The NarniaWeb Interviews: Douglas Gresham

While in London last week for the premiere, I had the opportunity to interview several cast members. I’ll be posting those interviews this week and I hope you’ll enjoy them. To start off, I had the opportunity to speak with Douglas Gresham, the stepson ofΒ  C.S. Lewis. We talked about changes from book to film as well as his time on set and what Jack would have thought about this movie.

74 Responses

  1. SilverChair says:

    Love the beer comment!

  2. Wow, what I wouldn't give to meet Douglas Gresham! He is such a great guy! And imagine meeting someone who had a book by C.S. Lewis himself dedicated to them!
    Yes, Douglas Gresham is a LEGEND.

  3. Non-Negotiable Comment says:

    I would have loved to have asked him how any adaptation of this book could have included Lucy (of all people!) openly questioning the existence of Aslan's Country. Definitely the saddest moment to date for me for these films.

    Oh, well. At least he likes beer. That's something.

  4. Gem says:

    I agree with him that some pratical changes are needed to make the transition from page to screen more believable, but I don't feel like he dug his heel in, like he said, enough on certain changes. But he's right, the duel between Eustace and Reepicheep is brillant. So is the ending scene at the gateway of Aslan's country.

  5. Gem says:

    It is un-Lucy like. But I think what they were tying to mean was that she was wondering if Aslan's country was really so physical that you could just sail to it, if it was really reachable in that way. It just didn't come across as that.

  6. glumPuddle says:

    I'm thankful Gresham is so involved with this production. And I think it's good that he understands there is a point where you need to let the director be an artist and put his interpretation on the screen.

    As for the mist…I understand the need to tell the story visually, but there is also such a thing as subtlety. The green mist, in my opinion, is too heavy-handed. Far more heavy-handed than anything in the book. It just doesn't seem consistent with Lewis' style.

  7. glumPuddle says:

    In the book, Reep is genuinely offended and angry about Eustace touching his tail. He wants to duel Eustace because he feels it needs to be done. It is all about honor.

    In the film, I got the sense that Reep was having loads of fun fighting Eustace. It was hard for me to take Reep seriously with lines like "No one touches the tail. Period. Exclamation mark."

  8. Thyservant says:

    If SC is greenlit, is it possible for it to be released in 2011?

  9. Hidai says:

    Does anyone ever notice that he is always wearing the same white turtleneck with the words on it? Does anyone know why he wears it all the time and the meaning behind the words on it?

  10. NarnianHarper says:

    Not a chance – they haven't even started writing the script yet. Pre-production on films like these usually take 1 year, and filming and post-production at least another year. At this point in the game it would be at least two years before it could be released.

  11. coracle says:

    I know that this has been his style for at least ten years, but not why.

  12. tuonela says:

    Non-Negotiable, and Gem…

    It's so interesting how differently people see things πŸ™‚ Because it the book, she says something like "Do you think Aslan's country is the kind of country you can sail to?" (Not an exact quote — I don't have the book in hand right now). So, when I saw the movie, I thought that scene was SO cool, because they kept that conversation. I thought Lucy meant Aslan's country wasn't a physical place in this world. But she DID believe in it, of course — that's what I saw, anyway.
    But I'm going to see the movie again this coming weekend, and I'll watch that scene carefully.
    Right now I have to stop typing, and watching the snow come down. It's getting late!
    Good night, Narniawebbers!

  13. Tirian says:

    It says "Christian History Magazine"

  14. Tribunal says:

    You'll be lucky if it releases in late 2012. No chance of it releasing in 2011.

    Doubt the film will even be made with its current box-office gross.

  15. Gem says:

    Oh no, you could see Reep was completely serious when Eustace grabbed his tail. He was intimidating, I didn't think it looked like he was joking around at all. I did think the duel was good, because you can see Reep is enjoying toying with Eustace.

  16. Gem says:

    Oh no, they'll make it. It's just a matter of when.

  17. glumPuddle says:

    I didn't like how he toyed with Eustace. Reep should not be enjoying Eustace' correction. He should simply view it as something that has to be done.

  18. stateofgreen says:

    Hope it is December 2012.

  19. MinotaurforAslan says:

    It's great to hear that Gresham is a purist.

