Advice: Auditioning For the Role of Jill Pole
Since the release of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, we at NarniaWeb have received almost daily inquiries about auditioning for the role of Jill Pole in The Silver Chair. After the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, these inquiries have risen to almost unbelievable levels. We wanted to take this opportunity to give some information about the film industry and answer the questions that folks may have about how to acquire a role.
Pre-Production and Greenlighting
Before casting begins for a film, there are several steps that take place. A script is written (or at least begun), the story is pitched to the studio, and the studio then “greenlights” the film, which means that the production is formally approved and financed. After the film is greenlit, it then enters pre-production, during which the script is finalized and plans are made for the actual shooting of the film. It is during this pre-production stage that casting is done.
Casting and Auditions
The casting process for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was somewhat unique in that casting director Pippa Hall held many public auditions when searching for the four Pevensie children. These auditions were generally held at schools around the UK, with children from the drama clubs being invited to attend. This is not typical, though, and usually a casting director will work directly with agents and industry contacts to come up with a list of potential actors to fill a specific role. Several actors are given auditions and the director and producers together decide which one will best play the part. This is the way that Will Poulter was cast for the role of Eustace.
Occasionally there will be open auditions for extras at a film location shoot. When that information becomes available we always post it at NarniaWeb.
Silver Chair Status
The future of the Narnia movies depends on the box office results for each film. If The Voyage of the Dawn Treader doesn’t do well enough in theaters, it is likely that there will not be any further Narnia films. If it is successful (and no one is sure exactly what the threshold of success is in the eyes of the studio), then Walden and Fox will likely move forward and attempt to get another Narnia film greenlit.
In interviews the producers have mentioned that they are considering The Silver Chair as well as The Magician’s Nephew for the next film. This could mean that The Silver Chair would be skipped or passed over temporarily, or that both films could be made at the same time. There are any number of possibilities, but the reality is that the future of the franchise and The Silver Chair is very much in limbo right now. It also goes without saying that production for The Silver Chair has not been greenlit and is not currently looking for any actors for the simple reason that there is no production.
If you are interested in auditioning for the role of Jill Pole or any other character in a Narnia film, the best advice that we can give is to 1) get involved with a local drama group to hone your skills and 2) hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you with the casting director when the time comes. There likely won’t be any public auditions. This is simply the way that Hollywood works.
Another question that we are often asked is about what the producers are looking for. Again, since there are no producers and no production (yet), we have no idea. During the casting process for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Pippa Hall was quoted as saying that she felt that there were so many brilliant British actors that there was no need to look for someone who could “fake” a British accent. So our expectation is that the producers would probably look to the UK first to fill the role of Jill Pole.
To sum this all up, The Silver Chair has not yet been greenlit so there are no roles yet to be filled. If you are interested in auditioning for a role when one becomes available, we recommend that you hire an agent who can acquire an audition for you when the time comes. Good luck!
"Stunts… and anything making me look heroic." -Skandar
LOVE HIM!!!!!!! Yes you do look heroic! I personally think he honestly does have the best battle look. And when he's out fighting he doesn't look cheesy like WillMo does. I mean when you see Peter running in slow motion I laught, and then I look at Ed and it's like angels are singing. 🙂 lol
Is the audotion in Hollywood or London? 🙂
Is the audition in Hollywood or London? 🙂
Yes Im SOOO happy my drama class program is up again at our friends church!!! Now I can really start acting! 😀
I just pray to God to lead my way!(I am a christian,actually)
Anyone has good idea,please help me!
ok i totaly understand not being able to afford an agent i come from a large family with to many people doing to many diffrent things that cost too much for me to have an agent is their any other option for us than to get an agent
Even though I'm not from the UK, will I still be able to get a part or role in The Sliver Chair?
I live in America, not the UK, can I still get an audition with any role in The Sliver Chair?
Hahaha, I was literally falling off my desk chair the first time I watched that! I agree, he does look best in battle… and out of battle… and walking… and running… swimming… and talking, oh geeeeeez!… hey, if he flew he'd still be awesome. OH, wait, gryphons! Yeah, it's official. He's just full-time attractive. I think it's kinda weird how Peter's always like "RAHH!!", meanwhile Ed's all hot. It's really not fair to poor Pete. (x
Ack. I'll see if I can do something else to make it work. Haha
You can if you can get to Hollywood Uk and fake a british accent
Long live Strider!!!
you either have to get an agent to book an audition [which is stupid to me] or just be able to get to Hollywood, Uk and be able to fake a british accent if you arent in the UK. And have a lot of acting experience.
Hey any body know any trusted acting agencies in the USA?? I want to be jill pole and i pull such a good accent it sounds like a real one! I just need to get out and get noticed as an actress.
