Advice: Auditioning For the Role of Jill Pole
Since the release of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, we at NarniaWeb have received almost daily inquiries about auditioning for the role of Jill Pole in The Silver Chair. After the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, these inquiries have risen to almost unbelievable levels. We wanted to take this opportunity to give some information about the film industry and answer the questions that folks may have about how to acquire a role.
Pre-Production and Greenlighting
Before casting begins for a film, there are several steps that take place. A script is written (or at least begun), the story is pitched to the studio, and the studio then “greenlights” the film, which means that the production is formally approved and financed. After the film is greenlit, it then enters pre-production, during which the script is finalized and plans are made for the actual shooting of the film. It is during this pre-production stage that casting is done.
Casting and Auditions
The casting process for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was somewhat unique in that casting director Pippa Hall held many public auditions when searching for the four Pevensie children. These auditions were generally held at schools around the UK, with children from the drama clubs being invited to attend. This is not typical, though, and usually a casting director will work directly with agents and industry contacts to come up with a list of potential actors to fill a specific role. Several actors are given auditions and the director and producers together decide which one will best play the part. This is the way that Will Poulter was cast for the role of Eustace.
Occasionally there will be open auditions for extras at a film location shoot. When that information becomes available we always post it at NarniaWeb.
Silver Chair Status
The future of the Narnia movies depends on the box office results for each film. If The Voyage of the Dawn Treader doesn’t do well enough in theaters, it is likely that there will not be any further Narnia films. If it is successful (and no one is sure exactly what the threshold of success is in the eyes of the studio), then Walden and Fox will likely move forward and attempt to get another Narnia film greenlit.
In interviews the producers have mentioned that they are considering The Silver Chair as well as The Magician’s Nephew for the next film. This could mean that The Silver Chair would be skipped or passed over temporarily, or that both films could be made at the same time. There are any number of possibilities, but the reality is that the future of the franchise and The Silver Chair is very much in limbo right now. It also goes without saying that production for The Silver Chair has not been greenlit and is not currently looking for any actors for the simple reason that there is no production.
If you are interested in auditioning for the role of Jill Pole or any other character in a Narnia film, the best advice that we can give is to 1) get involved with a local drama group to hone your skills and 2) hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you with the casting director when the time comes. There likely won’t be any public auditions. This is simply the way that Hollywood works.
Another question that we are often asked is about what the producers are looking for. Again, since there are no producers and no production (yet), we have no idea. During the casting process for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Pippa Hall was quoted as saying that she felt that there were so many brilliant British actors that there was no need to look for someone who could “fake” a British accent. So our expectation is that the producers would probably look to the UK first to fill the role of Jill Pole.
To sum this all up, The Silver Chair has not yet been greenlit so there are no roles yet to be filled. If you are interested in auditioning for a role when one becomes available, we recommend that you hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you when the time comes. Good luck!
yay! there are so many people wanting to audition for jill! I think all of you could make an excellent jill so DON'T GIVE UP! GOOD LUCK AND I HOPE
I can't wait until they start making the movie, and also i can't wait to watch it!!
I understand that all of us on this comment page desperately need an agent, but HOW do you hire an agent?HOW much does it cost?Thanks for the comment Diggory Kirke/Prince Rillian
I can't wait for it !x and i to would like to audition but it proberly will not happen as soooo many of you are obsessed with it ! i haven't dreamed about it for life and i have not read the books all i know is that i would like the chance to be in it and yet again you will be Very luky to get it !!
There's not much news these days. I can't believe this is still up. I remember about a year and a half ago when we got casting announcements and news updates daily. π
I never really began to notice boys until I was like 14, and I was mad at Edmund in LWW for being mean to Lucy. But I always was so proud of him for destroying the Witch's wand. Then came PC, and, well, you get the idea…:D
Yea Peter was cool in LWW and then in Prince Caspian he started being all I'm in charge Grawr and all that. Now that it's all Ed it's all good.
Well, that's true I guess, you have time to grow. Wait, why would I need a hair dye? And I'm 15…more the age for Jill than the Emerald Witch, but then again, I thin I'm too tall for Jill. So I don't think either would work out. But good luck to you anyway!
