‘Dawn Treader’ DVD Due to Arrive at Easter?

In an interview between HollywoodJesus.com and Michael Flaherty of Walden Media, there is a brief mention of when the DVD for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader may arrive in stores.

HJ: My first question is probably kind of weird one, but as a fan of films and a fan who likes to collect films that I like, this has been a burning question in my mind. What does the change from Disney to Fox mean for future Narnia box sets for Blu-ray and DVD? You have two distributors now; is that going to make it challenging to put together box sets where people can get all of the Narnia films in one set?

MF: You’ve just hit on something that there’s a team of lawyers right now who woke up early in Burbank are trying to figure out. That’s a very good question, but I think we’ll get a good solution.

HJ: Okay, so you haven’t quite worked that out yet.

MF: No, no we’re hoping to by Easter when this comes out on DVD.

The interview continues on and is available on HollywoodJesus here.

Easter falls on April 24, 2011 this year, so keep your eyes open for the DVD then! If you’ll recall, Walden and Disney released the DVD for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe during Easter as well.

Thanks to Daniel James for the heads up!

92 Responses

  1. Trufflehunter says:

    cool! although a month too late for me to get for my birthday.. 🙁

  2. Ballerina says:

    Oh, that would be very exciting if it came out on Easter…Hopefully it will! 🙂 By the way, thanks Daniel James for the heads up!

  3. Beren says:

    Yup, it's generally 4 months after the release of the film that it comes out on DVD. So that's right on schedule :).

  4. Tribunal says:

    The first film was released on April 4th so it makes sense around that time.

  5. FaunFan says:

    Ooh, yay! This will be a good one to receive in my Easter basket!

  6. -centaur- says:

    Yay! First comment!

  7. -centaur- says:

    Oh wait, scratch that.

  8. tmc4narnia says:

    Awesome, I'll definitely be there when it arrives in stores

  9. faunforaslan says:

    Let guesses on the cover commence! 😀

  10. Tribunal says:

    I always wonder why members always do this. You contribute nothing to the discussion.


  11. I HAVE to have that DVD. I keep thinking that I need to re-watch the movie before giving my final thoughts. Must've had to do with that first time 3D effect.
    This is one of those only times when I comment first. 🙂

  12. EPIC FAIL. 😀 No seriously I think Narniaweb has some kind of glitch these days you can't see comments anymore until you do it yourself.

  13. narnia fan 7 says:

    awesome!! easter is like 4 months away!

  14. Rob W. Case says:

    According to Bluray.com, the movie will be released April 13th of 2011. Here's the link.


    This is for the blu-ray/DVD combo pack too.

  15. yeswelovenarnia says:

    YES!!!!!!! That will be soooo cool!!! :):):) I cant wait!!

  16. 22narnian says:

    Get it pre-ordered for your birthday. That's what happened to me when LWW came out on DVD in April 2006. My birthday was in February.

  17. MagnificentKing says:

    I am already wondering in my mind what kind of special features the DVD will have. I am sure I will dream about this. ( I usually do when it is Narnia related) By the way doesn't Fox get that films generally do worse on holidays. People don't want to go buy a movie or see it in theaters they want to spend time with their families. BAD MARKETING i don't know maybe that is just my opinion…

  18. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    Wow that's fast.

  19. Snicket says:


    Also, I will be getting this on blu, a box set would be cool, the PQ on Price Caspian is one of the best so I hope they don't mess with it. we just need the extended cut of LWW on blu. Who buys DVD's anymore??

  20. Samuel the Magnificent says:

    LWW came out around Easter because I remember getting it for Easter.

  21. Snicket says:

    The DVD will likely have zero special features. The blu-ray on the other hand will have the good stuff.

  22. Queen Elizabeth says:

    BOX SET = Heck Yea

    I only own Prince Caspian and have been watching LWW off You tube. It would be fantastic to own them all in a lovely collectors box.

  23. martin the warrior says:

    I buy DVD's. But i wish i had a blu-ray player

  24. Dancinginrain says:

    Now that would be awesome!

  25. Gem says:

    Hey, that would be a great Easter gift!

  26. Gem says:

    I think it does. I thought I had the first comment a while ago, and there ended up being at least three or four people who had already commented or commented at the time that I was writing my comment. So annoying!

  27. Lucylove says:

    What's up with LWW and VDT?

  28. Michael says:

    EASTER!!! Wow, that's a long time waiting!

  29. Pepper Darcy says:

    that would be awesome!! 😀 I can't wait to have it on DVD! 🙂 I'm glad it's 'early' vs. PC which was December 2nd… after May 16th.

  30. Hwin says:

    Me and just about everyone I know 😛 LOL

  31. Hwin says:

    Very excited! I didn't actually expect it to come out that soon…for some odd reason. If there is a special edition, I'm definitely getting it! 😀

  32. Kale&Bardon says:

    Easter easter easter easter easter. AWESOME!!!!!!!!! yay. thats soon

  33. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    what does PQ mean?

