Advice: Auditioning For the Role of Jill Pole
Since the release of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, we at NarniaWeb have received almost daily inquiries about auditioning for the role of Jill Pole in The Silver Chair. After the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, these inquiries have risen to almost unbelievable levels. We wanted to take this opportunity to give some information about the film industry and answer the questions that folks may have about how to acquire a role.
Pre-Production and Greenlighting
Before casting begins for a film, there are several steps that take place. A script is written (or at least begun), the story is pitched to the studio, and the studio then “greenlights” the film, which means that the production is formally approved and financed. After the film is greenlit, it then enters pre-production, during which the script is finalized and plans are made for the actual shooting of the film. It is during this pre-production stage that casting is done.
Casting and Auditions
The casting process for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was somewhat unique in that casting director Pippa Hall held many public auditions when searching for the four Pevensie children. These auditions were generally held at schools around the UK, with children from the drama clubs being invited to attend. This is not typical, though, and usually a casting director will work directly with agents and industry contacts to come up with a list of potential actors to fill a specific role. Several actors are given auditions and the director and producers together decide which one will best play the part. This is the way that Will Poulter was cast for the role of Eustace.
Occasionally there will be open auditions for extras at a film location shoot. When that information becomes available we always post it at NarniaWeb.
Silver Chair Status
The future of the Narnia movies depends on the box office results for each film. If The Voyage of the Dawn Treader doesn’t do well enough in theaters, it is likely that there will not be any further Narnia films. If it is successful (and no one is sure exactly what the threshold of success is in the eyes of the studio), then Walden and Fox will likely move forward and attempt to get another Narnia film greenlit.
In interviews the producers have mentioned that they are considering The Silver Chair as well as The Magician’s Nephew for the next film. This could mean that The Silver Chair would be skipped or passed over temporarily, or that both films could be made at the same time. There are any number of possibilities, but the reality is that the future of the franchise and The Silver Chair is very much in limbo right now. It also goes without saying that production for The Silver Chair has not been greenlit and is not currently looking for any actors for the simple reason that there is no production.
If you are interested in auditioning for the role of Jill Pole or any other character in a Narnia film, the best advice that we can give is to 1) get involved with a local drama group to hone your skills and 2) hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you with the casting director when the time comes. There likely won’t be any public auditions. This is simply the way that Hollywood works.
Another question that we are often asked is about what the producers are looking for. Again, since there are no producers and no production (yet), we have no idea. During the casting process for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Pippa Hall was quoted as saying that she felt that there were so many brilliant British actors that there was no need to look for someone who could “fake” a British accent. So our expectation is that the producers would probably look to the UK first to fill the role of Jill Pole.
To sum this all up, The Silver Chair has not yet been greenlit so there are no roles yet to be filled. If you are interested in auditioning for a role when one becomes available, we recommend that you hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you when the time comes. Good luck!
well i guess you do im twelve in 1 week and i am in australia so fair chance ill even get a chance to audition!! to bad that im not six teen or live in the UK and have a really good agent or anything
I live in the USA. Do I have a chance?
wel i think that they will sort of pick some 1 for jill that has dark blonde or light brown or somethimg but if they dont you could always be polly??
wull do you have an agent??? they might if you have a outstanding accent 🙂
you are so right it doesnt matter what u look like every 1 should be gve a fair chance 🙂
in the chronicles of narnia nina is whos agent??? is she like georgies or something
LUCY!!!!. u?
okay,well i think i should be jil pole because i think i look like her andi can fake a british accent i LOVEcting i liveee inn australia i LOVEEE georgie henely and i have on stage lots of my life!!!! to every 1 good luck! 🙂
heyy every body good luck to every 1 playing jill
Um. The older Lucy was played by Georgie Henley's big sister so I think someone's having you on here.
yerrr. but do ya rekon viedo auditions wuld work?
I want to be Jill also. I think I would be perfect for her because I have always thought I looked like her and my accent is so believable that if you compare it to a real one they would sound almost identicle. Plus I've been on stage all my life! Singing and acting both, I'm not afraid to try new things like the archery and I love animals so horse back riding woud be a breeze. Only 2 problems I live in the US and I dont have an agent. do ya'll know any good agents?
Ok thank you very much. Do you have an idea, where I can find an agent? I really have no idea…
well i am just parying that they will be this year1!!
what country are you from??
well i am just praying that they will be this year1!!
what country are you from??
well of course everyone has a chance but the age difference between you and will might be a bit too big 🙁 but you never know so don't give up!!!!!
hey i really don't know that much yet but i should be finding out more on saturday!!!!! so i will tell you then xx
i know i know i meant to put SUSAN!!!!!!!!!! it was a mistake!!!!!!!!!! susan is played by sophie winkleman LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha yess me too!!! thank goodness i am not the only one who does that!!!!!! i swear that is all i do at school now just daydream
whoooo yeah go everyone!!!! who else is MEGA excited!!!!!!!
Yes u can be Polly too. Except I want to be Jill pole specifically because the adventures she goes through with eustace sound fun! (and scary) I'm sure will pouter will be great to work with too. Plus, in the last battle you'll get 2 work with Georgie, skandar and will. I've wanted to meet those narnia "heroes" all my life! Great actors, too.
I live in the USA. 🙂
He got really cute! Will mosely I mean
Me 2!!! Im glad I'm not the only one 2
I luv Lucy! Ed is second Susan is third and Peter is last. Peter got mean in prince caspian. I used to like him in narnia 1 bcos he was the hero
Well before u get an agent u have to be on a drama club.