To narnianrose-
I'm so sorry, narnianrose! Something is goofed up on here. My comment to you is above a bit, underneath Swordebrithil12's comment.
i also share your dream with passion! people keep calling me crazy because i want to play jill pole but i believe this is an opportunity to shine for the Lord and be apart of what i hope to be a life-changing or inspiring film [all the narnia movies are inspiring in every way].
To Gem:
LOL,1. I meant you for the emerald witch.
2. My hair has highlights, they make my hair look lighter, so in all actuality it is light to medium brown.
You might be a little young but a 6'0 you could be the green witch but if you dont want to mabey you could be… puddleglum?LOL I'm kidding. but you could be… AHA! I GOT IT!:D YOU COULD BE THE QUEEN OF HARFANG! PERFECT!:D WHAT DO YOU THINK?
i totally relate to all of you. agents are overpriced and hard to find [especially hard to find a decent andgood Christian one] and even theater is expensive! so i keep praying for God's hand to work. if its HIS WILL for us to be actors and actresses, i believe it will happen. nothing can stop the hand of God. I really have a passion for the lost and i believe beeing a part of a movie like this will be very beyond amazing especially with such an inspirational book-based film. i am praying most everyday. alot of peeps call me crazy [even my friends and mom actually! lol.] because i believe in these crazy dreams, but i have faith that God will show me His plan–whether its to be an actress or not.
Does anyone think that I could be Jill? Im about 5"3, I have long mediumish brown hair,Im from the UK but I haven't got an agent and the only acting experience Ive ever had is in village pantomimes and school plays! Please help!
To Gem:
Oops I messed up my dad says I have medium brown hair. But either way I still look like Jill. plus I for got to mention this but I have ruddy cheeks just like a typical every day "girl next door" would. What do you look like?
I live in Sweden not in UK but can i still get an audition whit any role in the Sliver Chair. Little about me IΒ΄m 12 years old and have brown hair and IΒ΄m quite good of English.
hey umm i look identical to u and i am nearly 14 i wanna be jill i am english and i own my own bow and arrows so the archery part is easy for me π also i am a great actress
ok you r gonna hate me for this but i am being realistic none of us are ever gonna get a part and you have hardly any chance as you are american and the are casting english people like me!!!!! im sorry i swear i am not trying to be mean and anyways surely they will casty like a sixteen year old so eustace and jill are around the same age
Hey,everybody(who has black hair and eyes,Japanese or Asian)!Let's keep our hope!!!
We don't have to give up because of our hair and eyes color.I know our chance will be less than othor girls(who have brown hair and eyes and live in UK),but NO DREAM NO LIFE!
Let's pray to God to lead our ways!
God always gives us the best way for us.
Love to everybody in Narniaweb! Lucia
Hii. i realllyyy want to play the part of jill too. im 15, hav lightt brown wavy hair, blue eyes and 5'8. but i livee in australia. i can pull off a pretty good english accent, but i dont kno how i wuld get an audition, because i dont have an agent yet. can anyone help me out here??
Oh my gosh, yes! Ha ha, I should be the queen of Harfang…ha ha, that would be hilarious. well, I don't want to be the queen of Harfang either, and I really would actually like to be the Emerald Witch, but, although I like acting and have done lots of it, I don't think I could pull it of. The Emerald Witch needs to be superb.
Long brown hair, brown eyes, very feminine face or features, if you know what I mean…hmmm, Emerald Witch material? I know I know, I'm too young. But at the rate they are making the movies…maybe not! Ha ha.
a want to be jill pole since i read the book !! unfortunately i dont live in uk i am from latinamerica
Hi,Emilee!This is ME again!I need U again.
I went to online and found agents…BUT,there were too many,and I couldn't pick up from them. I wonder which agent I can trust.How we can know we can trust them?
Do U have any good idea?If U can,please tell me how did U pick your agent up.
Pleeease help me,Emilee!
I think you could! You sound great! What do you look like? How muchacting have you done? I guess you could do the voice of one of the owls. hmmmm… Mabey you could be a teacher at the school?
I really really want to audition for the part of Jill, I love acting and the Narnia Chronicles! But my only experience is in local and school productions, although I did attend an acting academy for a 2 years when a few years ago.
I'm 5'6", have light brown hair and blue eyes, 14 years old and English.