  34. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yeah, that was cruel

  35. Ha ha yeah.
    I wonder if they will focus more on the characters or on the actual ship itself?
    As long as Aslan is at the centre of it I will be happy 😀

  36. ~queenSUSAN~ says:

    Oh, I got LWW for Easter! That was the best Easter ever, it was the first time I had seen the film because I didn't get to see it in theaters. 🙁 I stayed up until two in the morning because I watched the DVD twice: once without the commentary, and once with! 🙂

  37. samuel says:

    while I'm excited to own this. I am actually saddened by the quick turn around time, I would expect a Christmas release movie to be released on the following year, not sooner… but I can't really complain, my birthday's in May 😀

  38. well, LWW came out in December and then came on DVD in April so that sounds about right! 😀
    can't waiT!
    I just saw VotDT again last night!
    it was epic!

  39. I'll be holding out for the Extended Edition, which VotDT needs (though I loved the theatrical edition).

  40. Narnian_Dreamer says:

    Haha that's funny! It was the same for me too! The exact same… My birthday's in Feb too!!! 🙂

  41. Non-Negotiable Comment says:

    The marketing was perfectly fine. If you want to know why this film is tanking, I would respectfully suggest that people put aside their natural inclinations to blindly defend all things Narnia (not an awful trait, necessarily–I do it too, sometimes), and READ what the critics are saying, instead of dismissing their many valid points. The failure does not lie with the marketing department. The blame needs to go to the top. The producers had one last shot (and two and a half years) to make something spectacular that would capture the imagination of the film-going public. They failed miserably. I know many of you enjoyed it, and that's a good thing. If you know what you like, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. I wish I could be there with you. Unfortunately, when you evaluate it objectively, 'Dawn Treader' is a terribly mediocre product of the cinema that is getting EXACTLY what it deserves in terms of box office business. This film should have evoked joy and wonder for the masses. Instead, it reeks of a very distinct fear of failure that compromises every frame.

  42. Non-Negotiable Comment says:

    Well, I obviously meant this for the other article. Apologies. Please delete, if possible.

  43. aurelie says:

    c trop cool qu'il vont le sortir pour pâques vu que c le jour de l'anniversaire a mon frère et que le mien tombe 4 jours après

  44. aurelie says:

    c cool qu'il vont le faire pour pâques vu que c l'anniversaire a mon frère et que le mien tombe 4 jours après donc ça me fera un cadeau d'anniversaire youpi

  45. coracle says:

    Maybe it is to shame people into NOT writing this "first" stuff? Hmmm???

  46. rayendra pangestu says:

    i'm in narnia fans from indonesia…

  47. Reepicheep says:

    I got a PS3 for Christmas last year and ever since I bought all my movies on blu-ray, although I never had it when the first two came out on DVD so I'll probably get this one on blu-ray now.

  48. Not Of This World says:

    Lucky! I wish I had a PS3. I've got a PS2. When that breaks, I'm going to try to rase enough money for a PS3 (But that won't be for a long time . . . I take good care on my PS2 🙂 )

  49. Not Of This World says:

    Are you saying you think there will me no more Narnia movies? I bet by the end of December, Narnia would have made a lot of money.

  50. LadyLasaraleen says:

    Yes!!! I know what I'm gettin' for my birthday!!!

  51. The Inscrutable Rutabaga says:

    lol hope it's not that poster that first came out with the creepy looking minatour 😉 Thanks for letting us know Daniel James!

  52. Yerdif says:

    Hahaha! Epic fail? My younger brother's always saying that! lol Nice one, Snicket!

  53. blueRain says:

    Cool. I'm glad to hear this one will be released sooner to DVD than PC was. An earlier release could raise the chances of a revenue increase.

  54. That can't be the whole story. I've come across several people who said they didn't even know about the movie. How could something they never even saw anything about fail to capture their imagination? About half the critics liked the film. Only 6% of major critics liked The Last Airbender, and that still made a ton of money. So there are other factors at play too.

    I was truly disappointed too that they didn't stick to the book more closely and thought they could have done a better job overall (especially with a plot that made better sense), but I think you are exaggerating the problems with this film.

  55. I'm looking forward to getting the Blu-Ray. I hope they do an excellent transfer and that it has a lot of special features. I also hope they bring out an extended edition on Blu-Ray. This film flew by way too fast; I hope an extended edition corrects that.

  56. Queen Susan the Gentle says:


  57. narnian resident says:

    Easter present, right there 🙂

  58. Starlily says:

    PC took FOREVER to come! They could have at least released the DVD in November! I thought I'd never get to see it…but of course now that's ancient history. 😉

  1. December 16, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by NarniaWeb.com, Scott Welch, Andrea, Daniel James, NiMo and others. NiMo said: RT @NarniaWeb: #DawnTreader DVD may be in stores around Easter. http://bit.ly/eGWqN0 #narnia […]