Advice: Auditioning For the Role of Jill Pole
Since the release of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, we at NarniaWeb have received almost daily inquiries about auditioning for the role of Jill Pole in The Silver Chair. After the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, these inquiries have risen to almost unbelievable levels. We wanted to take this opportunity to give some information about the film industry and answer the questions that folks may have about how to acquire a role.
Pre-Production and Greenlighting
Before casting begins for a film, there are several steps that take place. A script is written (or at least begun), the story is pitched to the studio, and the studio then “greenlights” the film, which means that the production is formally approved and financed. After the film is greenlit, it then enters pre-production, during which the script is finalized and plans are made for the actual shooting of the film. It is during this pre-production stage that casting is done.
Casting and Auditions
The casting process for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was somewhat unique in that casting director Pippa Hall held many public auditions when searching for the four Pevensie children. These auditions were generally held at schools around the UK, with children from the drama clubs being invited to attend. This is not typical, though, and usually a casting director will work directly with agents and industry contacts to come up with a list of potential actors to fill a specific role. Several actors are given auditions and the director and producers together decide which one will best play the part. This is the way that Will Poulter was cast for the role of Eustace.
Occasionally there will be open auditions for extras at a film location shoot. When that information becomes available we always post it at NarniaWeb.
Silver Chair Status
The future of the Narnia movies depends on the box office results for each film. If The Voyage of the Dawn Treader doesn’t do well enough in theaters, it is likely that there will not be any further Narnia films. If it is successful (and no one is sure exactly what the threshold of success is in the eyes of the studio), then Walden and Fox will likely move forward and attempt to get another Narnia film greenlit.
In interviews the producers have mentioned that they are considering The Silver Chair as well as The Magician’s Nephew for the next film. This could mean that The Silver Chair would be skipped or passed over temporarily, or that both films could be made at the same time. There are any number of possibilities, but the reality is that the future of the franchise and The Silver Chair is very much in limbo right now. It also goes without saying that production for The Silver Chair has not been greenlit and is not currently looking for any actors for the simple reason that there is no production.
If you are interested in auditioning for the role of Jill Pole or any other character in a Narnia film, the best advice that we can give is to 1) get involved with a local drama group to hone your skills and 2) hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you with the casting director when the time comes. There likely won’t be any public auditions. This is simply the way that Hollywood works.
Another question that we are often asked is about what the producers are looking for. Again, since there are no producers and no production (yet), we have no idea. During the casting process for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Pippa Hall was quoted as saying that she felt that there were so many brilliant British actors that there was no need to look for someone who could “fake” a British accent. So our expectation is that the producers would probably look to the UK first to fill the role of Jill Pole.
To sum this all up, The Silver Chair has not yet been greenlit so there are no roles yet to be filled. If you are interested in auditioning for a role when one becomes available, we recommend that you hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you when the time comes. Good luck!
Ha ha, you're welcome. Just remember the girl who gave you pep talks on Narniaweb if you ever make it to the big-times or get the part of Jill!! lol
Don't worry about your body, if you are a great actress they'll want you for that.
Oh sorry for the confusion. I do see that I did say something about the Emeral Witch looking like Tilda Swinton. I more meant that she should be similiar to her, that you could see that Tilda Swinton and the Emerald Witch. As in they are both tall and pale and striking.
Oops, I meant that you could see that Tilda Swinton and the Emerald Witch are related.
Hullo, my name is Kate. i've wanted to play Jill Pole for a long time, and though i will most likely never get the part it's always good to get opinions from other people like you! i am 16, i have curly/wavy shoulder length brown hair and blue/gray/green eyes that actually look really cool (in my opinion. I'm glad God gave me my eyes!). i can do a british accent, though i'm not the one to say if it is convincing or not. π i am 5' 4" and fairly slim. i have hardly any acting expirience and no agent, but i am practicing crying in bed at night even when i'm not sad and working on my emotion faces, heh heh.:) i think i've stopped growing, so i'll probably stay 5' 4".:) i am kind of a shy person, probably not good for an actress, not real talkitive, but you never know. Tell me what you think. probably the hardest thing about this is leaving this desire in God's hands. Needs to be done, though. Peoples, pray for me please, that would be greatly appreciated.
where i can find a agent? ;s
Haha! Whenever my sister comes at my with a cardboard tube I will definetly use that line π
My name is Helen Block, and I am somewhat interested in playing the role of Jill Pole. I am 17 years old, and I have blond hair and blue eyes,(I have never dyed my hair,it is naturally blond) I have been a ballet dancer my whole life, and I have always loved using, and seeing 'expression' in dancing. I know a great number of people think ballet is just dancing around on your toes in a pink tutu, but it really does require a great deal of acting with your face, even more than your feet. But dancing is not forever, and your body does wear down and acting has been a good alternative.
