The NarniaWeb Interviews: Georgie Henley and Will Poulter
While in London last week for the premier, I had the opportunity to interview several cast members. Here is my interview with Georgie Henley and Will Poulter. We talk about life as a celebrity, favorite moments on set, and how it feels to be moving on from Narnia (for Georgie). Watch for Georgie’s comment about “birthday beats” for Ben!
Two Bonuses:
- Our colleague, Poggin, from Aslan’s Country has just posted his interview with Georgie and Will. It’s excellent!
- Check out Jake Hamilton’s interview as well. He’s very funny and you’ve got to watch the group hug at 8:15. Simply hilarious!
Great interview.
These kids are great young actors. π
Hahahaha birthday beats.
I liked what they said about Twitter! π
Will is so intelligent and talented!
Georgie is sweet and beautiful!
I love them! π
These kids are amazing!
Aw! That's neat! I really think Will's a great kid. He'd be neat to meet! He's *so* humble! π And Gerogie's so cute! π
Wow. I REALLY hope to see a Silver Chair with the Hero as Eustace! π
They both look so grown-up and act so mature! I'm still rather in shock of that, even with all the photos and interviews I've already seen.
Don't forget Jill! I think she has a bigger part in SC than Eustace.
yeah, I agree! DEFINATELY! But I really like Will Poulter, as an actor (not as a crush kind of thing… I don't do 'crushes') He seems like a really neat, polite kid, and I'm excited and pumped to see him in SC!
I desperately can NOT wait to see Jill! I hope she has blonde, curly hair with a head band π I can SO see Jill just like that π And freckles, I *luv* freckles. Ever since I saw Hiccup with freckles I've got this thing where freckles are so adoreable π
i want them to make Silver Chair just so i can see Will act again π he is one of the most talented actors i've ever seen and i want so bad to see him in another Narnia film, and much more see him as basically the hero of the story, and as a much nicer person π he is just the sweetest, most humblest actor i've ever seen. not to mention a real cutie!
Narnia has definitely been blessed with a great group of young actors and actresses, both on and off screen! They all seem so genuinely kind and fun to be around. π
I just saw the other interview! That was pretty great! Skandar kept drinking that water π
And then I caught another interview that was the three kids, same set, and it was 6:23 min. But I thought it was funny: name the cub Aslan, not Simba! GO Georgie! Aslan rules! π
Aw, all their talk about Lions… I really want to go hug a lion right now!
And then when the guy on the interview that was 6:23 said cut, Skandar turned to Will instantly: 'can you–' man, what was he gonna say? π LOL! Those were some of the best interviews, the one Tirian had, and this one, and the 6:23 min. one! π
Oh, I totally agree, Will is an amazing actor and was, or is, brillant as Eustace. I can't wait to see him either.
No, I think Jill should have short light brown hair and thin bangs (with a headband) and pale skin. I think the only girl who should have curly blonde hair is Polly.
Blech, I can't watch these right now! The joys of unpredictable internet. I shall have to wait, but I just want to say, one of the BIG reasons I really really want SC to be made is so that Will can be Eustace again π He is such a great person (from what I can tell) and has amazing acting skills! He portrays Eustace Clarence Scrubb so perfectly!
They had better get someone REALLY good for Jill!!! If they make SC, I will very much be looking forward to see who gets to play that part….
Hey, what's this? I don't know if Narniawebbers already know about it but it's the first time I've seen it.
Anyway, LOVE these interviews. I would love to join these movies one day. But that's a distant hope.
where did you find it? post the link! i want to watch.
I love these actors…there so…normal. π
I was thinking that if she could do a British accent, Annasophia Robb would be perfect for the role. The Silver Chair is my favorite and I just HAVE to see it as a movie!!!
AW. They're so mature and very down-to-earth. π
I think Annasophia Robb is an amazing actress! But I personally am somewhat hoping that they will pick an actress that isn't really 'well-known'. All the others have been that way, and I think that they have all turned out quite fantastically!!! π
I agree, SC is also my favorite book! I hope it will be made into a movie, but I guess you never really know…
You should have asked Will if he remembers the 2 crazy girls from California on the 12th (Ice Palace) x)
Same here Pepper Darcy! I have always imagined Jill with curly, blonde, hair with freckles!