Hey any body know any trusted acting agencies in the USA?? I want to be jill pole and i pull such a good accent it sounds like a real one! I just need to get out and get noticed as an actress. Any body at all???!!!
I ack-chellay think all the Narnia boys are hot, except for Eustace. But Ed's my favorite. He's the bravest, the smartest, the sneakiest, the attractive-est, the heart-stopping voice-est…ok, we could be here all day. I like how you put it Pevensie girl: full-time attractive. Queen E, I love it too when he says "anything involving me looking heroic." When I hear him say it, I'm thinking, "Ok, that's everything!" lol. What would we do without Skandar?
that is the scene of edmund and aslan in the lion, the witch and the wardrobe just after they rescue him. someone has just added a head and boobs
Look, I dont want to burst anyones bubble or anything, but like some people have said already, I dont think that you americans have much chance in auditioning, new zealanders are probably the ones they would pick if they didnt find any good english girls. it doesnt hurt to try and stuff, but you're fighting a losing battle.
I dont think that they are going to fly all the way to america to listen to american girls faking accents who they know they are probably not going to pick. we dont have as many chances to get into films as you americans do, you have disney chanel where they recognise talent and stuff! England is different. everyone is saying that its not fair if they dont let americans audition. thats wrong. its not fair for us if you are taking a once in a lifetime opportunity from us when you can audition for commercials and other things everywhere in big cities in america.
Sorry for blowing my top a little, but sometimes i just have to say what im thinking. i bet everyone has had that feeling before. But really, it doesnt hurt to try, and i dont want any of you to stop trying, just dont get your hopes up too much. 🙂
He's just all around HOT! lol I think I like Edmund better than I do Skandar XD He's just so brave and heroic and he doesn't need a cheesy battle cry to look fierce. Has anyone else noticed that is Prince Caspian, Caspian has this like yell/scream he does all the time. (He does it right before he doesn't kill miraz) so whenever I'm filming an action scene I'm like, DO THE YELL THE CASPIAN YELL! And they know what I'm talking about lol.
I am sorry I dont know any agencies. Good luck being jill pole. I want to audition for Prince Rilian. If the two of us are picked I would be honored to meet you.
I bid you Good Luck,
Soon to be Rilian, son of Caspian X, Prince of Narnia.
I agree, Narnia has set my standard for guys wayyyy too high! Indeed, what WOULD we do without him… I believe we would be quite sadly devoid of an attractive British Skandarlous male in our lives. xD A-MEN about the yell! Every time my younger sister and I yell out, we're like "Caspian moment!". Hahaha, that's funny about the "do the Caspian yell". Have either of you seen the clip on YouTube of Skandar in Ferrari? He's soooo cute!! I told my sister that I wanted to pinch his cheeks haha. Who knew he'd grow into such a hottie? (x
HAS THIS MOVIE EVEN STARTED GREEN LIGHTING!!! (Because if it has I am going to be super mad! I really want to try out for Rilian!)
Lol about the yell. Have you ever noticed Peter's weird snarl thingy he does in the duel? It's rather funny. About the only time I recall Ed yelling is when he jumps in front of the White Witch in LWW. I absolutely depise her: SHE HURT MY EDMUND! If she was still alive, I'd kill her, lol.
Yes, Skandar was soooooo cute in the Ferrari movie. Like, cheek kissin' cute. And now he's so flippin' hot.I don't think our hearts will ever be drained of our love for Skedmund.
Hey guys, I'm not an expert on this stuff and I've never done it myself, people have only told me how to, but just go online and search up agents in your area. Then you send them a photo and/or schedule to meet them. I don't think they even charge anything unless they get you into a movie, I'm not sure. I know, this isn't much to go on, but hope it helps and good luck to you all!!
Search for agents in your area and then send them info and a photo of you or call them and arrange things out. It's pretty easy I'm told, or simple at least, and it shouldn't cost you anything unless they book you a movie or other work of some sort, so I'm told.
Well, my opinion was always that Jill would be tall, but that wasn't really C.S. Lewis's, he says in LB that Jill is slight. But maybe someone a bit taller than you, even if they do go for a more petite Jill, would be better. I always saw Jill having short light brown hair with bangs, but how good you can act here matters more. Of course, you've got a head start AND a better chance than all us non-British people, well, because you're British and already have the accent. But whatever happens, I wish you good luck!
And very proud of yourself too. I'm not sure that is a characteristic that Rilian has. ^_^
I'm just kidding. I hope you get a chance. Good luck!