I have always admired C.S. Lewis, and I have been reading them with my family as long as I can remember. My favorite of his other books is the great divorce.:) I know that it is highly probable that this will not be read, and that it will be thought silly, but I am willing to try and work hard, and I would very much like to be informed of any available auditions or info, just to try.
I love to sing, dance, act, and cook, and I would like to try to play the part of Jill. π
Helen B.
i love ballet β₯
I made it myself three years. Then stopped, because the teacher was boring -.- and another balletschool was not in my town.
When I was reading my Bible this morning, I came across a verse that made me think of you. John 8:23 "…ye are of this world; I am not of this world." π I thought that was kinda neat.
So lucky! I'm going to do some serious Narnian soldier training this spring and summer! There, that's my New Year's resolution. XD
I literally burst out laughing about your dad calling Eustace "Useless"! My younger sister likes to say "See those to hills? My house is right between them," because we live in the mountains. Oh, and I say "Why can't you just do as you're told?" to my youngest sister a lot, lol. And then there's "He's just warming up," and "Shut up, you think you're dad, but you're not!" Don't you just love Edmund?
Thanks π I hope that weight/dress size won't be too big an issue at first… if people are well-proportioned, they should be given a shot (Y) it's so hard to know what the producers would be looking for, especially without seeing the script :/
BTW how tall do you think would be appropriate for Jill? I'm 5ft4in (i think…) π
Oh yes I am very serious, I love acting I have done it since I was 6. And yes I have always pictured Jill that way too. But everyone has their own idea on how she looks, but it is all up to the directors and producers.
Also the only agencys that look for auditions out of the country are usually New York , LA or Dallas.
Hello Carolina π
Ah mexico is a loonng way from the UK but there's still a chance you could audition π I really hope I find an agent or am lucky enough to be spotted, or that they announce the auditions so that anyone can go to them
The key is a good first impression. You'll only audition for a short time and you really need to impress the casting crew if you want a call back. π Good Luck!
He definetly has the most memorable quotes <3 He is funny, serious, and pure awesome lol
I love the look he gives Trumkin after he is called 'dear little friend' π
I am Lisa. I am 15 (16 in feb)I have short brown hair I am average height I live in the north east of england.I have been reading the narnia stories since I was 7 years old. I fell in love with the idea of playing Jill Pole in a major film since forever.. Basing this on my own experince of bulling in my middle school I have always felt like I was the real Jill Pole and it would be amazing to have the chance to play the role of a lifetime… but, i dont have an agent and I dont know how to get one.. any help so I can atleast audition for the role =)
wow there are so many people wanting to play the role of jill!
they should totally make a silver chair movie!!
Yes, that's true. And ultimately, I'd rather have someone who looks different from what I think Jill should look like and yet is a brillant actress and nails her, than have someone who looks like what I imagined her to look like and yet stinks and ruins her character.
Oh really, I didn't know that, hmmm, interesting. Well, I don't live ANYWHERE near any of those cities…
Well I don't know, I always thought of Jill being tall, I mean, as in taller than 5ft4, especially since Will P is like 5ft10. I could see her being more around his height. But like I said earlier, none of this stuff matters as much as playing the character, and they will go with whoever plays her character best over who looks like her. Besides, just like all the other characters, there are so many people with different opinions on what she should look like. Whoever they choose won't please everyone, but at the same time it will also please some people. I say at this point EVERYONE, no matter what hair or eye color you have, or how large or tall or short or skinny you are, should try for Jill. May the best Jill win! And I know she will, as the directors and casters have made excellent decisions so far regarding ALL of the Pevensies and Eustace.
