seeing her at the Prince Caspian premiere.

  10. wannawork4Weta says:

    I loved watching this clip. Thanks for writing out the questions instead of cutting to the person giving the interview.

  11. Edmund's Queen says:

    Wonderful! He seems so serene; the perfect Aslan. I remember when I saw LWW in theaters years ago, I thought, "Aslan is magnificent! Just like I imagined him!" And he is. Liam's voice and the physical stature of the lion blend perfectly into Aslan.
    The Aslan in the BBC Narnia is really lame, if you ask me. There really wasn't enough technology stuff back then.

  12. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Wonderful man.
    Such a soothing and yet powerful voice–perfect for Aslan. Breathes life into the character.

    My favorite moment is in "LWW" when he says, "Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was [i] written." [/i] Perfect.

    Long live Aslan.
    And Merry Christmas.

  13. Edmund's Queen says:

    Yep, I like that. I read Lord of the Rings back in May, and I told my dad to read them, and he did, and he loved them! Dads can get their hands on some good books if they listen to their kids! πŸ˜€ When I read LOTR, I realized just how wonderful of a job Peter Jackson did on the movies. That was a monumental and risky undertaking, but it sure paid off!

  14. Edmund's Queen says:

    Amen, Father Christmas, lol!

  15. Edmund's Queen says:

    High pitched Aslan? That'd be like an optimistic Puddleglum, LOL!

  16. Narnian says:

    His voice performance for Aslan is awful, he sounds terribly bored and emotionless all the time, sorry he's done some great stuff as an actor but the voice of Aslan is not his finest hour

  17. narnian resident says:

    his voice is so heavenly sounding, it could almost put you in a trance or put you to sleep. it does for me anyway πŸ™‚ thats what i love about hearing Aslan in the movies. with Liam's voice, he becomes so majestic and you just feel so at peace when he's there.
    that is so cool that he went to go see real lions to get the idea of Aslan and his character. they truly are amazing and majestic creatures. i love how he describes their eyes as having thousands of years of knowledge. thats what i imagine Aslan like. gosh i love Liam πŸ˜€

  18. What a totally awesome guy. I could listen to his voice 24/7.

  19. Queen Elizabeth says:

    LOL! So true so true.

  20. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I love how he can sound caring and majestic when talking to Lucy and Powerful and strong when confronting the White Witch and other enemies.

  21. Reepicheep775 says:

    I find it unsurprising that Michael Apted didn't work directly with Liam Neeson because, judging by the movie, I don't think he cares much for the character of Aslan.

  22. High Queen of Narnia says:

    *raises an eyebrow* How does Liam Neeson come across as bored and unemotional? There is a lot of emotion in his voice, if you actually listen to it. If he doesn't sound as emotionally varied as the other actors… well, he shouldn't! Aslan doesn't exactly have a voice that's filled to the brim with excitement or very dramatic, because that isn't his character. I think Neeson did a fabulous job.

  23. I'd hate to not be on the set with the characters but wats the point of recording in diffent cities???
    Could someone please tell me

  24. I agree win high queen I also love how kind he can talk to the kids yet be stern win hen to like with Edmund in lww and Lucy in vdt Peter in lww and pc

  25. Gem says:

    I think everyone agrees that the end is their favorite part of the movie, how could it not be? They nailed it. And I love his voice! It's so perfect for Aslan, well, as perfect as any human can do it.

  26. Gem says:

    I know, the part about the eyes…it sent chills down my spine.

  27. Gem says:

    I know, rather hilarious if you compare it to today's Aslan. And yes the technology was so bad. Reepicheep was a man dressed in a costume for heaven's sake! I chuckle every time I think about it.

  28. coracle says:

    Not bad technology, just that digital inventions of the 90s were not yet invented. Your parents or grandparents can tell you it was standard to have someone dressed up as a character (or sometimes done a puppet)for such things in plays or kids' tv.

  29. coracle says:

    That is probably where he was living, and it was just as easy for him to record in a nearby location rather than have to fly off to London. Or Australia.

  30. Gem says:

    Yes it is bad technology, compared to what we have today. I know that back then it was the norm, we all know that!! But what we were saying, or at least I, was their technology back that is laughable COMPARED to today's.

  31. coracle says:

    Interesting to hear a different view on his voice. I personally do like his Aslan voice. I wonder whether you prefer David Suchet's Aslan in the Focus on the Family series?

  32. coracle says:

    Yes, he is Irish.

  33. Why does everyone have to always pick on the BBC version? Even if Aslan was a puppet, his voice really outdid Neeson's. And I've always loved the Reepicheep of the BBC way better than the Disney and Fox ones. He's the real deal πŸ™‚

  34. Edmund's Queen says:

    I've only seen clips on you tube of the BBC version, but the Puddleglum I saw was pathetic. He was way to bulky. And no offense to the girl who played Lucy, but she was a bit chubby and not very pretty. The technology may've been the best they could do, but I would've thought they could get better actors. It makes me very thankful for the Disney/20th Century Fox Narnia movies; they're so amazing!

  35. Edmund's Queen says:

    Sorry. To each his own I suppose. It's just, the BBC Narnia wasn't as believable as Disney's and 20th Century Fox's.