    I feel like he sidestepped the question of whether Jack would like the movies, though. Of course C. S. Lewis would be blown away by the CGI and technology we have available nowadays. I was hoping that he would address whether or not Lewis would be happy with the adaption.

  20. Teknon says:

    I'm not sure CSL would be impressed with the technology for it's own sake. To paraphrase 1 Corinthians 13:1, "If I have the most awesome CG creatures in history, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."

  21. Thyservant says:

    To Gem, why are you so sure that it'll be made? I'm sorry, I just feel a bit pessimistic as long as SC is not on schedule…

  22. waggawerewolf27 says:

    Reepicheep was also teaching Eustace. Probably a lesson Eustace needed to have. Same as in the book.

  23. Braden Woodburn says:

    In all honesty, he seems like a real interesting cool man. I duno why but I felt very relaxed listening to him talk about the film. I am glad they added a twist to Narnia in adding that green mist. Whenever I first saw it I was like "now, this wasn't in the book. ahhh yes they made changes" haha but those changes didn't bother me becuase I still noticed most of the scenes from the book so it all came out well. I'd say my most thrilling part of the movie was definetly Dark Island whenever everyone is getting tempted, expecially Edmund and the White Witch… ahh that was AWESOME. Can't say I have a big favorite part of the movie cause it was SOOOO good…. ah actually, it was when Eustace fainted whenever he asked where he was an the minotaur was like "your on the Dawn Treader".. *faints* LOL. But yes, the scene with the wave before Aslan's Country when they say goodbye just, ugh.. made me cry.

  24. Queen C The Gentle says:

    Hey does anyone know if there's any way to watch any part of the movie on the computer(at least when they meet up with Caspian!) without downloading it?

  25. Starlily says:

    I'm pretty pessimistic as well. I have one last thread of hope, but for the most part I'm just trying to prepare myself for heartbreak. I don't want to be too disappointed if the series is ended. Oh, who am I kidding? I'll still be in despair. Even with the movies' flaws, I still want to see them all made. And if by some miracle the series goes on, I'll be just ecstatic and probably jump for joy. That's what I want for Christmas this year. SC greenlit, and hopes for the other movies.

  26. Braden Woodburn says:

    Most likely not because that would seem way too soon. I mean think, LWW was in 2005, then 3 years later, PC in 2008, then 2 years later, VDT in 2010. So depending how things go, it may take roughly another 2 or 3 years for SC so perhaps late 2012 or early 2013. But you got to think of how cool this is, within 5 years 3 films of the series has been made, that's really outstanding.

  27. Pepper Darcy says:

    Wow, wonderful view. I liked his points on his biggest book purest– makes me blush about the changes I disliked in PC…

    Wonderful interview Tirian! I bet you were thrilled to be able to interview him as well as some of the others! I can't wait to see the other interviews. I hope you got one for Will Poulter! =)

  28. Pepper Darcy says:

    i heard his voice and almost blurted out: hey! that sounds like Doug Gresham's voice! Then it hit me, it really was him :)So used to hearing those Focus on the Family Audios =) Just hard to put a face with the voice now! πŸ™‚

  29. Thyservant says:

    'But you got to think of how cool this is, within 5 years 3 films of the series has been made, that’s really outstanding.' That's quite comforting and encouraging. Maybe I should keep the hope that even if Fox drop it, someone will pick it up someday…

  30. Scrubbers says:

    GlumPuddle –

    If you believed that Reepicheep was "toying" with Eustace, then you missed one of the most important aspects of the film. Do not misunderstand me. I was thoroughly disappointed with the film as a whole. However, one of the aspects I did enjoy was the relationship between Eustace and Reepicheep. If "Dawn Treader" is about circumstances in our lives shaping us into better people, then Reepicheep is one of these most prominent circumstances. He wanted to duel Eustace because he saw that Eustace was a very immature young man. He took it upon himself as his duty to mentor him and instruct him properly, which no one had ever done to Eustace before.