Hey lisa! you sound like you would be a really good Jill Pole! Have you had some acting experience? and how tall is average? Kind of a strange question, sorry. Just was wondering. God bless!
Well i cum from an area wat nobody has really heard about and i love narnia so much and am in all my school plays and it upset to think that they will never get a chance to audition Or anything but i will av to deal with it lol narnia is the best film and books ever and my wish wud be that i cud be a part of it and work with some of the great actors and actresses so if any casting directors see this please come to leeds or wakefield even though you may not of heard off it but if possible i wud like a chance :)x
If they came to my area do u reckon they wud look for a 15 year old normal schoolgirl.x
I'm Orla im 14 but i can pass as older or younger depending! i have really long brown hair and blue eyes im really pale too and about 5"4 i go to a performing arts school and looking for an agent i really really really would love this part! π
Tell me prince Edmundm
Pardon me?
It's King. Edmund, actually. Just King though. Peter's the high king.
*puzzled expression
I know. It's confusing
(I always replay this scene whenever I watch the movie, I love his voice! expecially the way he says 'actually')
Oh I know! It's heavenly. Hearing his voice is like a massage for the ears! Every time I or one of my sisters say "actually" we say it the way he does because it's just so great. Long Live King Edmund!
It's not at all patronizing, is it? π
Have you ever noticed how Ed is always doing these supressed smiles? Like when Mrs. Macready says "I'm afraid so" when they first meet her, he looks like he's about to crack up. And when she tells Susan not to touch the artifacts, he does it again. And in PC, when Peter introduces himself as "the Magnificent" and Susan says he could have left that part off, he does it again. I could name more, but I don't like long comments and this is getting too long. lol
Your very welcome!!! Well, if they decide to make a HHB movie, you should definetly audition for it!! Don't give up on your dreams, because you never know…they might come true. After i saw VODT, i decided to read SC agian, and i haven't even gotton half way through it yet because i am constantly going back and acting out previous parts, then watching the BBC version, then acting it out again until i feel i have it PERFECT. As you can see, this means the world to me and i am not giving up!!! I am probably going to get an agent sometime in the next month. Good luck to you all, god bless!!!!!
I know! He always had that hot smirk like he's pursing his lovely lips or curling up the side of his mouth like he has a secret. I just noticed that he's really good at facial expressions. Like in VDT, that face he makes when he slashes hid sword at Caspian for the first time at Goldwater. π
Me too !!! When ever I say actually I pronouce it like he does ack-chelly. I love it!
what kinds of characteristics whould Jill have?
Ex. hair color, height, skin tone…
Wow It's my life dream to play Jill Pole I am 15 and when I watched the old Narnia The Sliver Chair I just love it !
But then again my goal would be to try and get the role for The Sliver Chair It's my dream seriously to be an actor! My cousin is an actor I want to follow her dream above! π
Oh and I also have brown hair curley hair and brown eyes just like Jill Pole did in the last film bbc film series.
And I know some of the roles in the parts 2 π
Also the people π
Helen B, that is amazing! I have a sister who is your age and we have both been training in ballet since we were 3. We both love to cook,dance, and act.You are absolutely correct that dancing does not last forever.Are you of German heritage? we are both 3rd generation German and have a grandmother whose maiden name was block! Our parents have read the Great Divorce and many other works by C.S. Lewis to us at bed time for years.
P.S. we both have blonde hair and blue eyes aswell!
May the Lord bless you and keep you!
I hope so!!!Cuz I am Japanese and live in Japan!
You are lucky,you know!I wish I lived in UK as a British!!!I am Japanese 16-year-old girl…does anyone think I have a chance to act Jill?My hear and eyes are perfectly BLACK and I am so short(147cm)!!Is there anybody has good idea or something,please tell meeeee!!!
Please tell me,Emilee!How can I search an agent in UK from Japan,do you think?I searched it on the internet over and over.But it didn't hit!And I have never told my parents this,my biggest dream,cuz my parents don't like these things(I mean,auditions or acting or something).I want them to understand me…but…what should I do!?
