‘Dawn Treader’ Makes $12.4m, Slips to Number 3
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader made an estimated $12.4m in its second weekend, bringing its domestic total to $42.7m. Together with its foreign box office totals of $123m, the film has now made $166,420,000.
Tron took first place this weekend, making $43.6m and Yogi Bear came in second with $16.7m.
Click here to view the week 2 results at Box Office Mojo.
I hope that's good
Wow, very weak opening for Tron Legacy considering all the money Disney spent on marketing it. Not many people going to the movies this winter, first that disastrous opening for Dawn Treader and now this. Sad really, but it looks less likely The Silver Chair will be made.
If you take a look at RottenTomatoes, it's interesting to note that among top critics, Dawn Treader is at 50% approval, while Tron is at 31% approval. This is one time that I hope people take a look at the critics' opinions and actually believe them (as in, they go see Narnia instead of Tron)!
This is actually fairly good news. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has held better than The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe or Prince Caspian did for its second weekend. Although it's opening weekend totals were similar to that of The Golden Compass, its second weekend totals are significantly higher. Since this was the week of the opening of its biggest direct competition (Tron and Yogi Bear) and Dawn Treader managed to keep its head above water, it appears that the film should continue to hold well over the holidays.
Yes, I agree. If you think about it, Tron's production budget is $170 million, and its marketing budget is between $100 and $150 million. It still has a long way to go to cover all that!
Also, Dawn Treader is doing fantastic internationally. I read at least two reviews today saying that due to the great international numbers, a fourth Narnia movie is almost guaranteed!
Too late for that really, don't expect any percentage gains in the coming weeks. And both Tron Legacy and Dawn Treader are tied with all critics at 49%. Quite poor actually, especially since the first Narnia has a respectable 76%.
I've even heard numbers around $200 million for its production cost. If Disney was unhappy with the $55 million opening weekend of Prince Caspian I can't imagine how disappointed they are in Tron Legacy, lol.
How did Yogi Bear gross more than Narnia? A classic icon completely destroyed by body humor and bad voice acting. Anyway, does anyone think buying promotion could help at all with covering the marketing budget? Or does the money go toward the company who made the product? Because I recently bought my own boxed set with a Dawn Treader movie poster, and I would do anything to help the movie, and I'm hoping to see the movie again.
Of course, no wonder money hungry Disney dropped Narnia. And PC was one of Disney's highest grossing films of the year, after WALLE. This is why Disney is getting so bad. They don't care about the people enjoying their movies, all they care about is quick cash and teen heart throbs. The only good things now are Pixar and Phineas and Ferb.
I am very glad they are looking at the whole gross including international and domestic to make the silver chair rather than just focusing on the domestic gross like the golden compass has!!!
I see future headlines…"Disney drops the TRON franchise due to the fact that it didn't make much profit, although it was still a blockbuster…" a month later: "After a month of waiting, FOX picks up the TRON franchise." Haha.
…I know this is pointless cause TRON doesn't have any sequels (that I know of). ha
Im still hearing a lot of "Will see this over the Christmas Holidays" As schools in the UK and northern hemisphere break up we may see a significant boost yet. The figures in Australia have been good because our kids are already on the long summer break. It's definitely a family film, and as soon as families are on holidays we can hope for a rise. Good to hear it has covered production costs already. And lets not forget these are hard times all round financially.
The thing of it is, at least the Tron reviews are consistent. Pretty much everyone agrees that Tron has amazing visual effects, but "nothing happens" (i.e. no discernible plot or character development). Some people who just want to see fun special effects will see it anyway.
Looking at the Narnia reviews, it's impossible to make hide or hair of them. The only consensus is that it's beautifully filmed, and that it has a weak script. Other than that, no one can agree on anything. Some people say the pacing is rushed, some say it's brisk and exciting. Some critics like the cast, some say the acting's terrible. The list goes on and on.
How on EARTH did Yogi Bear beat out VDT. Is that phisically possible? It didn't even look good! GOOD NEWS = The post weekend numbers were good enough to give VDT a new commercial with good words from People magazine and such.
Yeah, i know a people who are going to see it over winter break when there's no school to worry about
I know Yogi Bear is creepy!!!
My friends whole class watched it today!
$166,420,000 is what I heard
I am very glad that Narnia is still 3rd and still made quite a bit of money this week! I expected Tron and Yogi Bear to beat it out…but I am still happy with how much they are making and I really hope this bodes well for Silver Chair!!!
I don"t think so !!! So he is an old cartoon so what !!! My mom used to watch it as a kid and so did my dad. I haven"t but still…..He is not creepy !! VDT is better…..but don"t rub it in !!! You can pick on me if you want but that is what I say !!!