  36. Edmund's Queen says:

    Wow, I'm sorry it comes across that way to you. I've always thought it was perfect. Liam himself did seem somewhat bored in this interview, though. Or maybe he was just thinking carefully of how to answer the questions.

  37. Not Of This World says:

    The force was with him in that movie πŸ™‚

  38. Yeah, his voice is amazing. And it's so deep and strong that it actually sounds like a lion! Even though some of his lines in VDT were terrible (as if Aslan was the village wise person rather than the King and Lord of the world), I can still imagine no other person who could do as well as Liam for the voice of Aslan. And you're right, his voice is so expressive- he can sound both loving and stern at the same time.

  39. yeswelovenarnia says:

    Totally!! And I love the books too :):)

  40. narnian21 says:

    no Neeson's voice will outdo anybody who tries to do Aslan's voice, especially in the BBC and Focus on the Family versions. Everytime I hear Aslan in those I think "wow who would want to be around that Aslan. he scary." My friend and I make fun of it sometimes. But with Neeson it's like "Aslan I just wanna hug ya!!!" That is how he is supposed to be

  41. Not Of This World says:

    I could not agree more!

  42. Hwin says:

    For me it is almost strange to hear such a powerful and majestic voice coming from Liam Neeson and not a real lion! If lions talked, I bet the king of them all would sound like Liam Neeson πŸ˜‰ I think he is the absalute perfect person to be the voice of Aslan!

    I did not care too much for the voices in the BBC version and the Focus on the Family audio tapes. Atleast in the audio one, he seems to drag his words out too long, and his voice sounds a little froggyish. That's just my opinion, I certainly respect opinions that suggest otherwise πŸ™‚ The expression was pretty good though.

    Great job with the part of Aslan, Liam Neeson!

  43. Edmund's Queen says:

    I agree. Though, I've never heard the Focus on the Family Narnia. It's hard to imagine any other Aslan. Liam is just "it".

  44. Edmund's Queen says:

    I know what you're talking about, Princess Jennifer. It's the BBC Narnia. I know this because you said Lucy was fat and Susan was ugly. (I know it sounds horrible, but it's true.) One part I saw, where Aslan tells the girls that they might want to "put your fingers in your ears," he roars. I had to laugh. It was the most pathetic, sickly grumble. Thank goodness Disney made LWW!

  45. Edmund's Queen says:

    Did you get to see the Dawn Treader today, Jennifer?

  46. greenbird37 says:

    There is no one that can master this voice than Liam Neeson…he is amazing! Loved him in Taken, very good movie!

  47. Clive Staples Sibelius says:

    No wonder he sounds so detached in the movies. He has no physical interaction with the other actors! That is a very bad artistic decision on the filmmakers' parts.

    I think Liam Neeson is awesome.

  48. Braden Woodburn says:

    Man, I really love his voice. It is so sincere and calm as well as very deep in a way that isn't scary. It's amazing how whenever I heard him, all I could picture was Aslan speaking to someone in Narnia. And yes, my opinion was very true with his that the ending was sad. I've had 2 chances to see this movie for a 2nd and 3rd time but never fell through. I really love this movie ALOT!

  49. narnian21 says:

    He sounds scary. When he tells Eustace to undress he sounds like a perv

  50. Princess Lucy says:

    Susan is actually cute in the BBC series..and edmund and peter..and they look much younder than the ones in walden version..but i agree with you about lucy …shes not as cute as georgie so yeah…and i appreciate the BBC series for its faithfulness to the books and i also appreciate the walden for bringing the characters to the screen and also keeping it faithful as well as making it good quality πŸ™‚

  51. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Yea Jennifer you have to tell us πŸ™‚ I sadly don't get to see it this weekend, my mom keeps changing her mind so I don't know. But when it comes out I have a fund just for buying it on DVD. πŸ™‚

  52. _Lilliandil_ says:

    yes you're probably right. Personelly, I would not go all the way to Africa to see lions so I can do my lines well, but I guess that's why i'm not world famous. Haybe he is so good because he does EVERYTHING so well. Hm… that's a though.

  53. _Lillinadil_ says:

    ah I thought so. thanks. :)He doesn't sound irish in the movie, he must be good at disguising his accent.

  54. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Good News!!! VDT is still at number 3. You are probably thinking what! How is that good news? Think about it – We haven't slipped any lower, and for being a franchise that is not SUPER popular (universally) 3rd place is really good πŸ™‚ And it's not over yet! GO SEE THE MOVIE πŸ™‚

  55. elton says:

    liam is amazing

  56. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I think nothing can compare to the Walden Media/Fox version. The modern technology and CGI just make it all around better. The adaptations are close-ish? (I haven't seen all the BBC version or anything) And the quality in general just makes it a more enjoyable experience. And the actors are way better πŸ˜‰

  57. comedian says:

    Have any of you seen will poulter on school of comedy?

  58. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I'm done painting the Scrubb house Dawn Treader painting. Now I need help! Should I paint Lucy and Aslan looking in the mirror on the ship cabin (from the movie) or something else. Thoughts?

  1. December 28, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by said: Just posted our final video interview from London: Liam Neeson Interesting stuff. […]