  31. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Mr. Gresham is a book purist. But he is also a very reasonable book purist who understands the difference between a book and a film. So I respect his opinions always. I love hearing him talk about Narnia. Such a soothing voice. I'm glad he was fine with The Green Mist because that was one of my favorite aspects of the movie. Also love the duel with Reep and Eustace. Agreed. And of course the goodbyes on the beach. Totally agree with his favorites. πŸ˜‰

    Although, personally, my favorite part was the final appearance of The White Witch. πŸ˜‰

  32. Non-Negotiable Comment says:

    Watch it again: (it's the second from the bottom)

    I do not object, at all, to the line: "Do you really believe you can sail there?". I completely understand the context of that. It's actually, as you're stating, a kind of skepticism that any place that beautiful could be accessed physically. But, it's the line: "Do you really believe there is such a place?" that precedes it, and the almost derisive smirk that accompanies it, that is just so completely, awfully wrong in every sense. Did it "come across wrong"? I don't know. I think it comes across like the writer didn't understand the character he was providing dialogue for. Regardless, I found it pretty offensive, but mostly because it comes, specifically, from Lucy. There are so many things wrong with the film that I can overlook, but, to me, although it's a small thing, it's so completely contrary to her nature that it just made me feel: "That's not Lucy.", and it made the film seem even more hollow and sad, and I could not connect with it after that.

  33. Not Of This World says:

    This is off base, but this is a question for everyone. Who thinks the "needs to make a certain amount of money to make more Narnia movies" is real, and who thinks it’s a stunt to make more money? (I personaly think it’s real, but i’d like to hear other peoples oppinions) Thanks!

  34. columba says:

    But the green mist is amazing foreshadowing of the Green Lady and her deception (think of how she toys with minds in the silver chair). Scene with Reepicheep from your earlier comment is unfair. They combined two Reepicheep scenes from book into one. It also reflected a more "christian" view on Reep. His honor is important, but remember Aslan's words to him in the last book? It preserves honor, but advances Reepscharacter. I liked the movie far better after seeing it twice.

  35. Rilian says:

    Gresham is completely right that there's some things that must be changed for a film to work. Unfortunately, these changes were not necessary. They didn't need to downplay the longing for the end of the world. They didn't need to change the dialogue so Reep "deserved" Aslan's country. They didn't need to change the focus from rescuing the seven Lords for the sake of honour to grabbing their swords to for a "useful" purpose. They didn't need to change Eustace's undragoning so that Aslan only redeems him after he's risked his life.

  36. columba says:

    But I think that is just it… They didn't make Aslan some cartoony clashy symbol. He perfectly reflects what Lewis was trying to convey. Liam does an incredible job of carrying that tone that is faithful to the books. I think he would have loved seeing a five hour version of each book. He would have felt like he could see the Narnia he created.

  37. Rilian says:

    I appreciate what Gresham is trying to do, and I think he has made a difference in the three films. Unfortunately, I don't think he's able to do much with a crew that does not respect and certainly does not understand the books.

  38. columba says:

    Understand especially frustration with Eustace undragoning. However, I read back through the book and it is implied that Eustace does a ton of good as the dragon ( finds a new mast, gets them food, scouts island, keeps them warm). Aslan has Eustaces dragon state be a part of the process of transformation. Like Joseph in Bible, God worked through his slavery and later imprisonment to set him up for then serving Pharoah. This is just a great theme throughout Bible and life, which was also captured with Eustace

  39. Gem says:

    Thyservant- I'm not very optimistic myself, but I think we can say that SC will be made at some point, even though they haven't started production. I really doubt that they would leave the series at three, I think it makes more sense to finish Eustace's story and then stop, if they don't do the entire series. But I don't know, with the way VDT is doing in theaters…

  40. TheReepicheep1 says:

    Anyone else wish Andrew Adamson did VDT instead?

  41. NarnianHarper says:

    I feel the same way about him as well. Can you imagine what an amazing counselor he must be in his Rathvinden ministries?

  42. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yes, it felt too "modern" of a saying for felt kind of smart alecky and was jarring to me.

  43. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    YES I DO! after the prince caspian debacle i hoped he'd give it a rest, but now I take it back. He'd have kept the opening title that sets the tone, the look of the film would have been consistant, he'd have kept HGW for the music, the kids might have been more comfortable and maybe less stiff, maybe the film would have been longer too. And he wouldn't have magically changed nationalities on Caspian, that was bizarre!

  44. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    maybe its just to keep the film more fun feeling

  45. Nathan says:

    At the end of the movie, when they all said they're goodbyes, I felt like they had all just gotten there, and they're saying goodbye already.

  46. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    I agree with you, Scrubbers. I didn't think Reep was "toying" with Eustace at all, rather, he seemed the one creature on the ship who really cared about Eustace, and he therefore took it upon himself to be Eustace's mentor and even his friend.