My accent is good but I want it 2 b perfect. I'm working on it, and I'm improving by the way!
@lis narnia,
I mean,in every1's mind,it looks like Jill has brown1,but I think in the books,she has blond!(i hope it is correct!)
& i think U have chance to act Jill cuz UR Eropian!(i am japanese,actually)
practice British English a lot!then,U will have chance,I think!!
Then who is the older Lucy played by? I mean the name. It's probably something Henley
Cool my cousin probably has the same bday as u! And is turning the same age too! Maybe u r her friend. Where do u live?
How tall is will poulter? I think I might be having my growth spurt so I hope I'll look fine with will!
I hope I have good qualities for being Jill pole. I have medium sort of poofy hair like Jill pole. My eyes look like hers too! Really. My hair is dark dark brown. I have bangs. I've shown my friends and family my acting skills and boy, they look surprised! 🙂 oh and I also have bangs. I really look so much like her! Do I have good qualities for Jill pole?
I have an excellent Brittish accent as well! My aunt lives in the uk, so she's helping me 2.
I agree!!! 🙂 @}~~~
Do you absolutely need to have a Brittish accent to be Jill pole?does it even matter? Please leave a comment or answer to this question, thank you! 🙂
That was 4 I love georgie
Sophia u might be in the summer olympics? Cool! And good luck! Write back 🙂
Wow*thank U 4 your comments,guys!!
I am Japanese,catholic.Yes,yes!let's pray to God 4 our *fair*chance!!
and look at Ben barns.I think Caspian was blond in the books(i hope this is correct!)but here!Ben's hair & eyes R black!
If U will do your best & inprove directors mind,it will come!!!For Narnia!
(so sorry about my terrible English!I hope U will understand!)
Love & pray,Lucia
Nina is casting director 4 the movies of narnia.
well,I'll try.thank U 4 your feedback,crissie!
Wooow!!!Finally!I see Japanese here!!
I live in Tokyo & catholic.u?
well,let's wait 4 HHB!Aravis & her friends R totally Asian look.We can act them well,I think!
Oh,U have a great chance,Narniafan16!
and thank U 4 your supports.
do U have an agent???
I live in Japan & saving money 2 go 2 uk(I am 16 but I work 4 an restaurant 3days a week.)but it is not so much.My parents don't allow me 2 go 2 uk & get into any drama groups.
there R many problems;there is no place I can stay(with a little money).My English is not perfect.& I am called<crying baby>!!!
Is there any good idea??
Older Lucy was acted by Georgie's sister,Recheal(I am not sure this spelling is correct or not,so sorry!)
By the way,U love Skander!So do I!!!But I love Aslan the Best**and I love Geogie,william,Anna,Ben,Will…Oh,I can't choose!!
UR *skanderFAN*!!
I made a mistake.
I've look in the i net and I found sth.: Jill Pole has blond hair!What's right? Brown or blond?And what is about polly? In which film does she play a role?
Thank u for your comment, bu I think, that you could also play the role as jill. Ok you are come from Japan but I Think this isn't a problem. Why do u think so?
And thanks to all the other guys who helped me.
Does anyone have an idea, where I can find an agent?
Sry for :hä:
I thought it was a smiley with a question mark…:)
to be honest i dont think that appearence will be that important so don't worry anyways on the front cover of the last battle jill has mousy brown hair
hey well my birthday is on the 6th of february and i don't think i know your cousin but what is their name anyways??
eeeeeeeeee i am so excited!!
Lucia, I would stick 2 the Jill pole dream. Besides, I don't think they will even make the horse and his boy. And isn't aravis a boy? It sounds like a boys name.
U r so lucky to be 16! U no I can speak Japanese? こんにちわ!o(^▽^)o
I am SOOOOOOO sorry everybody. This is I am not 5"5, I'll give you my height in centimeters, its esier for me, 169 cm.Does it really matter how old you are, though I know I'll never get to audition I've had people tel me that I actually look more like a 14 or 15 year old that a 13 year old
I do swimming, so I'm not all that fit, but I am good at cross-contry running, as in, rocks, muddy patches and the like!I have broad shoulders, (only a bit) and full of muscle legs.
@lis narnia,
Polly is come out in the book of<magician's nephew>.In the pictures of the books,Polly has Blond(maybe brown).
And yes,I haven't give up yet!!
Jill was bulied by her classmates in<the silver cair>,but Lewis didn't tell WHY.So I guess directors will have to make A Reason**
& I think my face or skin color will be a good reason 4 it!
But if it won't make,I will try 4 Aravis!!!
Go 4 it,lis!!!
yes,but if it won't work,I will try Aravis!
She looks like very Asian,isn't she?
hey,every1,there R still so much hope 4 us!!!
yes,me 2,I really want 2 act Jill!
oh,but Aravis is PERFECTLY*GIRL!!!she is very brave & noble Tarkheena,U know.
Wow*U speak both of English & Japanese!How wonderful!
Have U ever come 2 NIHON???
sorry!to narniafan16**
And my sister is 12(to be 13 in this summur)!She wants to be a kidactress in Japan(she never speak English…)
My family & I R catholic,so I read Narnia before read The Testament cuz it was too difficult 4 little girl!!but now,I read it in English & Japanese**
UR lucky,U know!
If U know any ways 2 go 2 uk with a little money & learn acting,Pleeeease tell meeee!!!おしえて!