Hey! Ok when looking for an agent look for a big city near you. Go on a bing or ask or something a search for agencys around you. They will probably ask for you to send in headshots and full body photos and some info *IF* they see something in you they will let you know. !!!*AGENTS ARE FREE UNTILL THEY BOOK YOU SOMETHING*!!! When they book you something then you will pay for it.
hey! It is also my dream so I know how much I want it so thats why I am tryin to help others. But go online and search talent agencys near you. Read on there web page what there standards are. They will probably have you send in photos and info, if they like you they will call you or let you know. When you book an audition or event then the agent will charge but when you get one they would be free. But *TIP* if your looking for auditions out of they United States most of your agencys that look for out of country auditions are in L.A. or New York!
No, unfortunately it hasn't. You couldn't tell though, with all the people buzzing about it and what parts they want on here.
Hey! OK lot of info I am about to give you so read carefully so you dont get it confused.
Ok when looking for an agent you have to think about what kind of movies/tv shows/commercial ect. When wanting to do movies such as Narnia out of the U.S you need to look for agents in New York or L.A. Those are mainley they only places that look and book auditions out of country.
Go online and search talent agencys near you or ones in N.Y or L.A when you find on eyou like look at there contact info. You will probably have to send in photos of yourself and some personal info (Height,weight,hair color, ect.) *IF* they see something in you they will contact you and let you know they want to be your agent.
When your agent books an audition or event they will charge but for just haing on ethey dont charge.
I wish you the best of luck!
Yes, just don't be afraid to be who you are. It won't go well if you fake being you. And if you do get into the whole auditioning process for Jill or Aravis, it'll be very tough and stressful, you are going to need to know who you are and be confident. But I think you can do it! I don't know if it will help, but I just said a little prayer for you. Hope you go far!
There are no auditions yet since SC has not got the greenlight.But you never really know.
Awww your welcome. I am very glad I could help!:)
Hey everyone this is Emilee I know I changed my name but I had to cuz ppl kept me confused with another emilee. So I am know TheRealEmilee. If you have any questions about gettin an agent I would love to help since I have one I can probably help you!:)
Wahahaha, I love imitating the weird snarl thing! I do that all the time when I'm frustrated. Very therapeutic. I have to agree with ya about the White Witch. I hate what she does to Edmund, from the beginning right to the part where she stabs him. My family makes fun of me cause I always have to look away when she does. I think the scene in the sled in LWW has to be one of my least favorites ever. She's like a giant, evil, Edmund Snuggie. I'd like to throw snowballs at her repeatedly until she flees in terror of my snowball-chucking prowess. Muahahahaha. >:D
Hahaha, "Skedmund". *giggles like fangirl* Heck no, won't let go! On May 19th, it will be four years since I started liking him. YES, I'm that much of a Skedmund dork, I keep track of these things xD. Ahh, my longest fictional relationship. I do believe I'll throw an anniversary party. Cause that's how I roll. 😀
Ever since i saw
I think the biggest problem is that LWW and VDT both had different names, for confidentiality, so without an agent I guess people won't notice that the auditioning started.. Anyone have an idea what to do? Exept hope it leaks 😀
Ever since i saw the first bbc silver chair (wich was pretty funny to look at cuz the special effects were ridiculously old )i wanted to play the part of jill pole .call me old fashioned but isnt it a unfiar that they want a "british"actress.there are lots of brilliant irish or other wise actress that are ready to act .p.s. Sorry if seemed a bit rude its impossible to tell if your angry or happy in a text.p.s.s it would be great if some one replied saying "you go girl".:D
That would be so cool! Ok here are a few specs about me, see if you think I could make it as Jill: I have light brown hair, green eyes, I'm 4'9ish, Ihave read all the narnia books like 4 times, and I have been on stage practicly all my life! Do you think I could do it? if you reply to me and give me yours I'll tell you what I think about you being the character.(Make sure you state what character) thanks.
That would be so cool! Ok here are a few specs about me, see if you think I could make it as Jill: I have light brown hair, green eyes, I'm 4'9ish, Ihave read all the narnia books like 4 times, and I have been on stage practicly all my life! Do you think I could do it? if you reply to me and give me yours I'll tell you what I think about you being the character.(Make sure you state what character) thanks.:D
hey i pray everyday too it my dream lets pray together that they reconsider .
ya know you guys they might make a movie called oh brothers so i can not audition for the narnia films there is always that movie 🙂
I love you! I wanted to comment on your newest blog post, but it still won't let me, so I'll comment here. You know how every now and then you come across epic hilarity that makes laugh most heartily? Well, that's your Narnia pics. I LOVE the jealous Caspian one! Poor Edmund. His dangerously high level of hotness will be the death of him…
Please do more of these fun Narnia pictures! Also, please post some of you songs too. I'm sure they're as wonderful as you are! 🙂
Oh wow! I really wish this! please please come to Mexico. Please
Haha I love you too! I am now forever indebted to Jill Pole for giving me a chance to meet you! 😀 I'm going to try to transfer all my posts over to a completely new blog and see if THAT makes a difference haha… it'll still be at the same URL address though. (: Hahaha, thanks! Those are the product of me not being able to sleep and feeling all silly-like. (x I shall proceed with the creation of more Narnian silliness! Perhaps Caspian can find more things to toss at poor Edmund… :O!
