Dawn Treader Soundtrack — Only Available Online?

We hadn’t heard before Tuesday, when the soundtrack for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader went on sale, that it might not be available for purchase in stores. However, it seems that none of our forum members have been able to find it. So we’re curious, has anyone found a copy in a local store? And if so, which ones?

85 Responses

  1. Michael says:

    haven't seen anything yet in Montreal.

  2. Quinlin says:

    I just purchased a copy at my local Borders bookstore and they had plenty of them at the shelf. I wouldn't understand if they didn't have the VDT soundtracks for sale in stores…they certainly won't make much profit if it is only available online. Anyways, I had no problem finding mine and am very excited to open it up and listen to it after I see the film. I hope that others can find it, check bookstore near you, I think that's your best bet!

  3. jmw86 says:

    I bought one yesterday at F.Y.E here in Jackson, TN.

  4. Queen Su says:

    My best friend got one yesterday, but I'm not sure where. I may try to find one this weekend.

  5. Mike says:

    Yes, it's been hard to find. I bought a copy at a Barnes & Noble store in Michigan. They only had one left.

    By the way, the score is awesome!

  6. I haven't looked yet, but I had wondered…It's a relief to know that some of you have found it in stores!

  7. LittleOne says:

    Right now, it looks like it's only in certain stores. I was able to get a copy yesterday at Barnes & Noble. Perhaps as time goes on, it show up in more places!

  8. NarnianAllTheWay says:

    I haven't been able to find it on iTunes yet…

  9. QueenSusanJ316 says:

    I just went on Barnes and Nobel and they will hold it at your closest store for three days. NOw all I have to do is pick it up.

  10. NewMillenium says:

    I've been to three different Barnes & Noble's, and they had the soundtrack at all of them.

  11. Ballerina says:

    I looked online on Borders.com and they said at their store in/at
    11745 I H-10 West, Suite 110
    San Antonio, TX 78230
    the soundtrack is "likely in store". Maybe? Anybody who lives in San Antonio, maybe you can go check out the store and see?…

  12. Ballerina says:

    OK, this has nothing to do with your comment, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your "profile name". Proclaim Christ! πŸ™‚

  13. LB says:

    My friend bought hers and mine at Barnes and Noble, and we live in Florida. πŸ™‚

  14. Caspian says:

    Found one at Hastings. But that was after going to four other stores with no results.

  15. well, I have one on order from my local Christian book store…..should be in by saturday……we shall see!

  16. Aslan's Meadow says:

    I talked to a person working at a Wal-Mart in Michigan. She said others were asking…so they were hoping to get it in, after a few days.

  17. PrinceCor says:

    Bought the album yesterday at our local FYE store here in AL.

  18. Malfhok says:

    I'm just wondering why I can't find it as a download.

  19. narnian resident says:

    it looks like its obviously at big book stores like Barnes and Noble and Borders, which makes perfect sense. i need to let my parents know now before they sell out so they can get it for me for Christmas (its on the wishlist :-D)

  20. 7chronicles says:

    We just bought it!!! At Borders, in Arizona!

  21. LL says:

    Yup! Thank you Barnes and Noble!

  22. Nyetwerke says:

    I bought mine at Borders but am wondering where all the vocal tracks are which appeared in the videos? Are these available online?

  23. georgiehfan says:

    i got mine at borders for $13.00

  24. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    I heardmore tores willhave it next week, maybe Borders and BN had first rights or something

  25. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    how much

  26. NarniaFan27 says:

    I'm going to get mine at a Barnes and Noble store in Michigan this weekend, too. I'm reserving it online though so I make sure I can get it. But I couldn't even find it on iTunes.

  27. David Sutton says:

    This is the only thing that really matters. I don't care in the least if a single physical copy is sold in any store on the planet. All I care about is buying the CD on iTunes which is the world's largest music seller. The soundtrack is not available on iTunes so I will need to buy it at Barnes & Noble.

  28. David Sutton says:

    Why can't I find it on iTunes?

  29. NarniaFan27 says:

    I went to walmart in Michigan today, too. But didnt see it. Glad to here it may be coming..???

  30. starkat says:

    I've hit Best Buy, Walmart, Target, and Lifeway Christian Stores. Didn't find it at any of them, but when I tried B&N online, all of the local ones said they had it in stock. I ended up ordering it off Amazon.