It's hard not to talk a lot; we're Narnia fan girls! I love how you put it about Ed, Elizabeth: "hot smirk" and "lovely lips." Love it! Have you ever noticed in PC at the part where Edmund says he believes Lucy and none of the others do, his lip is swollen. In the commentary he actually (ack-chellay, lol) says he had run into a metal bar or something just before that scene. And I'm like "Poor Skandar!"
Have you ever seen Skandar's "Blond Cam"? You can see it on you tube. You MUST watch it, it's so funny and Skandarlous!
I don't want to dash you're dreams, but I really don't think they would look for someone who is Japanese. Nothing against who you are, I mean, I'm American, and I really don't think they will take anyone like me either. It'll probably be someone British. But don't give up, I mean if you really want it then go for it!
I always pictured her skinny/bony and tall, with short brown hair and bangs, and a light green or brown eyes, I don't think that really matters, except I don't want her to have blue eyes. Everyone in the Narnia films already have blue eyes lol. And I think that she would have a normal complextion, maybe slightly paler.
I'm also a kiwi and live in New Zealand and would really love to play the part of Jill Pole it would be my dream!
By the way I'm English and I don't have an English accent i'm only a kiwi English person!
I've always wanted to be Jill, but I don't think I have a chance since I'm currently residing in Singapore. I was born and raised in the UK, and I still have my accent. The most I can do is send a letter to Pippa Hall.
π I think i fit Jill in terms of everything except being tlal and skinny! lol
shoulder-length wavy dark blonde hair, hazel-brown eyes, and i've lived in england all my life π
Just hopefully, they'll let 18yr olds audition….
I live in England so any auditions would be easy for me to access- though I could never get an agent so I won't get the chance if they do come up, as they're unlikely to be open. I really want to be Jill- though, doesn't everybody on here. I don't sing or dance or anything, but I guess that's alright- I do GCSE drama so I have drama experience. However, on a purely hypothetical basis, what do you think the auditioners view on a girl with wonky teeth is?? Very few actresses have that problem, but my friends have told me that I should still try for acting jobs (not narnia).
Apart from that, I have brown hair, blue eyes- kindof average looking.
My hear and my eyes are perfektly black, too. But i'm not an japenese π i'm indian (so a kind of)and i live in Germany :')
I think you have designate a chance. So, in the book they not described the look of Jill Pole! You can try it π 'like everyone else here π
oops :$ i wanted to write *perfectly
That's awesome!
That is lovely! I am four generations German heritage. Small world. π I am just wanting to try, a least find an agent or contact someone. Can I send in a video, or do I need to travel to the UK for an audition? Same to you!
I think they could pull off Jill without an accent. Change things up a bit?
I love blonde cam!!!!!! I posted it on my facbook wall just a couple weeks ago lol My school friends share my love of Brits π It is soooo funny.
"Because I was a pansy! Yes well all get it!"
"Stunts… and anything making me look heroic."
LOVE IT! Have you seen the interview with just him on set of PC at the Telmarine castle? He's in his costume and that's when he uses his "i'm cool like that" line. π
My new year's resolution = I will definetly attemp to film a high action sword fight scene (I will direct and be one of the actors) Using our wooden swords of course. ( I don't want to hurt anyone) Did I mention I'm gonna get my dad to make a replica of Ed's sword from VDT π He thinks I'm obsessed but he has the supplies lol
I wish I could audition sooooooo bad. I have always wanted to act but I don't think I will ever be able to. I am an American, 17, slihtly tall for my age, and REALLY long black hair. Not really the ideal Jill. Good luck to all those who get a chance to audition!!!
She is my favorite out of all the books. I would LOVE to play her. Maybe I could audition for her when the make that one. Though I might be to old by then, depending on wnem they make it,I am 17 now but look younger. But I think I look the part, I am slightly tall for my age (hopefully still growing), my skin looks tan all the time, and I have really long, wavy black hair!
Lucia!,well if i hear about new information i'll make you instantly know, I hope you do the same if you you find out something, good luck lucia, and nice to meet you:)
I am 5'3 and 13, but look older. I have long straight blond hair, and can fake a pretty good English accent. I have experiance acting. This sounds kinda stupid, but how do you get an agent? And do you know where the auditions are?
Yah! That is such a good idea to change things up a bit!