Dawn Treader Will Be a Marathon

Deadline Hollywood has posted Friday box office estimates at $9m and extrapolated that out to an opening weekend estimate of $28m for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. By comparison, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe made $65m on opening weekend and Prince Caspian made $55m. It’s obvious that these are very early numbers and things can still turn around. We’re only half-way through the weekend! But if this trend holds, it won’t be a good sign for the Narnia franchise.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is showing on 3,555 screens and made roughly half of Friday’s cum for Prince Caspian ($19m).

It’s important to remember, though, that films opening in December generally don’t have huge opening weekends (LWW was an exception) and that the real value to the December opening is that the box office gets the benefit of the entire month. There isn’t much competition in the box office for family films this Christmas (only Tron) so it’s expected to do well every week through Christmas. In fact, Fox has just announced today that Gulliver’s Travels has been moved to Christmas Day which leaves December 22-23 open for Dawn Treader.

It’s important that the faith and family community gets out to support these films in a big way. If you haven’t seen Dawn Treader yet this weekend, please see it! As Douglas Gresham says, “take your friends and take your enemies.”

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader at Box Office Mojo

Prince Caspian at Box Office Mojo

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at Box Office Mojo

204 Responses

  1. Pepper Darcy says:

    I just got back from the theater. For a dinky-little town in Kansas it was *REALLY* full for just ONE show (30 people or more) In our area, THAT is a lot! We went to LotR in McAllen Texas for RotK on the day it came out and there weren't even that many people in there! Narnia was 'packed' vs. what we usually see when we go. So, guys! there's hope! I even saw several older couples. We were getting our tickets and an elder lady came up and said: 'Narnia!'

    I want to watch it again! Can't wait! If my sister goes to see Tangled, I'M seeing Narnia AGAIN! We're seeing it with some friends soon, but that doesn't mean if my sister saw Tangled I'd want to watch Tangled! I'd go see Narnia! 😀 HANDS DOWN! Apted is awesome! He can really drive a story. I've gotta headache from how intense it was. And I was crying in the climax! 😀

    Wow! my only complaint: too short. Needed another hour, but there are time constraints 🙂 PERFECT movie! I even loved the WW/Seven Swords plot. Wow. WHAT a movie. Now that's *narnia* 😀

  2. Jonathan says:

    I really really hope that they at least do Magician's Nephew. I'd love to see them go beyond what BBC did.

  3. Pepper Darcy says:

    *now* waits very patiently while fellow Narniawebbers shoot my dead body… and then burn it, cut it into tiny pieces, and bury the very IDEA of my existance.

    Hey… I do feel guilty for liking it, but I can't help it! 🙂 But, DO know this. I RESPECT your opinions and dislikes on the movie. Just forgive me for liking it 🙂 K? Forgives me, precious? Again, I really do respect your guys opinion on this movie 🙂

  4. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Wow PD the movie sounds great! 🙂 But I have to ask, about the "crying" scenes. Is it only cry-worthy at the end?

  5. jag says:

    What ever happened to faith,,, pray that the film will do well, it is a wonderful film with excelent morals and lessons for young and old, pray that as many people who can, will see this movie, pray that it will have a positive effect on people! whether you were dissapointed in the adaption or not, theres really no denying as a film, it is something worth supporting for the somple fact that it is decent and family friendly, something we are seeing less, and less of these days, pray for Narnia, Pray for eachother! 🙂

  6. Lucylu says:

    i went last night, and the people i went with like it better than PC. GO NARNIA.

  7. graycsc says:

    Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's, don't feel guilty about it! I think the world needs more people who aren't clones of the general public 🙂 (I'm not saying that that's what all or most narniawebbers are, people can like the same things without being guilty about it too!)

  8. SavedByGrace says:

    HA! (points fingers at screen in a gun shape) I am sooooo jealous of you; I'm probably going to have to wait until after Christmas to see it 🙁
    Oh well…..

  9. SavedByGrace says:

    I agree. Pray you guys. I really think this is a good way to show others that salvation cannot be earned; it is a free gift.

  10. graycsc says:

    🙂 I think that may be the best idea I've seen in these comments, although I tend to go for something more like pray that the right amount of people will go to this movie, the right amount of movies will be made, and everyone will be affected by the movies in the way that is right for them. However, until and unless my mind is changed I of course also want as many people as possible to go to it!

  11. EFisk says:

    I went and seen Dawn Treader last night. This is one of the best compared to Wardrobe in the franchise. It is sad to see slow opening numbers, but we have to keep in mind today's economy versus when Wardrobe came out. The theatre we went to see it in was very slow for a Friday night. Not sure if it was due to the theatre having four other showings going on or if it was just an unusually slow Friday night for our area. For those that say the franchise have not had much of a Christian kick to it, this movie gave a big sucker punch at the end to those that have attacked the faithful in the last few years. I will be happy to add this movie to my collection.