Disney has plans for Tron 3 if this movie does well.
I watched it for the second time in 3D today with my mom and brother! It was even better than the first time!!! 😀 There were also more people, and everyone laughed really hard at the funny parts, and someone even started clapping when Eustace faints and also at the end!
I hope this film does well, in my opinion I think it deserves to, and I definitely want to see SC made! The numbers right now look ALL RIGHT, but aren't amazingly fantastic. I guess we will see what happens, especially over Christmas break…
You do realise right that the guy that wrote The Golden Compass wrote it because he hated Narnia and C.S. Lewis so much right?
Good point. I have seen Tron. The Tron Legacy storyline talks about ISOs (Virtual Disk Imaging software used to pirate video games) and calls this the greatest miracle mankind has experienced. The first Tron was more believable but the storylines were about the same quality. The music in Tron 2 was fantastic!
The question of tron will also include how much it made overseas as well
I'm really happy that the international sales are boosting chances for a fourth Narnia film!!! =D Keeping my hopes up. I also hope more people will watch Dawn Treader in the next weeks. Come on Aslan! ♥
Samuel the Magnificent …i knew philip pullman hated narnia so he wrote his dark materials in contradiction to the narnia series..and therefore wouldn't be as succesful as the narnia series..thats probably why it didn't do well esp domestically even though it was filmed and casted well so yh ur right…but i am soo glad the studios making VDT is depending on the box office for a sequel differently to the one they did for the golden compass so yh thats a big RELIEF!!!…hopefully we will see the silver chair on the big screen 🙂
@Affy, here are the foreign grosses for the previous Narnia films and Dawn Treader's current.
LWW: $453 million
PC: $278 million
VDT: $123 million
Even if Dawn Treader doubles its current foreign total it won't match Prince Caspian and it seems very unlikely as it continues to drop every week.
I really hope you are right Daniel. I really want them to continue. I loved VDT.
Family films such as Narnia often have very good holds during the Christmas/New Years holiday week. Obviously a big reason for this is kids being out of school, and families spending significant time together. So don't give up on VDT yet. I am seriously thinking of seeing it again over the break.
As comparison, the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe actually INCREASED its U.S./Canada ticket sales by nearly 30% on the 3 day New Year's weekend, as compared to Christmas weekend, in 2005. Stats so you can see for yourself: http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekend&id=narnia.htm
With Primary School children just finishing on Friday in Australia, we can most likely expect a big increase in people going to see the movie, as whole families will now be free to see it. Not just on weekends, either. In fact, seeing as Hoyts has a cheap Tuesday deal, perhaps there will be a lot of profit rolling in on Tuesdays (?)
Just a guess.
Wait…the version from 28 years ago is Tron 1, the current one is Tron 2, and they're planning Tron 3? I had not realized that 2 and 3 are sequels, I thought 2 was just the first one redone. Thanks for clarifying!
Could you post a link to those two reviews so some of us can get a sense of their credibility?
Thank you for mentioning this! I'm certainly not giving up hope, I know several people who haven't seen it yet, and I myself want to see it again. I've been waiting this long to see it, and I'm going to enjoy it a while before worrying about SC 🙂
Seriously??? Yogi Bear -__-
Already seen it 4 times, will go for 5th time before christmas.
Hey when Christmas day comes I bet the numbers will rise up like no other! I know a lot of people who are waiting for it as a Christmas present.
VDT did well this weekend, traditionally a low weekend for viewers. The theaters were not packed in my part of Illinois, and those that were there were at Dawn Treader. I think this film will hold well over the holidays, so before despair sets in, let's see what it does. I am amazed at the overseas market. It was very strong for LWW too. Here's hoping for the Silver Chair.
I admire you. If I had the money I would be seeing it again too 🙂
This is random but doesn't the end of The Last Battle give you happy tears. I finally read it and the end is so emotional. I'll be crying if they make a movie out of that 🙂
I knooowwwwwww!!! that book really made me cry too…and my other reaction was like what oh my god esp in a childrens literature but adults read it too so it makes sense lol…if they make the film of it..that will be truely emotional…and a scary one too…hehehe…I am soo glad u have enjoyed the book Queen Elizabeth…the adventures are crazy aren't they hehehe but exciting too…can't wait to see the film of it as well as the others..wish we could know the future lol 🙂
Hate to break it to you, but Tron made more money than the next 3 films combined (Yogi, Narnia, The Fighter) in total for this weekend of its opening. It SLIGHTLY out-performed the market's gross expectations (which was high to begin with), this means Disney is more than satisfied and will not drop the franchise. Though hopefully they will put some money on making a better storyline and editing the length for their possible sequal.