how did your get your agent
Yay other Pevensie girl! You fixed it! Cute new blog name too. I always call myself a Narniac. 🙂
Lol, you could do a picture of Caspian at the part where he's about to kill Miraz, and then have a picture of Edmund laying on the ground after the White Witch stabbed him (I'll forever hate her.) If you could find some way to make it look like Caspian's trying to kill Ed… Now I'm starting to hate Caspian! But you know, if Ed had warning, he would have Caspian on the ground in five seconds flat. "Cause he's cool like that." lol
Hahaha, that's a good idea! Me thinks the creative juices are beginning to flow… :D!
OK Narniarose,
I think that as a true Narnia fan, Its more of a heart thing. I mean, are you doing this for publicity, to goof off and talk "actor talk" or because you care for Narnia and possess Jill's heart. I'm going to audition for Jill too. I have no acting experience at all, but I have the heart. I'm not doing this for an acting career. As soon as SL,and TLB are done I'm done. Good Luck!
I would love to audition for the role of Jill Pole in the Silver Chair. If you have any information, could you please contact me? That would mean the world. By the way, I live in the U.S.A. and am speaking on behalf of thousands of girls who have the same dream. Please consider having auditions in the U.S. I pray every day that you will think about this. In Christ, Francesca
I wouldn't care if i even got a speaking part, or if they just flashed me as a person who walks across the screen. Just to be in the film would be a HUGE dream. To be part of something so historical by re-capitvating what C. S. Lewis wrote would be magical. Whatever happens though, I pray to God that they have more movies. I love the everything that has to do with narnia ! But to sit here and complain about who might get the part i know seems important … but i don't know if its really nessesary. I know almost certainly with no money to hire an agent and being american i won't get the part. But whatever happen i really hope they make more movies! I just loved Voyage of the Dawn Trader !
Thank you that's Great! Good luck Queen Susan of the Horn!
Oh my gosh, 4'9????? Sorry, I just never pictured Jill being that short. But I do think you look good for her in the other ways, and that fact that you have so much experience is great. But like how old are you, and where are you from? I would love to play Jill, have light brown hair and brown eyes, have done acting before, but at 6'0 feet, I know I'm too tall for her, even though I always say her being taller. Hey maybe I could go for the Emerald Witch, I kind of fit her description! Ha ha, no way, I don't want to ne her and besides, I'm too young…
By the way I'm replying to your comment, narnianrose. For some reason reply comments are having problems showing up on here.
I probably won't be lucky enough to be Jill, but I DO wish to be in British films and such. Lifelong dream to work with Georgie one day, you know. <3 Sweet girl, FYI. She was so supportive!
To: Gem
I understand but by the time they greenlight it I'll be taller. I havent even hit(If I have it was just recently)after all I'm only 13 my Jr. high growth spurt. I'm from the US. I know I'm short but a 6'0 you might be good for the green witch. How old are you? I mean the kid who plays ustace is 17-18. so you might pull it after make up and hair die. good luck!
Skedmund haha that is definetly going on my list of classic terms lol 🙂 I actually began liking him when I saw LWW for the first time in theaters. Everyone thought I was crazy for liking him cause he was a little odd looking. And then Prince Caspian came out and I was like 'That hottie is the shortie from LWW!?' Heck YES! And that is where my true love bagan lol, and then when I heard about VDT came obsession lol not like in a creepy way but the wy we like him now lol 🙂
yay! there's a lot of people wanting to audition for jill! I think they can find a perfect jill here, right? i mean, maybe if you don't have the right descriptions for a jill, i think its your acting experience that matters. (can't they dye your hair or something?)
With so many eager people wanting to, i hope they greenlit the movie soon!!!! i can't wait for it!!!
yay! there are so many people wanting to audition for jill! I think your acting experience matters more than your descriptions because they can dye your hair or something to make you look more like jill,right?
Also, your accent, I think all of you can learn it pretty quickly. (i think there are many ways that can help you, like listening to some music or something)
I think all of you would make an excellent jill so DON'T GIVE UP! GOOD LUCK AND I HOPE
I can't wait until they start making the movie, and also i can't wait to watch it!!
yay! there are so many people wanting to audition for jill! I think your acting experience matters more than your descriptions because they can dye your hair or something to make you look more like jill,right?
Also, your accent, I think all of you can learn it pretty quickly. (i think there are many ways that can help you, like listening to some music or something)
I think all of you could make an excellent jill so DON'T GIVE UP! GOOD LUCK AND I HOPE
I can't wait until they start making the movie, and also i can't wait to watch it!!