OOPS. AND freckles!
Hey Gem, I have short brown hair with bangs, and I'm only a teeny bit older than Will…maybe I should be Jill! Haha, oh, how I wish.
But yes, I do think Will was a great find as Eustace. I wasn't so sure in the early stages of production, but after seeing the movie, I realized what a great actor he is! The way he said some of his lines just cracked me up.."I hope that wasn't the British Consul."
I agree with your description of Jill, but considering that Will Poulter is about 17 NOW and it will be at LEAST 1 year before they make the next one, they will have to make her more grown-up than we imagine her/how she is in the book, and that will be to little-girlie π
Me too, I was a bit worried at first, but he turned out perfectly.
How do i change my pic? Do i have to be on facebook or something?
I am so watching this. Thanks for the interview!
ANA SOPHIA RUBB….great suggestion….she does have that jill look…she needs to grow her hair longer and a fringe i think…who else would ever thought of her lol..hmmm not long before we all know the person hopefully π
I still am impressed by how Georgie and Will come off so articulately in these interviews. I don't know if it's their education or who they were brought up (or maybe both) but they really come off very mature and down-to-earth people.
I still am impressed by how Georgie and Will come off so articulately in these interviews. I don't know if it's their education or how they were brought up (or maybe both) but they really come off very mature and down-to-earth people.
hmmmm…. interesting standard. The series only has one way to go, thats up. This film, although close to the book, could have been a lot better.
Great interviews!
I would love too as well. Most likely the role of Shasta in HAHB.
they are amazingly poised, and i've noticed will is talking way more, i wonder if georgie asked him to speak up more.
Georgie is so pretty! I really wish i could meet her in real life, ever since I saw the Lww when I was seven I've wanted to meet her…I'm going to try to audition for Jill Pole,if the auditioning is near me.. π
By the way, I have freckles, I could grow my bangs back pretty quickly, but I'm some six years younger than Georgie. People tell me Ilook like I'm thirteen, though. (Yikes! I still won't be double digit for two more days!!) I also have brown hair. I always imagined Jill with brown hair..the only thing I'm worried about, is that if I DO get the role, I DO NOT want to hear a lot of cussing. That's the thing i don't want. π
I think I would make a great Jill Pole. Right age, height, look (wavy blonde hair), and I love to act (have a little experience). HEE, HEE!!!
Oh, and I can fake a really good British Accent. I've won speech competitions with it.!!! π
Oh how i love actor interviews! Wow Will Poulter seems a lot older and has a much deeper voice than in the movie. I think he did a great job though! I'm gonna miss Georgie so much! *sniffle* I hope to see her in other movies!
i wonder if will getting a nomination for his role will influence them to make SC since he'd be the star?
why does jill have curl hair? lots of people talking about curls but straight hair<< i did some words with google translate so i hope it's the good word "straight"
in my eyes she have blond long hair and more I don't know
does anybody thinking the same about her?
Great interview!
Will is so cool calm and collected. The total opposite of his alter ego Eustace. It's so weird seeing him on and off the big screen.
anyone can subtituled tha interview? please
Finally got to watch it-them! I laughed at how tired they (Georgie and Skandar especially) looked in the interview the day after the premiere!!! Anyways, they seem like such wonderful people!!! π
I liked what they said about Twitter too. Georgie and Will rock!
I loved the group hug! It seems like Skandar has a bigger girl fan following this time around. They all seem like they would be such cool people to meet. Oh, I really hope they make SC so we can see Will in an even bigger role. Even before filming for VDT started, I saw a picture of him, and he looked like the perfect Eustace! He played the bratty Eustace so well, but I would love to see him in a more heroic role. I think he'll do great!
Good interview. I really do hope they make The Silver Chair. . .
i luv Georgie's dress, it's so cute! Will looks cute too, but I think he looks even cuter when his hair isn't all shaved off.
I love it! Getting to know the kids better in real life is so much fun. Will seems so cool! π