  47. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    I had a problem with this, too, but perhaps it could be seen this way. After all the "good" things Eustace does, even risking his life, he still can't un-dragon himself. Aslan doesn't un-dragon him because he's done good things, Aslan undragons him because no matter how many good things he does, he'll still never be able to un-dragon himself.

  48. _Lilliandil_ says:

    I am so happy this video was posted! I like how Douglas Gresham addressed the changes to the movie and the green mist. I am happy he thinks Jakc would have been thrilled and i think so too! I am the same with Douglas Greasham in that my fave part of the movie, and the book, is the end when they are on the beach. It is one of my fave parts in all of the Narnia series! I'm curious: why does Douglas Gresham always wear a white turtle-neck and a silver cross? Every time i see him he is wearing that…. i think it's cool πŸ™‚

  49. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    First off even if I did see it that way, I don't think it would have ruined the entire movie for me.

    But second, I didn't see it that way. Reepicheep was singing it in a song, so that made it sound like a silly song about an old legend. And when she does say, "Do you think you can actually sail there" Georgie did a splendid job in her facial expression. You could honestly see a sense of belief and awe in her facial expression. You have to remember, Lucy doesn't see Aslan's country as heaven yet. That's why Aslan brought them to Narnia so they can meet and know him personally so that they will recognize him in our world. It's in Silver Chair that we find out it's heaven and it's in the Last Battle when Lucy actually learns it's heaven. So I thought it was a wonderful scene.

  50. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    I agree. You're taking this way to seriously. It's not modern to toy with someone. People have been doing that sense the beginning of time. I like the way they portrayed it. They didn't portray him as a hot-head who gets ticked off about something small and then fights them. He was touchy about the tail, but instead of just fighting Eustace out of anger, he was noble and taught Eustace how to fight.

  51. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    Columba is right. No one would have liked the movie if they hadn't added a "villain" and made an intriguing plot. My friend said he was bored until he learned more of the plot and that there was an evil stirring. I'm sorry, but seven lost dudes is not interesting on the silver screen. The way they bulked up the plot was genius. Not only did it make it suspenseful, but it kept to the book in saying that all of Narnia is at peace, and they didn't have to add an actual villain. Once again it was genius. The narnia series would be over now if they hadn't done that. At school today, people were saying they went and saw it and they all loved it. Others who hadn't seen it said they heard it was really good. The writers did the right thing.

  52. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    That's just it though. Eustace's story doesn't end after silver chair. He and Jill are the main characters in the LB. I also have confidence SC will be made. The box office numbers were actually really good. Worldwide, VoDT did better than PC. Just shows Narnia is a lot more popular outside of America. VoDT made $105,000,000 worldwide. PC made $77,000,000 worldwide. They are definitely making SC.

  53. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    Heck no. Apted did way better. LWW and especially PC were too long. VoDT was a beautful movie.

  54. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    That's how I kind of felt after I first watched it, but the second time, I cried at the end and the movie seemed much less rushed. Also, the first time I watched it in 3D. The fourth time I watched it in 2D. 2D was soooo much better.

  55. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    Sorry. Why did I say fourth? I meant second lol

  56. He's right. Jack was a sensible, wise man. It took a good mind to create what he did. I think he would've appreciated the movies more than us.

  57. Nathan says:

    They prepared the story in so many ways for the Silver Chair, but never realized that they would never recieve the funds to make the Silver Chair.

  58. Pepper Darcy says:

    Yeah, Gresham is awesome. We're fortunate to have the guy around for the movies! πŸ™‚ He's just nearly as good as Lewis himself, so… if Gresham likes it… maybe it's okay to like… *winces* maybe πŸ™‚

  59. Why in the world would you even consider that this is not real? The folks at Walden have already said that they lost money on Prince Caspian. They are not making these films as a charitable contribution. They are film makers trying to make a living. They can't do that if they keep making movies that lose money. So, of course, they need to have a reasonably decent box office for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader to keep on making these films. We should just feel lucky that they didn't give up after the disappointment of Prince Caspian.

    I hope that they will continue the series so long as Dawn Treader at least more or less breaks even (even if another big budget cut is required), but I don't see how or why they would make The Silver Chair if this one truly bombs.

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