  12. narniafreak13 says:

    I just got back from seeing the movie. It was amazing!!!!!!! The friend I went with has not read the books very recently, and she doesn't remember them clearly. She told me that she liked this movie waaaay better than PC and LLW. I sort of agree, but I still think LLW was a tiny bit better. However, it was done well enough that I started sobbing hysterically at the end, and my friend looked at me like I was crazy. To me, that means the movie was well done!!!!!!!!

  13. narniafreak13 says:

    I think the numbers in the theater would depend on whether or not you saw it in 3D. That could've made a difference.

  14. narnian21 says:

    Yeah and people were saying that it was going to be a huge flop. But then when people saw it, they were so amazed by it. They told friends and family to go see it, and the chain continued which led to it's huge success

  15. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    I'm the same way! I loved the added plot! It really made the movie flow together.

  16. lilims says:

    You're right, I saw it again today and then I read this. Thanks :]

  17. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    I live in Texas and the weather is fine here and there was like 20 people in the theater. I'm hoping that it was just because it was 3:30 in the afternoon. There really wasn't anyone at the theater. We saw it at the Rave in Fort Worth, Texas so its a popular theater.

  18. pselpevensie says:

    am hoping for good box office numbers!!!!!!!

  19. Caspian says:

    I've seen it twice already, but I don't think I'll be seeing it again this weekend. It was very, very good. I really hope it does better than predicted, because no SC would be sad. Especially after the amazing job Will Poulter did. 🙂

  20. Narnian Meerkat says:

    Man, I want to see it!!!!!!!! I didn't even get the chance to see it yet!!!! Though, I'm STILL not going to expect too much………Never will. But I still really want to see it!!!!!!!

  21. Emgee says:

    Loved it. Can't wait to go see it again on Thursday (after my finals are done with)!! Can't stop listening to the Carrie Underwood song.

  22. KingoftheWood says:

    I know, I know. My buddy and I were dreading the movie after seeing gpuddles first impressions video. After seeing the movie, we couldn't stop laughing at gpuddles first impressions. He is just so far out in left field with this movie it's really laughable. Granted, there were some things my friend and I still agree with him on (like the movie felt too 'fast' is parts) and I HATED the green mist but it was only annoying and nothing more. I have read the book 3 times and can tell you, for the most part, it was a very good movie; the film makers honored the themes of temptation and redemption well and Eustace and Reep and their relationship were simply brilliant! The end was very poignant too!

  23. I was hoping to go Friday or today (Saturday), but my dad hasn't been feeling good, and the weather is really bad. So, who knows when I'll be able to see it? :'(

  24. Thyservant says:

    If SC fails to be made into film, the call for Jill Pole at the end of the film would be sadder than ever…

  25. Jon Turner says:

    I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, but I was already prepared to accept the fact that DAWN TREADER probably will be the last NARNIA movie we will ever see.

    That said, I'd be very happy to be proven wrong. And yeah, word of mouth CAN help.

    As for the film, I liked it, overall. I do wish they had added on an extra hour, as I felt the movie flew by too fast. That and I wouldn't have minded if they either omitted Gael or kept in the scene where Eustace sees himself as a dragon. But everything else about it was fantastic. I didn't even mind the seven swords subplot, and while I was a bit iffy about the green mist, I felt it ultimately worked very well as a symbol for our protagonists. (OK, it was cliche, but it still works.)

  26. Narnian_Dreamer says:

    Well I don't really think that's fair! :/ Even if you are a narnia fan it doesn't mean your going to go in the middle of the night to see it! And maybe some people weren't aloud to see it! :/ so yeah HHB still has a bit of a chance but let's think about SC first! : Have hope!

  27. Tanya says:

    I agree that it was too short.

  28. Briggs says:

    Thanks for spoiling the end of voyage for me Thyservant :p

  29. Thyservant says:

    You're welcome^^But in fact, I haven't seen it myself. I also received it as a narniawebber here and after reading those things about the box office, I just sighed… If the series can go on, I'll be excited to see it; If not, I'll be EVEN MORE excited to see it but just with a bit of unspeakable grief…

  30. Princess Lucy says:

    HEY GUYS!!!…i have notice when you look at the box office mojo website…they haven't showed the gross for every country…infact many countries did not show any cost…looks like they haven't finish adding up the opening weekend gross…theres still hope…hope it all goes well 😉

  31. Saw with two friends tonight. Loved it! Favorite of the three. Apted did not let down, nor did the cast or crew. It's a great old-fashioned fantasy epic that doesn't pander to kids with silly humor. Even the Dufflepuds, which could've been horrible and cheesy, were handled with class.