Right now my family can't afford an agent or for me to attend drama school, any ideas of what i could do to get the part/hone my skills? Please let me know!:)
I've already contacted Nina Gold but had no reply:(
"attend an acting academy for a 2 years when a few years ago."
sorry, I meant *attend an acting academy for 2 years a few years ago
hey guys me again eeeee good new my friend has just given me the number for an agent who got her cousin into the first narnia film as the older lucy how cool is that i am so excited about talking to him whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
thanks Gem I'll work on it and see what happens
hey kate i'm hannah and i'm just like you, well not phisical appearance, but emotionaly. im very shy and not at all talkative but i like acting and ya leaving it in God's hands is really hard. i would like to play the role of Jill but if they did MN i may be better for the part of Polly. who knows its all in God's hands. If you hear anything tell me. good luck. God bless
hey have any of you heard of The Aedyn Chronicles by Alister McGrath? its a fantastic book and the second one is coming out in Feb. the main girl has longish blond hair no idea what color eyes, but if they don't tell in the book it doesn't matter right? so what i'm wondering is, would they make a movie out of a book even if it just came out. like this book came out in march(i think) of last year. so do you think they would make a movie out of it even though its that new? b/c i think i'd make the ideal Julia(main girl) cause i look exactly like her. but who knows if they'll make it a movie. just wondering.
hey i'm hannah 13 1/2 i have blond little past sholder length hair and blue/green eyes. i'm about 5ft 3-3 1/2in. i'm from the US.i have some acting experience not much trying to find acting classes near me. wondering if you think they'll make MN. i'd like to play as Jill in SC but doubt i could. so if they make MN do you think i could do it. if i got into more acting and probably worked on a british accent. have any comments?
Hey. I got a good agent, i go to theatre school, and i am helped with my voices. . But im a singer so i know how to work my voice in different ways. . Im VERY good at archery, i love horses and im a pentecostal christian. So think i could get the role as Jill Pole?
hey hannah i am trying to get an agent at the moment so i was just wondering- how did you get your agent or if you didn't mind um could you possible tell me their name or something like that if it's not too rude to ask or anything π wow we are so similar i do archery and horseriding and i will be going to drama school but i am doing my GCSE's first oh by the way what country do you live in i am in england π
I'd love to be an extra. I'm from NZ and lots of extras have been from here because lots of the first two films were filmed here. My friend's little sister was in the train station scene in Prince Caspian. I don't have any interest in being Jill.
dear narnia rose
o think you would make a great jill youve got the personality to fit her.cpould you tell me what you think of me for the role of jill 2 i have light brown hair thick. brown eyes i2 years old live in australia some experience in acting if you got back to me that be a great help π
Hey archerygirlxx ! I was just wondering if you could help me a little bit with this agent thing. I've tring to find one since long time ago, but no response. I was just wondering if you could please give me an advice or let me know the name of your agent (if you want to, I mean not by being pushy or anything). Thanks!
they are lying to you, older lucy was played by younger lucy's real life sister-
Hey there, it's JillDream here
A few questions for you guys. Have you actually told your Mum or Dad or anyone about your Jill Pole dreams?
Coz as soon as I saw the Lion, the witch, and the Wardrobe I knew that I had to act as the only other person(jill) on the Silver Chair.
I don't really know my actual height in feet, but I am around 6"5 or 6"6. I have strawberry blonde brown hair, and hazel green eyes, but unfortunatly I have pimples instead of
Good Luck
i am a big fan of narnia i would like to play jill pole im only 12 will probably be 13 when they start filming i know they are holding auditions in the metropolitan theatre for some actors but i dont know which 1 cuz theres tons if u do know plz tell me i have always dreamt of being an actress and being one on my fav book would be amazing i cant even explain how great it would be!
My dream is to Audition for the roll of Jill Pole I read all Narnia Books and I am a big Fan I pull off a really good British accent, I have done many Plays on school I LOVE to be on stage and I got no problem on hiring an agent But I live in America if they make Auditions here it will Be fantastic! I pray God to please help me get the roll! Oh and God Bless You all!
6'5''? I hate to break it to you, but there's no way they're going to cast a 6'5'' girl as a 12 year old.