  31. faunforaslan says:

    Hoping to get it for Christmas… Hopefully an early present… πŸ˜€

  32. Aravis Tarkheena says:

    They have it at Borders. It's a new release and "on sale" for like $13 instead of $15. The CD is kind of small though, not like PC at all. It has more tracks, but they are shorter. The included booklet has barely any pictures/notes in it, which was disapointing. I miss Harry Gregson-Williams too *sniff*.

  33. Edmund Pwns says:

    in australia, i haven't seen any trace of it whatsoever. there's nothing on itunes australia, not even carrie underwood's track. stan walker's track is there, but it's a part of his second album which released earlier this year. it's not in stores either. come to think of it, i haven't seen any of the narnia soundtracks in stores. or the harry potter soundtracks. πŸ™
    douglas adams' theme is nice, but nothing can beat harry gregson-williams.

  34. Annabeth says:

    I'm going there tomorrow! (unfortunately, that's why i can't see VDT on the day it comes out πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ ) oh well, maybe B&N will be all Narniaified. like with the whole "read it before you see it" thing.

  35. Annabeth says:

    you and me both, you and me both…
    why did he have to leave just when they were making the best one?

  36. jmw86 says:


  37. Aslie says:

    Quinlin, that isn't true. Alot of people buy soundtracks off of iTunes alot. Like me, I buy most of my music from iTunes because it is easier than buying it from the store, transferring it on to the computer and then placing it on my iPod. I hope they put the VDT soundtrack on iTunes soon. I just checked today and it wasn't there. πŸ™

  38. Im hopeing that I will be getting it today at BN.

  39. Hope they have it.wish me luck.Please??

  40. Annabeth says:

    you're righ, no one can beat Harry Gregson-Williams.
    fyi- i was on the amazon website yesterday and the HP soundtrack was avalible there….it all depends on how much u want it, tho, because sometimes amazon over prices stuff.

  41. Annabeth says:

    (it's on my wishlist too πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ )

  42. Scarlet13 says:

    What city is it in? and How much? Cuz I went to walmart yesterday(in Alabama) and they didnt have it πŸ™

  43. Scarlet13 says:


  44. High Queene Shelly Belly says:


  45. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    cause this new music composer has a long standing partnership with th new film director. i am bummed, i like hgw's music way better , and it wrecks the continuity

  46. High Queene Shelly Belly says:


  47. narniafreak says:

    I never buy soundtracks in bookstore because they are almost always more expensive. I looked at Walmart, Target, and Meijer and no luck. I also tried Family Christian Store and no luck. I gave up and just snagged it from Amazon!!

  48. Ali says:

    Well they are selling it in France…

  49. narniafreak13 says:

    yeah, when is it going to be on iTunes? i've been checking everyday and its not there.

  50. narniafreak13 says:

    Where exactly was this Borders? I really need to hear it!

  51. April says:

    Found mine at Barnes and Noble in Springfield IL I did the pick me up thing online it's pretty handy. and they had 3 or 4 left on rack.

  52. QueenSusanJ316 says:

    Just got it and going to listen to it, although I think I will miss the songs at the end I needed it for my lion party! Only two more days until I see the movie!

  53. Aravis17 says:

    I walked into Best Buy (in Virginia) the day it was supposed to be released and there was nothing. They had the Tron Legacy soundtrack but no Narnia (which was odd to me since Tron hasa later release date). I went on Best Buy's website and typed in "Narnia" under the Music category and clicked "David Arnold" and found it (I previously searched their site for "Dawn Treader" under Music and found nothing.)

    I ordered it straight away with my gift card. Now that I know stores are unreliable in stocking merchandise, I'm asking everyone for gift cards this Christmas. Online shopping sometimes is a must. (I would have looked at B&N but I had zero cash, just the Best Buy gift card at the time.)

  54. CharmedForever says:

    It is available in Toronto at HMV.

  55. xeran says:

    I just got it in Hong Kong at HMV

  56. Jenn says:

    I looked at Walmart but no luck. But FYE had it in PA. But it's like the others say, about 20 dollars which I didn't get. I would have gotten it on Amazon which is nearly 12.50. Christmas present maybe.

  57. Anon says:

    Is anybody else bothered by the fact that although there are thirty songs, most of them are only a minute or so long?

  58. Narnian says:

    Love it too! Go Jesus!

  59. trinity-hawkeye says:


  60. Pepper Darcy says:

    Wal-mart *said* they were getting it next week. But I bought it from Amazon Tuesday– sorry Walmart! Sometimes you stink! πŸ™‚ Sometimes! πŸ™‚ So, I am DYING to listen to it! πŸ™‚