    Great, great film. I don't know what film the reviewers were watching when they said the acting and sfx were poor. I did not find that to be the case, and I'm pretty picky with both. My only complaint is that it's a little too short for my tastes, but an extended edition DVD/Blu-ray would fix that.

    As to the changes, they work and are necessary for the adaptation. And they don't sacrifice anything important from the book (unlike the much lauded, but far inferior Return of the King, which committed egregious errors.)

    Eustace, Reepicheep, Lucy, Edmund and Caspian were perfectly portrayed beginning to end. Really a fine accomplishment. I'll be taking mom to see it this week!

  32. Saw it with two friends tonight. Loved it! Favorite of the three. Apted did not let down, nor did the cast or crew. It's a great old-fashioned fantasy epic that doesn't pander to kids with silly humor. Even the Dufflepuds, which could've been horrible and cheesy, were handled with class.

    Great, great film. I don't know what film the reviewers were watching when they said the acting and sfx were poor. I did not find that to be the case, and I'm pretty picky with both. My only complaint is that it's a little too short for my tastes, but an extended edition DVD/Blu-ray would fix that.

    As to the changes, they work and are necessary for the adaptation. And they don't sacrifice anything important from the book (unlike the much lauded, but far inferior Return of the King, which committed egregious errors.)

    Eustace, Reepicheep, Lucy, Edmund and Caspian were perfectly portrayed beginning to end. Really a fine accomplishment. I'll be taking mom to see it this week!

  33. Sorry for the double-post, but this archaic forum doesn't let you edit.

  34. Reepicheep says:

    I want to see them get past Silver Chair because the other three have never been adapted. This obviously isn't a good sign.

  35. Bulgy Bear says:

    That's because this isn't the forum – the forum is under where it says "forum", this is just the comments section.

  36. Thyservant says:

    Although the box office is an odd, Eustace may be a great advantage for SC to go…

  37. narnian1 says:

    This article is speaking of the domestic opening gross only, which now seems to stand at a possible $25m. Internationally grosses are counted separately and are reported later on.

  38. graycsc says:

    I think the length is really this film's biggest issue. If they hadn't tried to squeeze everything into such a short running time I think they could have captured more of the true feeling of the book, at least what it is to me. I don't think an extended edition would change that though, since the length is just a cause for a different structure than I think would fit the book better. Only adding more scenes wouldn't fix things, they need to add more in the scenes they already have. Maybe if it was longer they wouldn't feel the need to reorder things so much too, I do love it though!!!!! They did a great job with the resources they had, and it felt much more right than PC did. It was surprisingly good, actually, and I think other people are seeing that too. I does kind of remind me of when LWW came out, at least from my perspective as someone who wasn't yet a narnia fan at the time it wasn't a really big deal and I had barely heard about it, but once I did see it I just had to see it again! 🙂

  39. Princess Lucy says:

    Thanxs narnian1 for explaining it…now I completely understand how it works..sorri if i made you excited for no reason…I hope it does do well as we all wish 😉

  40. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Yea, they should have made it into a two part movie 🙂 But then we'd have to wait longer.

  41. lilims says:

    Domestic Gross: $8,200,000 Foreign Gross: $4,800,000 Grand Total: $13,000,000
    Last updated 11 Dec 12:48 EST

  42. Twinimage says:

    Well, I was just using Harry Potter as an example, because it's a fantasy series and it's very popular right now. Though you have to consider that HP is a modern book series, where as Narnia is half a century old. And most people have read all the HP books where most people haven't read Narnia books, or at least have read LWW.
    People want to go see films that are grittier and have a darker tone to them. Mostly because they think it will be more mature and "cooler" of a movie. Sort of the same with mpaa ratings. PG-13 equals "cool and mature" where as PG equals "kiddie movie". That's not really true, but that's the stigma we've built in our minds. And you also have to consider EVERYONE has their own individual tastes in movies. Some people like to go watch mindless trash and eye-candy. They don't want to get emotionally invested or hear a good message about something or be made a better person after seeing a film. Others do. Ultimately I think the problem with the Narnia series is two things. 1) Bad filmmakers ruin these movies and 2) there isn't a strong fan base within the general public for Narnia right now.

  43. TrueNarnianWithWill says:

    I agree too, it was very very fast moving!!