There is not much this world more annoying than a person who whinges about how life isn't fair over something minor. As for fairness, there is a limited amount of film roles that British girls are eligible for. There is a far greater number of roles available for American girls. An American girl getting the role of a British character in a movie based upon a piece of British literature is a lot more unfair.
ha yeah i know i meant to put susan- she was played by sophie winkleman my friends cousin you can look it up if you want too!!! i'm sorry about the last comment i meant to put susan not lucy!!!
hey um he is not actually my agent yet i still need to get some stuff sorted out with him and until then i'm not sure about what i am allowed to say but i will ask him and see what he says oh by the way caro you are english because the person who i am trying to get i think only represents english people hmmm i will ask him that as well
if that doesn't work then i will try and get my friends agent (my friend is liv coleman the one who plays dorris in hot fuzz!) because she has an awesome agent who is also keira knightleys agent!!!! so i will see what happens and then tell you ok xxxxx
ok ok everyone listen!!!!! they are NEVER gonna cast a twelve year old anyway!!! will poulter is nearly 18 so they will probably cast someone aroung 16!!! but 6'5 is a bit too tall π sorry but you have to think about the other actors in the previous movies i mean it doesn't say anywhere in the books that she is twelve!!! i mean i am nearly 14 but i doubt even if i did audition i would get cast as i am too young!!!
hmm no i havent told my mum yet i am gonna sweeten her up then ask tell her thaty is my master plan hehe… or i could just threaten her with my bow …..or my crossbow!!
and she is still on the fence about me getting an agent so i am being MEGA nice and helpful at the moment- i think she has probably realised that there is something going on but she won't know until it hits her!!
hmm well i'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but ummm they are only holding auditions in the UK as they want someone with a natural english accent it does say all this at the top π but get an agent anyway as they may want you in another movie you never know…
ok so you may be too young to start with and it doesn't help that you don't have an agent
where did you hear about where the auditions are being held???
I would LOOOOOVE to play the part of Jill Pole! I am a huge fan of narnia, and I LOVE acting and I'm almost fourteen years old, I have medium-dark brown hair, and VERY blue eyes! Unfortunately I don't have too much experience, I've done acting before, but never worked with camera's before π but I would love to! We've all gotta start somewhere, though eh!? π
I would be thrilled to play the part of Jill Pole, I am British, 14 yrs old, 5'0, brown, straight hair, VERY blue eyes, I LOOOOVE acting!!! and I'm obsessed with narnia! I've read all the books, and I think they're really good! Unfortunately, I haven't had much experience with camera's, though. π But, hey! we all gotta start somewhere! π
haha same but i am trying to get an agent
i am nearly 14 in a few days time i have loads of experience but none in front of a camera i just have a feeling that we will be too young to audition hmmmm we'll see i guess xx
hmmm so everyone has been saying what they look like and how tall they are and stuff so i will do the same- i have just past shoulder lenght blondey browney hair, green eyes freckles i amnearly 14 and average height i think i am also very skinny (not that that matters much! :D) ummm i love climbing trees and archery and i am an advaned open water SCUBA diver hmmm those are the main facts i guess oh and i am british from suffolk in england π
i heard it on an official website thats just for the most dearest fans who started bout a month b4 they decided to fl the lion the witch and the wardrobe and the directors and proucers give info but they didnt say which one
You sound more of a polly, cause I've always imagined polly as blond. π
You sound more of a polly, cause I've always imagined polly as blond but thats just me π
this comment was @Narnia101
Haha you do sound like a good Aravis!
Hi, soo i reallly want to play jill in the silver chair but i live in australia so i dont think i could but i am still gunna try i am twelve years old,slim,mediem length brown hair,brown eyes and i think i can face a british aceent:) so could any 1 tell me if i look like aa jill i would really apreciate it (please leave comment)
hi i am aii leigh:) i would like to play the role of jill in the silver chair i am 12 live i australia:) brown long thick hair and i think i could fake a british aceent could any 1 please tell me if i look like a jill that would be a great help:)
hi would like to play jill pole in the silver chair my name i aii leigh and could any 1 tell me what they think i have light brown mediun lenght hair i could fake a brittish aceent and i have brown eyes 12 years old and some experience in acting if you helped me i would really apreciate it π
Wow!that sounds nice.
I want2 act jill,but i am Japanese!!!So,maybe I will followU!