But Tron is not VDT's competitor so it doesn't matter. I still have a good feeling Silver Chair will be released!
Tony Nixon and Arabella Morton posted this on their fan pages: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1223947/
Looks like we may be getting SC after all!
It's because Yogi Bear is in its first weekend and Dawn Treader is in its second. If you compare their opening weekends, Dawn Treader did far better than Yogi Bear.
That page has been there since 2007. 😉
I'm a big narnia fan and I'm going to be part of the seeing the movie over christmas break crowd. Hardly any of my friends have seen it yet either, they've also had to wait. So, there's a definately a block of people out there who've had to wait because of school, etc. Hopefully, VDT will hold strong through christmas becuase of them.
I didn't like LB at all. Nothing annoys me more than massive death . . . It's too tidy. In fact I'd describe the whole book as oppressively neat; spending altogether too much time tying up loose ends that didn't need to be tied. Not a good ending for a series that includes some of the best children's books ever written.
*SPOILERS* I know wat u mean Anhun…it reminded me of shakespeare's tragic plays except they dnt kill themselves but it did killed the series for me personally and it was too sad…and i was wondering if C.S Lewis would include plots about the seven kids having their own children attending to narnia too and also show them grown up like adults in their world but yh…we will see wat happens 🙂
go for it, son of adam! 😀 I just saw it for the second time tonight with my best friend, my family and I are going on Tuesday for my birthday, and then me and my two best friends are seeing it in 3D sometime within the next two weeks (: I'm still holding out for The Silver Chair, and I'll do everything I can to help!!
@Anhun They're not like that in the sense that they're officially saying that SC will be made. It's just that the writers of the reviews thought (in their own opinions) that there are good enough reasons to continue with making SC.
Actually I didn't think it was all that tragic. I would say the mood at the end is joyful, not sad. I just didn't like it as plot device. Also, we know that the girl Lucy was based on grew up in RL.
Tron grossing more than the previous films is completely irrelevant, not when you consider Disney spent upwards of $150 million in the last year promoting this film and the best it can earn is $43 million. Especially since many people are dropping $18 per ticket, that is pretty underwhelming. Nice try but the future does not look good for it.
Okay, this isn't exactly what I'd hoped for, but let's try to see the bright side.
First of all, I believe the Narnia production team highly values its international audience and therefore since the movie is doing decently overseas, I'm pretty sure they're going to take that into consideration in terms of SC.
Second, as people mentioned, probably AT LEAST half of U.S. schools aren't on vacation yet. Public schools are horrible at letting their kids out early. My guess is that the numbers will go up once kids are off, and parents are off from work, and Christmas day is past, and the stress is down. People will be more likely to see movies between Christmas Day and New Year's. LWW did go up as well, I remember, which was GREAT, so I think VDT will hopefully do too.
Third, let's not give up hope. This series has had a lot to deal with over the years, especially with VDT. This movie almost didn't get made at all. The fact that it's out in theaters is a miracle in itself. THIS FRANCHISE IS BUILT ON MIRACLES. I mean, the whole series itself is built on miracles, really. The miracle of the story of Jesus Himself, and the miracle of C.S. Lewis' unlikely conversion. If God could work in the life of a man who was, at one point, in the position of Phillip Pullman, and make him into one of the 20th century's greatest theologians, then the continuation of the film franchise is easy. I believe the films will continue. I myself am going to see VDT in 3D at least 2 more times, and I'm dragging friends along.
Remember, "we have nothing if not belief." (Yay Reepicheep). If we fans give up now, then it may not continue. Have at least the faith that things will work out for the best. I believe God wants this series to go on–if He didn't production on VDT would not have continued after Disney dropped out. The production team is VERY dedicated, and Michael Apted particularly is a very dedicated director, and by the way they did VDT you can tell he and the rest of the team REALLY want to do SC, and I think they'll get the chance to.
*SPOILERS AGAIN* oh yh the part with the reunion of all the main characters from different narnia books was nice….and it did take that sadness away i gotto admit so yh ur right..its not fully tragic and has happiness with it too so its a mix feeling really…
I agree 100% Queen Elizabeth! When Aslan tells them that "the holiday is over, the dream is ended. This is the morning" it brings me to tears every time! Its just such a beautiful way for the stories to end!
Let's hope VDT pulls a PASSION OF THE CHRIST gain during Christmas. POTC made a comeback during Easter.
Amen. And the film has given hints to SC. The rest of the books have more and more details and character developments, which may be easier to adapt.
I thought you meant pirates of the caribbean for a moment haha