  44. Mark says:

    Hi everyone! I’m 22 and about to become a teacher… I wanted to contribute to this page a bit with my thoughts on the film. First: as a society, whatever our initial inclinations or concluding thoughts regarding a movie, we should support a film that encourages people of all ages, but especially youth, to strive to become better people and to build a better world. This movie, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, did just that and should be lauded for such an effort. The inclusion of the green mist, whatever the intention of the cinematic/directorial team, became for me a visual representation of that ever-present force in our lives: temptation. Yet, the purpose of the film centered on our abilities to, through faith, love, and courage, overcome the adversities of temptation. Thus, while you are here, whatever your opinion of the film (or the book), keep in mind its value. Try not to deter others from sharing in this theme of redemption and strength of character. Remember, like this film, we, each of us, can be a single candle in a dark room, lighting the way and dispelling the darkness.
    Might go without saying, but I enjoyed the movie…
    : )

  45. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    I think once parents realize how bad Yogi Bear and Gulliver's Travels are, I think they will be taking their kids to Narnia. I actually had a dream last night Yogi Bear was splattered with rotten tomatoes on Rotten Tomatoes.

  46. The narniad says:

    I will cry if this movie doesn't do well- it was AMAZING! Definately better than Prince Caspian, and just a tiny bit off being as good as LWW! Will Poulter was so funny, he had Eustace's character down pefectly, and everyone else was just so awesome!
    I honestly won't be able to understand it if the film fails. We need Silver Chair!

  47. Eric says:

    I have seen the movie, and I honestly thought that they missed the point of VDT. That said, I do understand that that is only my opinion, and everyone else is entitled to theirs. If you liked it, more power to you, but I didn't. I would rather not see them go on and make the rest of the series, if the adaptation would be as lazy as it was in VDT.

  48. Eric says:

    It is only my opinion, and I should have stated it as such. I can see where those who like it are coming from, and I'm glad they like it, but it just didn't do it for me, and I feel like they missed the point. It's all subjective, and that's the beauty of film, and all art really.

  49. opening says:

    Looks like the final opening weekend will come in at $24.5 million. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1115509520101212?feedType=RSS&feedName=companyNews&rpc=43

  50. Queen Elizabeth says:

    EEP! The numbers aren't looking to good. LWW got 65.5 million for the weekend box office. 🙁

  51. Edmund's Queen says:

    I saw the movie Friday. LOVE IT!!!!!!! Will Poulter was so funny and totally nailed his role as Eustace! And Lucy is so grown up and pretty, and Edmund (deep sigh)… oh Edmund you're so brave and I could just go on and on… I'm a bit nervous on how well the film will do. I'm praying it soars. I really wish all the withcraft crazed Potter fans would turn to the light of Narnia!

  52. SilverChair2012 says:

    Reading the Reuters article it does say it made $81 million overseas and 20th Century Fox are excited by its overall prospects. It cost $150 million to make in the first place, so its nearly broken even already.

  53. Edmund's Queen says:

    Amen Narniad! The Silver Chair is one of my favorite books in the series. I want to see more of Eustace! Plus Puddleglum, Glimfeather, and Rillian… it would be awesome! You know, they almost promised it at the end of VDT; Aslan tells Eustace "Narnia may have need of you yet." And Alberta calls Eustace downstairs because "Jill Pole is here." EEEK! I will share your tears if VDT flops.

  54. Edmund's Queen says:

    lol. I only saw the preview for Yogi, and it did look pretty lame. We Narniacs need to spread the word about VDT and all its glory. Ok, I like seriously need to stop commenting so much; I just created my acount like 5 minutes ago and I've already typed like 2 paragraphs of comments! I can't help it… I'm a diehard NARNIAC!!!

  55. Brisa says:

    Unfortunately, I won't be seeing this until next week 🙁

  56. faunforaslan says:

    Oh shoot… :/ Well, maybe it will do better later. It doesn't release in Japan until February, so I think that will help. I've been telling everyone about it. 🙂

  57. opening says:

    Unfortunately, that $150 million does not include the cost of marketing the film or, if you understand financial management, the time value of money. So It's got a way to go to break even.

  58. Queen Elizabeth says:

    Go Edmund! It's funny how there are tons of Ed fans on here and barely any Peter fans. I'm not dissing the Peter fans, he's cool too. Just an observation.

  59. Adam says:

    I live in Cincinnati and we had 4 people for a 500 seat theater!!! It looks like this franchise is dead

  60. Mark Sommer says:

    Good analysis, Tirian.
    There could be many reasons for the slow start, including the inclement weather across the country. (The NFL even made a remarkably unusual decision to move the Giants/Vikings game to Monday night in Detroit, due to the severe conditions in Minnesota.)